Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Leinz - As long as you have plenty of swimmers up there waiting, it's all good :D I tested this morning and it was BFN, I'm not sure when I Ov'd though, think I'm only 1 or 2 DPO so I expected nothing more than a BFN :haha: Love your profile picture by the way :cloud9:
I don't deny it... DH and I are both mental. DD2 is 2 months and still getting up once a night. :haha:

Thanks EX! Our cycles are pretty close to being lined! Oh, let this month be it for us both. We'd be days apart in EDD! So exciting! BTW, Tyler is so cute in your profile pic also.
I just got my +OPK! I was shocked yesterday when I got my -OPK! Because I didn't check CM, but my toilet paper was loaded. This is CD23, so O is a bit late.

We all have LO close in age! :) I'm crazy! I have DD1 who is 23 months. DD2 who is 2 months, and hopefully #3 is about to be a tiny seed. :)

EEEE good luck! Get BDing!!!!
I got my first crosshairs on FF today, but I don't understand as all my OPKs were negative ... massive dip and spike though. So, maybe I have O'd and the OPK missed it. According to FF I would be 3DPO, but I'm not going to rely on that ...! It's only my first month ever of temping, so I probably have just messed them up somewhere along the line, I suppose!

Get to it Leinz!!! My O is usually CD22-24 too. You are seriously mental. DD2 is 2 months? I'm not sure I could even remember my name at that stage!

WAL1 - Yes, you US ladies have a seriously crappy deal on the maternity leave front. I can't even imagine that. We are so spoilt here. :hugs:

Zilla - my DD was due 8/12 but was late! Those were the longest, most frustrating days of my life! We're just up the coast in Cullercoats (the next one along from Tynemouth - it's a small world!). I am just mid first PPAF so this is the first month we could have TTC. When I was TTC DD I was clueless and it took 6/12, but only the second cycle with charting. I'm much more clued up now. I know my cycles and my body plus I'm not working away from home so I'm hoping that will help. I've told DH that he has got 2/52 to think about it :rofl: but I'm going to treat this cycle as TTC - temping, then saliva microscope and OPK plus will begin my vit B complex tomorrow. At worst I'll just get a better idea of my pp cycles.

I can imagine, I'm so glad I didn't go over, I was so glad that LO came early. Especially so close to Xmas, I'm glad I wasn't in hospital over the holidays. Although if by some miracle we do concieve this month (which is a very slim chance I reckon) it'll be similar due dates again :dohh:
Ah I know where you mean, lucky! I miss it there.
Haven't even had a PPAF yet - driving me mad. With my first we were pregnant pretty much straight away - I came off the pill on Valentines Day and then we got our BFP on Good Friday, so took less than a couple of months.
That's a good idea, is ferning easy to do?? Are the scopes expensive? my OH works in lab equipment so might be able to get him to borrow one ahhaa!
What do you think your OH will say?

Honeybee and Zilla - To add insult to injury, the maternity leave I did get was unpaid! I had to use my sick and vacation time, and had to work half time from home to try to stretch those out so I could be home with DD when she was released from the NICU. It's a mess here, and so hard to be a career woman if you want to have a family!

that's so horrible, I'm sorry you had to go through that :hugs:
It annoys me when people in England go on about "Broken Britain"; and how bad it is here - we're lucky and people don't even realise it.
Welcome new ladies!!

Leinz YAY for O!!! Good luck this month to all of you!!!!!!! :hugs:

So sorry I haven't been on very's a long story but lots of stress in my life right now. :(

On a positive note Weston is 6 weeks old today and I had my postpartum check up. Cleared for BDing!!!!!!!!! :) The doctor said my chances aren't that great of getting pregnant again while breastfeeding, but we will see. If nothing has happened by the time Weston is between 6 and 9 months I may start supplementing with formula. I do really want two close together as the more I think about it I do not particularly want a 2-3 year old and a newborn. I have cared for lots and lots of children over the years and that is my least favorite age (between 2 and 3). They are so challenging and I can't imagine having one that age and doing the newborn night feeds every few hours!!! Would rather have the youngest be at least 6 months old by the time Weston turns 2.
Zilla - I have this microscope:
It worked for me! Looking back at my last chart I got partial ferning about a week before O, then ferning for 4 days, beginning 2 days before OPK +, that day and O day (according to FF). I like using it with tracking temp/CM and then OPK once I first notice watery CM. I'm
A bit of a geek though! I love the charts!

I reckon DH will be onboard soon! Will keep you posted x
Babydreams: Hey, Now! You are scaring me! DD1 turns 2 next month. :haha: It's already a bit crazy with her. She is into everything.

I hope the stress in your life clears soon. Yay for the OK to BD. I had my ok at 4 weeks, but waited until I felt ready. I was a day shy of 7 weeks. With DD1 BD hurt for 3 months, this time it was great from the first time.

I also had my first bowel movement three hours after labor. With DD1 it took days. Crazy eh?
A postpartum mommy (and/or a pregnant mommy on Zofran and iron supplements) can appreciate the shear glory of a poo in ways that your average person cannot comprehend. It took me 11 days to poo after my C-section. 11 agonizing, angst-filled days of cramping and flatulence.

Since I had an EMCS I didn't get the experience of giving birth to a baby, but that doesn't mean I haven't been in labor. What a horrid experience! :nope:
A postpartum mommy (and/or a pregnant mommy on Zofran and iron supplements) can appreciate the shear glory of a poo in ways that your average person cannot comprehend. It took me 11 days to poo after my C-section. 11 agonizing, angst-filled days of cramping and flatulence.

Since I had an EMCS I didn't get the experience of giving birth to a baby, but that doesn't mean I haven't been in labor. What a horrid experience! :nope:

Oh yeah! Labor is definitely horrid. Two inductions here with no epidural. As for the poo... I can't comprehend that long. :hugs:
A postpartum mommy (and/or a pregnant mommy on Zofran and iron supplements) can appreciate the shear glory of a poo in ways that your average person cannot comprehend. It took me 11 days to poo after my C-section. 11 agonizing, angst-filled days of cramping and flatulence.

Since I had an EMCS I didn't get the experience of giving birth to a baby, but that doesn't mean I haven't been in labor. What a horrid experience! :nope:

Oh yeah! Labor is definitely horrid. Two inductions here with no epidural. As for the poo... I can't comprehend that long. :hugs:

Haha, in case I didn't explain it well enough, the labor I was referring to was the one that ended my 11-day stretch :)
Sending lot's of baby dust to our lovely ladies in this thread :dust:
Thanks ladies! :dust: to all! :) :) :) I'm 1dpo, countdown to testing has began.
Yay Leinz! Wishing you a speedy TWW. Hopefully you have lots of stuff going on to keep yourself busy! xo
i had my first a little over 4 weeks ago, i had to be induced at 36 weeks and 4 days as he stopped growing at 32 weeks. luckly he turned out perfectly fine. he ended up being born by emcs. it was about a week before we decided we want another and we would like a year age gap, at the moment we are waiting till LO is 3 months before we start trying again.
Welcome, littlesteph! Are you BFing? Just something to think about when considering TTC because it may make it challenging to predict ovulation. My first PP period was at 3 months after DD was born, but I know lots of ladies who are 1 year PP and still haven't had a period because of BFing. The actively TTC ladies can tell you more, but just something to keep in mind!
littlesteph: Congratulations! He's adorable! Not long until you are TTC again. :) I haven't waited either... DD#2 is 2 months old.
Oooooh exciting Leinz and Ex. How long can you hold out before testing?!!!

Welcome littlesteph - my DD is 15 weeks now and AF returned last week. I'm EBF x

I had a bit of a reality check yesterday. DD and DH have both been poorly this week and yesterday I got it too. Felt really crappy and nauseous which made me worry about coping with DD if I have another bad pregnancy :( Still haven't ruled it out though. There just seem to be lots of pros for us as a family.

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