Morning, had an awful evening, was really sad and crying, husband got angry with me cos i wouldn't tell him why and why i did he just said to remember we were told it might not work first time. I'd never tried OPK's before, maybe i'm just putting extra pressure on myself by using them although it would be nice to see something? When my blood was done before, i had a super low level of progesterone, my bloods are being done next Monday, June 3rd, i think! I'm hoping your Clomid has worked for you, my fingers will be crossed for you and will look forward to your update.
My Clomid won't be increased until July which is when i go back to see the FS, unless i phone them and they tell me to take double with what i have left of what was prescribed, but then i may not have any left for my July cycle, gaargh my head is spinning now.
I don't drink at all, but spent the day with our best group of friends, which was nice although they all have kids, so being in the mood i was, although i love them all to bits, it gets harder every time

We've got loads planned too, which is nice, including our honeyversary in 93! days, but also a Christening
