Hi everyone, I'm back from my trip and back on the crazy Clomid train. CD 6 for me today, so it looks like there is a few of us who are almost cycle buddies again.
I'm so sorry to see all the BFNs, we are most certainly due a BFP or 3 around here soon. AF got me almost exactly on our 1 year anniversary of TTC - how ironic
Anyone know anything about taking Clomid on different cycle days? My clinic has always told me to take it CD 2-6, but I only had 9 pills left after last cycle (I'm on 150mg) and can't get my prescription until Monday, so I had to time it carefully and start on CD 4 instead of 2. I have heard of different people taking it from CD 1-5 all the way up to CD 5-9 so I know it's ok but I was just wondering if anyone knew of any costs/benefits to taking it later rather than earlier?