anyone else starting clomid next month, or can share their clomid experiences?

That's great news Ss!! Well done you :) keeping fingers crossed tight for you xx

I'm ok Brownie, just been feeling a little low, maybe that's a side effect? lol My poor husband having to deal with my tears, although he did shout at me for not telling him why i was crying :( xx
Thanks mrs ovey, heres hoping. And after me telling you to stay clear of opks..I've gone and bought them! A digital one so hopefully wil be clear results. I'm on hols so if they need a follow up to check ovulation after day 21i wont be able to do it as I wont be home, so hoping opks will give me an indication so I can either be hopeful or relax on my hols knowing it's done with til af arrives.
Hope you're okay, fingers crossed for cycle 2 x
I know what you mean. I'm hoping that i may still have a chance at ovulating, but just later than the FS expected :) going anywhere nice on your hols? We're going the Dominican in August for our honeymoon. AF is due while we're out there and normally i'd take a pill to delay it, but fingers crossed this time i'll be pg. I'm going to risk delaying anything and will just have to take bits and pieces out with me :) xx
ss - that is great news that you are responding to it :) I hope that one grows big! Hope you have a great hol!

MrsOvey - fingers crossed for you :)

:dust: :dust: for everyone
I'm not sure how to feel, hopeful? I've bought a digital opk clear blue test which I'm using for the next few days, hopefully it'll show an lh surge but I've read even that doesn't always guarantee ovulation but its at least something to go on.
Glad I'm responding as I was preparing for the worst case scenario, so that's a good start anyway.
I'm just holidaying in scotland , Edinburgh/Perthshire/Glasgow through the week so will go to some music concerts and catch up with family plus some chilling out time so really looking forward to it. I'm being selfish but that's why I'm keen to know if I've ovulated as of not i can relax and have a few nights out with plenty wine! Every
Hey everyone.
So...i used my digital opk last night and as expected was negative. But this morning I've got a flashing smiley face, which with the clear blue dual hormone test indicates my estrogen is rising in what should hopefully be the lead up to my lh surge (and hopefully ovulation) and they consider "high fertility". So now I'm testing each morning hoping for that flashing smiley to become a solid smiley face in the next few days to confirm an lh surge....fingers crossed..bding marathon starts tonight! Ha ha! x
Ss83 glad you are responding really hope that follicle grows and bursts! A nice break will do you good. Glad to hear you got a smiley that is a very good sign! Get bding!!!

MrsO - don't be too hard on yourself your bound to have ups and downs ltttc is hard! Wow the Dominican will be amazing! Try and focus on that to take you mind off things!
Been trying to concentrate on that :)

Ss, i love Scotland, my dad's family were from Scotland, although i've only visited up there once, as none of them live there anymore, my grandad moved to Kent many many years ago, but he was from Perthshire :)

I also read that Ss, so we get all excited thinking we're ovulating cos of these 'surges' yet it doesn't guarantee an egg is released! What a palava lol.

I think i might be calling my FS today or tomorrow to ask about having scans done next cycle, it might help me a bit more, to relax, to see if there are any follicles, but then, they still might not release right?? Goodness me, i didn't realise his baby making lark would be so confusing at times, how on earth can people get pregnant by 'accident'!!

My blood test is due on tuesday, will be my 21 day test, but if i ovulate late, if at all, will it show? Should i ask for a 28 day test too? What do you think?

Hope the sun is shining where you all are xx
If the follicles are big enough they know you'll ovulate, mine is borderline which is why it's uncertain.lets hope it's still growing!
Yes if you ov late then cd21 might not confirm it, you'd need to go back a few days later. I had to do that test cds21,28 and 35 when my cycles were really long to make sure I wasn't just ovulating late.
Yeah scotland is lovely, weather ain't great though! Would love to visit canada, it's on my list!x
I think i may be making a call shortly then :)

Do you think i ought to ask about scans?x
Canada is good :) It is pretty big though, so depending on where you visit and when has a pretty big impact on what it will be like...

Scotland sounds like a good place to visit - always wanted to see it, and everywhere else ;)

FX Ss - sounds promising :)
How is everyone? Day two of flashing smiley..hope it changes tomorrow to show an lh surge..fingers crossed. Bding with fertility gel, my dh didn't even know as I didn't say incase it made it too clinical and took the fun out of it. have noticed hardly any cm, but they say thats a side effect so hope that's all and isn't because i'm not fertile.
Hope you are all doing good, how are you feeling mrs ovey?x
I'm ok today thank you, i used OPK's again, as started getting pains, blaring positives twice yesterday, very very faint line today. Not sure what this means, but hey, it's a better result, so i'm thinking Clomid hasn't affected my cycle as much this cycle as much as they thought it would. Like you tho, lacking in EWCM, i used to get it even tho i didn't O. But none this month :) xx
Hey girls! Can I join? I go for my first Clomid appt June 14th!!!! I have heard awful things about it, can anyone shed some light on what I am in for?
Hey girls! Can I join? I go for my first Clomid appt June 14th!!!! I have heard awful things about it, can anyone shed some light on what I am in for?


Everyone seems different on how they react to it, and why they are on it.
For me and oh, we have unexplained infertility, so our first step is to take clomid. Just on the second half of the first cycle with it. I felt out of it the whole time taking the pills. Feel odder symptoms this second half as well - more pronounced.
Seems alot of people don't get ewcm, so you may need to compensate for it - I snuck in preseed during our bd days to help.

fx for all of us - we get that bfp! :dust:
Hey girls! Can I join? I go for my first Clomid appt June 14th!!!! I have heard awful things about it, can anyone shed some light on what I am in for?


Everyone seems different on how they react to it, and why they are on it.
For me and oh, we have unexplained infertility, so our first step is to take clomid. Just on the second half of the first cycle with it. I felt out of it the whole time taking the pills. Feel odder symptoms this second half as well - more pronounced.
Seems alot of people don't get ewcm, so you may need to compensate for it - I snuck in preseed during our bd days to help.

fx for all of us - we get that bfp! :dust:

It sucks any of us have to be on it!!

That's good to know about not getting a lot of ewcm, I'll have to give preseed a try!
Thanks for sharing what is going on with you, and I hope this cycle works for you and your OH!!!!!
Hey girls! Can I join? I go for my first Clomid appt June 14th!!!! I have heard awful things about it, can anyone shed some light on what I am in for?
Hi kelli, welcome! Don't stress everyone is different. I've had no problems at all, apart from two hot flushes during the night a few days after finishing my tablets I've been absolutely fine. Less cm as well I think. Hopefully you'll be the same. Good luck for your apt, are you going to be monitored with scans or bloods?
Hey girls! Can I join? I go for my first Clomid appt June 14th!!!! I have heard awful things about it, can anyone shed some light on what I am in for?
Hi kelli, welcome! Don't stress everyone is different. I've had no problems at all, apart from two hot flushes during the night a few days after finishing my tablets I've been absolutely fine. Less cm as well I think. Hopefully you'll be the same. Good luck for your apt, are you going to be monitored with scans or bloods?

Thanks! Oh that's good to know, I've only heard from a few people. My sister had no issues at all, but my other sister and a few friends have horror stories with it... That is kind of funny that you have less cm... isn't that the point to have more?

Thanks! I am not really sure? I live 4+ hours away from my doctor, but he is one of the best so I refuse to switch. I don't know what we will do?

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