Hey Everyone! I am new to this forum but desperately need to connect with other pregnant women. I am 7 weeks + 1 and we have not told any family at all, just my DH and I know so far, we are trying to wait til 12 weeks to tell everyone, just to be on the safe side and plus it gives us something to look forward to! But because no one else knows besides my DH and I have been going through my first pregnancy basically alone and googling EVERYTHING! It is nice to read about some of your experiences and symptoms. So far I haven't even been referred to an OBGYN so I have not has an u/s or any medical attention whatsoever, very frustrating! I've had quite a few symptoms though: the worst one: SUPER sore BB's, a little cramping (and twinges) here and there, headaches, leg cramps, queasiness (no vomiting....yet), FATIGUE!!!!!, not sure how I am making it through the days at this point, that is how tired I feel! AND last week I got this weird dark line from under my ribcage to my belly button, it faded the next day, came back and then left again and hasn't returned, I googled it and it said it was a linea negra, anyone else out there get that???