Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

ickle - yeah but trying not to read into it too much since my cycles are so long and irregular so don't wanna get excited that I'm gonna O. Just keep on :sex: every other day and hope for the best. :winkwink:

Woo hoo come on O :happydance: Loving the confidence!

Clobo - gosh I hope you are right but it may be awhile for me. But I definitely hope that I can join you in the 2WW soon.

Seems like we are in the same limbo boat x
Well Lovely Ladies, I am back! We had a wonderful time, not good enough, as no bfp before we left :sad1: however, af was nice enough not to show on our trip and not until this morning, after returning last night.

We are moving on to Sept. My cycle seems to be back in tact. My chart is in my siggy so feel free to stalk away and follow us on the egg chase again. I hope everyone is doing well.

So sorry for the losses I wasn't here for :hugs: and I hope that we will get a bfp soon.
Welcome :wave: to the new ladies, sorry that youo are having to join, but you will not find a better group of women to chat with and talk you through.
CONGRATS :happydance: to those that received their bfps in my absence.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: to those that are still in this chase, about to start the chase, and those that are in the most terrible TWW!
Hi Mrsmm so glad you had a good time and so sorry the witch got you. Heres to rhe countdiwn to ovulation. Good luck. X
Hi ladies! I had MC last August 4, i didn't have D&C since I naturally passed my LO. My DH and I were so devastated, we were trying to get pregnant almost for 2 years and when we found out we were expecting, we were so happy.

Did my follow up with my OB and HPT was already negative. We decided to try again not even waiting for my next AF to come. I started using OPKs again and had a positive OPK on CD 15 & 16. But I'm not that hopeful since we only did the BD on CD 16 & 17 since we were both working on CD 15 and we went for a 4 day river rafting vacation in the Grand Canyon. We were about to cancel the vacation when we found out we were expecting but unfortunately we lost our baby. We decided to just go through the vacation and just have fun.

I'm waiting for AF to arrive, this is the first time that I'm actually half happy to have AF. Half happy since I'll know that my body is bouncing back from the MC. I caved in and did a pregnancy test, I'm 11DPO and it was BFN.

Hope I can join you ladies and hopefully we'll get our BFP soon and hopefully it will be a sticky bean this time.

Tons of baby and sticky dusts to all!
Hello, very sad to be in this position, but happy to find this thread. I got my BFP on Aug 19 and started mc on Sunday (aug 28). To go from being the happiest person in the world, to extreme pain and fear and knowing inside something isn't right in such a short time frame is exhausting to say the least! I started reading the posts from when the thread started and it made me feel better instantly. I haven't had my official follow up visit with dr yet so I wasn't sure when one could ttc after a mc and was excited to see that some who mc'd when the thread started in May are now halfway thru their pregnancy. My HCG was only 15 yesterday so I am thinking my mc will be short and can ttc asap. Not sure what to think in terms of what CD I am on, any help? Turned on my cbfm yesterday. Sorry for the long post, I guess I have a lot to get out..
Sorry for both of your losses. We understand how you're feeling and hopefully we can help you through this.

Kmp - CD1 is the day you started to miscarry or the day you had a d&c if you had one. Your cycle might be all over the place for a few months though. Especially if your HCG levels take a while to drop.

Mom2be - for me the first AF was bittersweet but it is reassuring to know that things are working as they should. Plus you know you're testing negative now so any positive will be a real one.

Mrs M - sounds like you and your wife had a lovely time. Sorry that the witch got you but hopefully you'll have more luck next cycle.

AFM - looks like I O'd or am just about to. My CBFM went down to a high this morning and my temp is going up. DH still doesn't have a clue that it's mating season ;) and I think we're both feeling happier than last cycle. Being less stressed has got to be a good thing. Hoping to get my crosshairs soon so I can start the big countdown.

How's everyone else?

MrsMM, aw no chick so sorry to hear the witch got you, we were all willing her away from you :hugs: yes new cycle and hopefully September will be a month of good news for lots of us!!

Amanda, yay on the ovulation, wow look at all that :sex: you must have some stamina!!

Newbies, welcome and sorry for your losses, it does get easier with time and getting back to TTC really does help you to cope :hugs:

AFM, well i wish i had been temping this month, cd 18 today which is when i seem to ovulate on the clomid cd2-6 but not got the sore boobies yet and my ovaries deffo arent as big as last time, although maybe last time was the first time id taken it in a while so maybe my body has gotton used to it again?? Argh, really hope i ovulate soon, might do a sneaky OPK later and see what the line is doing!! Other than that we are :sex: every other day and hoping for the best!!

Hey all, I am in the 2WW again.

Last month I was very excited to be in the 2WW as it was my very first time, all of the things I was experienced were so new to me and I hadnt a clue if I was imagining them or not!

After I got my BFP, I realised that I wasnt imagining them.

It is kinda weird, when I got the BFP, I thought of all the lovely ladies I had met on here, some who had struggled for months/years, others that had had heartbreaking losses and I felt like I didnt deserve it. Who was I to just walk in and get my BFP the first month.

I know it is a silly way to think, what is meant to be is meant to be, but it was the thought that went through my mind. When I got the BFP, it felt weird and I just couldnt picture myself being a mum, even though I was trying and really wanted it.

I read a post on here a week or so ago about picturing yourself with a baby and a girl said that she was able to really really do it for the first time. It got me thinking, and i struggled to think of myself with a baby in my arms. I lay every night and tried to picture a baby in our lives, in our house and in our arms - but I really couldnt.

However, about 3 or 4 nights ago I was lying thinking and it happened. I pictured myself in my living room, I was wearing black bottoms and a white vest top. I had a towel over my shoulder and the Baby with it's head on the towel on my shoulder. It was a little girl. It was so vivid!!!! I got goosebumps and there were tears in my eyes. It all happened in a split second but from not being able to picture it, despite trying to, to seeing it such detail was amazing.

I will be honest and say that the first BFP was a weird one, I felt I didnt deserve it and to an extent, that it was too soon. However, I can truly say that I really feel prepared for it now, I want that BFP and now that I have seen it, it feels like it really could happen.

I'm probably just being silly, but it really felt like something changed.
DEBZIE, yeah, despite the disappointing news prior to the trip, it was a very good trip.

MOM2B, :wave: welcome, as bittersweet as that sounds. Sorry for your loss :hugs: we totally know where you are and know that this thread is a blessing for those that are placed in this situation.

KMP, :wave: welcome, as I mentioned, it is of course bittersweet, but you will not find a more supportive group of women. :hugs: Sorry for your loss.

ICKLE, YAY! for OV! It's probably better :)bd: ) since DH is clueless, enjoy!! :haha: :dust:

CLOBO, I hope that you OV soon! FXD. Seems like we will be getting our bfps in Sept!! :dust:

JOEY, Ugh! I know that the TWW is the worst. GL, FXD!!! :dust:

AFM Ladies...CD2! Back in this egg chase again. We are fully ready. During relaxing times this past week, we chatted, fine-tweaked our plans and are ready to get this Sept bfp. Even got a new BBT-T so be certain. We are going to do more CM monitoring as well. Between temping, charting, CM checks, and more “donations” we are confident that this IS going to be IT!!! I have a thread for Sept testers that is picking up, my Aug testing thread had a high percentage of bfps, I am going to keep it going, in hopes of adding my name to the list!

Follow my chart below…

:dust: :dust: :dust to the Thread!!!!!
Thanks girls! I almost feel abnormal in how eager I am to try right away. I was extremely heartbroken when the mc began and through all the pain (it was natural), but even though that was only sunday/monday I am feeling totally fine now and I feel like my body is back to normal. I am sooo worried that the dr will tell me at the follow up that I have to wait. DH will be with me and I know i won't be able to convince him to go against the drs orders. The mc was sunday/monday and my blood work monday said my hcg was only 15 and today (wednesday) I am just about done bleeding. There should be no reason to wait right?

Joeybrooks sorry for your loss and glad to hear you are now able to picture your bright future as a mom. It sounds like we are in the same situation. I too came off bc in June, had my last period July 20, and got pregnant in my first month ttc. I mc at 5weeks+5days. I felt a little strange with the early success too especially since I am 31 and was on bc for quite a while. I am soooo ready to be a mom though!!!!
Hey ladies :wave: and hello to the new ladies :wave: So sorry for your losses - but you have found the right thread x

MrsMM - sorry that the :witch: got you. We must kidnap her next cycle! I hope Sept is your month x

Joey - glad to hear that you can see your vision. Let's hope that it now happens for you and you get to hold your LO in a few months time x

Clobo - I hope that you do/have O'd! Are you taking Clomid this cycle? Did you do the opk?

AFM - still waiting :paper: my temps are now in a more pre-O range so I guess it is just a matter of time. I'm getting a little bit impatient so this better not be another 89 day cycle...
Clobo - did you do an OPK? Hope you get some ov symptoms soon so you know what's happening.

Mrs M - it sounds like you've got a good plan for this cycle. Good luck!

KMP - for me I don't think I'll be able to fully get over the m/c until I'm pregnant again so you're not alone.

Struth - Hope you O soon!

AFM - Looks like I'm 2DPO, well as long as I get a good temp tomorrow. I told DH this morning that I'd kept the mating season secret from him. Not sure if he was surprised or not, but I think he's impressed at how calm I've been so far. Actually I'm impressed myself lol! Our next appointment at the fertility clinic is on the 20th so it would be fantastic to get a BFP before then, but we'll just see what happens.
Thanks ladies!

Having someone to "talk" to who actually knows the feeling of losing a baby actually helped me deal with my miscarriage. It's hard to talk to my family, they provide support but somehow they say things that I know they mean well but somehow for someone who lost a baby is not a good thing to hear. Like "maybe it's not the right time yet", "you can try again", "at least you know it's not impossible for you to get pregnant", and so on. Sometimes I just want to tell them, stop talking and let me deal with my pain.

Still waiting for AF to show, hopefully we'll get our BFP soon and may it be a very sticky bean.

Tons of BABY and STICKY DUSTS to all!
It might be an idea to show your nearest and dearest this thread from the miscarriage support forum about "what not to say", so they understand why it's hurting you. Just try to remember that they're not trying to hurt you, they're trying to support you and lessen your pain, although we all know there are no words that will do that.
Hello all,
First I just want to say how sorry I am for everyone who has had to go through a miscarriage, it is without doubt one of the hardest and emotional times I have been through. Losing something that you never "had" is something you cannot ever explain or expect people to understand, these forums really help me to focus on my future, and accept my past so thank you to each and every person that has taken the time to write about there experiences, and in turn shared with complete strangers like me a piece of there hearts.
I am 17 days past the first day of my m/ c. I have decided to get straight back into trying, I have been doing opk tests and today I think I got my first positive. So we will have to wait and see what the future will bring. Looking forward to chatting with everyone and supporting each other on this scary yet exciting journey
Hello form me too ladies, may join you? I had my 2nd mc 7 days ago. I am still bleeding (well actually more like spotting, it comes and goes!) but i am set on ttc again as soon as two weeks are over (my dr said to not have sex for 2 weeks in fear of infection as i had a d&c done). I am not sure i will ov though, with my last mc it took almost 8 weeks for af to come and i think i ov on week 6. My dr also said to wait one-two af but i really want to feel like i am trying...i have a bicornuate uterus and i know i might mc again and again until i am lucky enough for a sticky bean (it has to impant on certain parts of the uterus to actually stay!) i dont have time to wait. Do you think i am being unreasonable?
I haven't posted in forever! I wanted to stop in and spread some baby dust and encouragement. I had a miscarriage on the 6th and got my BFP yesterday.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Hi struth, cloey, amanda and all other ladies!

So as promised i said i would update you after my 12 week scan... which was today.... and it was perfect. There is a little piccie of bubs in my signature.

Im still lurking on this thread weekly and will be watching you all until you get that BFP. I hope when you do you wont waste the first 12 weeks panicking over lack of symptoms etc as i have done... but u probably will ;)

Much love to you all ladies..... and HEAPS of baby dust for this and next month!!!

Firsttimer - you just made me cry! What a lovely picture of your little bean. You must be over the moon, so happy! You bring hope to us all honey. I so wish I could still be with you on your journey - we will all be there soon x

Vaurissa - congrats to you! I hope you have a very sticky bean and that you have a H&H pregnancy.

Chistiana and Katebatty - welcome to you both. So sorry to hear of your losses but you have found the right thread. These ladies are so supportive and as you can see above, firsttimer (who started this thread) has just had a very happy 12 week scan. There is hope for us all x

Katebatty - I hope that this is your O and that you catch the egg!

Chistina - we are not waiting for AF. It seems that the advice is such so that dating is easier if you were to fall pregnant. From what I have read there is no need to wait. I hope you get that super sticky egg soon x
Hi lovely ladies

Vaurissa, congratulations, really hope this is a sticky bean for you :wohoo:

Kas, Wow what a fab piccy and a perfect little babba in there, im really pleased for you chick :hugs:

Amanda, well we are very similar as i think im 1 dpo and i have my next FS appt on the 19th! Im also gonna tell OH that it was all in secret after tonights :sex: as its possible i ovulating today!!!! Good luck, hope you caught the eggy, you certainly did it enough!!!

Struth, come on ovulation!!!! Have you tried a low GI diet or doing a big spurt of exercise, sometimes things like that can kick start ovulation, i have found both of those things worked for me at various times.

Welcome Katebatty and Christiana, I agree waiting isnt an option emotionally most of the time, getting back to TTC certainly helps to cope withe the loss. I think NTNP the first cycle seems to be what most ladies do although its difficult to NTNP when you are actively trying for a baby!! :dust:

AFM, i think i either ovulated yesterday or today, ovaries feel big and bruised today and im sure i felt an eggy pop from the left hand side this morning!! So i think we'll try again :sex: tonight and then keep going as we are quite enjoying it!!! Now comes the dreaded TWW!!!!


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