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Anyone expecting their FIRST in April 2013?

Hello all April mommies.. I can finally say I have a better EDD. Went for my scan yesterday and saw our little peanut and heard the heartbeat for the first time ever. What an AMAZING feeling. I cried! lol:dohh:
We are beyond ecstatic and can't wait to watch this little bundle of joy grow inside.
I am about 7 weeks and due on or around April 21, 2013 :D

H&H 9 months to you hun :hugs:
Congrats alicat and welcome!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! :thumbup:

I am going for my 6 week u/s at 2pm today. So anxious and so nervous! Come on little heartbeat, let us know you are there! :)

Im from Savannah too! I am 6 weeks and 5 days my tracker is a day off. I am due the 27th of April according to my lmp. My OBGYN in Savannah wont see me till next week when I will be 8 weeks how are you going in at 6? lol I hate waiting lol
This will be my first baby! I'm currently 7 weeks (counting from last af) and from those calculations, my due date will be April 24th :D
Hello! Congratulations to you all!

This is our first and it's due the day after our 1st wedding anniversary on the 22nd April 2013. MS for me is just nausea if i'm not constantly full or snacking. no sore boobs, no tiredness, no cramps of any sort. just cm now and again!

i get scared as so many of my close friends have mc just before the 12week mark. we had a 6 weeks scan and everything looked healthy and will wait till after our 12 week scan to tell the world :happydance:fingers crossed everything goes well!

still can't quite believe i'm pregnant and about to be a mother. i think it will really hit me when we see the baby at the 12 week scan. right now the Sprout app makes our bub look like an alien!
Congrats alicat and welcome!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! :thumbup:

I am going for my 6 week u/s at 2pm today. So anxious and so nervous! Come on little heartbeat, let us know you are there! :)

Im from Savannah too! I am 6 weeks and 5 days my tracker is a day off. I am due the 27th of April according to my lmp. My OBGYN in Savannah wont see me till next week when I will be 8 weeks how are you going in at 6? lol I hate waiting lol

You are in Savannah too?? WOW! This is awesome! My OBGYN actually saw me at 5 weeks, then 6 and seeing me again on the 19th. My Dr. is with Candler. Once I called to say I got a pos. test result she wanted to see me.

Oh my counter is off by 3 days lol I am 7 weeks and 6 days now :)

I am so excited you are in Savannah! lol
Congrats alicat and welcome!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!! :thumbup:

I am going for my 6 week u/s at 2pm today. So anxious and so nervous! Come on little heartbeat, let us know you are there! :)

Im from Savannah too! I am 6 weeks and 5 days my tracker is a day off. I am due the 27th of April according to my lmp. My OBGYN in Savannah wont see me till next week when I will be 8 weeks how are you going in at 6? lol I hate waiting lol

You are in Savannah too?? WOW! This is awesome! My OBGYN actually saw me at 5 weeks, then 6 and seeing me again on the 19th. My Dr. is with Candler. Once I called to say I got a pos. test result she wanted to see me.

Oh my counter is off by 3 days lol I am 7 weeks and 6 days now :)

I am so excited you are in Savannah! lol

Yup! How crazy is this! My obgyn is at Candler as well. Dr. Helmkins. Im so upset, I called them and said I got a positive and they asked my lmp and said I can't come in for an ultrasound till sept 14. I asked don't you want to do a test or blood test. She said no if your getting a positive at home then most likely you are. We won't see you until your 8 weeks ugh! Waiting to see if my baby is ok is killing me!
Wow I wonder why they make you wait until 8 weeks? I did mine yesterday at 6 weeks 5 days and saw the heart beat and everything :) it was incredible! Then they are doing another one at 9 weeks. I also got seen before these at 4 weeks and 5 days because I was having a lot of pinching pain... they did an ultrasound and verified everything was fine. :)
I posted in here awhile back and hope to become a bit more active. I'll give a re-do of me assuming I did it in the 1st place.

This is my 1st PG and I struggled with IF in the past. I have been married to the right guy for 1+ year and we are very excited to be expecting. I of course have some nerves and hope everything is ok. The 1st u/s is booked for next week at 8 weeks (couldn't make the 1 time slot left for this week :growlmad: Then the 1st official NP appt. 9/26 at 10 weeks and she'll do another u/s. Then high risk screening u/s at 12.5 weeks. So great that I get a bunch of u/s's just working on both of us taking off work for all of these appts.

I have had sore bbs since O and they have grown a bit. And I am tired most of the time. And of course I get up to pee in the middles of the night. I have had some mild nausea and try to keep quick and easy snacks near me at work. I also get hungry often. So I am snacking now and then going to head to the gym for some exercise before I can talk myself out of it. Is anyone else exercising?
Hi girls im expecting my 1st on 15th april im 9+3 i was wondering if anybody needed a bump buddy or would like one lol
Hey Ladies! I love reading everyone's stories! I am 7 weeks 5 days with my first! My symptoms are: sore(growing!) boobies, tired/no energy, constant queasiness yet hungry, mild cramps, going to the bathroom every 2 hours at night, night hunger, increased sense of smell, bulging belly.

I am a teacher, so during the day I keep very busy and I do not notice my symptoms until I sit down or during my prep time! Which is good because I do not want to make it obvious to my 8th graders that I am pregnant until I really start to show.:winkwink: Maybe my angry outbursts are not obvious:-#
Hey froglady. i am guessing your 8th graders won't pick up on it too quickly. I have very similar symptoms. I call it mild nausea but queasiness may be a better description and I pretty much constantly eat as that feels better. I find when I got to bed earlier I get up to pee after about 2-3 hours and can then sleep for the rest of the night.
Wow I wonder why they make you wait until 8 weeks? I did mine yesterday at 6 weeks 5 days and saw the heart beat and everything :) it was incredible! Then they are doing another one at 9 weeks. I also got seen before these at 4 weeks and 5 days because I was having a lot of pinching pain... they did an ultrasound and verified everything was fine. :)

Really depends on the docs when you have your 1st tri u/s. My doc wanted me to get one between 6-8 week. Because there were many misunderstandings I didn't get one as it was hard to find an appointment before Oct. Then last Friday I was at the hospital for paperwork and a young resident took me on the side and gave me my first u/s on the sly on 8+1 :hugs:, he believes that women should get one before the 8w is over. Another doc I saw on Monday told me there is no need for a u/s until I'm 11w!!! :wacko: Every doc I see tells me different things.:growlmad:

Anyway I need a proper u/s with printed pics for my file before the 8 week is completely over so I'm getting it done privately at a diagnostic center today at noon.:happydance:
Hey Everyone! I am new to this forum but desperately need to connect with other pregnant women. I am 7 weeks + 1 and we have not told any family at all, just my DH and I know so far, we are trying to wait til 12 weeks to tell everyone, just to be on the safe side and plus it gives us something to look forward to! But because no one else knows besides my DH and I have been going through my first pregnancy basically alone and googling EVERYTHING! It is nice to read about some of your experiences and symptoms. So far I haven't even been referred to an OBGYN so I have not has an u/s or any medical attention whatsoever, very frustrating! I've had quite a few symptoms though: the worst one: SUPER sore BB's, a little cramping (and twinges) here and there, headaches, leg cramps, queasiness (no vomiting....yet), FATIGUE!!!!!, not sure how I am making it through the days at this point, that is how tired I feel! AND last week I got this weird dark line from under my ribcage to my belly button, it faded the next day, came back and then left again and hasn't returned, I googled it and it said it was a linea negra, anyone else out there get that???
Hey Everyone! I am new to this forum but desperately need to connect with other pregnant women. I am 7 weeks + 1 and we have not told any family at all, just my DH and I know so far, we are trying to wait til 12 weeks to tell everyone, just to be on the safe side and plus it gives us something to look forward to! But because no one else knows besides my DH and I have been going through my first pregnancy basically alone and googling EVERYTHING! It is nice to read about some of your experiences and symptoms. So far I haven't even been referred to an OBGYN so I have not has an u/s or any medical attention whatsoever, very frustrating! I've had quite a few symptoms though: the worst one: SUPER sore BB's, a little cramping (and twinges) here and there, headaches, leg cramps, queasiness (no vomiting....yet), FATIGUE!!!!!, not sure how I am making it through the days at this point, that is how tired I feel! AND last week I got this weird dark line from under my ribcage to my belly button, it faded the next day, came back and then left again and hasn't returned, I googled it and it said it was a linea negra, anyone else out there get that???
Congrats & Welcome! I'm at 7w1d & I don't have a line, but that doesn't mean it won't appear! Apparently it's pretty common from what I have heard so no worries!!!
Hey Everyone! I am new to this forum but desperately need to connect with other pregnant women. I am 7 weeks + 1 and we have not told any family at all, just my DH and I know so far, we are trying to wait til 12 weeks to tell everyone, just to be on the safe side and plus it gives us something to look forward to! But because no one else knows besides my DH and I have been going through my first pregnancy basically alone and googling EVERYTHING! It is nice to read about some of your experiences and symptoms. So far I haven't even been referred to an OBGYN so I have not has an u/s or any medical attention whatsoever, very frustrating! I've had quite a few symptoms though: the worst one: SUPER sore BB's, a little cramping (and twinges) here and there, headaches, leg cramps, queasiness (no vomiting....yet), FATIGUE!!!!!, not sure how I am making it through the days at this point, that is how tired I feel! AND last week I got this weird dark line from under my ribcage to my belly button, it faded the next day, came back and then left again and hasn't returned, I googled it and it said it was a linea negra, anyone else out there get that???

Hi and congrats! :) I don't have a line. But I think the linea negra is very common in pregnancys. But also, I have read that skin discoloration can also occur from lack of folic acid... Don't know if that could be the case. Its something i would probably ask the doctor about. I hope you get to see an ob gyn soon! :)
I had my first scan and im now in the month ive moved from 22 march to the 8th apirl :D. i only lost 2 weeks but thats ok. So hello to all the aprils mummies. Oh and this is my first one to xxxxx

I am 10 weeks 5 days and due april 4th:)
Congrats to everyone

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