anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Hi, I had ovarian drilling in May, I got my bfp today after taking 150mg of clomid, I'm also on the larger side so don't be put off if you're a larger lady, it can still work!

Sending lots of baby dust :hugs::hugs:
Hello all!
New to this forum but have been browsing through an abundant of threads for hope! Brief run down.
Been ttc for 1 year. Always had irregular periods and by irregular, I mean almost absent since day one. Had a lap with dye + ovarian drilling + d&c on 17th December 2015. Did not bleed AT ALL post op. Af arrived 29th Jan 2016. I began light spotting couple days after presumed ovulation on 15th Feb to 17th.
Was meant to start Clomid on 27th Feb (2nd day of period) but unfortunately or "fortunately", af never came.
For the past week I have had period like cramps along with sharp pains and now 5 days later, no af and still with cramps/pains. Did 5 hpt all bfn 😔
Would love to know if anyone has gone through the same!
Hi ladies! I see this thread has been dormant for awhile. I'm not sure if there are any ladies out there still waiting for their BFP after OD, but I'm 3 days post op. I'm optimistic and would love to go through this with some of you.
Hi ladies, am new to this forum, just had OD on the 2nd of Nov 2016 and on my tww atm. Any recent success stories? Anyone?
Hi everyone,
Despite knowing this thread has gone dormant I wanted to post as I've just finished reading all 617 pages and I have to thank every poster for sharing their stories, wisdom, support and giving the rest of us hope! Congratulations to everyone for being brave enough to have this surgery and especially to those who have gone on to have their babies! I was so overjoyed reading all your BFP announcements!!!
I am 35, no children, BMI of 24.6 and recently diagnosed with PCOS. I had OD on 15 September, still waiting for AF and no signs of ovulation. I am also having increased hair growth, acne and weight gain. I have my specialist check up on Wednesday and I believe I'm being prescribed Clomid. I am trying to take everyone's advice here and just be patient with my body, as this thread has taught me everyone adjusts to the surgery differently!
Best of luck to everyone having OD in the future and fx for those BFPS!!!
Thanks again ladies, you have no idea how much comfort you brought me these last few weeks xxx
Wow i know this is an old post but i have had a little catch up.

Here's a little bit about me...

I have PCOS and had 5 (was meant to be 6 cycles of Clomid but the side effects were horrendous so i stopped) and i didn't respond well so then went onto IVF.
I had my first cycle of IVF in July but was at hight risk of OHSS so they decided to let me have a break after EC and do a freeze all, which i was fine with.
I had lots and lots of follies but only got 5 eggs, of which 4 fertilised and now my little frosties.

I then had the call from our specialist who said he thinks I'd be a good candidate for Ovarian Drilling

On Friday (20/10) I had laparoscopic surgery to drill my ovaries, the surgeon found some endometriosis which he removed, he said it was only minor, also checked my tubes and eveything was fine.
I feel i've recovered very well so far, even managed to :bd: last night, was very careful and wasn't great as I was worrying the whole time.

Does anyone know when should I expect my period?

I am on CD15 today but not sure if that gets reset after the drilling?
Hi babydust! Let's see if we can revive this thread :D

Some ladies have suggested that you count your day of surgery as CD1. If this is the case I am CD42 with no signs of AF coming anytime soon.

I had my post surgery check up yesterday. Unfortunately I have a lot of adhesions and was told Clomid would not work. I've been referred to a FS for IVF but don't know how I feel about this option. So that's where I'm at!

Babydust to you babydust! :D Fingers crossed AF shows up for you soon!
Wow i know this is an old post but i have had a little catch up.

Here's a little bit about me...

I have PCOS and had 5 (was meant to be 6 cycles of Clomid but the side effects were horrendous so i stopped) and i didn't respond well so then went onto IVF.
I had my first cycle of IVF in July but was at hight risk of OHSS so they decided to let me have a break after EC and do a freeze all, which i was fine with.
I had lots and lots of follies but only got 5 eggs, of which 4 fertilised and now my little frosties.

I then had the call from our specialist who said he thinks I'd be a good candidate for Ovarian Drilling

On Friday (20/10) I had laparoscopic surgery to drill my ovaries, the surgeon found some endometriosis which he removed, he said it was only minor, also checked my tubes and eveything was fine.
I feel i've recovered very well so far, even managed to :bd: last night, was very careful and wasn't great as I was worrying the whole time.

Does anyone know when should I expect my period?

I am on CD15 today but not sure if that gets reset after the drilling?

I was told to count the first day of any period after it as cd1, my doctor said that the good news is that if the OD doesn't get you ovulating it makes you much more sensitive to clomid so more likely to work, I still had to go up to 150mg of clomid but it did the trick.

When you get your period will depend on how your body has responded to the surgery, if you've not had anything in two weeks or so talk to your doctor and they may prescribe provera to start your period.
Hi babydust! Let's see if we can revive this thread :D

Some ladies have suggested that you count your day of surgery as CD1. If this is the case I am CD42 with no signs of AF coming anytime soon.

I had my post surgery check up yesterday. Unfortunately I have a lot of adhesions and was told Clomid would not work. I've been referred to a FS for IVF but don't know how I feel about this option. So that's where I'm at!

Babydust to you babydust! :D Fingers crossed AF shows up for you soon!

Yes that would be good as it's a huge and helpful thread :flower:

I've read that too regarding cd1 once bleeding from surgery. It stopped after 3 days and was only really light. Am DTD every other day anyway. I have some cheapy OPKs on the way.
When I have a full on AF I have to call the hospital for a scan to check if the op was successful.

So sorry to hear that :cry: I've had 1 round of IVF and honestly it wasn't what I thought. I totally was dreading it but I was positive the whole way through and found my hormones weren't sending me crazy. What is it you're unsure of hun?

Wow i know this is an old post but i have had a little catch up.

Here's a little bit about me...

I have PCOS and had 5 (was meant to be 6 cycles of Clomid but the side effects were horrendous so i stopped) and i didn't respond well so then went onto IVF.
I had my first cycle of IVF in July but was at hight risk of OHSS so they decided to let me have a break after EC and do a freeze all, which i was fine with.
I had lots and lots of follies but only got 5 eggs, of which 4 fertilised and now my little frosties.

I then had the call from our specialist who said he thinks I'd be a good candidate for Ovarian Drilling

On Friday (20/10) I had laparoscopic surgery to drill my ovaries, the surgeon found some endometriosis which he removed, he said it was only minor, also checked my tubes and eveything was fine.
I feel i've recovered very well so far, even managed to :bd: last night, was very careful and wasn't great as I was worrying the whole time.

Does anyone know when should I expect my period?

I am on CD15 today but not sure if that gets reset after the drilling?

I was told to count the first day of any period after it as cd1, my doctor said that the good news is that if the OD doesn't get you ovulating it makes you much more sensitive to clomid so more likely to work, I still had to go up to 150mg of clomid but it did the trick.

When you get your period will depend on how your body has responded to the surgery, if you've not had anything in two weeks or so talk to your doctor and they may prescribe provera to start your period.


Yes I've read the same about cd1 will bd every other day to be safe.

I don't think I'd be put on clomid again as they tried me on that this time last year and I had real bad dizzy spells, I struggled to walk it was knocking me about for a good 10days :dohh:

I haven't heard many ladies have OD so it's all a bit of a grey area to me.
Keeping a close eye on my body, looking forward to a proper AF so I can book my scan to see if the op was successful

Hey again,

I keep noticing a browny coloured discharge, not masses but its there... any idea I'm now CD 19
I hope the scan shows surgery has worked well for you :) Did they discuss the option of Tamoxifen? Was the clomid causing side effects at all doses? because after surgery you don't need as much for it work, (for me it didn't work in the slightest before surgery hence why I ended up on a higher dose)

Could be spotting for all sorts of reason, progesterone related, ovulation or impending period!
I hope the scan shows surgery has worked well for you :) Did they discuss the option of Tamoxifen? Was the clomid causing side effects at all doses? because after surgery you don't need as much for it work, (for me it didn't work in the slightest before surgery hence why I ended up on a higher dose)

Could be spotting for all sorts of reason, progesterone related, ovulation or impending period!

I cant remember what Clomid dose i was on... 150mg i think. It was the same dose from start to finish. They've not mentioned any medication other than naturally TTC for 6 months and if no joy then we will look into the next cycle of IVF.
I may mention it though :thumbup:
Is Tamoxifen a similar type of thing then?

I've noticed that it's more when we have BD for example, this morning we DTD and then this evening I've noticed brown spotting in my pants, I did call the hospital to ask the question but i was transferred from Gyne to Fertility to my specialists receptionist and none of them seemed to feel they knew the right department for me to go to, i'll wait it out a little longer and hopefully AF comes and i can get my appt for the scan and then can speak to my specialist direct.

Thing is its not a common procedure that they do so it seems not many people know too much about it.

How are you feeling? xx
Tamoxifen is different but is often given to ladies who react badly to/or who don't ovulate on clomid. Definitely speak to them about it, I started on 50mg of clomid after the surgery and had blood tests every month, they kept raising the dose until my progesterone level was high enough, if it hadn't worked within 6 months we were going to move onto injections as IVF wasn't an option for us on the nhs, I fell pregnant the month I was due to have to my appointment and get prescribed them!

Nationally is it quite a common procedure, don't let them fob you off! lots of women have it for many different reasons - endometriosis I think is one the main ones.

It's still quite recent since your operation so the spotting may be from that?
Tamoxifen is different but is often given to ladies who react badly to/or who don't ovulate on clomid. Definitely speak to them about it, I started on 50mg of clomid after the surgery and had blood tests every month, they kept raising the dose until my progesterone level was high enough, if it hadn't worked within 6 months we were going to move onto injections as IVF wasn't an option for us on the nhs, I fell pregnant the month I was due to have to my appointment and get prescribed them!

Nationally is it quite a common procedure, don't let them fob you off! lots of women have it for many different reasons - endometriosis I think is one the main ones.

It's still quite recent since your operation so the spotting may be from that?

Oh right that sounds good stuff, i will definitely mention it.
Thank you for that info it really helps talking to other ladies and sharing stories.

I've put my spotting down to the op to be honest, it has eased again now i'm CD 24, so just waiting on AF, if it comes on time it'll be here 9th November.
My hormones must be so crazy right now as i have had the most horrific break out, it started on my chin and around my mouth, now noticing them appearing on my jaw line and forehead, so the drilling must've triggered some hormonal disruption, although i thought my skin would clear if the drilling was a success... i guess i have to wait and see when i have my scan. xx
I hope you get news at your scan! Hopefully AF won't keep you waiting for too long, it's so stressful waiting, it's like everything is on hold until it shows up.
I hope you get news at your scan! Hopefully AF won't keep you waiting for too long, it's so stressful waiting, it's like everything is on hold until it shows up.

Aww thank you hun, will keep you posted xx

Hey babydust28 :) Any sign of AF yet?

It's been about 7 weeks since my surgery and AF still hasn't shown up for me. I guess I'm one of those people who the surgery didn't work for. I'm still glad I had it though as they were able to remove some endometriosis I had at the time which can only be a good thing!

I had my appointment today with an Infertility Specialist (had a month wait) and she has prescribed me Provera and Clomid. I'm going to give it a go while I prepare myself for IVF (blood tests, police checks etc).

Fingers crossed for BFPs soon for everyone that might be reading this thread xx
I’m new to this post... but I had OD surgery four days ago. I’ve been reading this thread to get some hope. I was diagnosed with PCOS back in 2009, I was able to get pregnant with my son using femera and metformin & iui on our first round. This time around has not been so lucky!! My surgery went well... now just needing to be patient. Prior to my OD I had 4 failed iui cycles in the fall/winter, all with metformin and femera, my last cycle added in follistim Injectables. My doctors plan is for me to back in femera when I get af next and if a couple cycles don’t work I’ll move onto ivf. Anything new with you all?? .
Hi KelKel15 and welcome! I really hope OD is the answer for you - my Anaesthetist said it worked for every couple he's assisted within just a few months so it seems the success rate is very high!

Unfortunately it's been ~4 months since my surgery and I did not get a period on my own (although have always been very irregular). Since then I've had one cycle of provera and clomid and have almost completed my second with added metformin. Next week we have our first IVF counselling session.

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