Anyone else using a clearblue fertility monitor?

So sorry lazy , men have a completely different perspective on things - more laid back , doesn't mean they don't care, we are far more emotional about it all, maybe he is scared about the thought of tests on him and the stress of it all on you both - we have discussed what we would do if we had problems and had to go down iui/ivf route and we weren't sure that we could cope with it all, this was all talked about before we had lo - I think my thoughts on it now would be different

Huge hugs x

:growlmad:well thats cos they only have to do one thing!! but in all fairness to andy, he was gutted when i had the m/c, but as i was saying to galaxy, i wish he'd talk about it, not hide his feelings, as we just think they dont care... but yeah mrs d, they do, xxxx:hugs:
Yep the smiley picked it up on day 14 afternoon. Monitor day 15 & 16.

Next month I will just try loads in the fertile week 11-17 I think.:sex:

Thanks for your support buddies.Feeling better already:thumbup:

Dh keeps texting me. Think he may be sorry now :haha:

That's why I'm sad mrs doddy because its putting pressure on our relationship when we haven't even been married that long and we have everything else going for us. I suppose we will be stronger after all of this. X:hugs:
Yep the smiley picked it up on day 14 afternoon. Monitor day 15 & 16.

Next month I will just try loads in the fertile week 11-17 I think.:sex:

Thanks for your support buddies.Feeling better already:thumbup:

Dh keeps texting me. Think he may be sorry now :haha:

That's why I'm sad mrs doddy because its putting pressure on our relationship when we haven't even been married that long and we have everything else going for us. I suppose we will be stronger after all of this. X:hugs:

:growlmad:ooohhhh fuckin cb.....:growlmad:
:hugs:ahhh he probably isn't thinking its stressing you hun, we all do cos were in the same boat, but men dont talk much, making a baby is way more complicated than just dtd, i think they forget that!! :hugs:
:thumbup: yep, just get bd from cd11-17, should be well covered hun, i know its really tough on your relationship, but if you both want it, you've both got to try and work together, well thats my silly theory anyway :haha: i just end up shouting at andy.... i've learned not to show him the smileys or anythin now :haha: xxxxxx:hugs:
I don't show him any of the stuff, but he does ask me when egg days are. And its ok taking a relaxed approached but we wouldnt naturally bd more than twice a week and probably at the weekend so that approach won't work. Even when I don't tell him it's pretty obvious what the plan is x
I don't show him any of the stuff, but he does ask me when egg days are. And its ok taking a relaxed approached but we wouldnt naturally bd more than twice a week and probably at the weekend so that approach won't work. Even when I don't tell him it's pretty obvious what the plan is x

:haha:yeah, it doesn't work with andy either, i dont show him, but he just says lets look at your monitor :haha: but little does he know, i'd already got a smiley, but he still aint stupid :haha:
:nope:i dont think there is a relaxed approach, i mean we've been together 3 years, and the first few months we were always at it... but then it stops, and just turned into now and again, but we were piss heads, and i was probably NEVER ovulating... i mean everyone has different sex lives, but ours aint that active until i'm ov :haha: which is pretty unfair, but i have got a low sex drive :haha: xxxxx:hugs:

Lazy ive heard your extra fertile after having the blue dye so this month could be the one!!

How did you get to have the procedure done?? My GP wont do anything like that because im young grrrr.

We really need to learn each others names :haha:

Sarah had a bit of pain today but it should be the last bit tomorrow :happydance:
I'm getting on apparently as I was told today. ' my aged must be considered ' I'm 33 nearly 34. Just got back from seeing rhianna at the Manchester arena. That girl is amazing!

How did I get it done? After I got referred to the fertility clinic they did all the basic tests and everything was ok they said its important to check tubes aren't blocked. Because if they are blocked you won't conceive and you are wasting your time. They can unblock them usually.

If you've been pregnant before your tubes probably aren't blocked. Thats one thing they have kept asking me. Its weird because I had this done after pelvic scan and bloods and dh sperm check, but my friend had this done first before any other investigation.

First they did a internal pelvic scan to check location of ovaries and look at womb then the doctor opened my cervix and clamped it open, then he inserted a catheter type thing up into my womb which is suppose to be a thick as a piece of spaghetti. Then he inflated a balloon type thing in the womb, meantime he injected a dye that shows on a scan that I think they did from the outside?? On the monitor you could see the dye filling up and pouring through the tubes. One very quickly and the other one later.

If you go on YouTube you can see hsg procedure. I was told there a few ways to check if tubes are open or blocked but I don't know any others.

I was really hopefully galaxy that this procedure will really help us. I thought the doctor would be enthusiastic about our chances for the next few months, but he didn't give us any extra hope or even mention an increased chance of conceiving that I'd read about online in fact he was quite gloomy about the whole process including telling us we may never get pregnant even we try ivf which is hard to hear but I suppose it's better to be honest.

How old are you galaxy?
Wow lazy that seems a bit harsh by the doctor - if you've have the dye and yor tubes aren't blocked then what reasons did he give for saying that - have they checked to see if you are ovulating/oh's sperm count ?

Yes with ivf there is a risk that it won't work as although they fertilise the egg it's still up to your body to accept and implant it

I feel for you it must be really hard xx
mornin girlies,
i know your bloody names, well apart from mrs d lol,
well i'm sarah, nice to meet you....
lts so shit this process, lazy your the same age as me, when you 34 hun? i'm july 21st... and i've got 2 bloody grey hairs to prove it lol ....
right so monday i'm seeing dr knobhead, i want the blood work done... gonna tell him that i've been temping and i'm dead... so no rises etc.. i've missed my cd3 estrogen one, so i'm gonna go for the cd21 progesterone one, and if he asks why, i'm going to tell him cos i tempted the last cycle and i'm half dead, no rises or nothing hehehe... see what he says to that, then i'm gonna tell him he's taking the piss now! we've been ttc for 6 months, my age is going against me, so he'd better get the ball rolling, i bet he's no older than me, so i'm gonna ask for clomid! see what he says to that?
he did mention ivf BUT after 2 bloody years, and i really don't fancy that, plus i'd be in a mobility scooter, and mrs d your right, still no guarantee's with it, the whole process is shit!!!
galaxy hun, did text ya, yeah i'm ok today, tbh i wouldn't have even called it a period, dont think i've filled one tampon... sorry tmi lol xxxxxxxxx
Trust you to know our names Sarah :haha:
Will look at phone now. Sorry hun :hugs:

Lazy im 22 going on 23.

I believe they checked my ovaries after my MC so Im guessing if there was a problem they would of said :shrug: they even took pictures and printed them off like a scan. That was an emotional day!!

Anyway im Rachel :)
Day 18 in rainy manchester. I tested before I pressed my machine this morning out of routine and to my shock greedy Gertrude didn't want a stick for breakfast! Day 18 -low.

Feeling much more positive this afternoon.I'm just going to get my bfp in the next three months rather than bother with that assisted conception shenanigans!!

I wrote a long post earlier but maybe forgot to press the post button?

Mrs doddy the consultant says they have explored all avenues and my 'infertility' is 'unexplained'.

My names pam and I'm a baby and bump addict! Lol.

Wish I was 22! Or even 32! At least I'm not 42 yet. Most of the parents at my school are 21/22 with four year old children that are in my class. One of the parents was at my school as a child when I started teaching. That makes me feel old.

Sarah I really think you will get you bfp soon. You've been pregnant before I just know its going to happen for you again soon. Ask for 21 day bloods to see if you are ovulating, but I be been told a million times that it can often take up to a year to get pregnant.
Does Andy take any medication? This can affect sperm. Would he go for sperm anaysis?

In bed with pjs on. Rock and roll! X
Oh yeah sarah -My birthdays in September. The same month that psychic suzy predicted I get my baby news from the August cycle presenting as a girl in 2014. I hope shes right ! X
Oh yeah sarah -My birthdays in September. The same month that psychic suzy predicted I get my baby news from the August cycle presenting as a girl in 2014. I hope shes right ! X

:haha::haha:hello pammy and rachel galaxy :haha: thats what i've got you in my phone as lol :winkwink:
ooohhh girlies, i hope our psychic's are right :growlmad: well i'm too gonna have a little girl, and i got the hopes, dream and wishes card with the empress, so she said theres your kids.. get jan, feb out the way... and i will have the life i've dreampt about :shrug: i dream about a lot of things, you know winning the lottery, owning my own house with stables.... being a supermodel, but sadly they never came up :haha: ooh owning my own home did??? :shrug: but it would probably be a mid terrace with a yard lmao :haha:
yeah andy's on tablets for his heart... mmm ooh i'll add that to the list, nah, i doubt that will affect him, will it? :wacko: we're both on sanatogen mother and father to be... :thumbup:
what day in september hun? you a scorpio or sagitarius chic?
do you ever feel like your fighting a loosing battle? :wacko: i do, everyday, i know i've been pregnant before and had josh, but i might not be able to continue the pregnancy, first ov.. got pregnant m/c, what a fuck up :cry:
andy's only young, he's 31 but he's been through the same as me in his time, drink and drugs, we did buy one of those sperm count tests, if you can remember? it was positive, so he has a lot of sperm, but i suppose you'd need to see a fertility dr to tell the quality of them, i just feel that if we got all the tests done, i wouldn't feel like everythings going against me... my age, my past, my weight :cry: grrrrr it's just pissin me off :growlmad: a year just seems like forever.....
what you all up to? pam, you only in manchester? i'm in ellesmere port hun?
yep, its raining here today oh and yesterday, i hate the rain :growlmad:
Sarah his medication probably won't make a difference.I just know that was one of the questions that was asked. Dh is on antidepressants for nerve damage,so we were worried. Andys sperm must be ok as he got you pregnant.
There are so many reasons why you can can't get pregnant or whether it sticks or not its a minefield!

Dh is 37 -doctors weren't concerned with his age. My friends 45 and she's just had a little one after 3 months of trying. It took her five years to get the first one that's 12 years old now. Weird how it's all works.

I actually live in Stockport which in in greater manchester. My sister in laws family live near you sarah. I go to that shopping place on the way. Cheshire oaks is that near you? X
Sarah his medication probably won't make a difference.I just know that was one of the questions that was asked. Dh is on antidepressants for nerve damage,so we were worried. Andys sperm must be ok as he got you pregnant.
There are so many reasons why you can can't get pregnant or whether it sticks or not its a minefield!

Dh is 37 -doctors weren't concerned with his age. My friends 45 and she's just had a little one after 3 months of trying. It took her five years to get the first one that's 12 years old now. Weird how it's all works.

I actually live in Stockport which in in greater manchester. My sister in laws family live near you sarah. I go to that shopping place on the way. Cheshire oaks is that near you? X

:wacko:yeah, i think its my body, i dont think i produce enough progesterone, and thats something he can help me with, cos you need that to help the baby stick, i've printed out the chart of the end of last cycle, where it says implantation occurred, and as i was so late, i'm gonna take it and show him, as he now knows my cycles, see what dr knobhead says to that :shrug:
:happydance: yeah 3 miles down the road from me, i live in little sutton hun, which is 3 miles from the port, do you ever come this way?? xxxx:hugs::hugs:
My sister in law goes every week and I drive to that shopping centre occasionly. In a perfect world we could meet up with ouf bumps or our new babies could play together! I could come any time as I'd be enjoying a year off for my maternity leave !! Ha ha better wake up now. Lol

Just turned down a week away withy mate as it happened to be my next fertile week in August and we all know what the physic said!! I don't really talk to my friends about this situation, she must think I'm mad.
' sorry I can't come for a week in the sun as I need to be at home having sex with my husband because we are making a baby girl that week apparently! '
Going make dh go away with me that week now, back to where we got engaged toile the baby.

Off to get nail fixed now as I had a altercation with a swing door!

Happy Saturday! Xx
My sister in law goes every week and I drive to that shopping centre occasionly. In a perfect world we could meet up with ouf bumps or our new babies could play together! I could come any time as I'd be enjoying a year off for my maternity leave !! Ha ha better wake up now. Lol

Just turned down a week away withy mate as it happened to be my next fertile week in August and we all know what the physic said!! I don't really talk to my friends about this situation, she must think I'm mad.
' sorry I can't come for a week in the sun as I need to be at home having sex with my husband because we are making a baby girl that week apparently! '
Going make dh go away with me that week now, back to where we got engaged toile the baby.

Off to get nail fixed now as I had a altercation with a swing door!

Happy Saturday! Xx

:hugs:yep that would be a perfect dream ;) it will happen one day, for all of us, but as andy said to me, bet you any money you dont even ovulate this cycle, and if she's right the baby would be conceived this cycle and i would be due in march!! :shrug:
:growlmad:he's probably right, and not to read to much into it, it will happen, when it happens....
have a good day hun xxxxx:hugs::hugs:

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