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anyone else starting clomid next month, or can share their clomid experiences?

I'm doing great thanks! Getting a bump and just two weeks to go til my next and final scan which is crazy. Now starting to dawn on me that I'll have a tiny baby to look after in 5 months, best feeling in the world.
Baby dust to you all, hope you get your bfps soon too x
Hi everyone, long time no see! I've been super busy lately so I've been trying to catch up on how everyone is doing.

I'm so sorry about your progesterone results, hopeful. It sounds like you have a good plan for TTC in your siggy though.

Sorry your follicles were so small Lovecakes :( What CD are you on now? I had exactly the same thing on 100mg and my doctor also said I wouldn't ovulate and upped me to 150mg, but I DID ovulate that cycle on CD 29. Don't lose hope, if you ovulated on 50mg it definitely isn't a sure thing that you won't ovulate anymore on Clomid.

Great news that you ovulated Skarcm :) How could they tell that it had already happened?

Welcome to everyone who is new!

Hi Ss! How is everything going?

AFM - I'm on CD 18 and got a +OPK today, so I should ovulate tomorrow which is the same CD as last cycle. I just texted DH to tell him to hurry home ;)

Hi Lemonade: I'm glad you got your +OPK! At my u/s they could see a certain area of my uterine lining was starting to get thicker which happens after ovulation. Also they saw the corpus luteum which is what is left behind after O, plus the free fluid that is also left behind. I go on Tuesday for my progesterone test to see if it was a good O, but all indications are that it was. Now is the waiting game and to see how long I can hold out before testing.
Sarah thats really exciting!! Im soo happy for you!! Sure gives me some hope :)
That's a great number Steph - yay for ovulating!

I'm glad you are feeling better Starbunny. Is Letrozole the same as Femara? I have heard great things about Femara but my doctor won't prescribe it.

Great to hear you are doing well, SS. I'm so glad you started this thread. It helps keep me sane on this crazy Clomid train :)

Hi Lemonade: I'm glad you got your +OPK! At my u/s they could see a certain area of my uterine lining was starting to get thicker which happens after ovulation. Also they saw the corpus luteum which is what is left behind after O, plus the free fluid that is also left behind. I go on Tuesday for my progesterone test to see if it was a good O, but all indications are that it was. Now is the waiting game and to see how long I can hold out before testing.
Ahh, thanks for that. I always wondered if/how they could tell. I once asked the nurse at my clinic but she didn't give me a very clear answer! Hope you TWW goes quickly! :)
That's a great number Steph - yay for ovulating!

I'm glad you are feeling better Starbunny. Is Letrozole the same as Femara? I have heard great things about Femara but my doctor won't prescribe it.

Yes, Lemonade, I believe that letrozole is the same as femara (as far as I know). :)

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Thanks for that, Starbunny.

Urghhhh, WHY does the TWW go so slowly?!?!
I had my progesterone test today. The doctor called me a little while ago and said that the results came back at 0.8, no ovulation. She said she was surprised since my u/s looked like I had and that everything was good. She is wanting to give my body a few weeks for AF to arrive and if not she will give me Provera to start it and then we will do one more round of Femara before she moves me on to a specialist. I'm not sure my DH and I will go to the specialist since it will be quite expensive and we do have one child together. I'm completely crushed. On Clomid, I ovulated every time but my PCOS is so bad that the Clomid almost made me hyper stimulated, so no more Clomid for me. Now I just wait for AF to arrive and my DH and I need to have a serious conversation about how we want to go forward if the next round doesn't work.
How is everyone? Any updates?

I'm 7DPO and officially half way through the TWW. I promised myself I wouldn't obsess this cycle, but of course I am. Darn internet. I'm thinking that I will still hold out for AF rather than test though. We'll see!
Lemonade: let us know when you start testing.

AFM: I had some weird cm and cramps last week and emailed my doctor to see if it was possible that I was ovulating late. She replied that she thought that was a possibility. So, now I wait to see what the heck the cycle brings me.
Skar, I really hope your right here, Im sorry that things seem like they are closing in now. I am really scared of what all is going to happen next. Im scared of how much seeing the fertility specialist will cost with the procedures, and what kind of stress this will be putting on dh and I and our relationship. Just praying for a miracle sometimes <3
How is everyone? Any updates?

I'm 7DPO and officially half way through the TWW. I promised myself I wouldn't obsess this cycle, but of course I am. Darn internet. I'm thinking that I will still hold out for AF rather than test though. We'll see!

Good luck Lemonade! I am sending good thoughts your way! Maybe this is the month! :thumbup:
Skar, I really hope your right here, Im sorry that things seem like they are closing in now. I am really scared of what all is going to happen next. Im scared of how much seeing the fertility specialist will cost with the procedures, and what kind of stress this will be putting on dh and I and our relationship. Just praying for a miracle sometimes <3

Steph: :hugs: hang in there. Maybe it will all work out. It is so hard when we can't see what is happening in our bodies. Keep us posted on what you find out.
I am starting Clomid for the first time tomorrow! Kind of nervous, REALLY hoping this is the correct dosage and all will go great! :happydance:
I am starting Clomid for the first time tomorrow! Kind of nervous, REALLY hoping this is the correct dosage and all will go great! :happydance:

Good luck hun! I got lucky and ovulated off the 50mg dose so hope you get the same :)
I emailed my doctor today to see if she would reorder my progesterone test because I thought I may have ovulated late last week and now I've had sore boobs (which I think is progesterone related). She put the order in right away and I had my blood drawn today. I'm hoping to hear from her tomorrow.

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