Wish2bmum im from maltby if you know where that is. Ye its always good to have someone to talk to/meet up with. I dont know if you have but ive got msn if you ever want to chat??
Whirlow Farm are holding a baby show in Sheffield? https://www.the-bfg.co.uk/ It looks a bit more eco-friendly and less buy-buy-buy than some of the events I've seen advertised.
i live in crappy mexbro. but rossington born n bred n am so lookin 4ward to movin back
I'm in Doncaster, sorry to have just missed the meet-up. I'm over on the Skellow/Carcroft side of town.
Just found this thread, ooh! I am living in Barnsley, working in Sheffield, and TTC baby no 1!
Only been living this side of the Pennines for nearly 3 years now, was wondering if there were many local ladies on here!!!