Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Thanks Kas :hugs: im going to give being relaxed a go!!

Amanda, Happy Birthday :cake: .... so what was your present????

Welcome newbies and sorry for your losses. :hugs: This is a great support site with lots of wonderful ladies.

Well I'm on CD41 and still no clue what's going on in there. My temp keeps going up and down like my body is trying to O but doesn't then tries again and so on. I went in for bloodwork this morning so we'll see where my levels are at and this afternoon I have a u/s so I plan on asking them to check if I have Oed or not. At least I'll get some answers (I hope). This is just so frustrating not knowing what is going on.

Happy Monday everyone!
Hey ladies - may i join you? I had medical management on Friday as my babies heartbeat had stopped - I was 9w2d but baby was only measuring 6w2d.

Anyway, we plan to TTC straight away. My bleeding had slowed down quite a bit today so I'm hopeful that it might stop in the next few days. I'm thinking starting to POAS to see when my hcg levels drop - do you think this is worth it? I temp and opk so it would just be good to also know when they go back to pre-pregnancy levels. The nurse said to do one at 2 week past the medical management but I might start testing in the next couple of days.

One thing that might be problematic is that I had irregular cycles prior to my pregnancy. I came off the pill in December 2010 and only had 4 cycles before my bfp in July. I'm hoping that the pregnancy might sort my hormones out and that I might become more regular (I've heard it can go either way). I was being investigated for PCOS just as I got my bfp so if they remain irregular I plan to go back to the drs for another gynae appointment.

Anyway, that is me.... I look forward to getting to know you ladies x
Hey ladies - may i join you? I had medical management on Friday as my babies heartbeat had stopped - I was 9w2d but baby was only measuring 6w2d.

Anyway, we plan to TTC straight away. My bleeding had slowed down quite a bit today so I'm hopeful that it might stop in the next few days. I'm thinking starting to POAS to see when my hcg levels drop - do you think this is worth it? I temp and opk so it would just be good to also know when they go back to pre-pregnancy levels. The nurse said to do one at 2 week past the medical management but I might start testing in the next couple of days.

One thing that might be problematic is that I had irregular cycles prior to my pregnancy. I came off the pill in December 2010 and only had 4 cycles before my bfp in July. I'm hoping that the pregnancy might sort my hormones out and that I might become more regular (I've heard it can go either way). I was being investigated for PCOS just as I got my bfp so if they remain irregular I plan to go back to the drs for another gynae appointment.

Anyway, that is me.... I look forward to getting to know you ladies x

Welcome struth and so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I know that everyone is different but I wouldn't spend the money on hpt to check your levels especially this soon. My dr had me doing weekly bloodwork and my levels were still above 5 at 4 wks after mmc. I also have very irregular cycles (LONG). I stopped taking the pill in January only had three cycles until we conceived at the end of May. I Oed on CD40!! I am (was) hoping that if any good came out of this mmc that my cycles would be normal but it doesn't look like that is gonna happen. I'm on CD41 and have no clue what's going on. My temps are all over the place. I have an u/s this afternoon so hopefully I can see if I have Oed or not.

Good luck to you and hope that your cycles get back on track real soon.
CLOBO, so sorry that temp dropped happened and AF arrived. I am feeling a little like you, temp drop occurred for me as well and cramps are stronger... I hope your next cycle is IT!!! GL :hugs:

ICKLE, sorry AF got you but it is great to hear your optimism and effort to move on to the next cycle!! GL :hugs:

GLOWSTAR, happy to hear from you. Awww, glad your scan was good! we needed a bit of happy news here! Thanks!

VAURISSA, Sorry for your losses, welcome to the most awesome thread for the losses however :wave:

STEWIE, :wave: welcome, sorry for your loss :hugs: Hope this next cycle brings you joy! :dust:

STRUTH, :wave: welcome! I'm sorry for your loss and that you have to be here at all. :hugs:

LOLA, you get a better test soon, I'm still optimistic! FXD!!! :dust:

AMANADA, Happy Birthday!!! :happydance: you know we are anxious about YOUR present :haha:

BASTE, I hope your bloodwork brings some answers soon. FXD!

AFM, I am 8DPO and getting more nervous. Not sure why, can only be attributed to the fact that I have had strong cramping for about 2-3 days and my right abdomen is achey... I don't remember AF that much, so I am not sure WHAT to think, onset or IB, or just Preg! FXD no site of AF today, and that I am one day closer to that :bfp: I am feeling more and more like I am out of it as the day goes on. The cramps have minimized a little, but they have been here for days.

I hope you all had a GREAT weekend! I am not sure if we were all able to hold out as next week gets closer, it is really early, but if you weren't any good news?

Sending out EXTRA :dust: to the thread as we start our week, the LAST week in the TWW!!! :dust: those that are starting the TWW and those that are beginning TTC and those testing!!!
Hi there,

Ive not had a chance to look back and catch up with everything so hoping you dont mind me joining the thread when its so well established but I was recommended it by a lovely person. Below is my story....

I came off the pill last August after being on the pill for years. I had one 28 day cycle and then my period went awol for 5 months. I had tests done for PCOS and scans on my ovaries all looked fine. My period finally returned and then I became pregnant the next cycle, this was March I found out I was pregnant. I thought all was going ok and went to my 12 week scan early in May to find out the baby had died at 9 weeks 2 days. This was on the Friday, I then had the erpc on the Monday. My period arrived eight weeks later, so am properly back ttc so decided to start using my cbfm again. Link to my chart is here -
I was hoping to get back to a normal 28 day cycle but As you will see I didn't get a high till cd21 and then it was high for 4 days then went back to low. I don't think Ive ovulated yet from temps and am a bit confused. I sneakily reset the monitor on a friends advice and pretended to the monitor af had arrived. Ive since got my peak and positive ov tests and the chart shows a thermal shift so looks like ive ovulated now so im now in the tww. My ovulation day seems to have changed back to a thursday which was what it always was before the mc so hoping thats my body going back to normal, although Id very much like to get my bfp this cycle. Although Im feeling down and thinking i wont get a bfp from such a long cycle??

anyway look forward to getting to know you all and supporting each other through it all xxx
Hey ladies - may i join you? I had medical management on Friday as my babies heartbeat had stopped - I was 9w2d but baby was only measuring 6w2d.

Anyway, we plan to TTC straight away. My bleeding had slowed down quite a bit today so I'm hopeful that it might stop in the next few days. I'm thinking starting to POAS to see when my hcg levels drop - do you think this is worth it? I temp and opk so it would just be good to also know when they go back to pre-pregnancy levels. The nurse said to do one at 2 week past the medical management but I might start testing in the next couple of days.

One thing that might be problematic is that I had irregular cycles prior to my pregnancy. I came off the pill in December 2010 and only had 4 cycles before my bfp in July. I'm hoping that the pregnancy might sort my hormones out and that I might become more regular (I've heard it can go either way). I was being investigated for PCOS just as I got my bfp so if they remain irregular I plan to go back to the drs for another gynae appointment.

Anyway, that is me.... I look forward to getting to know you ladies x

Welcome struth and so sorry for your loss :hugs:

I know that everyone is different but I wouldn't spend the money on hpt to check your levels especially this soon. My dr had me doing weekly bloodwork and my levels were still above 5 at 4 wks after mmc. I also have very irregular cycles (LONG). I stopped taking the pill in January only had three cycles until we conceived at the end of May. I Oed on CD40!! I am (was) hoping that if any good came out of this mmc that my cycles would be normal but it doesn't look like that is gonna happen. I'm on CD41 and have no clue what's going on. My temps are all over the place. I have an u/s this afternoon so hopefully I can see if I have Oed or not.

Good luck to you and hope that your cycles get back on track real soon.

Thanks bastetgrrl - perhaps I will just do weekly (or twice weekly!) tests then. We don't get to have blood tests over here but I would like some way of monitoring. The nurse seemed to think my tests would be negative a fortnight after medical management - she told me to see the dr if not.

I have to own up and let you know that I did a test before I read your reply! It is still positive but nowhere near as dark as what is was 9 days ago. It is really quite light (like you would get at 12/13dpo). I might try again on Friday and see if there is any difference. I hope they are negative in a fortnight.

As for my cycles - I am hopeful they will sort themselves out but am not really expecting them too. The cycle of my bfp I O'd on cd16. The cycle before was cd76 (or something close to that anyway), the cycle before that was cd19 and then before that cd55. A girl can hope :coffee:
AFM, I am 8DPO and getting more nervous. Not sure why, can only be attributed to the fact that I have had strong cramping for about 2-3 days and my right abdomen is achey... I don't remember AF that much, so I am not sure WHAT to think, onset or IB, or just Preg! FXD no site of AF today, and that I am one day closer to that :bfp: I am feeling more and more like I am out of it as the day goes on. The cramps have minimized a little, but they have been here for days.

I hope you all had a GREAT weekend! I am not sure if we were all able to hold out as next week gets closer, it is really early, but if you weren't any good news?

Sending out EXTRA :dust: to the thread as we start our week, the LAST week in the TWW!!! :dust: those that are starting the TWW and those that are beginning TTC and those testing!!!

Good luck MrsMM!! :thumbup: Hope you get :bfp: this cycle!! :dust:

Thanks bastetgrrl - perhaps I will just do weekly (or twice weekly!) tests then. We don't get to have blood tests over here but I would like some way of monitoring. The nurse seemed to think my tests would be negative a fortnight after medical management - she told me to see the dr if not.

I have to own up and let you know that I did a test before I read your reply! It is still positive but nowhere near as dark as what is was 9 days ago. It is really quite light (like you would get at 12/13dpo). I might try again on Friday and see if there is any difference. I hope they are negative in a fortnight.

As for my cycles - I am hopeful they will sort themselves out but am not really expecting them too. The cycle of my bfp I O'd on cd16. The cycle before was cd76 (or something close to that anyway), the cycle before that was cd19 and then before that cd55. A girl can hope :coffee:[/QUOTE]

Weekly (or twice) would probably be just fine that way you aren't driving yourself crazy of it. [-o<

Definitely sounds like you have no choice but to do the tests since they don't do bloodwork for you. Such a bummer! :nope:

My goodness your cycles are all over the place, huh? Guess I need to quit complaining :blush: Hope they get back to normal very soon for you. :thumbup:
thanks clobo and mrs MM .:happydance:

bastetgrrl did you find out if you had o'ed?

struth I hope your cycles become more regular!

still no + OPK... I never used them before, just figured at least this way i would find out if I did indeed O this month after the m/c .

Still bd every 2 nights though- you never know, right?

Have a nice evening everyone!:hugs:
Hi Ladies

Struth, aw chick im so sorry for your loss :hugs: good that you are back to TTC i think it really helps to move on and forward towards our ultimate goal. Im sorry to say that I dont have a good story with my cycles, I have PCOS and I bled with my MC for 6 weeks then it took another 7-8 weeks to bleed and be able to start taking my clomid again. As we have seen on here though that there is no "normal" and its different for everybody. Just take it one day at a time, perhaps the weekly test is the way to go, save your money for when you need them for a happy reason :dust:

C814, dont be down chick, you can get pregnant on a long cycle, as long as you :sex: at the right time for when you do ovulate then it can happen! Keep up the :sex: just in case and then you cant say you didnt try. Of course you can join us, we try and help each other along as well as having some fun here!

Mrs MM, thanks my dear, im really going to try and chill out about it!! Well yes you are right one way or another each day that goes by we are one step closer to our :baby: really hope that this is your cycle chick :dust:

Bastetgrrl, do you have PCOS chick?? I do and thats what my body does, tries to ovulate, doesnt, then tries agan several days later and keeps going till i do ovulate. Not saying you do have PCOS but its worth checking out, cant remember whether you have already said this or not. Really hoing your blood tests can give you an idea of what is going on :hugs:

Stewie, yep :sex: every other day, its the one thing we can really control so keep at it!!! :dust:

C814, I am glad you found your way over!! :flower: So sorry you're feeling down. However, as CLOBO mentioned you are still very likely to get that bfp even with a long cycle. More reason to chart and track everything though so that you can be certain to DTD when it is OV time. Continue to read through the thread and this site, as it is a USEFUL tool, believe me, plus, you won't find a more supportive/informative bunch of ladies!!!

CLOBO, I hope that your BFP is coming soon, there may still be a chance that Aug can bring you a bfp right, or are your cycles longer? Well, wether it is Aug or Sept, I hope it is soon!!! FXD :dust:
Hey hun, I MC'd 14th July and concieved 23rd July. (Stopped bleeding two or three days before) So, there is hope. Good luck :)
C814 - I know a lady on here who came off the pill in Feb and hasn't bled since her withdrawal bleed. She got her bfp this week - you can still catch the egg on long cycles. Keep positive honey x
Hey hun, I MC'd 14th July and concieved 23rd July. (Stopped bleeding two or three days before) So, there is hope. Good luck :)

Wow - that is amazing! Congrats! I hope that this little bean sticks and that you have a H&H 8/9 months.

Stories like yours give us all hope x
Hey hun, I MC'd 14th July and concieved 23rd July. (Stopped bleeding two or three days before) So, there is hope. Good luck :)

Less than 10 days later? That is amazing, truly uplifting and hopeful story! H&H preg to you!!! :flower:
Thank you all for such a warm welcome. Im going to go back a few pages and have a good read so I can try catch up with what you all doing and where you all are etc.

I love charting, shows you so much about your body I think. I love stalking peoples charts to so if any of you get friend requests through fertility friend once Ive had my read through its probably me.

Im feeling a lot more relaxed now and started back with my reflexology, I think that helped me last time.

Good luck to all of us!! Oh and as hope to those of you trying straight after a mc, my friend tried straight after her mmc and she got pg straight away and has this week given birth to a beautiful baby girl so it does happen xxx
CLOBO - No I don't have PCOS.

xAmiixLouisex - Wow that's amazing. Thanks for sharing!

Well ladies, I just can't catch a break I guess...having a D&C tomorrow because my levels are only down to 20 and u/s showed a little stuff leftover in there that needs removed which explains why my temps are crazy. My body doesn't know what to do because it can't O with this stuff in there. So upsetting to be six weeks out and still not there yet. Should of just had a d&c to begin with. Oh well...who know, right?! Just very upsetting...but at least I'll O soon after.
So sorry to hear that bastetgrrl - that must be so frustrating and upsetting. I'm sure it will all go well tomorrow and then you can start to move forward again :hugs: I know it is no consolation but at least now you know why your body couldn't O and hopefully once you have recovered from the D&C it will kick back into action.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow x
I'm sorry for your loss. I suffered a natural mc in June, we too have decided NTNP too. Best option right now. The hospital said to wait until first AF but doc said to wait 3 months? But reading some of the storys on here give me hope. =) Its scary though isn't it... and emotional too! I been feeling fine up until today! On my way to work this morning the radio DJ announced she was 16 weeks pregnant, which is what i'd be roughly now. So for the next 5 months im genna hear it everyday... time for a new radio station hey!
Hoping you get a BFP soon and a sticky bean. xxxx

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