Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Of course Debzie! I didn't think of that, I was thinking about the codeine but it was probably the paracetamol. I'm going to discard that temp then.

I see that line. It is very early to test though. When are you thinking of testing again?
grrrr I can't see it properly Debz, I'm on my phone, will study it later!! Xx

Mrs max, I think you might be 5dpo, think you ov'd cd16. Nice chart......woo hoo for the TWW!! I am seriously hoping so hard at least one or more of you are going to join me soon!

Ickle - you must be so close to ov, you've got plenty of shagging in so fxd xx

1st beta back from 13dpo - 228. Drs appt at 5.20pm for 2nd result
...cross all your bits it's doubled! Xx
Post when you get your results Glow. I'll be checking as soon as I get home at 5.45 lol!

I find it quite exciting that we're all at different stages - hearing about other people being ready to test etc is getting me through waiting to have my O confirmed and will help distract me through the 2ww :)
Good luck Glow. KUP

I dont even tell my dh about CM. He would be cross if he knew I talked about Bding I expect...

Debzie - I see it. Yikes!! 6 DPO is so early, but it is so tempting. iF you get your BFP this cycle (fxd) this will surely be one of the luckiest threads on BNB!! Yay!

Glow - interesting you think I O'd on day 16 as that is my normal O day, I figured it was a day out cause of teh m/c. I am lazy with my charting and rely on FF so thanks for the input. I thought I felt O pains on the evening of 16th too...
Can i join in?
MMC found a month ago today :( bleeding stopped 10th july, BDing commenced straight away after that :)
lots of legs in air and sitting around afterwards, although darling DH feels the need to point out when it seeps out. such a gentleman! lol
Negative tests since a week last tuesday, BBT chart may show temperature rise, proper big peak that's now going down but no idea what i'm doing with that really as i only got the thermometor last week too!
Convinced i'm pregnant, same symptoms as before and had some spotting a week ago today, only thing different is my boobs aren't sore but they never returned to original size after pg
soo next few days i'm going to test and get all disappointed, what a good birthday present to myself! lol
soo glad to see people getting a bfp, gives me hope! FXed for a happy and healthy nine months for you and babydust to us all!
Hi girls,

The midwife from the EPAY has just called. My hcg level is 1997 so its gone up. They are worried because they expected it to go down given that there was nothing on the scan. They think its ectopic and are sending my notes to one of the major hospitals in Glasgow that run a Gynae emergency service over the weekend. They are unsure as to whether this could be a new pregnancy as with such high hcg levels it would be unlikely that i ovulated. I am back on Monday for another scan and more bloods.

What i cannot tell them (because it was a favour and a different dept) is that my mate scanned me on Monday and said that my tubes, ovarys were clear and there were no cycts etc

Heading back a few pages to see how you girls are getting on. Been so wrapped up in this today i havent had a chance.

Good luck Glow. Everything crossed that they have doubled for you. :hugs:

Thats a great line on the ic's and 2-3 on the digi WOW.
Can i join in?
MMC found a month ago today :( bleeding stopped 10th july, BDing commenced straight away after that :)
lots of legs in air and sitting around afterwards, although darling DH feels the need to point out when it seeps out. such a gentleman! lol
Negative tests since a week last tuesday, BBT chart may show temperature rise, proper big peak that's now going down but no idea what i'm doing with that really as i only got the thermometor last week too!
Convinced i'm pregnant, same symptoms as before and had some spotting a week ago today, only thing different is my boobs aren't sore but they never returned to original size after pg
soo next few days i'm going to test and get all disappointed, what a good birthday present to myself! lol
soo glad to see people getting a bfp, gives me hope! FXed for a happy and healthy nine months for you and babydust to us all!

Am sorry for you loss hun. I really hope you are pg. Why dont you give it a couple of days and test again? How many dpo are you?
Glow that is a good beta will be stalking for your next result. x

welcome bee wierd and so sorry for your loos fx for your bfp.

I am discounting that test as I really think that it could be left over hcg as it is way way too early to test. Going to try and resist over the next few days and test again 10dpo thats if temps elevate again if they continue dropping then I will have to break out the OPKs again lol.

Amanda I really hope soon you have some answers. x
hey ladies! can i join? im still working on catching up on this thread...congrats on those who already got their :bfp:!

I had my most recent m/c on July 2nd. Got a positive opk yesterday and have been :sex: for the past few days. Hoping for a sticky bean this cycle...

Crossing my fingers that i dont see the :witch: at all!
after 3 m/c, itll be hard to be excited for a :bfp: but I gotta keep trying or ill never get my little one!!

Good luck to everyone :)
I'm jumping in with you all! I m/c on July 5th and started AF on the 19th. Went to the doc today and was told that I am good to go to BD as soon as the AF stops. I did get pregnant right away after a m/c with my third kid. So....I am hoping for repeat luck this time. So glad that I found all of you!:happydance:
I'm jumping in with you all! I m/c on July 5th and started AF on the 19th. Went to the doc today and was told that I am good to go to BD as soon as the AF stops. I did get pregnant right away after a m/c with my third kid. So....I am hoping for repeat luck this time. So glad that I found all of you!:happydance:

Sorry for your loss. Everything crossed for you that history repeats itself Hun. :hugs::hugs:
Welcome to the new ladies...although I know no one ever wants to find themselves sorry for your losses :hugs: Great group of ladies here....we can talk about bonking.....discharge and allsorts :wacko::haha:

Well drum roll ladies...the results are in.......

1st Beta @ 13dpo - 228
2nd Beta @n 15dpo - 616!!

Gives me a doubling time of 32.78 hours!!! stick beanie...please stick [-o<[-o<

Thanks to all you lovely ladies for keeping me sane!!!
welcome rocco so sorry for your loss but you will find a lot of support here.

:happydance::happydance::happydance: Glowstar:happydance::happydance::happydance:

So chuffed for you hun I am sure all will be well with this lil bean.
Thanks Debz...don't think the paranoia ever goes away after a loss though does it!!! I calculated my last pregnancy Beta and that was doubling about every 42hrs and still ended in MC so I know I am not out of the woods yet. I still feel like I should be celebrating but how can you when what a MC is always in the back of you're mind.....urrghhhhhh I just want to fast forward time!!!

Off to look at your test now I'm on the lappy :winkwink:
Ok Debz I have taken the liberty of inverting your test and there is def something with colour there.....whether it's new HCG is hard to say at this point...I HOPE IT IS!!! I say test again tomorrow!
AWWW thanks so much Glow, will test again in the morning and post it when its fresh so to speak. Still think that it is leftover hcg as it is way early 6 dpo time will tell. Really wishing my life away at the moment.
I understand where you are coming from with the paranoia you just cannot relax I found it really hard the last time was over analysing everything, then just as I was beginning to relax it happened again. In that brief period where I did relax the only thing I could think was I am carrying life now I have made life, if it is with me a short time or forever..........
Sending you some hugs and (I wish) a fast forward button to first tri. x x x
hi ladies hope you dont mind me jumping in aswell. Want to say sorry for all your losses and wishing u all healthy sticky beans that all grow snug and safely. I had a miscarriage with our third baby 4/7/11, our 12 week scan showed baby stopped at 8weeks.Cant put into words or explain how sore and bad this has all been but everyone of you knows exactly how this feels. I was at home to be with my husband so we could go through the saying goodbye together but after a few hours i became unwell due to heavy (pouring) bleeding, I ended up with an emergency d&c. I spot bled up until 18th and since then its been lots of:sex: we have had such long conversations about trying so quickly but we feel its right for us. Will never forget the baby we have lost but really feel getting pregnant again and completing our family will help us heal. Hoping it happens quickly!

Sending babydust and happy positive sprinkles to you all!
Hi heavyheart, so very sorry for your loss. I also had an emergency D&C due to excessive bleeding on the 18th June and here I am 4 weeks pregnant!!! With no AF in between, so it CAN happen!

I think many of us on this thread feel that starting to ttc again as quickly as possible helps to heal the pain but you never forget just learn to cope.

I am in awe of how amazing our bodies are and can recover so quickly, I was at deaths door a few weeks ago! If only our hearts would do the same :hugs:
Welcome to the new ladies...although I know no one ever wants to find themselves sorry for your losses :hugs: Great group of ladies here....we can talk about bonking.....discharge and allsorts :wacko::haha:

Well drum roll ladies...the results are in.......

1st Beta @ 13dpo - 228
2nd Beta @n 15dpo - 616!!

Gives me a doubling time of 32.78 hours!!! stick beanie...please stick [-o<[-o<

Thanks to all you lovely ladies for keeping me sane!!!

hi glowstar so happy for u my hcg at 15 dpo was 68 lmao i took to frer today negative happy though lol got the docs on mnday i took an opk today possitive and my bbt has went up so fx gd luck xxx

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