Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hi ladies, I'm so glad to see this post! I had an early miscarriage in august and the nurse at EPU advised me to wait one cycle before trying to conceive. I didn't want to as me and OH were keen to try again so I reads LOADS of info online and it seemed the main reason for waiting was for dating so we went ahead. I conceived straight away and sadly am currently going through another early miscarriage at 7 weeks. Although the nurse at EPU wouldn't say whether it could have anything to do with not waiting she did have an "I told you so" air about her! We immediately decided to wait for AF next time but I'm now having doubts as won't go back on the pill as it would mess about with my hormones and no point for just 1 month but I struggle to dtd with other forms of contraception! (Sorry for TMI!). Would love to hear success stories of people conceiving straight after mc or if anyone knows an actual medical reason why the doctors suggest waiting? Xx
Oh struth, I am so very sorry to hear your news. Big hugs, and be gentle with yourself for the next few days.

Sorry to have you join us as well MrsM254. Unfortunately the vast majority of us posting on this particular thread are still at the ttc stage after mc, but elsewhere on this board there are other uplifting stories.

AFM, 15dpo, still BFN and AF still waiting to make an appearance. Have my follow up appointment with the OBGYN on Tuesday following mc on 2 September so if AF hasn't shown her face by then will ask for advice. I know that she can be delayed after a miscarriage but as I had a positive OPK 16 days ago, I can't see any reason why she should be for me, as I thought the delay was usually in waiting for ovulation not the luteal phase?
Struth and MrsM...sorry to hear your sad news :hugs: be kind to yourselves at this difficult time.

MrsM - not 100% sure why they say to wait several cycles, but from what I have heard and read, it allows your uterine lining to rebuild ready for a pregnancy (and shed any POC that may still be retained if it was a naturally managed mc), hormones to stabilise and adjust, and healing on all levels. But I guess it depends on what you read and hear, plus every woman is different and some don't have any troubles after a mc.
So finally getting a negative pregnancy test 17 days after my D and c after a mmc at 10 weeks. So now just having crazy amounts of sex until AF shows as no idea when il ov, in theory if a normal cycle it would be tomoz, but not a normal cycle so no idea. I just want this month to end in pregnancy and a gorgeous little baby in June or July next year. Im such a mess inside atm, on the outside I look like im coping and getting on with my life as normal, when really inside im filled with jealousy and pain, I hate seeing pregnant women and young babies and I hate that I know people who are due around when I should have been, I hate that my 13 week scan should have been this coming week and I just feel like my life has been turned upside down and shaken about and I ant even talk to anyone about it. Everyone close to me that knew has their own worries or they think its something I shouldnt be dwelling on or thinking of anymore. Im also scared witless of having another loss, I dont think I would get through it, the emotional pain of losing my baby has scarred me forever and it will haunt me everyday I live, I just wish life wasnt so unfair to make so many women suffer this agony. HUgs and love to everyone xxxx
I have read that the.medical profession state 3 cycles as they say it takes up to12 weeks to go through the grieving process if you fall pregnant in this time it can just delay it and push it further down the line. All i can say to that is what a load of .........I think we all have jumped back into the ttc as it helps the healing.h process and is a eay of looking forward in a positive way.
Spoke too soon. AF has just arrived and flipping painful she is being too.

So, on the bright side, I guess I have "waited" for one normal cycle to end post miscarriage to enable my uterine lining to rebuild, so can ttc with a clear conscience, and if we get lucky be reasonably certain on dates. Funny how that doesn't seem quite so bright though.
So sorry emum and that the witch is not being kind. Sending hugs.
Owwww. Struth, i am so sorry hun...can i just play devils advocate and say it aint over till it's over? I mean, i dont wont to give you false hope and i am sure you know your body best but you havent had any bleeding yet, have you? Anyway, i am really sorry again, we re here for you and pls feel free to pm me anytime.:hugs:
Tand- Welcome...i am so sorry you had to find us in this thread but you sound very optimists and this is in itself so very good! Hope you get a :bfp: soon!:dust:

MrsM- So sorry you have to be going through this again.:hugs: I totally agree with dr had advised me after my first mc to wait 2-3 months, got pregnant after 3 months and mc again at 7 weeks. When i asked him if i should have waited more he couldnt answer. He said there is no evidence to say that there is more risk after a mc but that drs usually advise 2-3 months. No specific reason other than "that's the general advise". He also told me i could wait 6 months and still mc or i could not wait at all and have a healthy baby. He advised me again to wait 2-3 cycles but i m not. This is my way to move forward.Hope it works for you too!GL!

Emum- I m sorry the :witch: got you but as you say at least now you ve waited for a month!!

Lara...your post reminded me of myself after me 1st (and less but still there after my 2nd) mc. I was so angry, and so jealous and so couldnt stand people telling me to move on, it happens blah blah blah.:ignore: I sure hope you do get you BFP soon and remember each pg is different so you have no more risk than any other woman for another mc. By the way, with my 1st mc i ov roughly 2 weeks after levels dropped to 0, with this one i ov only 1 week later so you might be around ov soon. I am keeping my fxed for you!:hugs:

Ster- well good luck with this bonus cycle and if it doesnt happen ow re off to a lovely trip! :plane:I am gonna start testing 10 dpo i think!

AFM- 6 dpo today, had a little boot of nausea but i think it was because i was very very tired. Still hopeful and very very impatient!
Oh struth, I'm so sorry hun! :hugs:

Well ladies, yesterday I reached my breaking point after temp dropped again so I called the dr's office and requested to get the meds to bring on :af: it was one of the toughest decisions but I think it was the right one. I had to have bloodwork done to confirm that I wasn't pregnant and she also checked to see if I had or hadn't ovulated. Looks like I was right I did not O. I have to take the meds for 10 days then :af: will come and I'll start clomid on CD 3 followed by an u/s on CD 12 to check the follicles if they are ready I'll get a trigger shot to bring on O. I'm still a little disappointed that I came to this but at least we have a plan for these long crazy cycles.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Next week is a new beginning and a new fiscal year at work so hopefully my stress level will be down.
Owwww. Struth, i am so sorry hun...can i just play devils advocate and say it aint over till it's over? I mean, i dont wont to give you false hope and i am sure you know your body best but you havent had any bleeding yet, have you? Anyway, i am really sorry again, we re here for you and pls feel free to pm me anytime.:hugs:

Thanks honey - and I have played devils advocate with my self numerous times over the last few days but all the signs point to mc. My digi never progressed from 1-2 weeks despite supposedly being in the 3+ range, my lines are getting lighter and my blood hcg is on the dive. I would love the dr to be wrong but I think all the signs point to mc.

No bleeding yet (and the irony is my spotting which I have had since the bfp has slowed!) but I think it is just a matter of time. I'm having a follow up blood test on Tuesday but I expect that to show even lower hcg than yesterday as my 25 mui IC is now only just positive.

Thanks for remaining hopeful for me - I appreciate it :hugs:
Thanks honey - and I have played devils advocate with my self numerous times over the last few days but all the signs point to mc. My digi never progressed from 1-2 weeks despite supposedly being in the 3+ range, my lines are getting lighter and my blood hcg is on the dive. I would love the dr to be wrong but I think all the signs point to mc.

No bleeding yet (and the irony is my spotting which I have had since the bfp has slowed!) but I think it is just a matter of time. I'm having a follow up blood test on Tuesday but I expect that to show even lower hcg than yesterday as my 25 mui IC is now only just positive.

Thanks for remaining hopeful for me - I appreciate it :hugs:

Well, will be thinking and praying for you hun, let us know how it goes on tuesday.:hugs::hugs:
Oh Struth, Im so sorry chick, have you been to the doctors?? Mate I really feel for you, massive hugs :hugs:

Bastet, i think you have done the right thing ... i often think the same thing that its such a shame that we have to do all this to get pregnant but if its help we need and you are being offered it then embrace it, its a good thing. Good luck chick :dust:

Oh Struth, Im so sorry chick, have you been to the doctors?? Mate I really feel for you, massive hugs :hugs:

I went to the drs last week as I wanted/needed a blood test to determine my hcg levels. The EPAU said they would give me an early scan but as I got pregnant after the mc without an AF they needed some way of dating it (and I didn't tell them that I was tracking O). So..... I went to see the dr, told him about last month, that I was pregnant again, that I was spotting again and that I needed the beta and he was so unimpressed. He was awful - no reassurance, no empathy/sympathy. Anyway, he set up the blood test.

I then started spotting heavier so I rang and spoke to the dr and he suggested the repeat test to check for doubling so I had the first on Weds and the second on Friday. A different dr rang me on Friday afternoon to let me know the results. She was lovely and explained everything (even though I knew what it meant already!). She's asked me to go back on Tuesday for repeat tests to check that they are still reducing. She said that if they are they will monitor me to zero and if they are not they will send me for a scan.

So its just a matter of waiting for the inevitable really.... I'm actually feeling okay at the moment. I knew something was wrong I think and after last month I didn't let myself get as attached to the idea of this pregnancy ending in a baby. We'll keep trying and we'll get there in the end.

iam so sorry your having to go through that again struth :hugs::hugs: didnt want to read and run. Will be thinking of you xxx
Aw Struth, chick, i think we will all be a bit like that with our next pregnancies, makes the whole thing a lot scarier than it would normally be. Im glad you stood your ground and demanded the tests, i dont think we get enough support after a mc. Well you have loads of support here, we are here when you need us :hugs:
I agree with Clobo, I think we'll all be so much more cautious until we have our baby in our arms and then a whole new set of worries will start.

AFM - I think I ov'd yesterday, I got a peak on my CBFM, a low temp and had some ovary pains. My temp is up only up a tiny bit today though so maybe it's today. The 2ww madness is starting again - I've been comparing my chart already on FF :)

I've got DH taking conception vitamins now, so hopefully that'll help his swimmers, although it's probably too late to have an effect this cycle.

He's been worried about me getting too stressed with TTC. He seems to have it in his head that charting is getting me down, because I get depressed every cycle before AF. I've tried telling him that it's the fact I'm not pregnant that depresses me and that's not going to change if I stop charting, it'll just happen after AF comes. I feel like it'd make things worse if I stopped charting because we wouldn't know when I ov, and then wouldn't know when to expect AF.

I did suggest that I could hand all the charting stuff over to him - it's too dark in the mornings for me to read the temp on my therm so I'd pass it to him and he could enter it into FF and he could check the CBFM and tell me if I need to test and then check the result. I'd delete the FF app from my phone and he could change the password so I can't check it. He was totally against it - it'd be too stressful for him apparently lol! Men!
Hi there ickle best of luck and hope you caught that egg. My oh thinks i stress too much too and would prefer me not to temp or use opks. I think its strange not to now I like knowing what my body is doing. he just thinks we should just do it when the mood takes us and not worry. It's so hard to do that now. It's going to be handy this month so we can be carefull around my fertile patch.
Ickle - that is hilarious!! Typical man :)

I'm still lurking on this thread waiting for some BFPs! GL ladies.
sorry to hear struth :( and everyone else too. We need some good news and hugs on this thread.

AFM... I'm out of OPKs and my chart doesn't seem to make much sense this month, can anyone take a peek and share some insight? I hope I'm O'ing soon... xx

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