Anyone else starting IVF October/November 2015?

Kat- I think what you said is the best thing to do regarding your family and I can't wait to wait to hear how many of your eggs fertilised does your dh have sperm problems mine has a really good count but really low motility and a lot of them are abnormal I really hope everything goes ok for you, you deserve it

Afm- I had my scan this morning and it looks like 7 eggs Iam triggering tonight and er is Friday morning my clinic will ring me the next morning after er to let me no how many has fertilised and depending on how many it will be a day3 or day5 transfer Iam really hoping for a day5 as I had my son with a day5 transfer in 2012 and a bfn with a day3 transfer in July but I guess what's meant to be will be I hate how this whole process is totally out of our control
Mrs w how was your scan??
Tiff - good luck with the ER. You are so right we have no control over this. It is uncomfortable to know that there isn't much you can do but what you are doing now. Letting go is hard! I will be sending some positive vibes to your lil embies!
My nurse just rang me and said that there going to give me one more day of puregon Because my hormones need to come up a bit more and Iam to trigger tomorrow night at half 10 and er is Saturday morning now I was really hoping it would be Friday as me dh my sis and her dh was planning on going away for the weekend and do a bit of xmas shopping but now that's not going to happen but maybe next weekend I just hope this is all worth it
My nurse just rang me and said that there going to give me one more day of puregon Because my hormones need to come up a bit more and Iam to trigger tomorrow night at half 10 and er is Saturday morning now I was really hoping it would be Friday as me dh my sis and her dh was planning on going away for the weekend and do a bit of xmas shopping but now that's not going to happen but maybe next weekend I just hope this is all worth it

Here's hoping that your ER will be Saturday then and your hormones will be fine. But too bad about not being able to get away this weekend:(

AFM just got the call: all 3 fertilised:happydance::happydance::dance::dance::yipee::yipee::headspin::headspin:

Getting 1 transferred and the 2 other ones will be developed into day 5 blasts and then they'll see if they're good to freeze. Going in at 10:15 AM Danish time for my transfer. I didn't hear what grade the embie that will be transferred is as I was so super excited to hear all 3 fertilised since I was afraid we might be told none fertilised:blush::haha:

I will update when I get back (evt. this post if no one else posts anything after). Trying to fill my bladder now which is a daunting task as my bladder is a bit crappy:wacko:

UPDATE: Transfer went fine although I'd drank too much water so really had to pee so they let me "take the edge off":haha: Once the speculum went in I felt like peeing again though and they could see my bladder was completely full:wacko: At one point I was afraid I was gonna pee on the RE:wacko: They very quickly and easily got the embie in and I got to pee right afterwards although DH found it highly amusing so he laughed his head off:growlmad: I don't know why he chose today to be annoying but I bit his head off at bit.

So now comes the wait:coffee: Go in for a pregnancy blood test on December 10th:thumbup:
Kat - sorry I didn't get to write before but have been thinking of you all day! Glad you transferred your embryo and wishing you all the best for your test on Dec 10th. Praying your other embies make it to day 5 too!

Rebecca - I just want to say that my heart is breaking for you. So sorry for what you are going through. This is such a difficult process and I don't think we are ever going to feel the way other people that don't have to go through what we do will ever feel. We worked so hard to even get pregnant that to have it taken away is just so cruel.

Jean - there must be some action that can be taken! What happened to you is outrageous. I hope that the delay in timing will be just what you need to move on and be successful.

Tiff - sorry you got pushed an extra day but it's for good reason! Praying all goes well for you this weekend.

Hi to everyone else!! Best of luck for the other ladies getting their ER this week. I am praying for you.

AFM - I had a bit of a panic the other day and wanted to get another beta, so called for an appointment with my regular OB. Well since I was 5 weeks 3 days pregnant she said we could do a scan instead. So we did!! After a bit of difficulty in finding my uterus (it's very retroverted) we found the sac! Looks like it is just the one. Will be going for the scan on Sunday as planned at the IVF clinic so might know more then!
Kat - sorry I didn't get to write before but have been thinking of you all day! Glad you transferred your embryo and wishing you all the best for your test on Dec 10th. Praying your other embies make it to day 5 too!

Thanks Psalm:hugs: Yeah it'd be nice to have some frosties for future FETs just in case I don't get my BFP this time. But so super thrilled all 3 fertilised, I was afraid that that might've been our problem all this time but obviously not:winkwink: We signed a document giving them permission to freeze and they said we'll get a letter if any of them make it to be frozen (so guess they don't call in that case, fair enough:shrug:).

AFM - I had a bit of a panic the other day and wanted to get another beta, so called for an appointment with my regular OB. Well since I was 5 weeks 3 days pregnant she said we could do a scan instead. So we did!! After a bit of difficulty in finding my uterus (it's very retroverted) we found the sac! Looks like it is just the one. Will be going for the scan on Sunday as planned at the IVF clinic so might know more then!

Glad to hear things are progressing well and there were no problems. I know I'll be the same way when I do get a BFP though:winkwink: It's probably normal in our cases to feel that way.

AFM forgot to mention I'll be going to that Christmas luncheon at DH's friends' place (it's a couple with a little boy, about 2 years old I think) on Saturday. I think many of his friends will be coming (it's a group of friends he made at the dorm since they all lived in the same area; I came in the picture a bit later and lived in an entirely different area of the dorm). So now I'll be in a better mood if they get nosey and ask about if we're soon gonna start TTCing (since the vast majority have no idea, just this one couple that have 2 kids):haha: Think it would've bothered me even more if we had none fertilised today.

BTW seems DH's little brother asked him yesterday how the ER went, guess we'll give him the good news soon that all 3 fertilised. Will also have to let his parents know as well. Here's hoping it's a sign my lifelong horrible, horrible luck has turned:thumbup:
Rebecca - I just want to say that my heart is breaking for you. So sorry for what you are going through. This is such a difficult process and I don't think we are ever going to feel the way other people that don't have to go through what we do will ever feel. We worked so hard to even get pregnant that to have it taken away is just so cruel.

I guess since it was such a process to get pregnant it makes it so much worse. And the scans looked really great from 6-8 weeks I had 3 good scans and was so hopeful!
Monday we go back to confirm the missed miscarriage and then we'll probably to a d&c. I want to have genetic testing done on the fetus.
Hi ladies!

Kat - congrats on being pupo!! Amazing news that all 3 eggs fertilised! Great news.

Rebecca - I'm so sorry to read your update, it really is heartbreaking and I totally agree with everything psalm worder so beautifully. Be kind to yourself xx

Tiff - great news that ec is scheduled! Funnily enough I was hoping mine would be Saturday but it's friday, can we swap haha?! Good luck cycle buddy!!

Psalm - great news seeing the sac on the scan, sounds like all is progressing as it should!! Hope you see fetal pole at next scan. I know I'll be the same worrying and wanting reassurance when we get a bfp too xx

Ttc - good luck for your beta, I think they key thing is just that the number doubles over 48 hours. When are your results due? X

Afm ... Scan went well and ec is tomorrow!! Feeling nervous now!! I quite enjoyed this bit last time so I'm
Oddly looking forward to it!! Will update more when I know how navy eggs we got!!
Hi ladies!

Kat - congrats on being pupo!! Amazing news that all 3 eggs fertilised! Great news.

Rebecca - I'm so sorry to read your update, it really is heartbreaking and I totally agree with everything psalm worder so beautifully. Be kind to yourself xx

Tiff - great news that ec is scheduled! Funnily enough I was hoping mine would be Saturday but it's friday, can we swap haha?! Good luck cycle buddy!!

Psalm - great news seeing the sac on the scan, sounds like all is progressing as it should!! Hope you see fetal pole at next scan. I know I'll be the same worrying and wanting reassurance when we get a bfp too xx

Ttc - good luck for your beta, I think they key thing is just that the number doubles over 48 hours. When are your results due? X

Afm ... Scan went well and ec is tomorrow!! Feeling nervous now!! I quite enjoyed this bit last time so I'm
Oddly looking forward to it!! Will update more when I know how navy eggs we got!!

Thanks Mrs W:flower: Yeah I was super surprised and excited myself. Here's hoping the 2 other embies make it to day 5 and are deemed viable for the freezing process. That way we have a couple for FETs.

Good luck with your EC tomorrow! Hope it goes well. Let us know how it goes:happydance:
Kat- wohoo that's so great congrats on being pupo and I really hope you get to freeze the other 2 it will be easier on you to do a fet next time but hopefully you will get your bfp this time

Rebecca- Iam praying that you get good news Monday but at least you know you can get pregnant take time to let yourself heal from this Iam praying for you :hugs:

Mrs w- haha ya can we swap?? We've changed our plans to next weekend and my son is going to his grandparents house so two nights of a full nights sleep ahh I can't wait I can't wait to hear how your er goes I guess we will be in the ttw together is your clinic going to do a day3 transfer or day5??

Afm- Iam triggering tonight at half 10 and Iam going puttin up my xmas decorations tomorrow before er because I will be doing no stretching from sat until I find out if Iam pregnant and the toy show is on da telly tomorrow night and I want all the decorations up because my son understands about santa and xmas now and he's all excited it really is a time for kids I prob won't be on this tomorrow I'll be to busy but I will defo be on for an update Saturday to let ye know how I got on
Afm- Iam triggering tonight at half 10 and Iam going puttin up my xmas decorations tomorrow before er because I will be doing no stretching from sat until I find out if Iam pregnant and the toy show is on da telly tomorrow night and I want all the decorations up because my son understands about santa and xmas now and he's all excited it really is a time for kids I prob won't be on this tomorrow I'll be to busy but I will defo be on for an update Saturday to let ye know how I got on

Eeek so exciting:happydance: Hope your trigger goes well and likewise for your ER:thumbup: Will be eagerly waiting to read your update! I'll be out Saturday afternoon for that Chrsitmas luncheon so will read it ASAP.

So cute about your son:flower:

BTW everyone, I'll be going in for a root tip amputation on one of my teeth on Monday (have an infection) and am having second thoughts if a local anesthetic would mess up my pregnancy chances, despite my dentist assuring me it won't. The problem is I can't put it off for very long......
Tiif, they are hoping day 5 transfer, although I didn't make it that far last time as didn't have enough embryos. We will see! Good luck for Saturday x
Girls just a quick question I just took my trigger and Iam taking pregnyl 10,000 so If any has took this you will no there's one water to two powders you have to draw up the water and put it in the powder and then draw that up and put it in the second powder and then draw that up, then take off your long needle and put on the small one for injecting and get rid of any air bubbles so I done all that perfect until I came to the part of getting rid of the air bubbles as I was pushing the syringe up and I think I lost a small bit of it and now Iam worried it won't work aswell do ur think it will still be ok I don't want to ring my clinic incase they cancel me
Girls just a quick question I just took my trigger and Iam taking pregnyl 10,000 so If any has took this you will no there's one water to two powders you have to draw up the water and put it in the powder and then draw that up and put it in the second powder and then draw that up, then take off your long needle and put on the small one for injecting and get rid of any air bubbles so I done all that perfect until I came to the part of getting rid of the air bubbles as I was pushing the syringe up and I think I lost a small bit of it and now Iam worried it won't work aswell do ur think it will still be ok I don't want to ring my clinic incase they cancel me

Sorry, first saw this now as I also went to bed early last night:wacko: Had to get up really early today to take our car to get winter tires and DH scheduled a crazy early appointment:dohh:

I don't have very much experience in Pregnyl (took it only once for my 6th IUI; otherwise have only used Ovitrelle Pens including for this 1st round of IVF):nope: But I would think if it's a tiny amount that it won't make much difference. I've always assumed there's a bit extra in those vials. They know you have to get rid of air bubbles and such so I would think they've taken that into consideration when they made them. I definitely don't think you have to get every single last drop in, that's expecting everyone to have super crazy Lab Tech skills and even then it's probably very difficult (this is coming from someone with a Lab Tech Degree BTW :winkwink:).

If you're not much for Pregnyl, maybe you can ask next time (although hopefully there won't be a next time:winkwink:) to use e.g. Ovitrelle since it's in pen form? It's very easy to use:thumbup:
Tiff - as Kat says, you should be fine if a little bit escapes. They account for that. All the best for tomorrow for ER!

Mrs. W - good luck for your ER today. Will be thinking of you!

Hi to everyone else!
Thanks Kat that's makes me feel so much better I was really worried about it but what you said makes sense I think Iam over stressing I have used ovitrelle once before and I was fine it defo was a lot easier but they recommend pregnyl now I have no idea why but Iam trying to keep myself busy today Iam nervous and excited I hate the er part my clinic only gives pethadene and valume so you pretty much can still feel everything but in a drunk like state Iam just wondering if you get your bfp are you still going to have a few drinks over xmas like not go crazy but a glass of wine here and there lol

Thanks psalms :thumbup: I hope so to I think Iam just over thinking it

Mrs w- I can't wait to hear how you got on I hope your feeling ok
Hi Psalm :wave:

Thanks Kat that's makes me feel so much better I was really worried about it but what you said makes sense I think Iam over stressing I have used ovitrelle once before and I was fine it defo was a lot easier but they recommend pregnyl now I have no idea why but Iam trying to keep myself busy today Iam nervous and excited I hate the er part my clinic only gives pethadene and valume so you pretty much can still feel everything but in a drunk like state Iam just wondering if you get your bfp are you still going to have a few drinks over xmas like not go crazy but a glass of wine here and there lol

So strange, I wonder why that is:-k I (almost) always seem to get Ovitrelle but maybe they prefer it here:shrug:

That sounds really crappy:nope: They gave me morphine (plus a local anesthetic in the vagina) so I didn't really feel a thing until she switched ovaries, then they had to give me a bit more. If the pain gets really bad just ask for a bit more.

Probably not. I did have a couple of glasses of wine some weeks ago but feel really bad about it still so think I'll stay away from alcohol. The only thing that'll stink is missing out on the traditional Danish Gløgg (it has red wine, port and rum in it although there are versions with white wine). This one place in the city makes really excellent Gløgg but guess will have to pass as there's a large amount of alcohol in them:wacko: Will have to look into non-alcoholic versions and make one myself I guess:winkwink:

BTW took my first dose of Crinone Gel (8%) this morning :) The RE gave me my 1st dose right after the ET so this was my 1st time doing it myself. Went pretty easily.
Kat Congrats on being pupo. All the best to your visit to the dentist. I am sure everything will go ok. Hope you get some frosties!

Good luck to both tiff and Mrs w for ER can't wait to hear the results.

AFM hope my AF comes tomorrowso we have a chance to transfer before xmas. I take ages to oovulation hence I am not confident it is happen in time.
psalm - so happy to hear everything is okay!

kat - congrats on being PUPO

Rebecca - Aww hun, again I am just so sorry! You are so right. We go through so much to get here and then it is taken away like this. Maybe it is a good idea to do the genetic testing.

Mrs W - thinking of you! I hope all goes well.

unlucky - come on AF!

AFM - I did my third beta today but wont get results till Monday b/c of the holiday. Im not happy but I have to deal.
Hi all, just a quicky as feeling shattered. Got 7 eggs. One more than my first cycle. Just need to pray the quality is good now. Xx

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