Hi, Ladies!
So, I can't remember if I've updated you all or not, but when I got my progesterone result, at first it seemed like I didn't ovulate, but then my OB told me that my progesterone was in ovulation levels and because I got positive OPKS, she was almost positive that I ovulated. I'm on CD 32 today and am 3 days late according to all my apps. I took a pregnancy test on CD 30 and it was negative, but no sign of AF or period cramps or anything. My OB said that if I was pregnant, I could absolutely still get a positive but to wait until this coming Wednesday to test. AHHH! This is so crazy. On the one hand, I could be pregnant and my HCG just might be slow rising. On another, I might have ovulated and NOT be pregnant and AF is just taking its time getting here. On another hand, I might not have ovulated at all!!
I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I've had to pee SO much and I've been so tired and my appetite has been insane the last few days. All this hope is making me nervous, LOL. I hope I get some good news Wednesday. If not, though, I know it will be alright. My OB says if I'm not pregnant this cycle, we'll try letrizol next time since I had some monstrous clomid side effects (hot flashes straight from HELL).