Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Ickle pand - you are right. A 12 day LP is absolutely fine. I have done quite a bit of research as mine was short (9days with spotting from 7dpo) - 12 days is nothing to worry about. Plenty of time for a little eggy to implant!

Emum - sorry to hear about the time limit. I hope that doesn't put any additional stress on you. I also hope that your cycle return to normal quickly and that you get a maximum number of attempts x

LolaAnn - it is still very early so please don't be disheartened if you get a bfn x

Clobo - :wave: Hope you are having fun in France and that the chilled out approach is working!

AFM - just waiting it out! 5dpo today...
Thanks for your thoughts. I agree 6 months isn't long enough but the trouble is 12 months might not be either and his concern is time ticking on and us conceiving late with the result he has to keep working until he is mid to late 70's to pay university fees.

We have male and female issues even without the age factor and the miscarriage. It took 6 years and fertility treatment to conceive our first. Our second was conceived naturally just after the first was born (big surprise!) and our third also naturally but after 23 months ttc. The baby we have just lost was another surprise conceived as we were planning to change from a mirena coil to the pill (but I never got a chance to take the first pill).

A large part of our married life has been spent struggling to conceive and having disappointment after disappointment month after month, so I can understand why he doesn't want many more years of that, and as he works long hours in a stressful job I can also understand that he doesn't want to put his retirement age back by more than 5 years, as would be the case if we conceive within the time frame. I just hope and pray that we are successful as at the moment there is a gap in my life where my lost baby should be.
Hello everyone! :wave:
Ickle pand- 12 days is just fine, i ve read anything over 10 is fine! I am so sorry stupid AF found you but hey, this is day 1 of a brand new cycle, think of it as something exciting, everything is behind now, this is truly your 1st month ttc! And hopefully your last!:hugs:

Emum- You have been blessed with 3 kids so i kind of see where you husband comes from. It's true though that 6 months is not a lot considering the time it takes your body to come back to normal after a mc. On a more positive note, they say you are more fertile after a mc so who knows...i ll keep my fxd for your #4!:flower:

LollaAnn, i think we are running parallel lives!!!!When did you have your first? I had mine on the 18th of may 2010 and have since had 2 mc (April 2011 and August 2011).:hugs:Ow btw...9 hours of cricket...?????:rolleyes:

Struth- 5 dpo is just over a week away from hopefully a bfp, smiiilleeee!:p
Emum - I agree with chistiana, keeping my fingers crossed for you as well :dust:

Hope everyone else is going well :hugs:
Struth- 5 dpo is just over a week away from hopefully a bfp, smiiilleeee!:p

It is exactly a week for me- my LP tends to be shorter than most. The last cycle (not the mc) it was 11 days so if I have not got AF by 12dpo I will be getting cautiously excited!!
Hi ladies :wave: Hope all of you had a nice weekend.

Welcome to the new ladies and I'm so sorry for your losses. :hugs: We've got a great bunch of gals here to chat with and of course vent if need be. :winkwink:

Amanda - sorry to hear that the :witch: got you.

struth - woo hoo 5 dpo!! Let the countdown begin! :happydance:

AFM - after my body playing games with me last week with low and rising temps ](*,) than finally dropping yesterday to the lowest temp EVER! I decided to run out and buy OPKs. Sure enough it came back positive....finally. So let's hope my temp continues to rise and confirm ovulation (I stopped using OPKs in the past because I'd get a surge but not O). [-o< I'll be doing another one when I get home from work to see what it says. (oh great now I'm addicted to poas again...) :dohh:

I was pretty emotional on Saturday when I found out our friends were expecting and due Feb 17th (sooo close to our orig due date). :cry: It wasn't a total shock that they were preggers because they've been MIA lately but to be this far along was such a blow for me. Don't get me wrong I'm so thrilled for them but it's just really tough. I swear that my list of preggers peeps that I pray for each day just keeps growing and growing...hope we are all on that list real soon.
Woo hoow Bastetgrrl - so glad to hear about your positive opks!! Bring on the 2WW.
just a quick question ladies. I got a positive OPK sat afternoon, which was neg on Friday, but sunday morning was neg, dont they usually last longer than a day? and one other thing i was curious about, the last few times i have O'd, i have felt ovulation pain, and it was always on my left, was getting worried that my right side was broken, but this month i havent had any o pain at all. can you get it one side but not the other but still o from both sides? any help would be great! oh, and for those interested, i O'd 17 days after beginning of my natural MC last month xx
Firstly and I hope this doesn't sound patronising but it is definitely a positive isn't it? The control line is as dark as or darker than the control line? Lots of women get confused with the HPT "a line is a line" thing.

Secondly, some women have surges so short they don't get positives at all so if it is a positive, that's a good thing.

I wouldn't worry about the ovulation pain being on just one side. Even if your right ovary isn't working your left one will take over. Women who've had to have an ovary removed end up ovulating from their remaining ovary every month, rather than every second month. It could be that the follicles that develop before the dominant one takes over are painful, rather than it being actually ovulation pain. I get lots of ovary pain on both sides every month because I have PCOS.

O'ing so soon after the m/c is great - it takes some women a lot longer to get their HCG levels low enough. Good luck!
CHISTINA, so sorry that your bloods are not decreasing faster, these things take time, and during that time, you can prepare your mind and body to begin TTC. GL Hun! :hugs:

:wave: :hugs: LIONESS, I am sorry for your loss, I would visit the docs, to at least make sure that all is well as your levels decrease, as infection is a big part of the waiting. GL Hun!

CLOBO, France! Wow,I have been once, it is beautiful. Yes, it is OV time again, the cycles never seem so close during, but now that it's approaching, I'm hoping this is the last cycle i try to follow.... Glad you're at ease during this cycle, please keep us posted.

ICKLE :hugs: So sorry that AF flew that dirty broom in the way this cycle. FXD for your next cycle! :hugs:

LOLA, GL testing, itis is still pretty early. FXD :dust:

EMUM, glad you and DH taked, 6 mos really isn't a long enough time after an MC as mentioned, it takes a minute for things to be normal, unless you are one of the few that is lucky enough to OV right after. Maybe talk to make sure 6mos starts after you see normalcy, and you can NTNP until it is all normal? GL Hun!

AFM… CD14, I am hoping this is my week, we will be having donations at the end of the week into next week. My CM has been hard to read, I typically have quite a bit after af leaves, it has been here, just not loads as I am use to OPKs are starting to show a little pink so I am getting anxious. I added green tea, from a suggestion on the threads, just want to give clear enough path for the swimmers to reach their destination. I got my preseed on Saturday so I think we have all the things we need, just waiting on the eggy. I have been working so much and trying not to obsess at the wait to OV I am so tired daily. Other than that, the weekend was as expected, with the 9-11 memorials and specials, I didn’t really rest, and this week, my exercises will pick up, and our daughter begins karate so, who knows, I guess I at least have enough to keep me occupied. My temps are also doing something, I don’t see how I am near my last coverline or a coverline at all… guess we will see. FXD! :dust: :dust:
Struth- That's even better!!!!Only 1 week to go, yayayayayyayyyyy sooooo exciting!!!!!GL I am keeping fingers and toes crossed!!!

Bastetgrrl- Yay congrats on the +opk! Lets hope temps stay high and we get two BFP soon (yours and struth's--any other ladies approaching??)BTW i am in a similar position as you, my friend got her BFP 3 weeks after my BFP (1st mc) and is due in 2 months. I am so very happy for her, i m even the baby's godmother, but it is just so emotional knowing i would have had my baba too...

Laura- my opks never last more than 12 hours, my dr says its a miracle i ever see that +! Not sure about ov pains but i do get them on both sides irrespective of where i am ovulating from.

MrsMM24 hopefully your little eggy will be here soon!As for the coverline...are they ever the same???One month i ll be very low then next i am high...urgggggg!
Thanks chistiana! I sure hope that we do! Lots of sticky dust :dust:

Wow...due in two months, huh? That must be SO tough. I'm not looking forward to that timeframe at all. This is actually the third couple that I know that are due around my orig due date. :cry: So they are all finding out very soon what they are having and it's making all of those feelings come back to the surface.
Thanks chistiana! I sure hope that we do! Lots of sticky dust :dust:

Wow...due in two months, huh? That must be SO tough. I'm not looking forward to that timeframe at all. This is actually the third couple that I know that are due around my orig due date. :cry: So they are all finding out very soon what they are having and it's making all of those feelings come back to the surface.

:hugs::hugs:It sucks and we get to have the guilts too..:nope: i sometimes urge time to go by until she actually does give birth, at least after that i wont have to look at the pretty round belly all the time...i am so sorry hun but hopefully we'll have our own little success stories to share soon!:dust:
Im to have a d and c on wednesday after a missed miscarriage at 10 weeks. I will be trying again straight away. As soon as I have my post op appointment and have the all clear, we will be trying again, its the only thing thats got me through all this :( xx
LARA, so sorry to hear your news. :hugs: I understand how you feel, we needed to jump back into TTC immediately, to help us make it through as well. GL to you FXD! I hope you get a sticky bean soon. :dust:
Hello ladies, I had my followup appt. today after my mc on aug 28. First time going to the dr since I found out I was pregnant. My mc was very early 5 1/2 weeks and my first blood draw on the 29 was already only 15. I had very thick ewcm this morning (so thick it had to be pulled out) sorry way too much tmi. I have never had this before and am not sure whether its fertile cm or not. I am using my cbfm and it still says I'm low. I am worried now cause I am feeling af symptoms like cramps and bloating. Can anyone shed some light.... I bled for five days w the mc so assumed my af wouldn't come for awhile, but its been only 2 wks. Is af coming or am I going to o?
Hello ladies, I had my followup appt. today after my mc on aug 28. First time going to the dr since I found out I was pregnant. My mc was very early 5 1/2 weeks and my first blood draw on the 29 was already only 15. I had very thick ewcm this morning (so thick it had to be pulled out) sorry way too much tmi. I have never had this before and am not sure whether its fertile cm or not. I am using my cbfm and it still says I'm low. I am worried now cause I am feeling af symptoms like cramps and bloating. Can anyone shed some light.... I bled for five days w the mc so assumed my af wouldn't come for awhile, but its been only 2 wks. Is af coming or am I going to o?

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I also had an early mc and was using a cbfm and only got low and high readings.. and I ended up getting pregnant then ( right after my mc). I think I ovulate around day 22. Only a few days later than I normally would so just keep at it :) You never know! Just bd every other night around ur normal ovulation time. Good luck!
Kip - it's really difficult to say. Some women ovulate as soon as their HCG gets low enough, others it takes a few weeks. If in doubt, BD just in case though. I hope it is ovulation. Good luck!
Good luck to all you lovely ladies who are getting pos OPKs :). Looking forward to hearing some good news soon :dust:

I had my Obst appointment today and my Obst is such a lovely guy...was genuinely sympathetic and caring...his manerisms have assisted me in my healing, acceptance and closure. He did an US scan and there is only a tiny bit left which will either come away at next AF or...he did even say there was research done several years ago where it was seen that the body did reabsorb the tissue. So...if there is a small amount of tissue, would this be a problem if I was to become pregnant this cycle? Or will the body reabsorb it? Hmmmm?!

Just did a HPT and and OPK tonight as I started to notice some White CM. Looks like the HPT is now out of my body (well, at least below 10) as it came back neg, and my OPK is also lighter than the control line - so another neg. So...looks like DH and I will either give this cycle a miss due to the small remaining tissue or we will start NTNP soon.

You ladies are much support and encouragement. I struggle to get onto bnb these days, let alone to keep up with everything. Big hugs to you all :hugs:
It makes such a difference to have caring medical professionals. My obstetrician and all the nurses and sonographers were lovely this time, and that made a horrible situation so much easier. When I had my first miscarriage about 12 years ago it was the complete opposite and they were so uncaring I actually felt violated by the pelvic exam (carried out by a woman ironically) and it just added to the whole range of things I was distressed about.

I think you should do whatever you feel emotionally ready for as it sounds like medically there is no problem whatever you choose to do, and I wish you peace with whatever you decide for this month.

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