Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Ooops I fibbed...wrote I was going to refrain then went and peed on an OPK. Addicted much! I just feel that I'm wasting valuable pee if I let it go down the loo! Must make it to the morning before I open that digi.

I think that too, what waste to pee down the toilet when it could be put to good use!! Really, if a random person read this we'd be locked up!!
Gosh just been making myself familiar with FF, just looking through the gallery of Pregnant I think I know what I'm looking for now! Its really fascinating...some of those ladies are at it like rabbits, there goes the theory of 'lowering' sperm quality by dtd loads!!!

Another FF question, I am totally shit at temping, I tried to the cycle I got my BFP but kept leaping out of bed / making tea etc before I remembered to temp. Do I have to temp before I get out of bed or can I walk to the bathroom & use it in there? Does it literally mean you have to temp before you take a footstep? x

I temp in the bathroom. I never remember to grab the thermometer off my night stand, so now I leave it in the bathroom and grab it first thing in the morning. I have never had a problem doing this. My bathroom is right beside my bedroom, so it's literally 5 steps for me. It hasn't messed up any of my temperatures.
Hello Girlies!
Hi ickle :wave: omg I so want those tests! Is anyone thinking about buying them? It would be lovely to see another line every week or so :)
Loz, nice temp this morning, hope that means beanie is settling in nicely:thumbup:
Emum, I know it was 20 million pages ago you said about lying for an early test, but I agree. I had thought when I got pg again, I might be a bit sneaky and do exactly that, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if everything was fine and then I mc'd again after. Silly I know, but I do believe in karma.
Sarah, hope you're feeling good and pregnant today, I remember those odd pains that felt like my hips were widening already:huh:
Pink, at least you've got a decision on ttc, but not surprised you've been checking out charts on ff!
Everyone else, sorry I've not mentioned you by name, hope you're doing well. And to all the new ladies here, so sorry that you've had to join us, but hope you find some comfort from the wonderful ladies on this thread :hugs:

I feel good AND pregnant today. I don't really have any symptoms other than a heavy feeling in my abdomen and the occasional feeling of an increased heart rate. It may sound weird, but I actually "feel" pregnant this time around.
Gosh just been making myself familiar with FF, just looking through the gallery of Pregnant I think I know what I'm looking for now! Its really fascinating...some of those ladies are at it like rabbits, there goes the theory of 'lowering' sperm quality by dtd loads!!!

Another FF question, I am totally shit at temping, I tried to the cycle I got my BFP but kept leaping out of bed / making tea etc before I remembered to temp. Do I have to temp before I get out of bed or can I walk to the bathroom & use it in there? Does it literally mean you have to temp before you take a footstep? x

I temp in the bathroom. I never remember to grab the thermometer off my night stand, so now I leave it in the bathroom and grab it first thing in the morning. I have never had a problem doing this. My bathroom is right beside my bedroom, so it's literally 5 steps for me. It hasn't messed up any of my temperatures.

I think as long as you are consistent in doing that then it will be okay. People say not to adjust but I do and don't think it alters or affect my FF, as long as its consistent.
Ahh thanks Pink & Sarah - I think I will do it in the bathroom as I always visit there first thing as soon as I get out of bed! If I leave it on the window sil I will remember to do it. I've also downloaded the iphone app so I can stick it in straight away. Last time I kept forgetting what it just made it up!!!!! Dont think that really works some how!!!x
Ooops I fibbed...wrote I was going to refrain then went and peed on an OPK. Addicted much! I just feel that I'm wasting valuable pee if I let it go down the loo! Must make it to the morning before I open that digi.

I think that too, what waste to pee down the toilet when it could be put to good use!! Really, if a random person read this we'd be locked up!!

hahahaha yeah we must sound crazy. When I picked up my basic tests from pharmacy today right after I payed I said 'Yay, time to pee on some sticks!' should have seen the look on the woman's face! :haha:

tara hi hun, sorry about AF- good you are being positive about next month!

Sarah hun I'm so pleased to hear you say that, I hope to say it in a couple of days too! Obviously I feel a little pregnant, but as I have never tested this early before I'm not noticing much except big boobies (still not sore) and thirst.

I agree that consistency is the key with temping, be it consistently before you get up, or consistently as soon as you hit the bathroom- just be mindful of how cold/warm it is so you can explain any out of whack temps. I wonder when I should stop temping? I don't want to stop, I kind of enjoy it!
Tara, the story you told about peeing on the stick and then discovering AF when you wiped, the exact same thing happened to me the month before my last bfp. This was just before I discovered ic's as well. I was furious, felt like chucking the damned thing out the window.
Will anybody be watching One Born Every Minute tonight? I loved the first series, as it was on just after dd was born. The second series I couldn't watch as it was just after my first loss. I'm going to tentatively attempt to watch it again tonight.
I've got it ready to sky plus cos kev's never wanted to watch it before, but I'm going to ask if he wants to before I watch it by myself. Im really looking forward to it!
We've cancelled our sky plus subscription for now so Mark is going to have to watch it with me tonight. I imagine he will spend the whole hour staring at his iPhone though. A bit like I am now actually :haha:
Ok I'm having horrific internet trouble now- so much so it took me from the moment I hit 'post' on my last post, til about 20 seconds get back here from all the gateway timed outs and server too slow errors. Just going to say goodnight now and lurk til bedtime- otherwise, I am going to punch my laptop in its face! Then call ISP and treat them to my opinion on the quality of their so called connection! gahhh!!!
Is it not down to the weather lozdi? Ours sometimes goes freaky with bad winds, torrential rain etc.
At the risk of starting another loop of errors...I shall post and say it must be, though it hasn't been a problem in the past. Its good if I can't use the internet to distract me into staying up too late- the sooner I sleep the sooner I get to do that digi!
Dodger - I don't know if amazon in the States do the same, but I've been getting my test sticks for the CBFM as a subscribe & save deal, which from is like £12-15 for 20 sticks. Also just to note, it's pretty rare to get a peak in your first month of using the CBFM, as it needs to learn your cycle and relative hormone levels. I'm doing a combo of temping, CBFM and CB opks... Lol overkill?

They do, but I think I'm going to wait and see what happens with me after the mc is finally over. It might take a month or more and I just don't want to spend that kind of money on the cbfm, for now I think. I'll just temp until I either start a new cycle or find that I'm pregnant again. If I get to the point where I've started a new cycle then I'll probably start using the cbfm again. :)

Thats a tricky one really, I guess if you roughly know you are going to OV then CBFM is probably a good idea, but seems a lot of money when you may not OV, but then I guess you would know -or not as the case may be for you! I guess it shows that you dont need a peak with it to get a BFP!

Why is it soooooo bloody hard to ttc. Sounds like you have had a nightmare & cant imagine what its like to have pcos & not know from one month to the next what your body is doing!:hugs:

Sorry about your loss too, its so recent and so near to Christmas. If the bleeding is on and off it probably means its coming to an end :happydance:

I hope so! My numbers did drop so that's a definite positive.

congrats Loz!

Tia i'm sorry for your loss :( hopefully you catch that eggy again soon x :hugs:

afm: took a test and bfn so i guess that draws a line for that MC... that sounds so harsh but i don't mean it that way

I feel the exact same way about hearing that my numbers have gone down. I'm going to be testing it out as well and hoping for that bfn. I'd start today but um.... I'm thinking bleeding and testing probably not such a good combo. lol

I'm feeling so down today ladies. Maybe it's just reading all of the terrifying stories of loss, but I'm SO worried that I'm going to miscarry again. I know that it's ridiculously unlikely that I'll miscarry again, but I can't help worrying. I have another blood work appointment on Thursday and I'm going to try my best to convince my doctor to get me an earlier scan. I don't think I can wait 7-9 more weeks to get a scan. Even if they can get me in at 8 weeks or something. That's way more manageable than 10 or 12.


Oooh thats good thinking, bring up the dating purposes these doctors are so concerned about, and also tell him how concerned you are, how much the MC frightened you, and that its best for you and your baby if your mind is put to rest as too much stress is never a good plan. That combo should definately get you an early scan. I plan to simply demand one but as mine was a MMC I can stand to be a bit more forceful with them. I'll demand politely, but it will be a demand none the less and I shan't take no for an answer!

Definite good point. They do like to have dates, so that's a good way to gently twist their arm into it. :)

I miscarried In August and it took me 4 cycles to get pregnant again. I ended up using ovulation sticks because my cycle was irregular after my mc. I got pregnant on the first cycle using ovulation sticks and am now 5 weeks. Keeping fingers crossed this time everything is ok. Hope it goes well for you.

*hugs* So sorry you are here... but congrats on your new pregnancy!!

I'm TTC after a miscarriage... I'm not 100% sure but I think AF may have came right after the MC. Has anyone else had this happen and have a success story to share? I believe my O will be on or around the 9th. Gonna use the OPKS to see... This may be a silly question, but I've never used the OPKS before... How exactly do they work? Like will it show a double line a couple days before you O or just the day you O?

I don't have a success story, but I am having a similar experience to you. My MC has been so drawn out with 2-3 weeks inbetween the initial bleeding and my current bleeding streak... I wish I could help with the opk's, but I've never had luck with them.

Hi sweetpea - I have chatted to you on your thread. Hope you are okay. Loz said everything perfectly about opks. Most of us do them about 3 times per day and you have to not drink for 4 hrs prior to testing and to hold your pee in concentrate it up! Don't use fmu as LH doesn't wake up and get going till mid morning!!. I have perfect example of tests from yesterday I can post if you want to see.

Yay loz - any pics yet? Chart looking good, glad your temp had gone back up.

Hope everyone else is okay.

Well, OH was useless yesterday about deciding what to do regards ov. I think he just said what he thinks I want to hear and couldn't justify his choice (to go for it) as that would mean having feelings, emotions and thoughts about it. Sorry for the rant but sometimes he can be a total politician and can't get off the fence he sits on. So as usual it was me that had to say no, I'll wait for the tests.

*hugs* I know that was a hugely tough decision for you to make and didn't help at all that your OH didn't want to give his true opinion on it. I think you are making a good decision. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Pink I'm glad you have come to a decision I know it wasn't easy.

No pics yet, because its still really faint. I expect slightly darker tomorrow...if its not I might ring the EPAU and bug them for a beta, but I would rather not do that incase they can't find my arm vein again!

They always have trouble finding mine too... I've been poked nearly 2x's as much as they have actually taken blood... :dohh:

Hmmm just lost internet for a moment...for the second time in the hour since I have been up. I sense an grumpy phone call to my isp in my immediate future!

Should I worry about the continued faintness of the tests? I'm thinking maybe they only get dark at a certain amount of hcg? I wonder if tesco have any tests that are 40/50 miu/ml I'd be interested to see if I get a + with that sensitivity.

Quite honestly I found that the 'minimums' that they listed for the tests weren't really accurate. I got a digital figuring that that would for sure tell me that my number was over 40 but my blood hcg results came back with only 20. So that theory went out the window for me. *hugs* I think everything is going to be just fine for you and I'm praying for a happy healthy 9 for you!

There were 8 pages, and I was losing track of who I was responding to, so I'll have to try and play catch up. I just got my latest hcg results and it only dropped to 149. *sigh* Nothing is ever easy for me... I have to go have more blood taken on friday. *ugh*
Will anybody be watching One Born Every Minute tonight? I loved the first series, as it was on just after dd was born. The second series I couldn't watch as it was just after my first loss. I'm going to tentatively attempt to watch it again tonight.

Mrsmig I was going to ask the same question! I absolutely LOVE it but I'm sure it will reduce me to tears this series with the thinking of what could have been :( xxx
I'm going to watch it. Birth fascinates me! After that I am going to go to bed with a book- Clan of the Cave Bear, by Jean M Auel. Its the first of 6 books and I intend to read them all back to back and get thoroughly lost in them! Excellent distraction!
I'm sky plusing One Born Every Minute because DH definitely won't want to watch it lol!
Ooo didn't realise it was back on. I hope they get more normal people this time. I thought they picked a right bunch of nutters for some of the last series. Not sure I will be able to watch but I'll give it a go.

Ski holiday booked so that is something to look forward to!!
i missed one born every minute but watched "maternity ward" on Really. i love watching things like that, especially c-sections as i had one
Dodger, sorry the numbers haven't dropped to zero yet :-(
Pink, great stuff! We shall miss you though! I hardly saw any of the last series of it I had sky plussed most of the series to watch at my leisure then never could.
This may make me weep.

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