Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

BASTE, :hugs: I hope today goes well, so we can see you back real soon for CD1 all the way to your bfp!!! I know now, that this means you will be OV regularly very soon!

EMMY, Sorry for your loss :hugs: I hope that you will see that bfp and get a sticky bean very soon. I also think a new radio station would help!

AFM, I am 9DPO! Nerves still there. My strong cramping seems to be gone today but lasted till bedtime last night. No abdomen is aches on the right and it didn't switch to the left as of now either... Hoping that AF doesn't ease in! So far, no site of AF! Ladies, one day closer to that :bfp: FXD!!
Hiya thanks for the birthday wishes :) Sorry for keeping you in suspense about what the present was lol! It was a dock for my iphone which is also an alarm clock. That wasn't the main present though, the main one is a day at Knockhill :)

I'm a bit behind with everyone but I'll try and catch up later. Hope everyone's well xx
Hi ladies, hope you're all well. Sorry i don't pop in often, been feeling sorry for myself.:blush:

13dpo and had brown/orange spotting in my underwear but now there's nothing when I wipe, I thought it was af as I'm getting twings and had mild af cramps last night and today :dohh: so confused and annoyed.:shrug:

Bastet, how are you chick?? so sorry you had to go through that, i thought the same thing that i should have just had a D&C to start with after 6 weeks of bleeding which wasnt fun. I also had retained products but they managed to come out naturally. Really hope you can get back to normal now chick :hugs:

Mrs MM, good luck lady, im sending you loads of :dust: and keeping everything crossed!!

Emmylou, aw mate, i have a friend on here that is the same weeks that i would have been, its sad isnt it to hear the things that would be happening to you. I say change radio stations chick!!

Meachy, good luck :dust: are you going to :test:???

Amanda, glad you had a nice birthday and cool presents, that was fun guessing what it was!! So did the witch get you?? Well at least you can start afresh now with a brand new cycle and hopefully this will be a lucky one :dust:

BASTETGRRL- I hope you are alright- lots of :hugs: and hope your cycles kick in soon :hugs:

EMMY_LOU - welcome! lots of support and good advice here, I am a newbie too . Yeah you should probably change radio stations, no need to be reminded everyday. I think doctors all have a different opinion as to how long you should wait- if it was natural and with no problems, most say you can start straight away. You can always call back and ask if that can help ease your mind.Good luck on getting your sticky bean!

MrsMM- really hope :witch: doesn't come ! crossing my fingers

MEACHY- I can understand how frustrating and confusing it can be- I'm with Clobo, are you going to test??

Well,as for me, DH felt sick last night so no:sex:, and he still feels poorly so I don't know if we will tonight. Feeling tired and sorry for myself, went to the parc today with the dogs and saw 3 pregnant ladies and so many prams. Makes me want a BFP even more.

Well ladies hope you are all well and have a nice evening. Sending lots of:dust: your way.
MrsMM - how are you feeling today??

Amanda - Happy belated Birthday! Great gift!! :happydance:

Meachy - Good luck and sticky dust :dust:

Thanks Clobo - sorry to hear that you had to go through this as well. Definitely NOT fun...makes this so much worse just dragging it out.

Stewie - Sorry about the DH. Hope get to :sex: tonight.

Well ladies, d&c was done this morning and everything went well. So I am now on CD1 and praying for a :bfp: in the near future. Trying to stay positive. The dr freaked my DH out again with the multiples talk about she said there is a chance I'll release more than one egg. He'll probably be too dang scared to try now....gee thanks dr....

Good luck and sticky dust ladies :dust:

Bastet, so glad that everything went well, yes i agree its bad enough to have to go through this without it dragging on for weeks, we just want to be back to TTC again :hugs: now take it easy and rest. I like the thought of multiples, i would love twins, although id probably say otherwise if it actually happened!!!

Stewie, aw mate its typical isnt it, when we are ovulating is the only time that the OH is ill or away or not in the mood :grr: I guess he cant help being ill though, where are you in your cycle chick??

Bastet-glad everything went ok!now you are definitly on cd1!I also heard about the multiple eggs but don't let your DH freak out too much,it's not a guarantee thank goodness!( I think my DH would freak out too if he knew that so shhhhhhhhhh...)

clobo- yeah it's not his fault poor thing!he's watching football now and relaxing so who knows...I'm on CD16 but I don't even know if I've ovulated.not good with the OPKs, I never do them at the same time oops :( but just trying to bd every other day,that way if there is an egg I figure we just might catch it.
Thanks stewie! I know...I wish he hadn't heard that I'd be happy with whatever God gives me. Might go crazy with twins and having so little help (no family closeby) but we would be just fine.
Bastet -I know what you mean,I would be so happy with whatever we get,but as this is our first,twins would freak me out- we already have two dogs and a cat so we'd have to rethink our entire organisation!

Well no bd's funny before we started trying I didn't mind it if we didn't bd often.Now if we don't I start to panic and think that it's not going to happen this cycle. The other cycles we bd everyday during cd 10 to cd 16- and it was for me exhausting. So as I had the m/c only 2 weeks ago and I don't know when I am ovulating, I figured every other day would be enough. No + OKS so why am I panicking? Maybe because I surfed the Internet too much- must stop doing that!- and saw that OPKs,at least the cheapo ones I have aren't always exact and I never do them at the same hour.
So maybe I ovulated and missed it; or I haven't and will; or I won't this cycle....

This is soooooooo frustrating !ugh .... Night night ladies xx
How long were you ladies told to wait after d&c to :sex: and of course my follow up question is how long did you actually wait?

My dr said two weeks and I plan on starting to do my temps again in a day or so but just wanted to see what everyone else was told and did.

I'm sorry to hear you had to have a D&C so long after the miscarriage. You assume that everything's ok by then. At least you know for sure now. I didn't have a D&C, so I can't answer your question, but I would think that your doctor told you to wait to make sure you don't get an infection. Plus you won't have any lining for an eggy to implant into until it gets a chance to build up again. Good luck hun
AMANDA, awesoem gift(s), I know you were shocked! Enjoy!

MEACHY, understand how you are feeling now, as I am beginnign to feel the same, not sure I OV.... hang in there! :dust:

CLOBO, how are you feeling today? :hugs:

STEWIE, sorry that your hubby hasn't been feeling well. There still may be time when he does feel somewhat better, FXD, :dust:

BASTE, I am happy that you are looking forward. Not sure I am going to be much help, as I had a natural MC and the doctor said that we could move forward when ready. I began temping using hospital numbers and once I got home. I then started OPKs. Good Luck! I hope you see that bfp really soon! FXD! :dust:

AFM, I am 10DPO! I am super nervous, and I made it worse. I had the urge to POAS, however, I didn’t want to use the only HPT so I used an OPK, ummm, why was it pos??? Definitely stopped my POAS urge, but now I wonder why it’s pos, makes me feel like I should be focusing on Sept. Getting the “donation” shipment arranged etc… :sad1: My temp went back up so I just don’t know. I felt a little sick (nauseaus) this morning, no cramping, and no sore bbs…. Not sure if I should be thinking I don’t want AF, I mean, my cycle could be crazy because of the MC so… :shrug: But, for right now, no site of AF = one day closer to ….???
Well ladies Af got me I think, started wierd, very light. Hopefully this will be my cycle! It's such a huge reminder fo what I've lost:cry: good luck everyone

Meachy, aw mate i hope its not AF but something much more poitive, but if it is then at least you can start again afresh :hugs:

Bastet, well i think people are told different things and it depends on your circumstances ... i was told after a natural mc to wait one cycle and then start my clomid again ... it was lucky i did as i have some retained products and that could have caused another mc if I had fallen pregnant straight away. Of course other ladies get pregnant the cycle straight after and all is ok so really its up to you and how you feel :dust:

MrsMM, im ok thanks chick, keeping everything crossed for you!! Dont worry about your lack of symptoms, they arent really a very good indicator as we have all seen with my chart!! You are looking at it the right way though and taking each day without the witch as a good one!! :dust:

Stewie, OPKs are a pain arent they!! I tried a couple out and finally found a brand i liked and stuck with it, you will soon get to know when they are +ve or -ve. I also agree about the :sex:, its so hard to keep it up for a long time (pardon the pun!) but i find we both tire out after a week or so ... so need to start a bit later this time!!

Massive hugs to you all xxx
Mrs M - you can get a positive OPK when you're pregnant, hopefully that's what this is.

Meachy - sorry AF got you. It's always hard after a m/c. I hope this next cycle is the one for you. You're only a few days out from myself, Clobo and I think of couple of others so we can all be cycle buddies :)

AFM - nothing to report really. I took a few days off from temping, which was lovely. I can't wait until I get my BFP and can stop doing it long term lol! I've got my CBFM all set up but don't have to pee on any sticks yet.

Hope everyone's doing well.
Hey guys. Been doing IC everyday but they are all stark white dammit. Definately didn't manage it this cycle. I'm totally not sure that I even O'd... Only had one tiny bit of EWCM and no O pain whatsoever :/ Not to mention NO pos OPKs :( Oh well. Such is life I suppose. Flipping 20DPO.. where the heck is the witch!!! hurry it along already!!

MrsMM24 I'm praying for your BFP this month! Hopeing AF stays well away. We are really due some good news!! By the way some people believe you can use OPKs as HPTs ;)
c814 welcome to the group :) you can totally get a BFP from a long cycle :) When I concieved my son my cycles were like 70 days long (PCOS)! Hoping your 2WW flys by and ends happily

struth my cycles were all over the show before my son and I'm hoping they will be more normal now after my MC.. who knows.. only time will tell. My HPTs took about 10 days to get to almost negs.

bastetgrrl I'm really sorry that you had to have a d&C, but glad it all went well. Not long until prime BD making time! I actually think they really overplay the multiples side of it I've looked through charts on FF after a DC and statistically it seems to be the same rate.

Emmy_Lou I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Ohhh ickle pand cool presents!!!

Meachy has AF reared her ugly head? Could it be IB?

stewie79 do you have a chart? We haven't BD in ages. Oh well. I'm giving DH a rest until around O time. Actually last month really took the fun out of it a bit lol. I think I need to put a bit less pressure on him.
Hello everyone! Im new here jsut kinda lookin for some answers. I had a m/c around June 15th and have been ttc basically since I stopped bleeding. I have not yet seen a period although I did have very light pink spotting on Aug 10th, Gush of watery blood on 11th (which I thought was my period but it was a one time thing), Nothing on the 12th, & light pink spotting on 13th. Then nothing after and still nothing. Could this have been IB? Could I be pregnant? I just don't want to get my hopes up as my m/c was my very first pregnancy ever and it was very hard on my hubby n I. I would've been about 4mo prego. I took a hpt on Sunday the 14th but got a bfn.... Im still hoping though. Any advice would be great! :)
Short answer, yes, it could be. However with it all happening in August. You will not be able to confirm a pregnancy for between 11 and 15 days from the 13th. To be safe, I would wait that long. I have tested early and had a chemical (egg was fertilized but never implanted) it's not fun, to get excited and then have a big fat disappointment. If you wait until about 14 or 15 days after the light pink stuff (the 13th) and you get a definite dark pink line it's better :)
14 or 15 days is a long time to wait, especially if you have changes to make to your lifestyle as soon as you find out your pregnant (for example I would have to stop taking my arthritis medication). The earliest you would see a positive is 2 days after implantation.

It could just be that your cycles haven't settled down yet - every woman is different. I've had 3 AF's since the m/c and they're still not the same as they were beforehand, although I have an appointment with my gynae in a few weeks so I'm going to ask him about that then in case I have retained products (hate that term). Did you have a natural m/c or did you have to have a D&C or methotrexate? Did your doctor confirm that all the tissue was passed?

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