Anyone else now trying again STRAIGHT after a mc? NTNP?

Hi, do you mind explaining what all your meds and supplements do so I can go out and buy some!!

Not at all :) The naproxen, hydroxychloroquine and omeprazole are for arthritis so you don't need to worry about them. I keep them on so that if I'm asking questions about other supplements people can advise if they're not suitable to take with them.

Agnus castus is to help with PCOS but I believe it can help with other problems as it's an adaptogen which means it adjusts hormone levels whether they're too high or too low. There's split opinions about whether to just take it up to ovulation or whether to take it all month long. It's worth doing some research to figure out what's best for you. I take it all month long and will keep taking it through the first tri if I get pregnant and wean myself off it slowly so that my progesterone levels don't crash. I stopped taking it cold turkey after my last BFP and I can't help but wonder if that had something to do with the mc.

The TTC vitamins I take are Pregnacare Conception ones. I used to take Sanatogen Pronatal ones but I'm finding these better so far, but they are a bit dearer. It makes more sense to take the right vitamins for the job, especially when you've been TTC as long as me lol! I've also got DH on the male equivalent. I think you can buy them together in one pack which is a bit cheaper, especially if you get them on 3 for 2 from Boots :)

Omega 3 - I started taking this originally because I was having problems with my short term memory and it helped a lot. Since then I've found out that it's good for my joints and that it's good to take in early pregnancy as it helps with the baby's brain development. I think few of the pregnancy multi-vitamins now have this included but I just buy it from Boots separately.

Wow I've written a novel lol! Hope that helps :)

ETA - I get the agnus castus from a site called bodykind. They seem to be much cheaper than Holland and Barrett and deliver very quickly so worth a look.

Thanks so much I am going to get the angus cactus and the omega oil x x
Hi everyone

Wow so much is going on on here ive had a good old catch up and ill reply to the bits that I can remember and then try and keep up more often!!!! :comp:

Chistiana, chick keep your chin up, I know its a huge worry but that wont help, stick with hope that everything is going to be ok, id say those beta figures were pretty good and they do give such a huge "normal" range that everyone is different anyway. Dont worry about the lack of symptoms, LOADS of ladies say they didnt have any symptoms at all and had healthy pregnancies. I think at 5w5d you should be able to see something even if it is only a little sack and blob. I agree that checking for an ectopic needs to be done asap, if thats not a problem then i guess they will book you in for another scan in a week or so to keep an eye on you. :hugs:

Amanda, aw chick, evil :witch: how dare she visit you. Im so sorry :hugs:

MrsMM, yay keep going with the donations chick and i really hope you feel better. So sorry that you werent feeling well. Im keeping everything crossed for you this cycle :dust:

Emum, yep apparently when your body is ready for implantation your immune system lowers so that your body doesnt reject the embryo so it is a good sign!! Dont test too early!!!!

Filipenko, so sorry that you have had to go through this so many times, hope the results give you something to work with that can stop it happening again, everything crossed and :dust: that this doesnt happen again :hugs:

Debzie, love your new ticker!!!! Same for you chick, hope the results bring some news that will help you :hugs:

AFM, 12 dpo and not testing, temping, symptom spotting or thinking about it!! Just trying to keep busy and get on with things and wait for the weekend and see whether the :witch: pays me a visit (noooooooo)!!!!!

Thanks Clobo. It's really strange, I'm actually totally fine with it though. I think because this feels like a real period where the others so far haven't done. I'm in so much pain but it's fine lol! Hopefully this means my lining is back to normal now and hopefully we'll have more chance in the next few months.

You're doing so well not to get stressed. I hope that the extra relaxation helps :)
Hello girls, trying to have a sneaky read whilst at work. Hope you are all okay?

Thanks, OH is happy to start TTC again so looks like we are back trying. I heard you ovulate after m/c so never know, fingers crossed x
CLOBO.... nice seeing you again.... I CANNOT wait until the weekend is out and you :test: I am doing all the "thinking about it" for you Hun!!! GL FXD!: dust:

JACQUELINE, so sorry to hear of your family member and your MC :hugs: It is an exciting blessing that you have you bfp again. FXD!:dust: Wishing you a H&H 9mos!

YAY! SHADOW, go get that eggy! GL :dust:

AFM...Stalk my chart!!! Yay!! Chart is coming together just as I hoped even after being sick, OV looks to be around the corner and "donations" are just about complete. Sure hope the SMEP is working well. OPK looked almost dark as the control this morning as it did yesterday morning and last night, hoping tomorrow with a temp shift, it will indicate OV! I am sure OV is very near by no more than a day!! SMEP continues, another donation Wed and Fri! Then.... I wait.... I "plan" NOT to SS this cycle, decreased it last cycle so maybe I will decrease it more this cycle if I SS at all. GL FXD! :dust:
clobo,thanx hun,i ve been driving myself crazy over hcg, non symptoms and the rest, it s good hearing the real story from a sane person!!!!you re my hero for being so relaxed and avoiding testing so I m saying it for you...this is your month, 3 days (WHEN WILL YOU TEST?) to a BFP!!!
I've just been to see my counsellor (being seeing her since the mc's) and she said to relax and do things that take my mind off getting pregnant again. We spent an hour discussing this. Guess what I did as soon as I got home?!?
I've just been to see my counsellor (being seeing her since the mc's) and she said to relax and do things that take my mind off getting pregnant again. We spent an hour discussing this. Guess what I did as soon as I got home?!?

hahahaha:haha: you really do make me laugh!!! I had the exact same conversation today with my mother (we havent told anyone i am pregnant again, we'll wait for 2nd trimester if everything goes well!) if we can NOT think about it after all we ve been through and wanting a baby soo soo much...people just dont understand unless they ve been there!!!
I've just been to see my counsellor (being seeing her since the mc's) and she said to relax and do things that take my mind off getting pregnant again. We spent an hour discussing this. Guess what I did as soon as I got home?!?

hahahaha:haha: you really do make me laugh!!! I had the exact same conversation today with my mother (we havent told anyone i am pregnant again, we'll wait for 2nd trimester if everything goes well!) if we can NOT think about it after all we ve been through and wanting a baby soo soo much...people just dont understand unless they ve been there!!!

Yep! Got straight onto Baby and Bump which had an immediate calming effect!! :haha: And aside from cooking my husband's dinner I have been on it ever since! I really hope everything goes well for you. I'm sure it will this time and I think we have to always remember that the odds are in our favour. Yeah people don't really understand how much all this consumes you... I really want a :baby: and i'm going to do everything to get one! Can't forget that in a hurry x :hugs:
Yep! Got straight onto Baby and Bump which had an immediate calming effect!! :haha: And aside from cooking my husband's dinner I have been on it ever since! I really hope everything goes well for you. I'm sure it will this time and I think we have to always remember that the odds are in our favour. Yeah people don't really understand how much all this consumes you... I really want a :baby: and i'm going to do everything to get one! Can't forget that in a hurry x :hugs:

Well with this bicorn uterus of mine odds are not in my favour but still...i too will do anything in my power to keep this baby and if it doesnt happen then i ll try again and again and again! Ps: i didnt even cook anything..this is my counseling!!!:hugs:
Yep! Got straight onto Baby and Bump which had an immediate calming effect!! :haha: And aside from cooking my husband's dinner I have been on it ever since! I really hope everything goes well for you. I'm sure it will this time and I think we have to always remember that the odds are in our favour. Yeah people don't really understand how much all this consumes you... I really want a :baby: and i'm going to do everything to get one! Can't forget that in a hurry x :hugs:

Well with this bicorn uterus of mine odds are not in my favour but still...i too will do anything in my power to keep this baby and if it doesnt happen then i ll try again and again and again! Ps: i didnt even cook anything..this is my counseling!!!:hugs:

I found this for you and this lady had a baby successfully in the end with no problems at all, it's from another forum which i just stalk! :comp:

'Hi, Im 22 and 34+ wks pregnant with my first baby. I was told at my 21wk scan that i have a heart shaped uterus. I thought nothing of it untill now. I had a growth scan at 32wks because they though it was a big baby but as it turns out is avarage but a little on the tall side. At the moment the baby is transverse (breech position but side to side) and i have been asked to go back when i am 37wks to see if the baby has gone head down. If the baby is still breech i have been told i will be booked in for a csection! I have done some reading up on 'bicornuate uterus' and what it all means, if the uterus dipps in the middle i dont see how the baby will have room to turn? The doc at the hopital did not mention anything about turning the baby or giving birth naturaly so am thinking that it will probably be a csection after all. Just wondering if any one else has a heart shaped uterus?'

I hope that's helpful and relevant to you x x:hugs:
Clobo - YAY!! Can't wait for you to :test: :dust:

GL Shadow! :dust: Hope you catch the eggie.

MrsMM - WOO HOO! Looks like O is very near! FXD :dust:

filipenko - it's VERY tough NOT thinking about it so much. I def know the feeling and have had a couple of meltdowns but it'll get better. :hugs: She's right tho...try to keep busy with other stuff.

AFM - Playing the waiting game now until the u/s on the 24th. According to the clomid calculater I could O between Oct. 22-27. I'm going to start my OPKs on the 20th (b/c I like peeing on sticks...:haha:) and we'll be on the every other day BD schedule starting tonight! :happydance:

Oh yeah...I was worried that clomid would dry me out as I've read so I purchased preseed well it's very wet down there...interesting...:blush:
Filipenko- THank you so much for this...i really really enjoy reading up on success stories (i was actually reading up on some today too!). When i was 23 a dr told me i d have have a successful pregnancy because of my uterus. Well i proved him wrong cause i have a healthy 17 month old son who went full term and was delivered naturally! But ever since i ve been having mc after mc and it is just so disheartening... Thank you so much, success stories make me believe this will go well, even just for a while!
Clobo - YAY!! Can't wait for you to :test: :dust:

GL Shadow! :dust: Hope you catch the eggie.

MrsMM - WOO HOO! Looks like O is very near! FXD :dust:

filipenko - it's VERY tough NOT thinking about it so much. I def know the feeling and have had a couple of meltdowns but it'll get better. :hugs: She's right tho...try to keep busy with other stuff.

AFM - Playing the waiting game now until the u/s on the 24th. According to the clomid calculater I could O between Oct. 22-27. I'm going to start my OPKs on the 20th (b/c I like peeing on sticks...:haha:) and we'll be on the every other day BD schedule starting tonight! :happydance:

Oh yeah...I was worried that clomid would dry me out as I've read so I purchased preseed well it's very wet down there...interesting...:blush:

I'll try!! :wacko::comp::wacko:
I'm another one who would say not to worry about having a bicornuate uterus. I have a really pronounced one and have had three live births (two breech) and the only other person I know IRL who has one has two little girls and has never lost one (hers were bit breech too). My uterus has never been blamed for either of my losses and despite having extensive fertility treatment at two different points in my life it has never been implicated in difficulty to conceive either.

Mine is definitely odd as well, because in addition to being a pronounced heartshape it is also tilted very sharply backwards. I have had occasions when very junior doctors doing a smear test have told me they can't actually find my cervix much less swab it!
I'm another one who would say not to worry about having a bicornuate uterus. I have a really pronounced one and have had three live births (two breech) and the only other person I know IRL who has one has two little girls and has never lost one (hers were bit breech too). My uterus has never been blamed for either of my losses and despite having extensive fertility treatment at two different points in my life it has never been implicated in difficulty to conceive either.

Mine is definitely odd as well, because in addition to being a pronounced heartshape it is also tilted very sharply backwards. I have had occasions when very junior doctors doing a smear test have told me they can't actually find my cervix much less swab it!

Wow never thought i d actually find a person to talk about this! I ve only read about it! My uterus is also tilted. On what did they blame your mcs on? I was very confused too because i ve read bicornuate uteruses (?) can only be blamed for 2nd trimester losses but my dr made it quite clear that both my mc were due to my uterus. Do you think he might be wrong and they had nothing to do with it? I d be so much happier (well if you can say that) if i knew it wasnt related... you have three children and never had a problem with your bicornuate uterus? This is giving me sooooo much hope! Please please please share all you know, i really appreciate it!
I only knew I had one after I had my first! It was seen as so insignificant before that, that no one ever mentioned it. I have seen it on a scan though and it is very pronounced. For pregnancies 2 and 3 they were able to tell me in which segment of the uterus the babies were.

I think the only impact it had on me was that I had two breech babies who couldn't be turned, and the first time I wanted a coil fitted it was very difficult and had to be done under GA with a hysterscopy to show my gynae where to put it. Subsequent IUDs though he knew how to do it, and they went in normally.

Ive never been given a reason for my losses. No 1 was a mmc though and no 2 was at 6 weeks so can't see how they could be linked to the shape of the womb.

Not sure if I can give you any more info but if you have any questions shout and I'll wrack my brains for the answer.
Thanks Emum! My 1st mc was also a mmc at 11w and the 2nd at 6+4. I too couldnt see how the two can be related but the dr said if the baby implants in the middle then it has less blood supply. That would explain the mmc but not the 2nd one... Anyway, i wish and pray this one implanted somewhere nice and cosy! Tomorrow would be my due date if the mmc hadnt happened and i am clutching onto this one to get me through!
Hi ladies... I'm sorry for being so absent, I've taken a break to try and clear my mind and get myself in a more positive frame of mind. (hasn't worked too well). I got a dark opk a while back and then stopped temping, and a few days ago got a - on a digi so that was a bit disheartening. I'd kind of hoped that it was my month again this time but I think I didn't O. temps have been all over the place but don't indicate I've o'd at all, have EWCM this morning so maybe it's jsut been delayed.

Finally took myself to my lovely doc this morning who said she was not at all worried as im 24 and have a 17 month old, but I said its really getting me down and so she's given me the form to have a full panel of bloods (Fasting) tomorrow morning. Yay. So hopefully there won't be anything wrong and I can relax a bit more. Other than that, I'm off to New Zealand on tuesday! So just packing and trying to get organised. I'll be stalking this thread again now xx

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