Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hi :wave:

Lola, dont be too hard on yourself chick, it takes the body a while to recover from what we have been through and sometimes it takes time to get back to normal, I didnt have a period till 7 weeks after my mc bleeding stopped :cry: and it felt like forever. Have you thought about seeing your GP/FS?? Really hope something happens soon :hugs:

Lissie, welcome, im so sorry for your loss and really hope that you are coping ok, its awful isnt it, to get what you've been trying for and then have it all taken away. It could be IB, or it could be some teeny retained products coming out, take it easy and see what happens, Vaurissa is right you wouldnt get a +ve HPT yet anyway so dont waste your money or upset yourself. I really hope you get some good news :dust:

AFM, im just taking it easy, i almost even forgot to take my clomid last night! Just finished with the witch so back to swimming :shipw: and :sex: and my healthy diet!!

Good luck ladies, we need some good news soon please :dust:
Mrs MM- i read on peeonastick that some people use OPKs as HPTs, but if I were you I would wait a couple of days and take an HPT- it could be that your cycles are messed up like you said- or it could be a :bfp: . I'm really hoping for you that it is the latter!!! I really admire what you and your DW are doing- I read your journal and I don't know if I could be as organised as you when it comes to the donations etc. Really crossing my fingers for you guys!

Meachy- :hugs: . I know it's so hard. But hopefully in 14 days that means you O, so loads of :dust:

Clobo-glad the witch is on her way out the door- means you can get back to serious business lol

Ickle pand- I've only been doing this for a couple of months, and OPKs only since the m/c, and I am already sick of it! So I hope you get a BFP soon and can put the themometer and co in the closet.

Babie4Lissie- welcome and sorry for your loss :hugs: . The bleeding could be alot of things unfortunately, if it is IB though, you should wait another week and test again because that means the HCG has just started to be produced so you need to give it a couple of days to go up and be detected. Here's hoping you get a BFP real soon.

Lola Ann- sorry hon' . I am in exactly the same place, no pos OPKs and don't think it will happen this cycle. Hope the witch comes soon so that you can start trying again real soon. I've never charted, don't really know how to do it or if I want to cos I will get obsessed like with the OPKs. :blush:
Yeah I hear you about putting too much pressure on DH, I think I did too. Poor him.....

AFM, I spoke to my best friend yesterday who told me that I should think positively and think that at least this (the m/c) means that it works and we are fertile, as I got a BFP on our 2nd month of TTC. :shrug:

Have a nice day ladies :hugs:

Stewie, I do the same thing, we get overentheusiastic about :sex: and then get tired when im actually ovulating, deffo going to ease into it a bit more gently this time!!

Also Im with you on the hoping we are quite fertile, after all my TTC problems with PCOS and long cycles etc etc we caught on technically our third round of proper "doing it at the right time" cycle after 18 months of "stabbing in the dark" :)rofl:)!! So that just makes me hope that it happens again quickly! I really hope we get good news soon!!

MrsMM, how are you today chick??Yep OPKs are confusing, they technically can always show a faint line as we always have LH in our systems so it doesnt necessarily tell us anything. Hoping the no news is good news though!! :dust:

I've only been temping since Feb but it gets old really quickly lol! I turned on my CBFM this morning but for some reason I got it in my head that the first stick was needed on CD10 but it was today and I'd already pee'd so I had to sit for ages with the tap running trying to get SMU (I hadn't had anything to drink so I think it's ok). Ended up being late for work, luckily my boss is really easy going about stuff like that as long as we make it up later in the day.

I uploaded my last cycle into FF this morning - felt a bit deflated when I counted up how many months we've been TTC for (46), but nevermind, hopefully it won't be too many more before we get a BFP again.
Lol Clobo!! I really hope it will be soon for you too :)

ickle pand- you were late for a very good cause. I'm so sorry it had been so difficult and long for you. And there I am saying we got a BFP on cycle 2. I'm really sorry and I hope you get a big BFP very very very soon .
I didn't think it would go so quickly for us; I had just stopped the pill which I have been on for ten years; have very irregular periods and I'm 32. My sis has been trying for 8 years with no luck,her husband has a very low sperm count. But they did get lucky 10 years ago with their beautiful daughter.
Here is sending loads of baby dust your way xx
Thanks Stewie :) They say that the couple of months after stopping the pill you can be very fertile, so that's probably why you fell pregnant so quickly. Hopefully you fall again soon :)
LolaAnn yeah it is AF, really heavy today and painful too. Feel terrible. going to grab the hot waterbottle and curl up on the sofa with chocolate fudge:hugs:
MEACHY, so very sorry that that wicked witch is flying through :hugs: I hope you feel better soon and get a good start on the net cycle.

ICKLE, I read that as well about OPKs vs HPTs, sure hope I am in the select few. Not sure reading increased my hope however, probably because the MC had me expecting crazier cycles.... :shrug:

LOLA, NO AF = good sign, maybe try blood work. I have been reading lately about alot of women getting bfn then going for bloods and they were bfp.... GL :dust:

BABY4, Welcome :wave: I think that it is possible that you just had some IB, are you planning to test? I agree with ICKLE, it could also be that your cycles are all over the place... GL :dust:

CLOBO, you were real relaxed to have almost forgotten that pill. At least your plan is set for next cycle, I for one, cannot wait to hear you announce your good news in the future!!! :dust:

STEWIE, I read that site too, and some of the company sites that said that it can't be trusted, especially since it can mirror a Chemical MC... thanks for reading my journal, I think that I am OCD :haha: and my organization helps me not to get overwhelmed in the TTC realm and the difficulty of it!!! I hope that you will see a bfp soon and have as sticky bean, I agree with your bff, you mut remain positive. :dust:

11DPO today, wow!! In shock I haven’t tested. :haha: I mean, besides the urge yesterday and using an OPK. The uncertainty I feel after seeing that and reading it could be a good sign andreading it has no relevance, stopped my POAS urge! No AF, so I am not trying to worry, because regardless of whether that was pos, I would still have to wait for AF to “get back in the chase,” so I am trying to remain relaxed, symptom spot, and pray!!! Current SSing: Day 2 of feeling a little sick (I felt a little sick (nauseous) this morning lasting 15 mins no vomit, mild cramping through the night, NO sore bbs (symptom I always get with both previous preg and AF)…. Certain MC has done something strange to my cycle, I am approaching what would have been the “normal” end to my LP (13days)

Going to have to go with my PMA: NO AF = one day closer to ….???
Hi ladies! :wave:

I'm back to work today after my d&c but wishing I was at home in bed. It's tough to just put on a happy face and go about my day to day when I feel so cheated. I can't believe six weeks after my mmc that I'm back to square one. I'm trying to think positive and all but damn I feel cheated. If only I had the d&c to begin with we might be pregnant already or even :af: could be here. Nope, I'm on the wait (can't say 2ww since my cycles are so long and I don't know what to expect after mc) for the big O and will begin temping very soon. My dr said no :sex: for two weeks after d&c because there is a risk of infection but dang it if I O before two weeks I'll be really pissed off.

Okay, I'm done complaining for now. :blush:

Happy Thursday!

Can't wait to see some :bfp: in a few days. I've been stalking FF charts and they are looking good. :happydance:
oh bastetgrrl thinking of you at work. that's tough :(.

im annoyed too as nothing is happening here. thinking of making drs appointment if it doesn't show in the weekend. had heaps of CM today?? weird. Stopped temping ages ago so no idea what is going on.. I suspect not much lol!!
Sorry Lola, that really sucks. :hugs: It is definitely frustrating not knowing what is going on in there. Keep us posted hun.
Lola, you should start temping again, if you can face it. It could be that your body tried to O earlier in the cycle but didn't quite get there but it'll most likely try again. At least then you'd get a better idea of what your O day is so you know when to test / expect AF.
BASTE, I hope we can give you some bfps soon as well... I started a thread to get chart stalkers yesterday because I am so nervous... The longer we wait, the more nervous, and we haven't even been "late" yet. How are you feeling today? :hugs:

LOLA, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I don't stop temping for that reason... However, I agree with ICKLE though and start temping again as OV could be off a little. GL FXD!

I am 12DPO Hard not to test today, but we want to be sure and closer to my wife’s b-day is great. I am trying to remain relaxed, symptom spot, and pray!!! Current SSing: increased creamy CM, bbs tingling every now and then (symptom I always get with both previous preg and AF is SORE)…. My appetite was large last night and I was ready to eat this morning as well. I have no other real symptoms though so I am just WAITING… :wacko:

*My PMA: NO AF = one day closer to ???*
MrsMM - your chart looks great! Can't wait for you to test but don't blame you for wanting to wait. I would probably do the best thing. I didn't even like to keep tests in the house before we conceived. LOL Had to send the hubby out for them when we found out. Hope you get :bfp:! When is your wife's bday?

I'm hanging in there. Taking day by day just trying to be patient. haha
Her B-day is the 28th and we leave on the 25th (surprising her with an awesome trip) When it was originally planned, I would have been well into my 2nd tri so I have since changed some things but it is a surprise and it is going to be great so! I have one lone test that we bought right before OV and neither of us are touching or pushing to test with it... (yet) She has been getting nervous and anxious the last last night and this morning...

Hang in there hun, I sure hope we can celebrate together and be awesome bump buddies! FXD
Maybe you could take the test with you on your trip. That might be a nice added surprise. I'm praying for a :bfp: for you!

Thanks hun, me too!
Hi ladies... Thx for the 411. I've been coping ok after m/c, although I cant help to think that I woulda been about 18 wks now :( I have not seen AF yet & I've not tested again yet either. Im afraid to be disappointed. I see my doc on the 26th so Im gona be strong and wait till then.
Hello everyone. This is my first post. I am sorry to everyone who has had a loss.

I had a mc on July 28th at 7 weeks. I stopped bleeding about 4 days later and DH and I have BD at least every other day since. I had a lot of bloating and a weird heavy feeling in my lower abdomen before the mc and while my stomach felt more normal afterwards I continued to feel bloated - moreso in the evening. Now I am feeling bloated and lots of tugs and twinges. I am really hoping we could be expecting again. I got a negative hpt this week so hcg is down but prob can't test for this cycle for another week.

Do these sound like pg symptoms or still hormones or something from mc? Did anyone else feel bloating either after mc or during tww? Thanks for any input.
Hi April... Welcome and Im very sorry for your loss. About the bloating, I definately had it before m/c and still a while after. I had my m/c on June 15th and I remember all those tugs and twinges very well after the m/c. IDK if its due to your body trying to get back to its normal state or what,b but I had those same symptoms. Wer now ttc again and am in that TWW I guess. I wish the best for you and hope you get your BFP soon :)
Thank you Baby4Lissa for your reply. I have tried to research symptoms online and haven't found much confirming what I have felt. It is a relief to see that someone else experienced the same things. It is a little depressing that all the twinges might be nothing because of course I am hopeful that I ov'd this cycle but it is always good to hear that what I am going through is normal.
When will you be able to test? I hope you get a BFP!

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