KymD, my period came early this morning, so I'm out for this month. Hope you have better luck! I was so angry and upset this morning. I will just vent on here. Stupid AF! It really is an evil witch. (lol)
Hello Megan! As you probably read, I have had trouble having regular ovulation since birth control. I don't know how regular I was before bc because I was young and didn't pay to much attention. But hope yours regulates without the need for any fertility medicine. I have been on clomid, it causes ovulation, and occasionally provera to start my period. If you don't need it, I don't recommend it because from my experience it causes my ovaries to grow cysts, swell, pain, hot flashes, horrible cramping and breast tenderness the
entire cycle. Also causes heavier periods and less CM. buuuuut it helps ovulation so I can't complain
My dr said the majority of women regulate within 3 cycles after stopping, so keep charting and maybe even take opks.
Hope, you are so right! it is definitely not as easy as I thought. I was convinced before ttc that unprotected sex would get me pregnant immediately. Here I am, almost a year later and haven't been pregnant once. It's a tough journey but we don't have to do it alone.
Well it's raining/snowing at my house right now! It's supposed to snow up to 5 inches tonight. I don't know if I'm excited or not, haha. As far as ttc, I started AF this morning and I just called in my refill in for clomid 100 mg. Tbh, I wish I could go back to 50 mg but oh well. 100 mg has caused so many side effects and my stomach's been upset for 2 weeks now. I do like that it has a higher chance of multiples, though. I wouldn't mind twins! Theres nothing sweeter than two babies snuggling!