Anyone else with late AF and BFN? Come and join me!

witch came today. So much for the doctors pma LOL.
back to square one but using pre seed this time. Good luck all x x

ahh sorry seasaw :( im dreading seeing the devil/witch i hope the only systoms iv got(breast swollen) are a good sign that im :bfp: if not then il be joining you on that boat to NOvile to keep trying. everytime i test i always get a big fat no :bfn::bfn::bfn::cry: so this time im not goner chance it..if i come on i come on i hate getting in 2weeks time im still waiting then ill be testing. i aint gona put my hand in no fire and cry when i get burnt haha nope:nope:

haha till then anyone playing the game waiting with me hehe:)
i know how u feel babydea.... im late and i get tempted to test.. and then :bfn: :cry:.. :hugs: i hope u get :bfp: soon
Hi there girls,

Linziloo hope those FRERs are the charm for you sweetie
Seasaw, - sorry :witch: got you but try and stay positive, it a step in the right direction for next cycle - and I hope thats the cycle for you, a nice little June baby! :hugs:
babyhopes10 - you still hanging in with us, nothing to report? Well except for the missing witch and lack of af still
Babydeabreu - hi there, don't know if you've just joined us limbo girls but everything sounds really positive for you, really hope its a massive :bfp: for you this time honey.

Well thought I'd let you all know I was pleasantly suprised by my doc. She took it very seriously - did a pg test glaring BFN but she said its a very small chance but may still be pregnant. She has sent me to have an ultrasound and blood test next wed (5 days) if :witch: doesn't turn up in the meantime. She is looking into Poly cystic ovarys for me - she knows I don't have the syndrome but said you can still have PCO without PCOS!?! Which would mean I didn't ovulate. Hope thats not the case - but at least it would give me an answer. So until I have more info (next wed) I will continue to POAS - mainly just to satisfy my addiction :rofl: and will keep checking in on you all


Hi everybody, can I join?
Im on CD 46 and am 15 days late. I did a test yesterday morning and it was a BFN. sad really.
Hi there girls,

Babydeabreu - hi there, don't know if you've just joined us limbo girls but everything sounds really positive for you, really hope its a massive :bfp: for you this time honey.

hiya jake yeah im kinda new..but seem to be going through the same as loadz of you guys :) thanks alot for that posstive still late but noticed slight tiny baby cramping pains so i think the:devil: might poppin up sooon..i think im just late but hey you never know :thumbup::dance: but like i said befor iv learnt not to get my hopes up.

i no how you feel when u get addicted testing when your late..but boy im goner wait 2weeks for i do it now as it was mentally making me go :wacko::wohoo: lol

how long have you been late? i hope the scan shows :bfp: let us all no how you get on..ill be praying gor you :thumbup::winkwink: xx
Hi everybody, can I join?
Im on CD 46 and am 15 days late. I did a test yesterday morning and it was a BFN. sad really.

hey jas...sorry to hear you got a :bfn: i no its sucks when u get that. if you 2weeks late try again first thing in the morning as it may not show yet. if still no joy go doctors and get a blood test :thumbup:

all the best hun....:dust:
Hi Ladies,

Boy am I glad I found this site! Have been reading through the threads and can't believe there are so many people that feel the same as me!

This is my first cycle off BCP and I am a day late. I took a HPT and of course...BFN! Been having some "symptoms" (phantom??!) but I feel different; sore boobs, bloated, HUNGRY! I know it's still early and maybe my cycle needs a bit of time. But I've still got my fingers crossed for my BFP.

Got my fingers crossed for all of you! :confused:
Hi Ladies,

Boy am I glad I found this site! Have been reading through the threads and can't believe there are so many people that feel the same as me!

This is my first cycle off BCP and I am a day late. I took a HPT and of course...BFN! Been having some "symptoms" (phantom??!) but I feel different; sore boobs, bloated, HUNGRY! I know it's still early and maybe my cycle needs a bit of time. But I've still got my fingers crossed for my BFP.

Got my fingers crossed for all of you! :confused:

hey bubbles :)

im wishing you all the joy and dreams coming true for you being pregnant. so many woman on here are going through the same im late im late for an important date thing... but its just a waiting game. try stay open minded though as you never what the outcome will be. :dance: im 5 days late so im in that same boat sailing around waiting to find where the hell im going lol

good luck let us know the outcome good or bad :thumbup:

i hope its late for a wonderful reason :thumbup::happydance: xx
hey bubbles :)

im wishing you all the joy and dreams coming true for you being pregnant. so many woman on here are going through the same im late im late for an important date thing... but its just a waiting game. try stay open minded though as you never what the outcome will be. :dance: im 5 days late so im in that same boat sailing around waiting to find where the hell im going lol

good luck let us know the outcome good or bad :thumbup:

i hope its late for a wonderful reason :thumbup::happydance: xx[/QUOTE]

Thanks babydeabreu,

I hope its late for a good reason too! I can't believe I have become so obsessed with dates and temps etc in just my first month...but then I figure I may as well try and give myself the best chance possible eh? That and I am actually the most impatient person in the world! :)

How long have you been TTC for?
Hi everyone, let me start by saying sorry if I miss you in this message x

Linziloo, Linziloo - where have you gone? Your not allowed to leave me - unless its to go over to first trimester with a :bfp: - really hope thats where you have gone, might stalk you later!!! Ha ha :rofl:

babyhopes10 - Are you with linziloo - I really hope so too

babydea - sorry have to shorten it - Hi there, I can see you are still with me. To answer your question I am a regular 34 day cycle kinda girl and am currently heading into cd 50 - 16 days late for af. I have had 21 :bfn:'s now, yes I'm a terribly sad person testing that much :rofl: and I can not believe you haven't tested yet!?! Just warning you not only am I a POAS addict but also a POAS pusher - I will soon begin to yell :test: at you, don't take it personally I like to share my addiction as much as possible - maybe then I'm not the only crazy!!!:rofl: Don't count yourself out yet with cramps I have been having them for two weeks now and I'm still hanging on

and Hi there Bubbles23 and Jasmine79, of course you can join in we love having more people for the ride but as I say this generally isn't somewhere you want to be - ha ha - but if you're in limbo like the rest of us here I believe its the best place to be! Look forward to chatting with you.
Well nothing to report from me except a few more symptoms - which still must be my wild imagination and still no af. Except TMI - look away now, had a bit of light pink spotting last night after :sex: thought maybe :witch: was on her way then nothing? Who frickin knows!?!

Stay well all - and hope you get your :bfp: first thing in the morning - except you babydea who isn't testing for at least another week :wacko::wacko: ha ha but when you do give in and test I hope its :bfp: also
lolol tell me bout it...u get worse as it goes along. i have been really trying for bout 2 and bit months now..and its driving me crazy :wohoo::loopy:

seriously. and now im like 5 days late im going even more mental :happydance::trouble: lol i count every date and wait for my O day to arrive so we can get :sex: right on it i think ihave become a sexpest and driving him mad lol its bad when you think bout it cos the last thing you wana do is become annoying :rofl:

its all good though..all for a good reason :thumbup: and when it does finally happen im sure all this stress will be worth it..well untill the birth......where the real stress kicks in hahah

how you feeling though? you worried bout anything? :happydance::muaha:

fingers crossed legs crossed and platted my hair for you :) hehe xx
I am on CD41, previous month, 1st after coming off bcp was 28 days.

Do you think this is because I have only just come off pill and it is messing up my cycles.

Im such a hypochondriac that I think I may have PCOS or something x
DO NOT PANIC! I am still here. No first tri for me as yet but I am about to go POAS - FRER to be exact.

I think I will cry if it is BFN. I have it stuck in my head that the cheap ones I have been using are rubbish and that I have been pregnant the whole time. Deep down I know I'm not though :(

Walks - This is my 3rd cycle after BCP and both cycles before this one were 28/29 days. I'm putting it down to the pill that I'm late this time. Just gotta wait and see.

Hope you are all well and I will post back once I have POAS. Praying for that BFP x
Linziloo - I have also just been out and bought a test lol. Also convinced I might be one of those people who doesn't get strong HGC lol!!

I think I just like poas. I know im not prg x
Lol, what are we like?!

It's like I can't wait until my next fix!

I am going to do this FRER now and if it is BFN then I can convince myself that it's cos I didn't use FMU.

*Goes to loo, armed with FRER* :hi:
Hi everyone, let me start by saying sorry if I miss you in

babydea - sorry have to shorten it - Hi there, I can see you are still with me. To answer your question I am a regular 34 day cycle kinda girl and am currently heading into cd 50 - 16 days late for af. I have had 21 :bfn:'s now, yes I'm a terribly sad person testing that much :rofl: and I can not believe you haven't tested yet!?! Just warning you not only am I a POAS addict but also a POAS pusher - I will soon begin to yell :test: at you, don't take it personally I like to share my addiction as much as possible - maybe then I'm not the only crazy!!!:rofl: Don't count yourself out yet with cramps I have been having them for two weeks now and I'm still hanging on ha ha but when you do give in and test I hope its :bfp: also

jeazzz jake i thought i wrote alot haha

iv been a crazy obsest testing freak before which wasnt good for me, i was going crazy thinking maybe next time maybe next time gota be next time woooo:test::test::test:wooooowooooooo but now iv realised that im just goner have to wait as credit crunch has eaten my purse lol :dohh::wink:

normally my cycles are the same each month round the same day so it was strange when i didnt have a period for 2weeks...but it was just hormones i think and change of diet. so maybe its the same this time.

im goner wait another week then test because iv done my own headin FAR to many times testing and praying its :bfp: but never is. these lil cramps swollen breast give me signs that im just late..but yeh i maybe wrong but id ruther be suprised with joy than disapointed AGAIN haha :dance::yipee:

but dont you worrie girly ima keep you up to date as long as you keep me up to date :rofl::thumbup:
that's so funny about the FMU! I'm the same. Total freak.

Then if its BFN, you can also say it was because you drank too much and it watered it down.

Fingers crossed xx

Might have guessed, dunno what I was expecting. I refuse to test for a few days now.

Awwwww........sweetie. im sorry.

Hopefully the witchy will visit you soon. Are you getting period pains? Im getting them on and off which makes me this AF is coming then doesnt turn up.

Thanks :)

Yeah I am getting pains, but not like I normally would before AF. Last months cramps were so bad I had to take painkillers and slap on a heat patch. Haven't been that bad. And like you said, just getting them on and off.

Wish our bodies would decide what they are doing. I'm off to take the dog a walk, maybe some fresh air will do me good. Give myself a shake!


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