Anyone else starting Femara or Clomid today (10/8)?

I definitely wouldn't thing the HSG would be gone and then come back again. I hope you saw two lines again this morning!!!

I've been awake for an hour and I haven't peed. I'm scared to not see a line!
ok, finally did it and I wish I hadn't. Negative. :cry: WTH?? Why would I get a faint line after 3 minutes yesterday and nothing today? These tests are the death of me.
Aaww Kat, so frustrating! I'm sorry :( that's just so weird... Big hugs... I'm sure it's been an emotional roller coaster but I hope you're doing okay.
Oops just noticed in your siggie that witch showed :( Big hugs!
Yeah, that was hard. I think for our 3rd IUI we'll try using Bravelle like the Dr recommended from day 1.
What is the benefit of bravelle over femara? Is it supposed to produce more follicles?

I started spotting today so it looks like tomorrow will be cd1 for me and I will call in to my FS to get started on my first IUI. I'm assuming I will start on femara for this first one since he mentioned it in our initial consult appt (the only time I've seen him - I saw a different RE for my endo and lap and all that jazz because of our idiotic health insurance). But now I'm wondering if we should go to injectables sooner??? I guess I'll find out more when I talk to the nurse tomorrow.

How are you today Kat? I hope you have something nice to do today to spite the stupid :witch: She has no business coming around this thread!

The sun is shining here and I think I'll take the doggies out for a walk shortly :)
What is the benefit of bravelle over femara? Is it supposed to produce more follicles?

I started spotting today so it looks like tomorrow will be cd1 for me and I will call in to my FS to get started on my first IUI. I'm assuming I will start on femara for this first one since he mentioned it in our initial consult appt (the only time I've seen him - I saw a different RE for my endo and lap and all that jazz because of our idiotic health insurance). But now I'm wondering if we should go to injectables sooner??? I guess I'll find out more when I talk to the nurse tomorrow.

How are you today Kat? I hope you have something nice to do today to spite the stupid :witch: She has no business coming around this thread!

The sun is shining here and I think I'll take the doggies out for a walk shortly :)

I hope you have luck right away!! That would be so wonderful! If your Dr. didn't recommend injectables right away, you're probably in a better place than I am and that's great! I was told that due to my age (nearly 41), using the Bravelle will make my body produce eggs more like a healthy 25 year old and really increase my chances.

Today? I cried once so far. My husband is going to take me out Christmas tree shopping, so maybe that will cheer me up. We'll see.

Thank you so much for your support!
Oooh Christmas tree shopping sounds like a great idea! We have a fake tree (which I decorated yesterday :winkwink:) but I miss the real tree smell. I was maybe thinking about getting some of those tree-scented ornaments that you hang in it to make it smell good.

Okay thanks for the injectables info. The FS had previously mentioned femara for me so we'll see how I respond and whether I'll need injectables later.

I hope that brevelle gives you a few more extra nice follies next cycle!!
Kat, I hope you enjoy a good shopping treat! I really hope the bravelle works wonder for you!

Greenorchid, I have a few friends conceived after the endo ops, hope you bring good news too!

I am CD3, started clomid yesterday, nothing to report. I am not sure if I want to go for scan or take the trigger shot this cycle. I do ovulate on my own so the scan and trigger is good to have but not really necessary. What do you think ladies?
Kat, I hope you enjoy a good shopping treat! I really hope the bravelle works wonder for you!

Greenorchid, I have a few friends conceived after the endo ops, hope you bring good news too!

I am CD3, started clomid yesterday, nothing to report. I am not sure if I want to go for scan or take the trigger shot this cycle. I do ovulate on my own so the scan and trigger is good to have but not really necessary. What do you think ladies?

Thanks Shiseru! The surgery already has some great benefits - I usually have HORRIBLE cramps with AF, but this month its really mild :)

As for your scan and trigger shot, I guess it just depends if you want to know exactly what the timing will be. I'm cd2 today and will start femara tomorrow so we'll in a very similar place in our cycles :)
Hi, Ladies!

Shiseru, I like the trigger shot because then I have control over when I ovulate and it makes timing the IUI easy peasy.

Greenorchid, good luck with your first Femara/IUI cycle!

I'm cycle day 3 today. Had my Day 3 ultrasound. Lining thin, but I had a 22mm cyst. They checked my hormone levels and it's not "active," so it's ok to start the Bravelle tonight. Picked up the cost $1,255.00 I almost fainted. Man, this had better work!! We can't afford to do too many cycles at that cost. As it is, I've more or less cancelled Christmas. No gifts. All the money is going to pay for this medicine.

Anyway, I have to mix a liquid and powder with one needle, then switch to another needle and inject it each night. I'm scared!! What if I mix it wrong? So stressful.
Holy smokes Kat that's a lot of money! And it stinks that you have to mix it yourself. That's a lot of pressure because of course you want to get it exactly right. But you'll be fine Kat, I'm sure of it :) I really really hope this next cycle is the one for you.

First we have to pay out the wazoo to get the baby, and then we have to pay to feed and care for it for the next 18 (at least) years. But I just know that our future bubs' smiles will make it all worthwhile :)

I just talked to the nurse at my RE's and she's going to call in my ovidrel to a mail order pharmacy today. Not sure which one yet but I checked on Freedom Pharmacy today and it looks like it's going to be about $100. I soooo wish my insurance would cover the meds. My ultrasound is on the 14th (cd12). I'm working on visualizing two perfect follies on each ovary :) I didn't actually ask what their cutoff is for too many follies, but I've heard others say 4 is their RE's max.
Kat, it sucks to pay so much and having to DIY! I really hope it works for you!

Green Orchid, yes it's all money and in Singapore insurance don't cover such treatments! However, everything is worth when you carry the baby in your arms. I hope you have 3-4 good size follies by then!

Oh well, i guess you are right, i have arranged for a scan on the 12th Dec (day 12). If more than 2 follies, i will ask for the trigger.
How's everyone? Happy shopping for Xmas? :)

Today is CD 9, so i am expecting to ovulate this week. Time to jump my DH's bones (lol!)

It would be nice to conceive this cycle because the baby will be born in Sept (DH birthday month)
Just got up. Have my follie check in an hour, so I have to get moving! If I am ready to trigger, I'll have a box of Bravelle left unopened. Since it's so expensive, I wonder if I can return it??
Just got up. Have my follie check in an hour, so I have to get moving! If I am ready to trigger, I'll have a box of Bravelle left unopened. Since it's so expensive, I wonder if I can return it??

Oooh good luck Kat!! Hoping for a couple of perfect follicles!! Keep us posted! I have no idea about returning the bravelle, but my best guess is probably not since it's a prescription :( My follicle check isn't until Friday. Just finished my femara yesterday and have been giving my ovaries frequent peptalks :haha:

How's everyone? Happy shopping for Xmas? :)

Today is CD 9, so i am expecting to ovulate this week. Time to jump my DH's bones (lol!)

It would be nice to conceive this cycle because the baby will be born in Sept (DH birthday month)

Shiseru, your scan is thursday, right? Yep, it's definitely time to get busy :sex: Haha we'll be doing to same, even though we're doing IUI. Gotta cover all bases in case the timing of the IUI isn't quite right :)
OK, turns out I'm not ready yet! My two follies are still only 13mm and 14mm, so I go back on Wednesday. They think I'll be ready to have my 3rd IUI either Thursday or Friday. So we'll continue with the Bravelle injections every night and use up the whole thing.

GreenOrchid, I'll be closer to your IUI schedule! Good luck with your check on Friday! I love the idea of giving the ovaries pep talks!! :thumbup:
Yep Kat, we'll be in the tww pretty close together. Are you excited for Thurs/Friday morn? I'm guessing my IUI might be on Sat or Sun, but since this is my first time, my guess could be off...

Hahaha my ovaries are getting lots of positive energy this week. I've been telling them "you got this girls! I know that femara is helping you grow an extra couple of follies compared to most months. You're superstars!" :haha: We'll find out friday if it worked. I've also been visualizing two tiny pink smiley faces on each ovary. Kinda kooky, but it can't hurt!
I love the talking to your ovaries bit I will try it too ;:)
Well, turns out I only have two follicles in the left ovary. Nothing in the right. Anyway, they want to give my left follies one more day to grow, and I'll trigger tomorrow morning. My IUI is scheduled for noon EDT on Friday.

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