Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

75% BnB, 20% housework, 5% decaff tea. I haven't found relief in posts yet- theres alot about nightmares but nightmares about allsorts, rather than specifically scan/baby. I'll just try to forget about it. I won't be going to that scan with hope though, I'll be dreading every step.

I'll definately be taking crystals. I'll take Skullbob, he is my biggest quartz skull and fits nicely into my hand, I took him to my last scan and his presence was a comfort. I left him in the scan room and only just remembered before I left the hospital and all the sono staff were looking at him wondering how on earth a crystal skull had been left behind! Never had any nightmares at all with my boys, just weird dreams not a single one was frightening.
Bugger, I have a urine infection. Thought something wasn't right this morning going to the loo but red pee is a sure sign.
Oh bugger! Antibiotic time! Will it interfere with your tests? I hope it buggers off sharpish!
Oh no pink! I've heard those are painful but easily cured...
I will keep everything crossed for you loz, going to try to find some links for you
'Claire' and 'mummytob' mention specific nightmares related to scans and heartbeats in this thread and their babies were fine. Loz, how come you do great research for everyone else and not yourself? Hmmmm???? X x x
I feel so sad from the dream, I'm sure it won't come true but as far as dreams go it was one of the saddest I have ever had. I'm banning napping now. Lucid dreams are far more likely when one sleeps when they are normally awake. My heart wasn't in the searching, because I was heavily distracted by the cleaning and cooking. Got some sausage and cheesy beans on toast to munch through now.
Going to bring out the big guns crystal wise tonight, put a good vibe stone cocktail under my pillow. :gun::sleep::haha:
I've been having disturbing vivid dreams too but mine are a side effect of one of my medications. I can only just look at our cat without shuddering after a dream on Friday night. Last nights were even worse and I had a couple of them since I had broken sleep. That'd be another bonus to getting pregnant for me - 9 months off meds so no more freaky dreams!!
Ickle and Loz, sorry about the horrible dreams. Pink, red wee does not sound nice. Fili, sorry you are having a down day today, is it the hormone crash as well as coming off the steroids? I hope you feel better soon. Hi everyone else and I hope everyone has had
Today I have been to a vie at home training day in Harrogate. I am a consultant and do parties, though I have had a couple of months off. Well all afternoon I have felt as nauseous as a parrot. I feel utterly pregnant. Needed a wee when we left, saved it up till I got home, did another test - bfn. This is so frustrating.
Hello everyone... Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

I have been MIA most if this weekend, between supporting the hubby's bike racing yesterday out on the very windy and cold North Sea coast and otherwise much flat pack assembly and DIY'ing for me for the rest of the weekend. Before you think that sounds like a boring weekend.... It always makes me feel accomplished and productive. Last year we moved into this brand new house, which came in a completely unfinished state. So I have been gradually working my way through the house, painting and laying laminate flooring, as well as some doing some furnishing - thus the flat pack assembly!

As I am the one who does all the DIY in our household, it's part of the positive in me not being three months pregnant by now. And we all know how few positives there are in our circumstances! But if I was pregnant, I'd have to be relying on my DIY-hating hubby to do the rest of the house. At least the way things are, I'm hoping I will be able to finish all painting and floor laying by the time I am BD'ing again around ov, and certainly before I get a BFP. Then the house at least will be in a ready state for bringing home a baby. We'll have just the nursery to furnish and do finishing touches to, once we get that :bfp:!

Sorry for the ramble! AF has been quite different than normal for me so far. I have never really got PMS cramps before, but have done this time, and seem to be getting bigger clots than normal - sorry TMI! But I guess that's all normal for first one after the mc. Can't wait to be done and onto poas'ing! :)
I've been having disturbing vivid dreams too but mine are a side effect of one of my medications. I can only just look at our cat without shuddering after a dream on Friday night. Last nights were even worse and I had a couple of them since I had broken sleep. That'd be another bonus to getting pregnant for me - 9 months off meds so no more freaky dreams!!

Or 9 months of having one cause of freaky dreams replaced with a better cause of freaky dreams! :haha:
Loz, hope those vivid dreams get happier at the very least!
Apparently vivid dreams are a sign of pregnancy, ive been having them for a week now, luckily nothing like the nightmares you have been having Loz, really sorry you are having to go through that but i think it is just the hormones and the fact that your mind is in overdrive. Camomile tea and making sure you are really tired when you go to bed should help :sleep:

Pink, LOL sorry no i didnt mean that you come across as "blonde" in that way!!!! get yourself a docs appt for that infection, hope it clears up soon chick.

Chele, wont be long before you are POAS and getting in all the :sex:, TTC is rubbish that its all about waiting!

Mrs Miggins, aw sorry for the BFN chick, still early days though, symptoms sound good though so just wait it out :hugs: I used to do Virgin Vie parties, far too much with a full time job as well though i loved all the stuff!!!

Hi to everyone else :wave:

Right, im going to chill out this evening, or try to anyway :sleep:

Mrs Miggins I'm sorry your going through this, but remember.....9/10 dpo, not 12!

Chele my first AF after loss was different too. Super heavy and lots of clots but they were miniscule.

Fili you sorted me out earlier and you feel so down yourself yet you still picked me up, never have I know such a tower of strength. I wish I had a magic wand because I tell you now if I did you would be having a healthy happy baby once a year from now until you found your family complete, and without the fears that bad experiences instill within us. That goes for the rest of you aswell....I really have to work on getting a magic wand.

Back to school is tomorrow and I still have a ton of stuff to do. Eeek!
Found some chamomile in the cupboard, but theres no way I can wait til I'm tired to hit the pillow on a school night unfortunately, I'm very capable of staying up past 4 am...but then not so good at getting up at 8! Going to tackle laundry, theres always lots and that tends to tire me. I have an idea that I might try, because obviously I read alot and I have read alot of what can go wrong in a pregnancy, well I was thinking of overdosing on fictional horror, because if I'm to have nightmares, then they need to be about things not directly to do with pregnancy. Soooo with that in mind my viewing tonight shall be the descent, descent 2, and the hostel just for good measure. Roll on the fictional nightmares! (I always triumph in my horror related adventure dreams) For example when I first saw the descent I found myself dreaming about being there except I was suitably equipped and did not get eaten by the weird semi human cave creatures!

Heres to Trying To Chill!
clobo - I know I was just pulling your leg! Hope you have a relaxing evening.

Mrsmig - arrgh I just so want those pg feelings to show in your urine! I know we keep saying but 10dpo is still early.

I've had red pee before, I've had uti twice before so I'll just get a script for antibiotics in the morning and in the meantime OH has got me some cranberry juice (yuck).

Chele, sounds like a good weekend. We have been diy-ing for a week or so. New skirting, painting and hubby moved the radiator today. I am looking forward to it being finished but I like the satisfaction of doing a good job I too am thinking of it as a nice living room to watch my baby live and grow in.
Big hugs for the UTI pink smarties. Though I can't help feeling that your name is very well chosen at the moment! (sorry to be insensitive!) Hope the antibiotics clear it up. I've only had one once, when I was 17 and in Germany on an exchange visit. That was a real test of my and my host family's vocab lol.

I am just going into the second week of the 2ww and trying so hard not to symptom spot. I don't think the timing was fantastic for us this month, so a bit of a waste of time, but you always hold on to a little glimmer of hope I think until AF rears their head. Ive been trying to focus on cutting back on food and upping my exercise to try to lose some of the excess weight I've put on recently, and am pleased to say that after one week I've already dropped nearly 7lbs and am back under the dreaded 25 BMI. Though I would like to lose about another stone to get me to where I feel most comfortable, unless and until I get a BFP. At least it gives me something else to focus on.

I'm going to be watching the new series of Sherlock tonight. I just love the new twist they have put on the books, and the two leading actors are great. We missed the first one last week,but caught most of it on BBC3 last night, so will be overdosing on it a bit this weekend.
Chele, sounds like a good weekend. We have been diy-ing for a week or so. New skirting, painting and hubby moved the radiator today. I am looking forward to it being finished but I like the satisfaction of doing a good job I too am thinking of it as a nice living room to watch my baby live and grow in.

I agree having the motivation, when it comes to getting stuff done and decorated, that we will be raising our overdue babies in the room(s) helps enormously to keep me ploughing through the work! Plus it keeps me from getting too bogged down and obsessed with TTC.

Hope you feel better very quickly after starting the antibiotics!
Hi Ladies :wave:
Wow there are some hot ladies on our thread...and the hubby's aren't too bad either :winkwink:
Hope everyone’s day has been a good one!
Loz sorry you had a not very nice dream but I'm sure you will be fine lovely.
Fili sending you :hugs: hope you’re feeling a little better this evening!
All this stone talk is really interested...but I’m a bit of a sceptic so would be hypocritical of me to try any of it out I think :shrug:
Emum Hi :wave: no 'seen' you for a while! Hope you are ok?
MrsMig, I’m so sorry that your body is telling you one thing and your pee another :growlmad: I am holding out hope that it's just to early for you yet and that your dip the other day was and ID. When is AF due for you? Also what is Vie....never heard of it before??
Hello to all of our other wonderful ladies too......hope you are all ok and had an enjoyable weekend :)


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