Anyone Just Past EDD Want to Wait Out Labor Together?

Thanks Maureen & tawn... Yep, I hope it happens soon to get rid of this spd, I really do! Well, I had a 2nd sweep today and its looking a bit more positive than last time... At least I'm now 2cm dilated and 'partially' effaced! Been loosing loads of plug since 1st sweep, but no other signs, so wish me luck this time!!!! Got another booked for Sunday in case, and induction booked for Wednesday :-( j
Tawn, good luck for tomorrow then!!! Hope it works this time!!!
Candycurls, good luck for your induction today... That is unless the sweep worked yesterday?!???
Lauren, congrats on the birth of your baby - hope it went ok & you are both well!!!
Good luck to everyone else!!!
Good luck with the sweep on Sunday, I'm also booked in for induction on wed if nothing happens before then x
Ahh congratulations teabella.. Can't wait to hear your birth story!!!
Congrats teabella! Glad everything went well for you and that you & baby are going good. Thanks tawn - I hope you're right!!!!
Thanks Maria, so we may end up having our babies the same time then! Although let's hope we both go naturally before then!!!!
Congrats teabella! Glad everything went well for you and that you & baby are going good. Thanks tawn - I hope you're right!!!!
Thanks Maria, so we may end up having our babies the same time then! Although let's hope we both go naturally before then!!!!

Yes we may well have our little ones at the same time! Just hold on to the thought that whatever happens we will be holding our little ones this time next week !!!!!!
Congratulations Lauren, enjoy your precious arrival!

Sweep #2 at 930 tomorrow, resigning myself to induction Monday and if it comes naturally before it's a bonus!

Caroline I think it sounds promising for you, fingers crossed.
Thanks Maureen. I hope so! Good luck for your 2nd sweep tomorrow!!
Ooh Teabella missed your post, huge congratulations! Good to have another baby arrived to bring the rest of us good luck!
Sweep #2 at 930 tomorrow, resigning myself to induction Monday and if it comes naturally before it's a bonus!

This is exactly how I feel about my induction on Sunday (and I have a sweep tomorrow too!) It took me a whole week of pouting and stressing to get there though :)
Morning everyone, the sun is shining where I am, in fact it's a lovely day for having a baby!

Just back from sweep, now fully effaced but still only 1cm dilated, midwife said waters were bulging and she could break them so that hopefully means they will be able to do them quite easily on Monday.

Been for a walk and DTD now just waiting and hoping.

Has anyone had any good news over night?
I am guessing we have some more babies on this thread now that it has gone a bit quiet!

Maureen, good luck with your final sweep hun! I had mine today too and mw said she gave it her all, but haven't had any cramping or show or anything since so doubting it will do the trick. I officially have tonight and tomorrow to go naturally, or else it is induction at 8:30am Sunday! Ces't la vie!
There's still time Tawn, sending good luck vibes your way :)

Currently I have some back ache, which I think is a good sign and am sat on a fit ball trying to encourage baby out!
Hey ladies! Just thought I'd update that after my sweep yesterday the pressure really changed. Then got period type pains at about 9pm (very mild). Went to bed at 12:30, woke up at 2:30 pains too big to sleep through. Then had massive bloody show around 4am and am contracting quite regularly and strongly now! I think this is it!

Good luck everyone else still waiting!
Brilliant news Tawn, good luck, I hope this is it!

As for me, was having mild pains every 10 mins last night went to bed thinking it might get worse but it seems to have stopped. I am losing a lot of plug now though.

Come on baby, you have 48 hours before induction.
Hi lady's I have been contracting about every 8-12mins since 3am this morning!!! Waiting for it all to stop at any moment but am hoping things may be happening. Just getting my little girl ready to stay with nanny just incase xx good luck tawn sounds like your well on your way xx
Great news Maria, sounds like this could be it! Good luck.
Hi all,
As you may have guessed, I have had my baby.
I went in for murph induction on Thursday. There were no beds so my admission was delayed till 1pm.
Then they put me on the monitor for 30mins and examined me. I was 3cm dilated and membranes were bulging. They did not think I needed prostine pessary but because cervix was still quite posterior so plan was for me to be transferred to labour ward for doctor to break waters. But there were no bed and I was something like 3 or 4th in queue- not including urgent admissions.
So DH and i succumbed to idea that induction would prob be delayed to next day!:(
He was advised to go home at approx 9pm and I settled down to bed.
At 10pm I felt dull aches in my back and I passed a large part of my show in the toilet.
I went back to bed only to wake at 11pm with very painful lower back tightening and I guessed this was the start of something. was given some co-dydramol and assumed I would labour through the night. But within minutes I was on the floor writhing around in agony.
I was examined and was x5cm dilated.
I was transferred to labour ward and it took 2hrs before I needed to push.
My little boy was born at 2.29am. He weighed 3.7kg. He is perfect and we adore him.

So no intervention needed in the end! And all the delays on the antenatal ward actually worked in my favour!
He was born on my day's birthday as well- I had talked about this in an earlier post. I am really not close to my dad so clash in birthdays does not overly fill me with joy but still quite a sweet coincidence!

Tawn good luck with the labour and keep us updated!

Thinking of all you ladies

Hi all, as you may have guessed, ive had my baby! samuel (sam) was born yesterday morning at 10:19 weighing 9lb3oz. my 2nd sweep on Thursday worked and I went into labour that evening at 9ish. Slept quite well all night, woke at 5 with contractions around 5 mins apart & called the hospital at 8:30ish to say we we're coming in - my contractions were between 1 1/2 and 3 mins apart. While DH was on the phone my waters went but straight away I could see that they were really brown... So anyway, when we got to the hospital MLU they examined me & I was only 5cm - I couldn't believe it, the contractions were so close together & painful... But anyway, they said as my waters were grade 2 - 3 meconium, I would have to go upstairs to the consultant unit as they would have a paediatrician there for delivery to check baby over immediately. Well anyway, I may have only been 5cm, but within about 50 mins of them telling me that, I had delivered!!!! The midwife didn't really believe me when I said I had to push, so I just did it anyway! Then I could feel him crowning and just said - he's coming! She looked, and there he was, haha! I was only pushing for 9 mins!!!! But anyway, when he was born he went straight to the paediatrician... He checked him over & he seemed pretty much ok ... So when he left I got to hold him for a few minutes... But then he started to struggle with his breathing... So they called to paediatrician back... He spent a long while with him in the room because he said he didn't want to take him away from me unless he had to... But then fe had no choice & baby needed to go into intensive care as his oxygen levels were low due to him swallowing meconium and he needed help with his breathing... So upsetting honestly... It was done time before we could see him and then swing him in the incubator with wires & tubes all over him... Omg, horrible... And so wrong to be away from him... I've had a baby but he can't be with me... Feels so wrong... And so scary... BUT, he seems to be doing well. This afternoon he was moved from intensive care into high dependency and some of the monitors have been taken off him. The oxygen levels given to him have been reduced and he's started having a bit of milk (he was just getting tube fed glucose before). So yeah, looking good... Hopefully he'll be moved out if the incubator into a cot soon as he's kivd of on the lowest setting now... It's just so hard, firstly worrying about him, and secondly just not having him with me... Thankfully they got me a private room here so I don't have to be on the ward with all the mothers and their babies... I just wish I had mine with me... I've been able to gave a couple of cuddles, but even then, with all the tubes & wires its not the same... It's also the longest I've been apart from my other son ollie... So I'm separated from both my babies... My mum came in to see Sam yesterday & DH took ollie for a hot chocolate. I didn't let ollie see me though as if he did he might not want to leave me - especially if he saw I was upset... But will let him visit me tomorrow. We've not let him see Sam yet either as he's got a bit of a cold, and also all the beeping machines might upset him... So sad, I was really looking forward to ollie coming to visit his baby brother for the first time & seeing them together... Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling now... Haven't had a chance to read back on what I've missed with everyone else as Internet access is pretty rubbish here, but I hope everyone else is doing well. GL to those who are yet to deliver and congrats to those that have.
Ah, sorry guys, just seen how much I wrote! It's just stuck here in hospital on my own just thinking about it all, it just poured out... Sorry!
Congratulations CandyCurls! Glad it all went well.

Caroline, congratulations to you too, hope your little man is fully recovered soon.

I am still waiting! 10 days late and now got about 33 hours before induction, come on baby!

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