Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Hi ladies!
My LO is 11 weeks and hubby is the one who's keen for another, plan to go off pill at 6-8 months
Anyone else in the UK watching 16 Kids and Counting on TV? Have a feeling we'll end up like that :haha: :haha: :haha:

No, but might just watch it on catch-up tomorrow. No danger of it being me - one more and I'm done! Did you see Bedtime live? There were twins running riot. Now imagine if someone on this thread conceived twins :rofl:

hahhaaa, I was watching that too. OH was trying to turn over and watch the football though, urgh. I'd cry if I fell with twins with such a little one!

Wantsalittle: Maybe that's my problem... My DH was ready for another, before I was 2 weeks PP. lol

I'm choosing to ignore the twins on this thread, comment. :haha: I don't watch that, and I'm sure even with my severe, can't explain it baby fever... It won't be me!

I think ladies here on BNB in other threads don't take me seriously. :haha: I'm really testing soon, and really went full force TTC.

Who can blame them though, in a few days if I see two lines. I'm sure my own mouth will drop. :haha:


Still nothing here., haven't updated in a couple days as it's chaos as always! - I did get crosshairs on FF but then had another low temp a few days later and they vanished. Now back to square one! Still no AF or sign of anything happening.
my little one was about 2 weeks old when we decied we want another just have to wait for my 6 week pp check we are hoping to ttc when lo is 3 months
Leinz - Roll on April 5th :happydance: I started spotting today, I'm not due AF for 4 days! :cry: We are going to wait until Tyler is 1 to TTC #2. I shall still stalk you ladies though and keep sending you lot's of baby :dust: :thumbup:

Zilla - Twins run in my OH's family! :shock:
Hi ladies!
My LO is 11 weeks and hubby is the one who's keen for another, plan to go off pill at 6-8 months

Congrats! Our babies were born three days apart! :) How exciting!

EX: WHAT?? 1 year?? Spotting? Could it possibly be implantation? If its AF she's a few days early. So your LP would be fine. I was so hoping that we'd be prego together. Still possible, it may take me quite awhile.

I knew we were going to TTC soon. I had thought September though and not now... I think we may wait until September, if I don't find joy this cycle.

Zilla: Probably just your body getting back into the swing of things. Or maybe a mucked temp? I'm sure it will figure itself out soon. :hugs:
Leinzlove are u ttc now?
We are planning on NTNP when bub is 6 months and actively ttc at 1 year. Only because I had a c section or we prob would earlier!
Yes, I'm in TTC cycle 1... 6dpo and hoping to see a BFP this weekend. Eeeek! First AF came a day short of 7 weeks PP.

Got my +OPK CD23 and thinking O day was CD24. So, a bit later than usual.

We started TTC#2 when DD#1 was 5 months old. We fell pg cycle 5 and MMC at 9 weeks. Fell pg with my January bean Cycle 1 after that. So, it didn't take to long, 8 months.
Yes, I'm in TTC cycle 1... 6dpo and hoping to see a BFP this weekend. Eeeek! First AF came a day short of 7 weeks PP.

Got my +OPK CD23 and thinking O day was CD24. So, a bit later than usual.

We started TTC#2 when DD#1 was 5 months old. We fell pg cycle 5 and MMC at 9 weeks. Fell pg with my January bean Cycle 1 after that. So, it didn't take to long, 8 months.

I haven't got my period back yet. I don't know if this is because breastfeeding (although I only breastfeed him to sleep at about 9pm and when he wakes at 6am so I don't have to get up and about haha) through the day he's formula fed. OR if its related to my pcos (I didn't get a natural period before but they said it would more than likely correct after birth) hence why we are planning on NTNP so I can try lose some weight which should help with the pcos.

May I ask when u got your period ?
I got my period a day short of 7 weeks PP. I formula feed. I BF for three days while we were in the hospital. But, I didn't have milk yet and she had problems regulating her blood sugar. So, she had to be supplemented. I put her to my breast, fed her, then pumped for twenty minutes on both sides. On day three she wouldn't take my breast anymore. And I wasn't about to exclusive pump. So, I gave up.

Yours should come soon if you aren't exclusively breastfeeding.
Yeah I didn't know about mix feeding. I don't have enough milk to exclusively feed but between 6-8am he sleeps/ goes on and off breast and I get some extra rest! It's great!
DD is 8 weeks old and we're just waiting for AF to come back. I also had an episo so I want to give my body a chance to heal. Until then I'm enjoying coffee, alcohol, sushi and delimeat:haha:
DD is 8 weeks old and we're just waiting for AF to come back. I also had an episo so I want to give my body a chance to heal. Until then I'm enjoying coffee, alcohol, sushi and delimeat:haha:

Congrats on your pink rainbow... I also had a pink rainbow in January. :) If I didn't fall pregnant this cycle... I'm definitely having a night of drinking with the girls. It's to bad I'm such a lightweight though. One drink and I'll probably be drunk. Lol
DD is 8 weeks old and we're just waiting for AF to come back. I also had an episo so I want to give my body a chance to heal. Until then I'm enjoying coffee, alcohol, sushi and delimeat:haha:

Congrats on your pink rainbow... I also had a pink rainbow in January. :) If I didn't fall pregnant this cycle... I'm definitely having a night of drinking with the girls. It's to bad I'm such a lightweight though. One drink and I'll probably be drunk. Lol

Yup, only one glass of wine and I was already tipsy:haha:
Leinz - Yeah AF arrived 4 days early! She hit full force today :( Fingers crossed we can be pregnant together though if you do decide to wait until September :winkwink:
Oh yeah. I'd be a really cheap date these days - I haven't had a drink in over a year (except a glass of champagne at Christmas) and I probably wouldn't make it past 9pm before I fell asleep!
To all those who are TTC this cycle, have you ever had hot flashes as an O symptom? I'm pretty sure that I Oed yesterday, and I've been having mad hot flashes and acne today. We conceived DD using CM only, but starting tomorrow I'm going to chart BBT just to get an idea of how much my temperature rises when I O. We're not planning to TTC for 3-6 mo, but I'm sure getting excited about charting and trying to figure out my O indicators!
EX: NOOOO! That stupid :witch:! :( I was so hoping you'd be seeing those two beautiful lines. :hugs:

If I'm not pregnant already... I will be waiting until September! Well, we will use the pull out method, so there will be a chance for a surprise. However, we used nothing but that method for 8 years and no surprise. I will have a nice long beautiful summer... Then I will fall pg cycle 1, with my summer baby! :) I'd so love to be pregnant with you again.

I want to be pregnant right now. I've been getting excited that its almost time to test. But, if its not my time yet, it will be soon. :)

Wantsalil: I haven't had any hot flashes in my life other than being sick. I don't know. Its a great idea on tracking your cycles. If this isn't my month, I will be just circling AF dates on the calendar.
WantsALittle1 - no, I haven't had hot flushes as an O indicator. Might be worth noting though so you can see how it fits with your chart? Have you seen fertility friend? I found it invaluable when TTC and they send you free tutorials too which explain about charting and supplementary signs x
anyone else finding time is really dragging at the moment.
as much as i love my son i do wish i could still work, it's only been 6 weeks since i had to stop working, not working seems to make time slow down.
Leinz: Me too, down to every detail! Just got the A-ok from hubby to start trying in September, and until then we are using the pull out method. Like you, we've been using it for ages and never had an oopsie because DH has excellent control, but I'm also hoping that somehow a miracle will happen :) Haha. DH and I talked yesterday and agreed that it's really not a good time, and won't be until he starts his new job and we move in Aug/Sept, but we also agreed that it wouldn't be so bad if something happened before then... :)

Honeybee: I've been using Pink Pad on my iPhone and that's been fun. It has a little symptom database, keeps track of cycle length and BD dates... Is Fertility Friend an app too?

Littlesteph: Sorta kinda, but things are pretty crazy busy with our LO, so it sometimes feels like a week's gone by in a second... Other days, boy does it drag!

Oooh, btw, I have a personal question if anyone feels like answering... Looking at my Pink Pad, DH and I DTD every 3-4 days, and we're not actively TTC right now. When we were TTC, it was every day around O time, and every 3 days before and after O time. The personal question is how often do you and your OHs DTD when you are not TTC, and how does that compare to the frequency of BDing when you're TTC? Has anyone else gotten the "I feel like a piece of meat when we're TTCing" statement from their OH?:blush:

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