Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

i felt like that too lolo. never entered my mind that i might have a MC and when i started bleeding i was in total shock! i will appreciate this next pregnancy a lot more i think. With my daughter i had such an easy pregnancy and didn't think much else of it... now i see it in a whole new light.

:hugs: you'll catch that eggy hun
Same here, breezed through my first two, now I'm a nervous wreck and not even 5 weeks.

Just got back from town, with 8 new stickks to pee on, and another digi for monday or tuesday. Nipped into boots, where I found a assistant and asked her something she's not been asked before 'Have you got any less sensitive pregnancy tests?' Turns out they didn't but we did get talking and she is TTC and has been for 8 months and getting worried. I felt like fate had introduced us- wrote down FF for her and we swapped emails and had a quick chat about it and will be keeping in touch I want to help her learn all the things about POAS and charting just like you Ladies helped me. I might turn into a one woman TTC crusade lol I took my healthy pregnancies for granted, now I know better, and just want to help people.

Lolo you musn't apologise for feeling down, its completely understandable :hugs:
Morning ladies. I've thought of you twice already this morning! My friend had posted on facebook about loving The Big Bang Theory and some else commented "I love BBT too". Gave me a wee giggle :) The second one was a song on Radio 1 it was called Arguing with Thermometers by Enter Shikari, and I thought there's plenty of us that do that on a daily basis!

Still no peak but between one thing or another we've not DTD in a while so I'm glad really.

Haha! I'm a Big Bang fan too. :) Awesome show! And sounds like you need to get your bd on!

I got my big temp rise today so can definately say I ov'd yesterday. No more descisions now, just wait for AF and look forward to my holiday.

Glad the decision point is now past and you can just relax! *hugs*

Dodger, I'm sorry your numbers are taking there time coming down hun! You will get there and be back on the TTC wagon before you know it :hugs:

AFM - Had a temp rise this morning :happydance: I hope it stays up! I also did an opk last night (poas-aholic alert me thinks :haha: ) and had a second line there darker than the past few days but not as dark as the control line. So to be honest don't really know if this means anything??? I also had some af like cramping for a short while yesterday but it is far to early for her to be on her way surely!


Thanks! I hope so... And YAY for the temp rise! :)

Pink - I think it's because I have PCOS. I think I have higher levels of LH most of the month. If I use OPK's I get dark lines most of the time, though not as dark as the control line, so I gave up on them.

I've not had a cycle like this since I started using the CBFM though. The most high's I've had before a peak is 12 and I'm now on 14. My max ov day was CD22 and that's today with no peak yet. I'm wondering if it's because I took the soy CD4-8 rather than 3-7 like last month. It could be that I'm having an anovulatory cycle too, I'll just have to wait and see.

I had the opposite prob with opks. That's one reason why I haven't used them in the last cycle. Everyone else could say things like "Oh well I'll go pee on an opk. At least then I know I'll get 2 lines!" and I would get the same stark whiteness from those as from the hpts. :wacko:

With the cbfm, hopefully it's just your cycle being a bit weird this time around and you'll get that peak soon. :hugs:

Morning ladies, just a quick check in as I'm getting ready for work, I've had a quick read to see how you're all doing.
Slight dip in temp for me this morning but still nicely over the coverline. Caved and tested this morning but bfn, it's still way too early. I'll catch up with you all when I get my break later!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a bfp for you! :)

Gah the spoiler didn't work. But theres my line anyway. Why are they so hard to photograph?

Just called midwife she booked me in but says her hands are tied about the scan but the EPAU said I could have one and would have put it on my details. I'll call them tomorrow. My nerves are shot!

Ugh... I'm sorry you are having to deal with this hun. :hugs: Just be happy with those gorgeous pictures! I'm so so so thrilled for you!

Ahhh crap they are there, and I can't remove them. *swearword!* Sorry. :-(

Don't you dare feel back about that! I know that I for one take heart in seeing other ladies that have been through a miscarriage get a bfp afterwards. It gives me hope!!

Morning girls, just on watching one born now, can't wait to see this 10lb 10oz baby! Loz, lovely pics there hun don't worry about the epau, I'm sure you'll stay strong and get your scan:hugs:
Afm, tested this morning :bfn: absolutely stark white:growlmad: I am feeling a bit upset about it, but trying to console my self that I tested at 12dpo last time and it was neg too, the bfp didn't come til 13dpo. I'm going into town today to do some bits and bobs and going to look for a more sensitive test too. Just realised I've stupidly flushed my fmu and smu, so it looks like I'm waiting til tomorrow now unless I cave and test again tonight when hubby is out:blush:

*hugs* Give it that extra time. I know on my bfp cycle, I had a negative the day before I got the positive, so I'm rooting for that to happen to you too! Just ya know... with a very sticky bean and all. :hugs:

Thanks everyone. St Mary's just called me, theyre going to fit me in as soon as I get a negative pregnancy test so hopefully in a couple of weeks. They're going to do all the tests again as I was technically pregnant when they did the last tests. So hopefully all these can be fitted in before April! I have to call them back nex week to update them about the miscarriage. Might aswell get as much Nhs testing in as possible while I'm waiting. Dr s says leave one clear cycle so hopefully the tests will take me up to april and I'll be free to conceive with reliable test results back in.

:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know you are thinking to the future and protecting yourself, but I'm secretly hoping that the scan tomorrow shows a healthy growing bean in there. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Afm, my very first client of the day walked into my treatment room and the first thing she said was "I've had a bit of a shock. I found out I'm pregnant, and we weren't planning it."
I feel like some sort of Pied Piper who has pregnant women following me round everywhere. It's almost comical.

Argh! *hugs* I know how you feel about that.... I do love your pied piper terminology though. :)

Just got back from having blood work done. I had a resident doctor and she was not at all educated on anything to do with pregnancy. It was almost comical.

They only had to take 4 viles of blood instead of 6, so that made me happy. I got a positive on the urine test, but it still wasn't as dark as the ones I got at home. My doctor has the CRAPPIEST tests ever. Their urine tests never even detected my last pregnancy.

I had to pull teeth to get an early scan. The resident told me that in Canada they only offer ONE ultrasound at 18 WEEKS! What???? How did my sister have 3 or 4 then? They ended up giving me a scan in two weeks for dating as my last cycle ended in a miscarriage. I also have to go for my first prenatal visit next week and get a pap. I hate paps. Blah!

4 VIALS?! Jeez! I mean in the last month I've had many more then that taken, but it was at most 2 vials at a time for pregnancy purposes - one for the hCG levels and *once* one for blood type since we aren't sure. And yeah the 18 weeks thing is just INSANE! I'm so glad you were able to talk them into one at 7 weeks. *hugs*

Nothing new to report from me... Still resisting testing. I woke up with some cramping today, so not sure if that's positive or negative really. I normally don't get cramps with AF, but could all be changed with the mc I suppose. Time will tell!

Am I allowed to start chanting "TEST TEST TEST!!!" yet? :D

Can you go from known ovulation and add 14 days? I *think* that would work as a rough guide. Anyone??

That's just what I was going to say. That's what my OB was doing to guesstimate the date for mine before the miscarriage.

I HATE smear tests they make me cringe, I need a general anaesthetic for one of those! :haha: . Should have one but not going to. :smug:

Me too. Ugh. They just plain old suck. :(

I'm back from town, managed to get some cheapy tests that are 20mui/ml but I'm waiting til tomorrow now as I've got some spotting. It is strange for me because I usually just start without the warning, but I guess we'll see. If the old hag hasn't turned up by the morning I'll test again. Cramps aren't really af cramps either, but who's to say whats normal now?:shrug:
To make matte worse, a girl I went to school with posted a pic of her bfp on fb today. Along with the comment "well it wasn't planned but these things happen don't they?" :growlmad:

Spotting could be a good thing!! Fingers totally crossed!

One of my long ago work buddies is very pregnant with her first, he'l be here in a few weeks, we got quite close because she was nervous and scared and wasn't getting much use from her midwife, and although flippant pregnancy comments from people who weren't even trying can be hurtful, my friend has consistantly been in appropriate awe at what she has inside her, and even when complaining about a backache one day she managed to sound like she was grateful for the backache. I'm so happy that she is having such a healthy first pregnancy, and I'm very glad she isn't taking it for granted like so many people! I told her about my loss simply because I had gone and told her I was pregnant, and she shut right up on statuses, but we continued to talk via message. Bless her she wa strying not to say anything that might upset me but I was just happy she was happy I had to tell her off about trying to avoid pregnancy talk just because of me.

Awww! I love your friends attitude about both her pregnancy and how it affects you. That's a good friend right there!

Sorry that sounds so downbeat, but I'm actually pretty angry thinking that I might not be pregnant again:growlmad:


AFM - nothing new. Bleeding has grown to a medium flow level and I had clots in wipes last night and this morning. We'll see what if anything that really means though.
Hi Ladies

Just a quick one to say that today i got a :bfp:!!

I still cant believe it and im rather nervous considering what happened last time but i figure last time the few weeks of happiness that i had didnt make what happened after any harder so im going to be positive!!

Im sending you all lots of BFP :dust: 2012 is going to be a good year for us all!!!

Congratulations Clobo!!

Here to a H&H 9 months

Hi Dogder! Its terrible how this is dragging out for you, hopefully those clots will be the beginning of the end if you know what I mean.

Clobo! Congratulations! :happydance:I love your attitude, I'm going to try and have that attitude aswell and maybe my nerves will behave!
Hi Ladies

Just a quick one to say that today i got a :bfp:!!

I still cant believe it and im rather nervous considering what happened last time but i figure last time the few weeks of happiness that i had didnt make what happened after any harder so im going to be positive!!

Im sending you all lots of BFP :dust: 2012 is going to be a good year for us all!!!


Congratulations! You're so right to be positive, this is a whole new beanie in there:happydance:
I know, i think 2012 was so shitty for me in more ways than one that i just see this year as a fresh start, we are moving next week and getting a puppy in February so with this as well i couldnt ask for anything more!!

Yep i think if i didnt have this attitude that id worry and stress and that certainly wouldnt do me any good. Loz, concentrate on looking after yourself and the weeks will soon pass, will you ask for an early scan??

Thanks Lolo, Pichi and Hope

Hi Ladies

Just a quick one to say that today i got a :bfp:!!

I still cant believe it and im rather nervous considering what happened last time but i figure last time the few weeks of happiness that i had didnt make what happened after any harder so im going to be positive!!

Im sending you all lots of BFP :dust: 2012 is going to be a good year for us all!!!


Congrats Clobo!! Great attitude to combat those nerves and worries. :thumbup:
Just sneaking a quick good luck to Fili for 2moro, ill be stalking xxx
I was promised an early peek after what happened last time, I just hope they remember telling me that and aren't difficult with me when I call them. Spoke to midwife already she has her hands tied about scan timings, but will happily feel my tummy once a week after 7 weeks just to make sure the sac is growing as it should. If only I had thought of that last time but of course it never even occurred to me that it might go wrong. I have a doppler so as soon as its audible I'll be plugged into that 24/7!
Congratulations clobo!! Fantastic news. Being positive is not always easy but WHEN (oo look at me) I get my next bfp I will follow your lead with PMA! Have a happy and healthy 9months!!

Hi mrsmoo, nice to see you again. All thinking of fili for tomorrow.

Dodger - glad bleeding finally slowing down. Its difficult to start to move on when you are bleeding and in pain. won't be long before you are poas for your ov!

Loz - will you be trying epu again tomorrow. They probably won't remember but I hope they do. I had to remind mw what the other had said just so I could get my rm bloods done as she was just going to give the the standard 'carry on with vits and let us know the next time you are pg' line. And that was despite speaking to her face to face the week before to book my scan.
My EPU was rubbish, when i was told by the FS i needed an early scan to check for ectopic they didnt seem to believe me and in the end it was such a nightmare the FS office did it for me, so im going to ring them and see if they will do it again!

Good luck Fili and Loz for your appts xxx
Hi Ladies

Just a quick one to say that today i got a :bfp:!!

I still cant believe it and im rather nervous considering what happened last time but i figure last time the few weeks of happiness that i had didnt make what happened after any harder so im going to be positive!!

Im sending you all lots of BFP :dust: 2012 is going to be a good year for us all!!!



Dodger - glad bleeding finally slowing down. Its difficult to start to move on when you are bleeding and in pain. won't be long before you are poas for your ov!

Actually it's getting heavier! It was light/medium yesterday and only spotting the day before. Today is a definitely medium to almost heavy day. I just hope it means that it's almost over.
Yes I'm going to call them again, and will try to do so really early this time as I do remember how busy they all got towards tea time. They probably won't remember the actual conversation it was just one doctor I asked about a scan next time. Considering that they have their own sono and it literally takes 5 minutes to prod me in the twinkle with that scanner and go yup there it is look! I am hoping they wont be disagreeable. 5 minutes of their time in exchange for 2 months of semi peace of mind for me! I originally wanted it done at 8 weeks, but all the research says that with the MMC things wouldn't have been right from the start of the pregnancy, so if I go at 6 weeks and see a living 6 week shape with a normal bpm and growth then I'll be able to get through the time until the 12 week scan. I'm thinking of training as a sono myself and getting my own scan machine and offering super reasonably priced take a peek scans to worried ladies. I never managed to get a specific career going I was in retail when I had my first, now I'm a full time mum and BnB addict...but after this bean has grown and introduced his or her self I need to do something and I don't want to go back to retail, I want to do something that helps worried Ladies.
Retail is just crap isn't it? i'm also in retail and i'm just so bored of it. i do have an Hons Degree but trying to get a job with it is impossible
I worked in retail for years before I trained to be a beauty therapist. It is such hard, thankless work.
Clobo, congratulations! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 9 months!
Dodger, boo to the bleeding. At least if you are passing clots it's coming away. I'm sorry you are going through this, I know I've said it before but reading your words made me remember just how horrible it is. And I didn't have half the trauma you have. I hope it's over for you soon and you can look to the future.
Fil - hope you get some kip tonight and my thoughts will be with you tomorrow.
Loz, you would make a great sonographer!
Antelope - you sound really down and it's not like you. Hope it was good spotting.
People who were taking about cervixes and speculums - ugh. It really makes me cringe.
I had a smear when I was in the 2ww just before I got my last bfp. I told the nurse my situation and she was happy to do it. I also mentioned it to the midwife at my booking appointment and she said they used to do a smear at booking in its only recently they have stopped.
Pink, hope the first day back went ok. I quite enjoyed mine, and I had a client in for the last 3 and a half hours of my shift who was almost 80 so no fear of her suddenly announcing she was pregnant.
I had to stand for over an hour massaging and I felt nauseous again, so hope it's a good sign! I also had some strong twinges in my right ovary about half an hour ago anybody any idea what that might be?
Hi to everyone else. I'm on my phone as usual so hard to scroll back.
I actually loved retail back then, when life was grand and no brave face needed to be worn- I absolutely loved dealing with people! But when I had my oldest I didn't want strangers to be looking after him while I worked. Now given recent experience and getting to know all you lovely Ladies I feel that I need to work towards doing something that can help people get through tough times, I'll always miss my retail days my last job was in a buddhist run shop and it was amazing. Now I want to be a freelance sono! I don't have any qualifications at all, I was a tearaway and refused to do exams and I used books and google to teach myself anything I feel like learning but this desire to be a freelance sono is overpowering, like I'm being called! What retail are you in? I did clothes at first, and a stint at superdrug which was fun but the buddhist place was a giftshop and I ran the essential oils department and was pretty much given free reign with what I ordered, once I had proved my self anyway lol I miss that place so much I occasionally dream about it!
i work in clothes retail but i am qualified for Web design and development with Graphic design

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