Anyone else using a clearblue fertility monitor?

Lazy - would think it would - it should pick up any increase in surge
Just wondered because not last cycle but the one before I messed mine up because I ran out of sticks before ovulation and didn't test again. Last month I got nearly everyday a high as it was confused. It worked perfectly before the mess up and it looks like its back on track....
I read somewhere that once you get your first egg it automatically tells you egg the second day then so many high days before lows. If its programmed to do that Would it cope if it got a second wgg resleased at say day 24?
Just wondering because if I start taking clinic to increase ovulation it's recommended you don't use the machine.
Also as we get older the odds of having twins increases apparently?

Disclaimer- I could be talking rubbish and I am tired today. Xx
Sorry my phone changed some of the words. Was talking about perhaps starting clomid not clinic!
I too have heard its programmed to give you another peak on the second day of getting your first peak then a certain amount of highs. It wont ask for anymore sticks so if you ovulated on CD 15 for example it wouldnt be asking for sticks on CD 26 so you wouldnt know if you ovulated again.

Does clomid help you to ovulate?
morning lovely's
lazy-NO i wanted the shaved jessie j lmfao, today i look like tina turner!!! but as she wouldn't shave it all off, i can still tie it back a little, well i could if i could find my bobble lol ;) xx
yeah clomid helps with your ovulation BUT you have to have been trying for a very long time and have had problems ie 1 tube etc...
yeah i've set humpty to cd1 today, not decided if i'm gonna use him, as i'm temping this month... see what that tells me!! but i know when or around the day i ovulate, you can ovulate twice, but its highly unlikey to be 24hrs apart, you can ovulate from both sides, thats how you get twins that are born 1 day apart, so cb have covered there arses on that one! if i knew then what i do now about the bloody fm, i wouldn't have wasted my money!!! tbh smiley susan is much better and cheaper, theres really only one thing you wanna know... and thats when you ovulate, so i'll do temping, i might throw a couple of sticks in, i'll do it around cd11-14, see if it coincides with susan again.
how are we all ;) xxxxxxx
I hate AF I feel so erghhhhh. Achey, grumpy, and tired.

It needs to hurry up so I can get back to it :haha:
Hey ya.

Went for pregnancy blood test at 7am - bfn

I'm so angry tonight as managed to get a really early morning appointment 6.45 tomorrow so dh can take me and bring me home.(its recommendedyou get a lift home after)

I spoke to dh a week ago and he agreed to take me. So tonight he says. What are your plans for tomorrow!!!??? Pardon?? The plan is you take me and we will be out by 7.30 and you can get to work for 8am

Dh 'oh I didn't realise you wanted me to take you as you hadn't finalised plans.' He thought I could just go by myself and go for a coffee!! I did suggest this ages ago as a back up plan if he was working away.

What a**** ! I'm so livid with him. I'm already worried and stressed about tomorrow. Forgot how insensitive and selfish men really are. Going to have a bath and go to bed, he can sort his own tea out as he hasn't finalised his plans with me!!! **** head!

I just dh sent a text saying I would just like to formalise tomorrows plan by putting the follows in writing.....


Hope everybody else is ok.
Sarah - why do you call your monitor humpty lol ? - new cycle for us , fingers crossed its lucky

Galaxy - hope ad buggers off soon

Lazy - good luck for tommorow - what exactly are you having done - sorry must have missed that post

Monitor on high again - interested to see tommorow if it changes to peak - I've felt like ov is happening way earlier than normal
He's cooking tea ha ha xx

:haha::haha:god you sound like me and andy :haha: i used to text him from the bedroom when i was sulking lmfao :haha: have i missed something?? did you say blood pregnancy test? sorry just woke up :blush: thought you were going for the blue dye shit hun? :wacko:
mrs d- i call it humpty dumpty cos its broken like me lmao ;) :haha: where's everybody at in their cycles??? i'm getting sooo confused lol
galaxy- well i know where you r, YOUR WITH MEEEEEEEE, suffering, period pains have eased today, how about you hun? xxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Humpty- because we thought the machine was broken. Mines greedy Gertrude as it always wants loads of sticks each month.

Went for internal scan this morning and tuba patency check, where they put dye through and check you have no blockages.
Dh was really annoying, he huffed and puffed about getting up, then refused to pay hospital parking so my stressed levels went through the roof, so I ran and paid. He sat grumpily in the waiting room. Never asked how I was after.(it was quite painful but I suppose nothing compared to childbirth!) Had to persuade him to come in to see the consultant with me afterwards. I actually said to him ' i don't want to put you out!' Wonder how domestics take place in the fertility clinic. Usually he's a nice guy not sure why he's being such a pig this week.

The dye went through one tube very fast and the dye came through the other one after more dye was put in. So there may have been a slight blockage in one side or tube could have been having a spasim.

Been told to try for three more months then given the choice of being refered for iui, which I think is artificial insemination or ivf. The doctor suggested that we go for iui first a you can up to six attempts and then go for ivf. We are entitled to two attempts of ivf.

Glad dh was with me as it was a lot to take in. I hope he realises it was a good job he was there to hear it.

He never asked how I was after procedure an when I started crying on the way home. He was like why are you crying??

Anyway he's got to work on time and he's sent me a text full if kisses. He's seriously going to have to step it up and be more supportive if we really have to go to the next step.
Sarah Lol re the monitor nicknames - your not broken hon x

Lazy - sorry to hear that your oh wasn't very supportive - maybe you both need some couple time and have a good chat about everything - maybe he has some worries that he isn't expressing and it's coming out with him being grumpy x how long have you been trying ?

Cd9 here and I was convinced that I was ov early - monitor still says high so on we plod, day of with lo today and have a friend coming round this morning
:hugs:ahhh thats good hun, at least you've got options now :)
:growlmad: i think i would have actually shouted in the hospital to andy... JUST FUCKIN SIT THERE, AND DO FUCK ALL AS USUAL!!!! :haha: but then thats me :haha: i dont know why men even bother to pretend they care, andy's the same, he's like your obsessing, i'm like i'm fuckin not... i'm not wasting my time on trying, to find out i cant! why dont they see that? i'm seeing dr knobhead on monday and i want hormone bloods done, i told andy this and he was like here you go again :growlmad: i said will you JUST FUCK OFF!!!!!!! i want them done to see if a. my levels are normal, then b. to see if i'm ovulating properly!!!
see our dr told us last month after the m/c he wouldn't intervene for after 2 yrs.... like fuck, he will be doing something sooner, if i could have iui, i would hun, dont think i fancy ivf tho :shrug: did you ask about clomid chick? i will be on monday, i really wont budge out of his office till he agrees to meet me half way on this ttc lark, i'm not going with andy again, as he stresses me out there, then i end up shouting... even dr knobhead told me not to shout :haha: so how did you get referred hun? :shrug: but its good you have these options chic... really, its a blessing :happydance: xxxxx:hugs:
Sarah Lol re the monitor nicknames - your not broken hon x

Lazy - sorry to hear that your oh wasn't very supportive - maybe you both need some couple time and have a good chat about everything - maybe he has some worries that he isn't expressing and it's coming out with him being grumpy x how long have you been trying ?

Cd9 here and I was convinced that I was ov early - monitor still says high so on we plod, day of with lo today and have a friend coming round this morning

:haha:mrs d, i've only ever seen 1 peak on it, and i swear it has a mind of its own lmao, we call smileys susan :haha: we like susan :happydance: xxxxx:hugs:
lazy hun, forgot to ask... when susan smiled, did you get a peak on your monitor?? xxxxxx
When we were trying for our lo I used it then and had no problems with it I did get peaks , hoping now I've completely reset mine it will be ok - I am going to get some opks too
When we were trying for our lo I used it then and had no problems with it I did get peaks , hoping now I've completely reset mine it will be ok - I am going to get some opks too

:growlmad:see this is my bloody argument with clearblue, you shouldn't have to buy additional opk's... ffs the monitor alone costs a fuckin fortune, then buying susans to get your lh... just incase your an afternoon surger or you have a short surge is just not really good enough!! they just made me bloody mad, with opk's your not supposed to use fmu, thats why your likey to find your lh... sooner than bloody humpty, it pisses me off! see, i always get susan before the monitor picks up anything, plus my body tells me alot... :growlmad: this might be part of the reason we're not pregnant just off the monitor :shrug: the best way is just to dtd for your fertile period, do you know what day you tend to ov hun? xxxx:hugs:
When I got smiley I got peak on the monitor the next two days. Talked about using drugs in relation to the artificial insemination.

Mr doddy. Dh just wants a baby and doesn't want a fuss or appointments or to put himself out too much. He finds it difficult to express himself and is not comfortable talking about the process or sharing it will others. Thats why there may has been a communication mix up about the appointment today as he doesnt want to listen or talk about it and hed rather sweep it under the carpet. Its more important he attends consutation meeting so hes there to hear it himself. Think he'd rather I just brought a baby back from the shops. He has moments when he is supportive, but I feel very let down by how he's behaved yesterday and today so we will be having words. When I cried on th way home after he'd asked why I was crying he's said don't worry there's no point worrying we will sort it. The fact he asked why I was crying was a worry in itself!!

Feeling upset today. I don't know what I wanted them to say. Been trying 22 months but wasn't particularly careful before.

Got to go back to work. X
When I got smiley I got peak on the monitor the next two days. Talked about using drugs in relation to the artificial insemination.

Mr doddy. Dh just wants a baby and doesn't want a fuss or appointments or to put himself out too much. He finds it difficult to express himself and is not comfortable talking about the process or sharing it will others. Thats why there may has been a communication mix up about the appointment today as he doesnt want to listen or talk about it and hed rather sweep it under the carpet. Its more important he attends consutation meeting so hes there to hear it himself. Think he'd rather I just brought a baby back from the shops. He has moments when he is supportive, but I feel very let down by how he's behaved yesterday and today so we will be having words. When I cried on th way home after he'd asked why I was crying he's said don't worry there's no point worrying we will sort it. The fact he asked why I was crying was a worry in itself!!

Feeling upset today. I don't know what I wanted them to say. Been trying 22 months but wasn't particularly careful before.

Got to go back to work. X

so did the smiley pick it up first??? :shrug:
yep, men can be arse holes, maybe it would be easier just to go out and buy one :haha: wonder if they have any on ebay :haha: xxxxx:hugs:
So sorry lazy , men have a completely different perspective on things - more laid back , doesn't mean they don't care, we are far more emotional about it all, maybe he is scared about the thought of tests on him and the stress of it all on you both - we have discussed what we would do if we had problems and had to go down iui/ivf route and we weren't sure that we could cope with it all, this was all talked about before we had lo - I think my thoughts on it now would be different

Huge hugs x

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