Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Morning ladies, well it looks like i will be back joining you very soon :cry:
Had bad news at my 9 week scan yesterday (no hearbeat and the baby hadn't grown since last scan) :(

I was just wondering for all you ladies who have been through this before were you already bleeding? As i have to decide whether to let it happen naturally or intervene by kick starting it with tablets or having a DNC. and i just don't know what to do for the best

Sorry to put a downer into the thread, i don't mind if you want to message me separately as this thread should be about Hope.

Oh Pink, I so didn't want to see this post from you. :cry::hugs::hugs::hugs: I didn't have the same type of experience as you, since mine was classed as a chemical, but I do want to let you know that I'm thinking and praying for you and I'm so so sorry that this is happening to you. :cry: Mine was a natural miscarriage where I started bleeding and then found out that my numbers were dropping. I don't have any words of advice, so I'm glad some of the other ladies do. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh Pink I am so so gutted for you, you had to work hard to get PG it just seems so bloody unfair that these things happen to people who try the hardest I am so so sorry xxxx
Pink I'm so sorry for you loss. I've never experienced a loss so I don't know exactly how it feels but I can imagine it is terrible. We're all here for you if you need to talk!
pink i am so sorry for your loss. big hugs :hugs:
a friend recently had her second miscarriage and i know there's not much anyone can say to make that pain go away. time is what you need. time and a support group. big big hugs. :hugs:
wannabe thanks for responding.
you're very sweet. :flower:

i ended up feeling a bit better by night time (cheered myself up) but then i woke up this morning to my husband's heart acting up again. he has inherited his fathers atrial fibrillation aka cardiac arrhythmia so we have to take it easy... he says i should do all the work. :sex::winkwink: glad he can have a good laugh about this. back on blood thinners we go and those other pills to regulate his heart rate. i asked the cardiologist if we should stop trying because i am affraid of him stroking and he said that once a day won't do harm. 3-4 times a day might. then he laughed.
i also want him to stop taking the wellman conception pills because it seems they are making him feel a little sick. ???
Morning ladies, well it looks like i will be back joining you very soon :cry:
Had bad news at my 9 week scan yesterday (no hearbeat and the baby hadn't grown since last scan) :(

I was just wondering for all you ladies who have been through this before were you already bleeding? As i have to decide whether to let it happen naturally or intervene by kick starting it with tablets or having a DNC. and i just don't know what to do for the best

Sorry to put a downer into the thread, i don't mind if you want to message me separately as this thread should be about Hope.

:cry: Oh Pink! :cry:
This thread isn't about hope, it's about us. You're one of us and this is an important thing happening to you, you don't need to go hide somewhere. That's what we're here for, to help each other through everything, the good AND the bad.
I have no experience to offer you advice, but I think if presented with the decision, I'd probably choose D&C if things weren't happening already. I think you have a good idea in scheduling it so you have the option on monday - you can always cancel the appointment but it's probably harder to add you on. I think you're already in pain and upset enough rather than needing to go through additional pain that could be very drawn out. Everyone needs to make their own choice though :-/
EXACTLY what fisher said - this is OUR thread pink, where WE come to talk about (and get support for) whatever is going on for US - whether that be the good stuff or the shit

and you are US, and this is SHIT :(

When I miscarried, the first I knew of it was what the scan showed me. But as someone else said, it was almost as if my body gave up once I had the evidence in front of me that my baby had died.

I chose to go home for a week to see if my body would do it naturally (which it did within 24 hours) but even though the baby had died at around 6 weeks it was bloody painful. If I was ever in a similar situation I would insist on a prescription for some decent painkillers.

Big hugs to you hon, I'm thinking of you tonight xxx :hugs:
Thanks again ladies for your words of encouragement.... I was doing well and your comments have just started me off again :cry::cry::cry: but in a good way, you don't know how much they mean to me, especially as I know so many of you have already been through this...

So thank you all again.

OH was able to stay at home with me today which helped loads.
Thanks again ladies for your words of encouragement.... I was doing well and your comments have just started me off again :cry::cry::cry: but in a good way, you don't know how much they mean to me, especially as I know so many of you have already been through this...

So thank you all again.

OH was able to stay at home with me today which helped loads.

:hugs::hugs: I know how that feels. I'm glad we were able to get you crying in a good way. I think the good crying was the part that helped cleanse my crazy thought process the most. I'm so glad your OH was able to stay at home with you today. Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to let yourself cry and grieve ok?
Pink - that's sweet of your OH to stay home with you! It makes TTC and everything so much easier to deal with when you have such great support!
Pink - Huge hugs hun!! I cant imagine nor have i ever been through but this thread is the best support network ever... no one judges you, and you can be yourself i really hope you are ok and sending you a HUGE hug xx
I am glad we helped with the good tears :flower: I do promise you that although you will always think about your lost one multiple times a day it does get easier with time :hugs:

Greekgirl is your husband on warfarin or any similar blood thinners? If so he really shouldn't be taking conception vitamins as they contain zinc which can interfere with the medication. My DH has congenital heart problems so have had to go through all of this :flower:
Pink, so, so sorry to hear your news honey. MC was the hardest thing I have ever done. The evening it started I laid in bed screaming for god not to take my baby. I was hysterical.

I was lucky (!) in that mine happened by itself and I only bled for 1 1/2 days but I was in a lot of pain (sorry to be so graphic) I would take any help that's offered to you, this is not something you need to do 'alone'

I'm almost 3 months on from the MC now and it does get easier slowly. I felt like my world had collapsed around me to start with but eventually there was the odd good day. Theres no escaping the milestones (the last time I took this bus journey, I was pregnant - the last time I saw this person I was pregnant, today I should have been 19 weeks) but i'm hopeful that one day I will feel at peace.

I'm thinking of you honey during this most difficult of times.

SK x
I LOVE THIS GROUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pink: I have never experienced a MC but I wanted to send my prayers, smiles and hugs to you during this time. It takes a strong woman to go through things like this.

I am so glad that I have this place to share everything and not made to feel ashamed or alone. Thank you ladies.:hugs:

Unfortunately I think the :witch: is on her way..but a bit early. I choose to remain positive.
Sexki11en 15 months on and I still do the milestone thing :wacko: I found a photo that a friend had taken about a month after the loss and I look terrible. At the time I thought I was holding it all together but seeing that photo made me realise just how clearly I wasn't.

Wanting2bmom, what makes you think the monthly mare is on route? If it's early then this could be a good sign :thumbup:

Urchin any news from you my sweet, I am literally (along with everyone else in the group) counting the days :)

Pink how are you doing hun? :hugs:

AFM I have no idea what is going on with my body this cycle, I am so glad that I charted as I am suspecting anovulatory and that would have got my hopes up no end if I was going 'blind' if anyone could hazard a guess I would be very greatful as it's driving me crazy :wacko:

Feisty Fidget's Chart
not sure hun, could anything have affected this mornings temp?? from looking at your chart the other day I could have sworn that you ov'd on sunday :wacko: it might just be very delayed cos of the hsg are you still covering all bases or have you gave up on this month, hope you get some answers soon :hugs:
That's what I thought too Amy :wacko: I have actually had a better nights sleep yesterday then I have for a week or so.

In all honesty we have had to give up as DHs neck is so bad :( Honestly not too upset though as I would feel more confident after eating changes that baba will be healthy and be able to carry to term. DH has also started eating gluten free again today :dance: He is working his way through a jumbo pack of party mix which is highly gluten but as he is only having small amounts I guess I can't complain too much. Actually feel a tiny glimmer of hope shining though :wacko:
Hey Pinkfee :hugs: very glad your OH could take the day off work - I know that when it happened to me, Mr Urch was the only person I wanted to see, because he was the only person in the world that was grieving like I was.
Hold onto each other, cry, scream, rail against the unfairness of it all - because it is unfair to have a few short weeks of such great hope, only to have it all snatched away again ... but above all, look after each other.

My sister-in-law sent this to me when I miscarried (as a friend sent it to her when she did) It still makes me cry now, but the silent chain of women also gives me strength

I was once a member of the Pregnancy Club, my membership card consisting of two pink lines on a stick. I was eager to pay my dues, just like all the other members. Morning sickness, stretch marks, cravings — I welcomed them all.
But they never came. And before I knew it, my membership was revoked. No real reason — at least none I could discern — other than bad timing, perhaps. Or, at least, that’s what every one’s been telling me. That and “natures way.”
Miscarriage is a terrible word. As if one has dropped something, or carried something incorrectly. Similar to “mistake” or “misunderstanding.” How I longed for it to be either of those things when I learned my baby was gone. Surely, it was a mistake, I prayed. If they would just look again, they would learn it was all a simple misunderstanding.
But the ultrasound screen showed otherwise.
1 out of every 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, say the books. That statistic terrified me when I was pregnant. So many lost babies, I thought. How can I keep mine from being one of them? But now that mine is one of them, that 1 out of 5 seems awfully small.
Or, at least, it did. Until soft-speaking female voices started whispering to me in my grief, “It happened to me, too.” Their eyes told me the stories of the pain that we shared, the pain that only a woman who has carried a child - and lost it - could know. For some, it was fresh pain. For others, it was dulled by healthy babies since born, but never forgotton and still a pain that would stay for a lifetime.
A sisterhood of sadness.
It’s a silent group, this new club of which I have recently become a reluctant member. Our membership cards are the scars we will always carry on our hearts. Our dues are paid in blood and tears. It is a painful initiation, and one never ceases membership. Because one never forgets.
I am joining, not because I want to, but because I wasn’t given the choice. But at least I know I’m not alone. At least I know there are hundreds of thousands of women with me, however silent and invisible, quietly holding my hand.
FF - no particular news from me - just waiting and waiting ... 3 more sleeps to go (and I am determined not to test early) partly because I won't trust the results anyway - but mainly because, whatever the result, I want Mr Urch to be with me all day when I find out... so Saturday morning it is!
I'm okay i think, actually i don't know what I am.... feel a bit numb today.

i've decided that I'm going to wait a couple of weeks to see if things happen naturally and then if i haven't bled i'm going to book myself in for a d&c... i've also decided that before i do the d&c i'm going to request that I have another scan just to totally make sure. I know i'm prob deluding myself but i've read a couple of stories on the internet regarding misdiagnosed miscarriages for people who have tilted uterus' and some more regarding IVF... and also all three scans were done by the same sonographer and even though a doctor talked me through what would happen next, nobody else had a look to see if they found the same, and i suppose i just want a second opinion.... okay i know, i'm in denial and should remove myself from googling but i'm finding it a nicer place than reality and as long as i'm not there too long i've decided its okay to hang out here for abit!

And then on the other hand i'm scared about miscarring naturally but i also think i need to see it happening to make my head fully understand whats going on and i'm scared the d&c might do damage.... urghhh basically i'm all over the place :(

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