Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Mrsmm24,thanks ladies,can I just say how lovely you both are ,I have been lurking for a while and u are both always so helpful and kind and u never leave anyone out ,it's great to have u here,thank you ,I am also really sorry for your loss and I hope u get an extra sticky bfp soon ,great for your positive opk ,guess I will just have to keep testing,good luck,xxxxxxxxxxxxx
So sorry for your loss CARRY! :hugs: I hope you find, as I have and many of the ladies here, some solice, information, support, and determination building stories! GL when you are ready to TTC again!! :dust:
That's great ickle pand. So after 1 mc you still have the same chance of a successful pregnancy as if you'd never mc'd. I think I read that even after 2 the chance of mc is only raised very slightly. Gives us all hope :)

I feel an immense sense of gloom setting in accompanied by the urge to punch people at work - reckon AF has her sights on me. Could just be the fact it's monday though :)

The nasty af got me today so am out this month, cant believe it :growlmad::growlmad: i feel sad am not pregnant but glad my body is doing something a bit normal, i just hope this is the start of getting back to normal and get my bfp this cycle. Ive not really got af cramps which is unusual but got the sore back, its just old brown blood every time i wipe but it fills the tissue but not touching a pad yet, hoping the flow will kick in soon.

Wishing you all the best luck and that you get your bfp on test day :hugs:
So sorry that freaking witch flew that dreadful broom in on y ou HEAVYH, but totally understand and agree with the delight that your body is behaving "regularly"... :hugs: :dust: to your next month!!! Bring on Sept!

DESPERADO, you are most welcome... I truly hope your testing pays off and you can time and catch that egg ASAP!!! :dust:
Ahhhhhh so a very long wait but finally got a pos opk today :happydance::happydance: it has been 5 weeks since the mc and D&C and now finally my body is doing what it is ment too :happydance::happydance:
Hi can I just ask u a question ,I lost a baby last month:cry::cry: and had a natural mc at ten weeks ,I started staining brown the first day then bled the next day ,I am now on cd17-18 and am trying again this month ,I usually o ulate on cd19 but my opks are all blank,can I ask u lovely ladies wen u ovulated the month after a loss please,thanks in advance,Much love,xxxxxx

I got a positive OPK a week later than normal, it depends on how long it took for your HCG to go back down, hope it won't be too long! :)

Thanks heavyheart and sorry AF got you - this cycle will be your BFP one hun :)

Carry22 - I am sorry for your loss :hugs: I hope you get a BFP soon!

Mrscrabsticke, yay for ovulating! Get that egg! :sex:

Hope everyone else is OK :kiss:

AFM 13 DPO and booooooring - runny nose (probably hay fever) and bit of a headache. Just feel generally 'meh'. Wish I could have stayed under the duvet this morning!
Heavy - sorry the witch got you, but like you said it's good to know your body's working right. Can you send the witch over to me? I just want this cycle over so I can move on now. Lol!

Mrs M - Did you get your donation? Sorry if I missed your post about it.

Mrs Crabsticke - glad to hear your body's getting back to normal :)

Elhaym - Have you tested yet or do you think AF's on the way?

AFM - I'm over my little down period I was having. I think it's good to allow yourself to be sad sometimes, as long as it's not for too long and you can then dust yourself off and carry on. I've been cramping the last couple of days so I'm hoping AF is going to be over and done with by the weekend. I'm not going to have a big celebration, just dinner with a couple of friends on Saturday, see my parents probably on Sunday and maybe a cosy night in with a takeaway with DH on the actual day (Monday). I've taken the day off work though because I hate working on my birthday lol!
ohh exciting stuff going on for everyone huh. I think I may have had implantation bleeding. I had 3 tiny spots of bloody CM yesterday........... well I hope thats what it was, definately not AF but my temp was down a bit this morning and still BFN. Supposedly 2 days after IB you would get pos on an HPT so we will see tomorrow or next day I guess x
ELHAYM, you are almost there, will you be testing soon?

ICKLE, I suuuure did, a little ahead of time, instead of 9am it arrived at 8:26a!!! Happy early B-day!!! So glad you took the day off!!!

LOLA, FXD for you!! :dust:

Well, we are geared up for another donation tomorrow. My temps however, are starting to increase.... FF is just showing fertile though, so I hope tming was right! :dust: to us on this thread!!!
Thanks for the support Elhaym and Mrs M - its reassuring to know there are people out there going through the same thing, however many miles away!! :flower:

As we are NTNP just now I've not been doing any OPK or temp charting but I noticed some CM/EWCM yesterday and sunday so we got down to some :sex: on both days so here's hoping!!!

Can anyone tell me their policy during ovulation time - do you do the BD evry day or every 2-3 days?? I've read so many different opinions about it:shrug:

Also, I've been taking folic acid again ever since I had my m/c, is there anything else I should be taking i.e. baby aspirin, Vit D supplement??

Thanks in advance xx
Hello Ladies I hope it is ok for me to write this here.
I just had an early miscarriage and my doctor confirmed my miscarriage as complete 7/30 when hcg level of 2. I talked to my doctor about when we can start trying again and she said some people wait a month and some 2 months that it really just depends on how you are doing emotionally. She said we can start trying when we are ready. Well hubby and I have decided to not prevent now even though I haven't had my first cycle yet. I am a little nervous because some people say you are at an increase risk of another miscarriage by not waiting but my doctor didn't say that. I am absolutely terrified about losing another one :cry: I went into this last one excited, optimistic and bound and determined to enjoy the pregnancy so it felt like a slap in the face when I miscarried. My first loss really has no relation to my second loss and that makes it more frustrating. I can handle knowing that I have to have a cerclage in ordered to have a baby but then adding in other complications and problems that don't have any answers makes it feel like I am walking in the unknown. My new doctor isn't feeling positive that I even have an incompetent cervix, she said my cervix is closed and is very tight and firm. She seems disappointed with my previous doctor so I guess we will have to see. I have been hoping it was just a fluke and that I wouldn't have a problem in the future but I accept that there is a problem just so I won't be disappointed.
I guess I am looking for a little support and hopefully some positive stories that will help ease my fear and help time pass.
Good Luck on TTC Ladies. :dust: To us all!! And those of you who are pregnant congrats! and I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months.
carry2 2 - I usually BD every 2 or 3 days until I get a positive OPK, then do 2 or 3 nights in a row once I see the positive :)

Hi Semanthia, welcome! :hi: I am so sorry for your losses :hugs:

If it was an early mc and no complications then there's no medical reason to wait unless your doc has given a specific reason. As your first loss was for a different reason, there's no reason to think you will have increased risk of mc again but I totally understand how scared you must be hon. I'm actually kind of hoping AF arrives because I'm terrified to get a BFP again.

TTC after a loss is very different to the first time TTC isn't it? You lose all your innocence and optimism. We're here any time you need to chat. Baby dust to you! :dust:
Can anyone tell me their policy during ovulation time - do you do the BD evry day or every 2-3 days?? I've read so many different opinions about it:shrug:

Also, I've been taking folic acid again ever since I had my m/c, is there anything else I should be taking i.e. baby aspirin, Vit D supplement??

Thanks in advance xx

DH and I pretty much :sex: every other night. Even though the SA shows that he has super dooper :spermy: I'd like them to be very effective. :dance: The first cycle was :sex: everyday during O and didn't conceive plus it's exhausting during it everyday. :blush:

I am currently taking Rainbow Light's Complete Prenatal System. My dr also prescribed me prenatal vitamins but they were low iron so I decided to try these other ones out.
Hi all

Welcome Semanthia and Carry, im so sorry for your losses, the girls are right you'll find a good home here and anything you want to ask, rant about or just general chit chat someone is always here :hugs:

Elhaym, what are your temps doing lately chick?? I seem to be feeling exactly the same as you although my temps have dropped a bit the last two days and all my positivity is sliding down the drain!! When are you testing??

MrsMM, good luck with your donation tomorrow chick :dust:

Lola, good luck testing, we'll be here waiting for your results and crossing everything for a BFP!!

Amanda, aw mate :hugs: i really hope that something happens for you soon, i know what the waiting is like chick and its so frustrating.

Hope everyone else is ok :dust: to you all for whatever you are waiting for xxx
Hi Ladies,

Don't know why I am feeling so nervous today, I suppose it is just anticipation for the other "donation" tomorrow and knowing that we may have timed things just right yesterday, either way, I am nerves today. I am thinking that since I didn't get 2 OPK+ in a row, that I may have OV the previous evening after testing, curious.... I still have a faint line today, don't need to strain the eyes soo.... Tomorrow should cover it if I did OV. My temps are rising, ever so slowly.... Could this be a positive sign

SEMANTHIA, so sorry for your losses :hugs: Welcome to a group of ladies that I am sure will be a blessing during this time and your forward moves :wave:

I look forward to hearing some positive news from ELHAYM and LOLA soon, anticipation is getting to me even for you guys. :haha: :dust: :dust: :dust:

I truly hope everyone one else on the thread is doing well, :dust: to those TTC and in the TWW, and I hope that those that are seeking information find it soon, and :hugs: to everyone, especially those with losses and visits from AF....
Hi Ladies,

Don't know why I am feeling so nervous today, I suppose it is just anticipation for the other "donation" tomorrow and knowing that we may have timed things just right yesterday, either way, I am nerves today. I am thinking that since I didn't get 2 OPK+ in a row, that I may have OV the previous evening after testing, curious.... I still have a faint line today, don't need to strain the eyes soo.... Tomorrow should cover it if I did OV. My temps are rising, ever so slowly.... Could this be a positive sign

MrsMM - your chart looks good I'm gonna bet that you caught that eggie. Sending lots of sticky dust :dust: to all the ladies in the 2WW. I sure hope we get tons of :bfp: this month! :happydance:

If my temp goes up tomorrow and Thur I'll know that I definitely Oed. [-o< I'm hoping and praying.

:dance::headspin::wohoo: Can't wait!!
Clobo - not temping so no idea! :D No spotting or anything yet which is good, I am due AF on Thursday! When are you expecting AF?

MrsMM I think your timing will be OK, positive thoughts hun, good luck :dust:

FX'd your temp goes up Bastetgrrl and you got that eggy! :)
Hi elhaym, sorry chick, keep seeing your FF ticker and thinking you do!! How are you doing today?

I'm not sure when it's due to be honest my LP has varied between 14 and 17 days and FF reliant not to test till Saturday whichsuits me, I didn't Wang to test early and waste money as I like FRERs, plus wanted to do it at a weekend and not have to go to work upset if I get BFN! just hope the witch stays away from us all!

Shoo :witch: shoo

Ha I was having the same thought actually, I'm thinking of holding out till Saturday if no AF then I don't have to go to work annoyed with a BFN. Plus I never have time to mess around testing on a work day anyway! xx
I tested this morning just for the hell of it. No surprise that it was a BFN, but it scratched that itch lol! I had more bloods taken this morning but the nurse couldn't find my vein even after she dug about for it, so she had to try the one on the outside so I've got 2 matching plasters side by side lol!

She told me my level for Saturday and it was 15 (up from 11 on Tuesday) she'd made it sound a lot less on the phone so I'm feeling a little more hopeful. I've been having AF cramps the past day or two, so I think I'm out either way, but I'd be reassuring to know that I at least ov'd this cycle.

How's everyone else doing?

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