anyone else starting clomid next month, or can share their clomid experiences?

hi girls. so cd36 and still no ewcm our sign of af...sigh.
went to the in laws today and my newly pregnant sister in law was there. my nephew is 18 months and gorgeous but I find every visit emotionally draining, it's ridiculous but I just feel so self conscious around my nephew like they're all watching with me. I put on a brave face and then burst into tears as soon as I got home.... I'm generally fine, upbeat even, about lttc. me and dh are so happy and if we can't have babies then we'll be okay. but I find being around my in laws tough...i don't know what it is as they try to be understanding, but my nephew is the first grandchild and all they talk about and it's the only time I ever feel like I'm letting people down or failing...i don't feel that way around anyone else, even my own parents who are dying for grandkids..i try explain it to dh but he says I'm being paranoid...and I know I am...but that doesn't change how I feel.
sorry for the vent....just needed to get it out my system... xx
hugs to Ss, i know the feeling about the grandchildren, i have one niece, and she is the complete apple of my mothers eye, it's always Imogen this, Imogen that and it is heart breaking. I try so hard to be interested, she's a lovely little girl, but when every other sentence is about her, it's hard.

No major side effects to report, no hot flushes 'yet', a little bit of dizziness, but i had that throughout the last month and not had any horrid mood swings as yet!

Ss - do you have to go back to see your FS? They may have to give you a trigger shot xx
Hello, thanks for the support girls. Yes mrs ovey, that's exactly how it is for me too...

So bloods today and my hormone levels are STILL too high to put me on cycle 2 of clomid...had a voicemail telling me to wait a fortnight before going back again for yet more baseline blood tests. Aghhhhhhhhhh! So frustrating. I've no idea what they'll do if they're still not right, presumably a trigger shot but who knows.
And then, after two days of no cm at all, I get sharp stabbing pains in the middle of dinner at a restaurant which have never had and now have wet white cm...not stretchy tho so I'm not going to kid myself that its ov pains on cd37.
I am exhausted...been in that clinic every week for 6 weeks and nothing. How are you meant to relax, not get stressed etc when every week it's like is?! I feel like I'm in am I going to handle potentially months or even years of is?! Everything is on hold, my work, holidays, as I'm hoping to be pg soon but might not's my 30th in a few months and everyone keeps asking what my plans are and I just don't know as I don't know if I'll have had that bfp by October or not.
Ugh...come on Af...where are you when I need you?!
Sorry about all the moaning....I'm just not having a good week at all...!
Hey, sorry haven't been on much just trying to 'forget' about TTC as I'm in the tww. 7dpo so still a way to go yet.

Ss83 - sorry you are in limbo at the moment I hope something happens for you very soon. I hate feeling in limbo and putting things on hold. I try not to but its hard not to, especially work-wise. I hate my job but I don't want to get a new job only to leave after 2 minutes. That being said, I'm hoping to go travelling towards the end of the year if I don't get pregnant. I know its hard but you can't put everything on hold you need to love your life or you'll look back and regret it x
Big hugs ss, I know exactly how your feel. This process is so physically and emotionally exhausting. It really wears you down.

I phoned for my blood test results on Monday and surprise surprise, no ovulation. The nurse wouldn't give me my exact progesterone level over the phone, which annoyed me. On to 100mg next cycle. I picked up my prescription for Provera today, but I'm not going to use it yet as we are going on holiday at the end of July and I won't be around for monitoring if I start my cycle now. So, another month and then it all begins again :(
thanks girls...nice to know it's not just me. I'm away to london next weekend so have that to look forward to. generally we're living life as normal but just a month ahead at a time, so I should stop moaning really, but as I said just not in a good place with it right now.
like brownie I'm going to take a break from the forum for a while til I get my head straight. still really tearful and this has been a tough week, need to concentrate on other things to give me some breathing space.
baby dust to everyone, hopefully someone will have good news for this thread soon...we need it I think!x
has any one felt shattered none stop after o'ing on clomid? i didnt last month but im having trouble dragging myself outta bed!
Hi ladies!
Ss83 I know how you feel! I feel the same around my cousins baby, as if everyone is staring. Almost like its unnatural for me to be playing with him. And they all make the comments 'ooh wait until you have one' and 'Ohh it seems funny you holding a little one'..

On a brighter note.. I'm actually in my tww!!! I phoned the fs office to find out results and they've confirmed ovulation!!!
This is a massive achievement for me seeing as I never ovulate! I'm predicting I'm about 6-7dpo. I really hope this is it for us!
Morning all, not been about for a while not had much to report, am cycle day 16 today, have been using OPK's but not even had a faint line! I o'd cd19 or 20 last month so am hoping it's the same this month, but am really really paranoid that i won't O at all, is that possible? To O one month and then the Clomid not work the next?? I'm not having any monitoring at all, haven't had any except one blood test last month to check to see if i O'd. Feeling a bit confused if i'm honest xx
Hello girls! So back after 2 weeks of not thinking about ttc and its been absolute bliss! Thanks for all the support, I'm feeling so much better now.

So update from me....first round of clomid 50mg no ovulation....48days with no period then finally it turns up but it's ridiculously light, as in just panty liners are enough (tmi sorry) but last time I went this long without a period it was the same and lasted for 12 days...I hope not as long this time as we'll need to start bding about then!

Was difficult to know when to start my next round of clomid as I didn't have a proper bleed so could have been considered "spotting", so went on day 4 when it looked like it was getting heavier...but it's back to really light again! Anyways...I'm now on 100mg so hoping this will kick start my ovulation finally...but not getting my hopes up. I'm tired of doing that.

How's everyone else? :)
Hey Ss. Hows things going? Any news? Im going to my obgyn on monday to start clomid, my period was due a few days ago and nothing yet. So I hope thats good news but who knows I guess. Ive been dreaming alot lately that im pregnant or have a child, is that crazy? I hope we all get some news soon!
hi steph!
on cd16 and had a positive ov test on cd14 but still no I've a horrible feeling I've not ovulated again. have bd'd just incase but will find out on friday on my day 21 bloods whether my increased clomid dose has done the trick.
re your dreams I have loads if those too, mostly about dropping or losing the baby somewhere and not being able to find it! lol
Ah thats scary!! My girl friends told me they got all sorts of scary dreams like that when they were pregnant, hopefully your time is coming soon! My af came last night so my doctors appointment tomorrow for clomid might be alright. When do you start it? After your period is over?
Hey All,

Hope you're all well, not been on in a while, not had much to report. Went back to FS last Monday, the man i spoke to seems to think even though my Progesterone was at 28 on my day 21 bloods on 1st round of Clomid, that i didn't ovulate because my cycle isn't at 28 days!! Now that's peed me off a wee bit, not everybody who ovulates on their own has a 28 day cycle and not everyone who takes Clomid has a 28 day cycle do they? So i've got to have another 21 day blood test done, and a HyCoSy, which apparently should have been done beforehand but wasn't!! My clinic only does them every other Thursday afternoon between days 6 and 12, so that's not going to be to awkward to try and fit around. I'm currently CD33, so one day away from pre Clomid cycle length and and 4 away from 1st Clomid cycle. We'll just have to wait and see. Symptoms so far have been exactly the same as last month, hideous pains in my right ovary through whole cycle, not so much in my left.

Hope you are all ok xx

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