Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

If I was to fall pregnant with him pulling out I would be a little more on ease because the chances of that happeing are low and I would consider a miracle. I tried to talk to DH and he said to me "what are the chances of it happening three times in a row? We have made this far, let's just let it happen." I have to admit there has been no stress since I decide to not "try" and lastnight was very intimate with out the worry of trying to make it happen but I'm still scared, I don't think I handle three back to back. Guess I'm in TWW now and will just have to see what happens but I have never been this scared about it all.
oh big hugs mama of 4 n 1 xx You will be fine, but kick your hubby in the leg for me anyway haha you don't deserve him not being 100% supportive of your decisions right now. But I have a feeling its gonna work out really well for you in the long run.

ickle pand, Elhaym & Clobo looks like we are all just waiting for O... I'm so damn impatient I want it to happen now!! I've had NO EWCM at all yet, and last time I concieved that's how I pinpointed ovulation as I hadn't had AF since giving birth to my first baby so I know what to look for.. I just want it to happen now!! *pokes ovaries* ... do your thing!! Hopefully we will all ovulate really soon and can be in the 2WW together.

I've finally found my friggin thermometer and temped 2 days in a row so hopefully I can keep it up and back up CM findings with a temp rise. SO IMPATIENT right now!! I just can't believe this has all happened, I just want to get pregnant right now already lol

Big hugs to everyone xx

That would be cool to all be in the TWW together, you'd think that at least one of us would get our BFP then wouldnt you!! :dust:

Mama, aw mate, its so hard isnt it, after its happened once im going to be quite scared but to happen twice .... I guess if you want to have a baby though you need to get pregnant again at some point ... perhaps NTNP is the way to go now and if its meant to be it will happen. :hugs:

I got a -ve OPK again today, i can really feel my ovaries today though and they hurt when i cough!! Hope it happens soon, i wanna be in the TWW, especially with the good :sex: we got in the last few days!!

:hugs: xxx
I'm just getting -ve OPKs too... I have a question because I've actually never used them before... do they gradually get darker or is it like one time you will have a super faint one and then the next time boom a positive? xx
ohh clobo your chart looks good hun, you guys certainly have been putting in the hard yards hahah... I think you will ov tomorrow or the next day x
Thank you everyone, I just thought if we waited a little while it would be a little easier to relax and the last two weeks have been nice not jumping in bed to just be TTC. We talked on his lunch today and both finally agreed to NTNP. I know I ovulated yesterday though so him not pulling out and then our lunch break very intimate BD today ;) lol I guess now puts me in the TWW so how do I NOT think about it? Little excited Boit the opportunity after our chat but still very scared and nervous. Good luck to all of you, although I haven't been posting I still read the thread everyday. Baby dust to all!!!
Lola, thanks chick, i dont really know when ill ovulate, I have PCOS and long irregular cycles, the clomid is supposed to help but i took them later than usual this cycle due to having to have a scan to check my lining all ok. I hope to ovulate soon, been having real ovulation pains so fingers crossed!! Yep, Ben has been very good on the every other day and then yesterday cos id had a bikini wax and had a Hollywood he was suddenly very interested in a "bonus round"!! :rofl:

Mama, its really hard isnt it, so scary but the only way we will get our baby is to get pregnant and get through the worry, try to keep your mind off things these next two weeks and dont test early ... im going to test as late as possible then there is less time to worry about things going wrong again. :hugs:

Lola, meant to say about OPKs .... ive used several different ones, dont bother with the clearblue digital ones they are either "on" or "off" and very soul destroying to see a blank box all the time.

The FRER ones are brilliant, not cheap but if you can afford them they are good cos you can ine spot. If you cant then buy the internet cheapies ( We always generally have a small amount of LH in our bodies so lots of people always see a second line ... its when the line is dark that matters. Me personally have a very faint line all the time then about 2 days before ovulation the line is dark. Doesnt stay dark for very long and some people miss it, maybe try doing two a day, the best time is late afternoon apparently!!

Hope that all makes sense!! xxx
Finally got a positive OPK! :happydance: Already BD'd so will do again tomorrow, the last time I BD was Saturday though so hope doing it tonight and tomorrow will be enough!

LolaAnn, all my OPKs had been faint up until now. I think the one yesterday was a little darker but still faint. On previous cycles I have sometimes seen them get noticeably darker each day, but other cycles I got a positive after a really faint one, so keep testing! The surge can start very quickly so even if you're getting faint lines now you can get a positive any time :thumbup:

AF due on the 11th then. Arrgh I've not had a 2ww since the end of April :wacko:
Hi Elhaym, oh yes the one from Saturday should still count, yes get a few more in there!! :wohoo: Then keep yourself busy in the TWW and dont test early!!!

Hope this is the start of a good run of ovulations on this thread!!


Stacey, good news on starting a fresh new cycle, i think the first AF is bound to be wierd, mine was unusually light just to be awkward!! Good luck :dust:

Amanda, Aw mate, i havent ovulated yet either, its really annoying isnt it!! Keep up the :sex: just in case!!

Yep Debzie, could be implantation spotting, that takes a few days to come out surely?? Really hope so!!

Glow, fab news on the 3+ chick ::wohoo:

As for me, still not ovulated but got a bonus :sex: in last night as I had a wax and went for a Hollywood which husband was quite pleased about!!! :rofl: just going to keep it up and hope that it happens soon, dont usually ovulate till cd 18 with clomid cd2-6 anyway so this time was cd5-9 so im expecting it a bit later!!

:dust: for us all xxx

cloey - i HAVE to ask, esp as everyone else seems to know what it is - WHAT ON EARTH IS A HOLLYWOOD? :blush:
Hi Kas :hugs:

A Hollywood is like a Brazilian but where it is ALL waxed off!! Ive been having more and more taken off each time and Ben keeps on at me to go completely bare and so I did .... it fricken HURT a LOT! But it did the trick, Ben pounced on me last night and im hoping it will spice up our :sex:!!!!

Boy, the things we do when TTC!!!! Thats one story i wont be telling Baba!! :rofl:

Sorry thats all probably too much information but you did ask!!!! :saywhat:

Hey mate, i see you are feeling Cynical ... whats up chick?? :hugs:
Clobo, not testing early is easier said thann done lol, but I will try. I'll use the forum to keep me sane. I'm going to try and hold off until Aug. 11th and if I do get a BFP all you girls will know before DH. I'm not going to tell him untill a week before first prenatal as he always drives me crazy with his worrying added to mine. I hope the remainder off all all get a :BFP: soon. (Sounds so funny to say now after being so scared and against it this morning.)
I know, im really going to try hard not to test, i make sure i go for a wee as soon as i wake up then i cant use FMU and then i think its a waste to test otherwise!!!

Wont that be hard not telling DH? I understand your reasons though!

Keep thinking positive chick xxx
Hey guys

Hope you are all ok and evrything is going well.
Just to keep you all updated got my first AF today after mmc seems a lot heavier and painful than i remember lol but at least i know once this is through we can start our serous ttc again.

Hope you are all getting your BFP soon

Jo xx
Hi I'm new to this page where do I start?
Mmc diagnosed on 21/6 was supposed to be 12/3 but baby stopped growing at 6 wk's 2x failed med management's eventually passed sac naturally on 10/7 only spotted next day no bleeding since.
Dtd 20th & 23rd woke up today feeling really nauseous ..... Last time I reckon I conceived between th 8 an 12th of April and felt nauseous from the 17th although never got a bfp till day before the af was due on the 23rd but this time no clue about cycle so don't really know how to work it out. So I'd imagine I'm on the tww ?? No really sure what I'm asking but any input would be great
Spent the last few hours readin the last 20 or so pages catching up on all your posts so sorry for all you losses an congrats on all your bfp lol 5 wk's ago I never knew this language! I'm totally lost with all the temps an stuff but sure if I don't get bfp this month I'll be asking you all for advice on this x baby dust to us all x
Glad things are getting back on track for you Jo fx for a BFP for you after this AF is gone.

Clobo, it will be kind of hard to not tell him right away but I'll get through it by telling you girls. Atleast I stay sane on B&B, telling him leads him to drive me insane so if I tell him a week before first prenatal I'll only have to deal with for a week Vs 3 weeks.
hi mrskg, sorry for your loss:hugs: sometimes we all have a time when we dont know what we are asking or what to say but it does always feel like a hug and a bit of support when on here. I also have had to get to grips with all the terms and what everything means and i also have no clue with the temps and opk charts so glad iam not alone :thumbup:

hugs and baby dust to everyone xx

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