Anyone Just Past EDD Want to Wait Out Labor Together?

Thanks, Tawn! I wish I could wait longer....I just don't think I ought to at this point! But I am grieving a bit about the likelihood that I won't get my natural labor experience, even though I might get to experience some of the birth 'naturally'.
I'm now feeling a wave of sadness about this humungous life change! Is that weird?? I feel like this would not have come up if DH and I weren't 'choosing' when to have her. It's a very strange feeling.
I totally understand not wanting to be induced lauren26, in fact one of my biggest fears is the slippery slope of induction, but of course what's really important is the end result. It's so important not to let factors beyond our control overshadow that.

Tawn, I think I'll be hanging in for a while. I've got nothing. I'm going to see my chiropractor tomorrow and she's going to try to get things moving for me. My next midwife appt. is scheduled for Thursday.

Fingers crossed for everyone else XX

Who haven't we heard from for a while? Maybe it's good news for them :baby:
I am feeling quite despairing now. I woke up at 1am because I was pain free!!! :wacko:
I think sweep today has given me false hope. I really don't know what to think!! :cry:
I don't actually mind if baby is over but feel depressed for several reasons-
1. DH finishes pat leave on Friday and is on night shifts next week !!!
2. Really really don't want IV syntocin for my induction. I'm now feeling this could still be a possibility
3. I haven't told anyone in my family about the induction as I don't want them to be sitting around waiting for outcomes the moment I am admitted. I may tell my mum tomorrow as I think she is getting nervous that NhS may leave me to languish and risks to baby etc... (She mixes with sorts of people who condemn nHS all the time).
I get irritated with my dad as I believe he has his own religious agenda around planning for the circumcision if LO is a boy. We will be circumsicing if boy but of course I have other things to think about like will baby be healthy etc. if he knows when induction is he will start estimating date for ceremony and that will irritate me...
If MIL knows about induction she will prob drive down that day and will phone every hr so decided not to tell her...
But at same time I think all these people will also be worried about me and baby and I feel guilty for not giving more info. MIl been phoning my mum for updates as she feels left in dark by DH and I.
So basically feeling under pressure about who to tell what to... I feel the uncertainty is aggravating others and that this is indirectly effecting me if you know what I mean!!!

Sorry for rant..

LAuren- wishing you well re induction. Please keep us updated... I don't think it will make a huge difference that you are going in a couple of days earlier to avoid a birthdate. I'm sure result will be worth it. I have you in my thoughts :hug:

I'm so curious about Teabellla. I assume she has delivered!!!!
Labour : dust: to everyone
Yikes!! My midwife just told me she'll be leaving town Thursday night. I have to have this baby before she leaves.
Morning lady's
Well what a night, woke up bout 12 with period like cramps and tightening this went on all night and I was tossing and turning trying to get comfy.. Come 7 o'clock felt ok and they where starting to ease, it's now 8am and they have disappeared !!!!! Lillian and candycurls any news this morning as I was very excited just reading your treads from yesterday xxx
Heading off for my sweep now, had a dream last night that I had the sweep and midwife told me I was 2cm already so fingers crossed!
Back from the sweep, it wasn't too bad and MW said I am a whole 1cm dilated and cervix is soft and short so some good news. On the down side BP was high (may be due to the stress of having someone poking me in the vagina!) so got to go back to get it rechecked tomorrow.

Have had a little bleed since I have been home though not sure that counts as a show?

Have just been for a 30 min walk and DTD, now about to do some ironing and DH is making a curry for dinner.

Induction is booked for Monday so hopefully baby starts moving before then!
Candy that sounds awfully frustrating :hugs: it's a shame that we have to feel sooo much pressure around birthing our babies when ideally this should be the most relaxed period of pregnancy! I also feel like family has been invading and crowding us when I really just need some space to make decisions and process all of this.

I had a similar experience last night where I was getting what almost felt like proper contractions every now and then an baby was sinking lower an lower but woke up to morning and am feeling perfectly normal. I am waiting on a call back from another dr to get a second opinion but unfortunately they have to "let my dr know" what's going on and get my chart from her for the other dr to look at it which is frustrating because it doesn't seem like my dr needs to know that I am seeking an opinion other than hers...Last night she told me that "bad things can happen to babies" when fluid is low so she feels uncomfortable waiting but it's up to me. I didn't appreciate being frightened by her without her specifying any real consequences. I just wish I could relax and wait! Hopefully I will hear from the other dr soon.
Any babies arrived yet? Or contractions picked up today?

Lauren, did you hear from the other doctor?

Candycurls, did things start up again hun? I totally understand the pressure of feeling like you are disappointing family etc by going overdue. It is a lot to handle and makes us so anxious for things to start when really we have little to no control over it! xx

Maureen, did your sweep seem to work?

Rainkat, so are you planning an induction before Thursday then? How long is your m/w gone for?

Maria, did things pick back up from last night?

AFM, a week overdue and not a twinge still! GAH! I am going on long walks every day, dtd a few times with DH, got my 3rd pineapple etc etc. But still nothing. :( Feel doomed to go the full +12 and get induced anyway! Which is such a disappointment because I have been hypnobirthing from 24 weeks so would really have loved an opportunity to go naturally.

2nd sweep tomorrow afternoon (not sure what time, mw is supposed to call me tomorrow) but not feeling very hopeful that anything has changed with my unfavourable cervix!
No I have not heard yet. I just called the location she's working at today asking for them to give me an estimated time for when she'll call me as I'm just waiting around for hours and it's time sensitive. I really do feel fine with the induction if it's necessary, I just want to KNOW and decide. I totally feel you, too--I kind of feel like even if they let me wait I'll have to get induced in the end! We have a big low pressure system and storm coming in tonight which somehow feels like my last shot at going into labor naturally. Got a bit more plug today and it was bloody but I think it's just from the sweep.
Hi Tawn, no nothing from my sweep, had a little bleeding but think it was just from the sweep not a show. Got my induction booked for Monday though as cervix was soft and 1cm dilated (better than nothing!) I am trying to stay positive.

Like you we DTD and we're having a curry tonight so crossing everything that I get woken in the night with soggy pyjamas or contractions.

Hope something starts working for you.
hi all,

had my little boy this morning, at home, in the pool, at 5.41 AM! all went amazingly well. The midwives came in at 2am and it all happened so quickly! we are all so happy!

good luck to everyone!! will keep stalking to catch up with all the new babies!

Lilllian xxx
Congrats Lillian! Post a picture of your baby boy when you get a chance!

Maureen, fx'd for you too hun! That disappointing feeling when you wake up in the morning is awful, isn't it! How far overdue will you be on Monday? My induction (at+12) is Sunday, so 4 more days to go naturally! EEK!
Congrats Lillian :happydance:

I'm probably going to have my MW break my water tomorrow. She'll only be gone for 2 nights but I don't think I want to risk going into labour while she's away, plus like others I feel like even if I wait I'll end up having to go that route anyway. I might as well get it over with. I really hope things will start on their own tonight.

GL everyone :kiss:
Well, it's settled, I'm scheduling my induction to start tonight. I will keep you all as up to date as I can! Wish me luck!
Good luck tonight Lauren! Try and keep us updated hun, though you might be a bit busy :winkwink:

Rainkat--tomorrow!!! Wowza! So exciting! Let us know how it goes!

Like I said, I am 99% positive I will be the last preggo on this thread! Hahhahaha

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