Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Desperado - I am so very sorry to hear that you have suffered so many losses. I can't even imagine what you have gone through. I very much hope that you will be able to have a healthy pregnancy soon.

Thank u so much ,I have 4 beautiful kids and have been trying for number 5 for five years now and suffered my ten losses ,I do believe I will get my forever baby one day ,it's wot keeps me going,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I read the thread every chance I get but I too worry about posting and hard feelings. Not to mention I still cant help but to be terrified about it all. I will be six weeks tomorrow and I have my first scan on the 31st. I keep praying that this time I have a sticky bean and all will be well. I try and not worry but it is so hard. Maybe it will get easier once I hit the second trimester. I hope everyone is doing well and that we get a lot of September BFP's on here. Fx for all....
Hiya Ladies.

Hope you are all doing well. I'm still alot calmer this cycle - I've been temping and putting in my CBFM results into the FF app on my phone but that's it. No obsessively looking at the temps and seeing what they're doing and it feels good to be "normal".

I found this site that I thought I'd share with you (I can't remember where I got the link from so sorry if it's already been posted in here) There's lots of emotional support on there and a good page with the statistics of a m/c happening again.
CLOBO, we caved :sad1: tested on 8/21 and bfn. We were a little disappointed but some hope lingered because on 8/20 FF changed the OV date and so we weren't that far past OV. We will still test on 8/23 or 8/24 before I whisk wife away on a trip for her bday... FXD Hoping I am not back on my way to TTC@MC....

STRUTH, yeah, we had to wait to get neg HPTs as well. At least you are enjoying the BDg! hope that your bfp is coming this cycle :dust:

APRIL, that was the hardest for me, shaking the "feeling" that I was preg, it didn't help that I started to look preg much earlier with this one so I had to wait on that too. Hang in there! :hugs:

ICKLE, BDg for fun :haha: well, at least you are relaxed, relaxed cycles quickly lead to bfps! FXD :dust:

DESPERADO, my cycle seems as if it is going to be longer this time as well... :sad1: I think I am out this month, so I am likely going to be right behind you for next cycle. Hoep you get that bfp!

MAMA, hope you can relax soon, this IS going to be your sticky bean. STICK Sticky Bean, STICK! :dust:

I am 15DPO (13DPO by FF) Well, it looks confusing… I mean, on Sunday (DPO14), after inputting my temp, FF changed my OV date. Does this happen often? I mean I am on CD34! Longest cycle ever! I know now, that this is a result of the M/C in July. :sad1: I am feeling like I am totally out of it this month after seeing that. Current SSing: very tired, BLOATED, bbs tingling every now and then, not hungry often, I have felt sick the last few days when I first wake, but it leaves. I guess I am just waiting now to see if AF ever shows…. Other than that, the weekend was lovely. I hope everyone else is doing better!!!
Hi ladies, hope everyone had a great weekend! :wave:

MrsMM - just couldn't wait, huh? :winkwink: That's so strange that FF moved your O date but it could be a good thing in the end since you still have a chance for a :bfp:!! :happydance: Your temps look great!

Well my weekend was nice up until last night when our a/c went out. :growlmad: I do NOT like being hot when I sleep. :devil: Of course I get to work this morning with short deadlines only to find out that the computer system isn't working! :comp: Not a good way to start off the week. As for what's going on in there...just playing the waiting game. Had a little spotting when I went to the bathroom yesterday and today. Nothing much to really speak of. Temps look normal for this timeframe so we'll see if/when I O.
Hiya Ladies.

Hope you are all doing well. I'm still alot calmer this cycle - I've been temping and putting in my CBFM results into the FF app on my phone but that's it. No obsessively looking at the temps and seeing what they're doing and it feels good to be "normal".

I found this site that I thought I'd share with you (I can't remember where I got the link from so sorry if it's already been posted in here) There's lots of emotional support on there and a good page with the statistics of a m/c happening again.

Glad to hear that you are feeling calmer this cycle. I know that has to really help. :thumbup:
Hope I can join you guys- my intention was to wait a bit after my mc before ttc, but someone may have had other plans!

I naturally mc on July 2 at 6 weeks (my second in a row). Had a second bleed starting July 24 for 6 days (hcg was still at 22 at that point). hcg then back to 0 afterwards. we were waiting to try (following dr rec of 2 cycles) and I was not tracking my cycle, but I have always been very regular, even after the first mc. so.. we thought it was "safe" and bd ONCE without protection 3.5 weeks after second bleed, then I had very obvious signs of ovulation 2-3 days later! I honestly thought my first (second?) af was coming at the time of bd, but then heavy ewm started and I had distinct ov pains. So now.... af has still not arrived and I estimate I'm at 6 dpo right now.

Feeling very nervous to possibly get preg so quickly after mc. The funny thing is.. I spent so much time charting/tracking for the last two that ended in mc- and this time it was the complete opposite- didn't even know I had ovulated til after it happened! let the wait begin.
Mrsmm,so sorry for your bfn,:hugs::hugs:I wud love to join you next month but am still hoping u get that bfp,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Wow, there are 113 pages in this thread! I just had a D&C last Thursday (18th August) and would like to start trying again. My Ob who delivered my first child said it's just a dating thing, the reason they want you to wait one cycle and the Ob who did the D&C (different Obs) said to wait a cycle for dating purposes as well. I'm ready to start TTC again, even though it was only 4 days ago that I had the procedure done. I was 8.5wks along.

What's the general consensus with trying again before waiting one cycle?


MrsMM, aw mate, thats really wierd about FF although i guess it gives you a few extra days, really hope you get better news this week chick. Bet you are looking forward to going away??

Huntly, :wave: so sorry that you have had to go through this more than once. Its good that your cycles are starting again though and I wish you lots of luck with this cycle :dust: i agree with the trying to be more relaxed, thats my plan this cycle too!

Desperado, good luck chick, your chart is looking good so far :hugs: you so deserve this.

Peteradamelle, most of us on here have tended towards NTNP for the first cycle, mainly because we arent really sure how our cycle after a mc is going to go, also a few of us had retained products that we needed to get rid of before we can try again safely. Go with what you feel, i think that getting back to TTC helps us move on emotionally as well. Hope you are ok, take it nice and easy till you are fully recovered :hugs:

AFM, cd 9 and making sure i dont start the :sex: too early, last few times OH has run out of steam when the crucial time comes!! Typical, think he has a 6th sense .... am NOT telling him when Im ovulating this time!! Not temping either this time so hoping ill be able to vaguely tell from the ov pains and the sore boobage!!

hi ladies hugs dust and hope your all doing well :hugs::hugs:

quick question about pregnancy symptoms, have any of you ever experienced having a bit of an upset tummy???:blush: i know that sounds strange but i feel strange, my tummy feels like something is going on iykwim, i dont feel sick as of yet but i have had to go for a no2(tmi sorry) three times and i feel totaly shattered with a bit of a sore back. Knowing me ill be reading far too much into it and just be coming down with something :wacko:
hi ladies hugs dust and hope your all doing well :hugs::hugs:

quick question about pregnancy symptoms, have any of you ever experienced having a bit of an upset tummy???:blush: i know that sounds strange but i feel strange, my tummy feels like something is going on iykwim, i dont feel sick as of yet but i have had to go for a no2(tmi sorry) three times and i feel totaly shattered with a bit of a sore back. Knowing me ill be reading far too much into it and just be coming down with something :wacko:

Yes I def did poo more in early preg then I was constipated,:growlmad:Hope it's a bfp hun ,good luck,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
HUNTLY, so sorry for your losses :hugs: welcome to one of the most awesome groups on BnB :wave: Hope you get the news you want to get! GL

PETER, I didn't wait, clearly, but yet my doc didn't recommend or instruct me to so... There is a great mix of ladies in here... GL

CLOBO, you KNOW we are! Sooo very ready to leave for alittle bit. We need to be away. FF just added more time to our dreaded TWW, it has been HARD not to test, more waiting.... GL BDg on time and without tipping off hubby. I hope you catch that egg this cycle!!! FXD :dust:
I am in a very similar position, but a few weeks ahead. I had a blighted ovum 4 weeks 3 days ago. We started trying after 2 weeks when my doc gave the ok. I tested yesterday and got a faint positive and tested again this morning with an obvious negative. I'm gonna test again tomorrow morning, but I am pretty certain it's a chemical pregnancy :( So, I'll be right back with you TTC again is my guess....I hope sometime soon for all of us!!
Well Im out for this cycle, just tested and its a BFN at 12dpo, my temps arent giving much away at all but just had a feeling it would be negative so wanted to put myself out of misery! Feel pretty upset that its negative as had good timing this cycle but had a good cry and now trying to be positive abuot the future, hopefully next cycle will be a normal 4 week cycle, this was my second 8 week cycle after the mmc.
Alspals - did you test after your m/c and get a negative? It could be that you had some left over HCG in your system and that's it's only just gone back to normal and that's why you had a faint positive.

C814 - you're not out until AF shows, 12DPO is still early to test. Good luck!

Mrs M - I'm stalking your chart waiting for todays temp (damn time difference lol!) Hope it's a lovely high one :)

AFM - Still feeling relaxed. Still getting highs on my CBFM but not changing anything because of them, definitely waiting until I get a peak.
Heavyheart....that was a symptom for me BOTH times.....around around 8dpo or slightly before I had the runs which lasted a few days. FX'd for you :kiss:
Hi All

Glow, wow chick looks like you are holding onto that little beany, really good news chick :dust:

MrsMM, temps still well above the coverline so looking good!! We are all praying for a BFP!!!

C814, I agree with Amamnda, 12 dpo is very early so dont give up hope yet, I understand though, its this part of the TWW that the optimism goes right out the window!! :hugs:

Alspals, again I agree that it could just be leftover HcG from your mc, yes jump right back on that horse and keep trying, thats all we can do and we WILL get our BFPs!! :hugs:

Heavy, aw chick, symptoms are there generally to confuse us i think. Really hope its the start of something good for you :dust:

MrsMM - your chart still looks good!! :happydance:

Alspals - it could still be hcg leftover in your system. I was still at 146 at 4 wks after. Just keep BDing and you'll get a :bfp: in no time!

c814 - I agree with the other ladies, you aren't out until :af: shows up. Hoping that she doesn't and you get a :bfp:

AFM - I'm in a b**chy mood today. I think I'm just being impatient but time feels like it is going too dang slow! Or maybe it's because I'm not getting any. :blush: Need some action!!
ALSPALS, so sorry for your losses. I hope you get that bfp very soon. :dust:

C814, I hope you just tested early, FXD!!! :dust:

ICKLE, thanks!! I need some PMA right about now... I hope you get a peak soon, your excitement will lift my spirits.

CLOBO, keep those prayers coming, thanks! How are you doing? CD10, OV could be near right? GL :dust:

BASTE, thanks! I am trying to dig deep and remain hopeful since FF changed OV date. Go get some action, a practice "shot" :haha: OV should be close for you as well being on CD8... GL :dust:

Sooo... I tested, FRER... BFN! :sad1:
14DPO, CD34! Longest cycle ever!! Current SS: very tired, BLOATED, no appetite, , but it leaves. I guess I am just waiting now to see if AF ever shows….

I have been reading alot on BnB about ladies getting late bfps, so I am thinking that since there is no af, we could still be in the running...

Wondering now if I am still in this chase... :af: temps still lingering highly.... Guess I am still waiting...

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