Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi girls, sorry I have been away for a bit. My sister-in-law just had a precious little baby girl! The precious bundle fell asleep in my arms for hours ... babies are just so wonderful. It's so true that we LTTCers love babies, it's the pregnant ladies that we have a hard time with. But not you urchin, you are one of us and we love you.

Lots of :dust: to you ash and vjp! And I also heard that colds help lower the immune system which helps the spermies and implantation! =)

MrsH I believe we were counting down with you for you appt. Where are we with the countdown? How many more days?

Welcome to the newbies lian and lexi :wave: Good luck girls!

AFM, :witch: showed up Sunday. This was my last cycle of hope before intervening with treatment, so it's bitter sweet I suppose. I called my FS last night on CD1 and will be starting Clomid+IUI this month. *Sigh*. I will be monitored this cycle while on Clomid, and I go tomorrow morning CD3 for bloods, ultrasound and meds. Room for one more ash and vjp? :D

Absolutely purple.
purple - of course there's room for one more! The more the merrier! Clomid isn't that bad , well it wasn't for me and IUI was just like a pap smear so not bad at all just uncomfortable. I think the worst part for me was when they were cleaning my cervix with the cotton swab!

greekgirl - thanks for wishing me luck! FX'd!

lian - thanks for the info on the pineapple and the core! I will definitely have to get some and try it! Fx'd you start ovulating regularly and get that bfp! I know how rough it is to have never gotten a bfp ever but it will happen!

afm - I woke up in NYC today ... it's about the 3rd day and I'm feeling quite nervous. I want to go out and run some errands today like going to the bank, picking up some food, etc. but I'm just not sure if I want to do it alone! I guess I have to get over it right? My dog looooves NYC thank god, I was really worried about him but he's adorable and has adjusted well already! I guess today I'm about 1 DPO, I don't know for sure but I do know that I was getting some serious cramping on my right side all day after the procedure yesterday and that's where the mature follicle was so ... FX'd I'm 1 DPO!
Good luck with your challenge Feisty. I've recently fallen off the workout wagon that I was trying to stay on. I really need to get back into it again, because it really does help me stay positive and it's good for baby-to-be!

Oh MrsH, your appt is this Friday! Sorry, I somehow missed that. 3 more days! :D

lucy Here's to munching down! :munch: Good luck to OH on his tests, I'm sure the vitamins helped!

urch I was reading back your post, and I thought I read " ... came home to a massage from my midwife" lol. Now that sounds awesome, don't you think? You should ask her for one :winkwink:

greekgirl hope you feel better soon, but let that immune system stay down for just a bit ;) I really did feel very lucky to hold that bundle, and if it brings me luck all the better! :D Thanks

gilmore hope you Oed! And here's to counting down 21 days until your appt!

lian I totally agree about feeling confident and in control when you are being monitored by nurses and receiving treatment. It is definitely a lot easier to feel at ease then, yet of course a little bit worried still. Good luck to you!

Thanks vjp and ash! Goooo team IUI :D

AFM, I just came back from my CD3 monitoring and I should find out the results of that some time this afternoon. Last night I was reading the instructions for my suggested treatment, and I noticed they changed my diagnosis from "unexplained" to "acruate" which means curved or arched referring to the shape of my uterus. I was devastated!! They told me it was so minor it wasn't the cause of our infertility!! Grrr... :growlmad: Now I don't know what to think.
Purple - I know how it feels to be confused about what the doctors/nurses tell you. Maybe they had to put something down on your paperwork for insurance purposes ? I'm sorry you're confused! It happened to me with my progesteron level. I asked them specifically what it was over the phone and they said it was 7.something and then when I went into the office I asked them for a copy of all of my records and when I got them my progesterone was 6.4 !! I was soooo mad! But it's going to work out in the end so try not to worry about it too much! :hugs:
Wow IUI month or what! Hoping that they are all successful :dance:

Ok officially 11DPO today and have just gotten in for my first wee of the day (super crazy day at work, didn't have time to drink or pee) and at some point during the day I have had brown tinged CM - now I know that 11DPO is pushing it for IB but I haven't ever spotted this early before so wondering if I should have a little hope or if my body is deciding to just throw another oddity in as I was doing so well at not getting my hopes up anymore.

Do you ladies think I'm crazy for ditching the diet and exercising until after the :witch: shows? I'm just worried that if by some flipping miracle it was an IB then putting my body under the stress of exercise and dieting could have disastrous results......
Hi FF - definatly not!! you do what you feel is right hun... Oh this could be your month fxd!!!

Purple - Thanks Hun, got a lot og IUI's this month hopefully all three of you will get your BFP's this month!!

Mrs H - only 3 more sleeps you excited?? :)

Thanks ash, but it's not for insurance because it's not covered. I was thinking about it and I think they might have changed it because something kinda minor looks better for the clinic tests results than a diagnosis of an "i dunno". So I'm not going to take it to heart.

Feisty I say that it is important to listen to your instincts. If they are telling you to take it easy and be careful, I say go for it. You never know and it's good to be hopeful! :D Good luck hun, fxed for you!
Sorry, I don't know most people here yet, but it's encouraging that Urchin has successfully conceived and is almost done with her 1st trim. :cloud9: How I wish more LTTCers would soon follow her tracks. :dust:

Thanks for the welcome everyone. As you can tell from my ticker, I have been TTC for 3 years now and NEVER ever seen a real :bfp: in my entire life. I had a polyp removed last January, which my FS said was acting like a natural IUD. I guess I was just so stupid to focus on my PCOS symptoms that I have forgotten about the actual mechanical problems of my uterus so that's why it took almost 3 years to get that b*atch out! :growlmad: Now, I'm hoping that with the polyp gone and me ovulating regularly will actually translate to me getting pg. :dust:

Cheers chicckie :hugs:
I had a very similar thing going on with a mahoosive fibroid - it was so big that there was virtually no room for anything to implant at all, and by the time I found out about it and was able to get it removed, my eggs were all hard boiled and useless :grrr:

afm - I woke up in NYC today ... it's about the 3rd day and I'm feeling quite nervous. I want to go out and run some errands today like going to the bank, picking up some food, etc. but I'm just not sure if I want to do it alone! I guess I have to get over it right? My dog looooves NYC thank god, I was really worried about him but he's adorable and has adjusted well already! I guess today I'm about 1 DPO, I don't know for sure but I do know that I was getting some serious cramping on my right side all day after the procedure yesterday and that's where the mature follicle was so ... FX'd I'm 1 DPO!

Good luck in New York - am sure you'll get used to it in time hon, it's just a city, right?
That cramping sounds like good news - all crossed here that the follie did its thing - and that the egg played nice with the boys waiting for her .... Go tarty eggy, go!

urch I was reading back your post, and I thought I read " ... came home to a massage from my midwife" lol. Now that sounds awesome, don't you think? You should ask her for one :winkwink:

AFM, I just came back from my CD3 monitoring and I should find out the results of that some time this afternoon. Last night I was reading the instructions for my suggested treatment, and I noticed they changed my diagnosis from "unexplained" to "acruate" which means curved or arched referring to the shape of my uterus. I was devastated!! They told me it was so minor it wasn't the cause of our infertility!! Grrr... :growlmad: Now I don't know what to think.

Oh wow - wouldn't that be great? She could massage my feet while filling in the paperwork - Hmmmm maybe not, how would she hold the pen?
Unless she had a laptop with voice recognition software??? Yes! that's it - I shall write to my PCT and make it happen :D

Can you give your clinic a ring to ask them about your acruate diagnosis? It seems a bit odd to put that, when they told you it wasn't severe enough to be causing your

Do you ladies think I'm crazy for ditching the diet and exercising until after the :witch: shows? I'm just worried that if by some flipping miracle it was an IB then putting my body under the stress of exercise and dieting could have disastrous results......

No. Or Yes. Or no crazier than any of us LTTTCers! :wacko:
If it were me, I would do nothing at all that could jeopardise my chances - gentle excercise and healthy eating is fine - heavy excercise and strict dieting not xxx

AFM I had a rough day yesterday with the MS - which seems to have ramped it up a notch ... and spent the day in a management meeting where I learned of all the work I have to do before the end of June - and I really don't know how I shall manage it... I don't have the energy to stay late, and there is so much going on at the minute that I can't see how it will fit into my normal working week.
As Mr Urch says, I can do an hour's work in an hour - and no more... but the deadlines are national, so there is no moving them
That is a bit pants on the work front Urchin :( Are they not making allowances for you now that your pregnant? Please don't stress, the job is just a job and as awesome as it may be you could find another - stress and baby development in my opinion is a big no, no :flower:

Meh completely over the hope of yesterday, quite annoyed that it even happened infact :growlmad: Am going to ditch the diet and exercise as now feeling quite emotionally tender and figure comfort eating is a must (even if I did lose 2.5lbs in 4 days from healthy dieting :wacko:) I was seriously okay about it not being our month before the CM and now I am all "woe is me, I will never fall pregnant. It's not flipping fair" etc :(
Hi girls

As you can see from my username, I am celebrating 10 years TTC this month! Awesome (not). Never had a BFP, not once.

I gave up somewhere in the middle of it all out of frustration - my cycles are between 25 and 45 days and it was just driving me crazy. I've tried LH tester strips for the last 18 months - no luck.

So... just started IVF (planned ICSI) last week. Yes, I'm over 40, married over 12 years. Enjoying reading all your stories, they are comforting in a way.

Hi girls

As you can see from my username, I am celebrating 10 years TTC this month! Awesome (not). Never had a BFP, not once.

I gave up somewhere in the middle of it all out of frustration - my cycles are between 25 and 45 days and it was just driving me crazy. I've tried LH tester strips for the last 18 months - no luck.

So... just started IVF (planned ICSI) last week. Yes, I'm over 40, married over 12 years. Enjoying reading all your stories, they are comforting in a way.


:hi: I'm really sorry for your story. :hug: Did your FS/RE say anything wrong that prevents you from conceiving? Or are u classified under the Unexplained category?

I am also a very LTTCer. TTC for 3 years, NTNP much longer and never had that BFP. Unfortunately, I can't do IVF :cry:

:dust: I hope the ICSI works for u. It just worked for my TTC buddy 2 months ago so don't give up yet.
Welcome 10yrs! Sounds like you're in the right place - we're a very supportive lot round here xxx
Experiencing cramping on and off again today, wonder what's going on ? I know it doesn't have to do with being pregnant as it's too early but it sure is annoying! Hmm ... only 11-12 more days to go!
Experiencing cramping on and off again today, wonder what's going on ? I know it doesn't have to do with being pregnant as it's too early but it sure is annoying! Hmm ... only 11-12 more days to go!

Ash you are exactly where i was a couple of days ago. My cramping subsided yesterday but returned today.

I have been quite a bear to deal with today. I could snap at any moment. I figure its just all the hormones. Though my trigger is officially gone from the cheap tests. Meanwhile I am still nursing this cold. I just feel eck.

Urch congrats on reaching olive status.
Hi all. I'm on cd29 today. Technically Af should arrive today but no show yet. I've been to the loo a million times!!!! Sore bbs have gone but I had such a bad head ache today that I had to leave work. Won't test until Friday if I get that far. I have never had a positive and I'm too scared to believe I ever will. praying hard.

10yrs welcome. I'm sorry that it's been so long for u. I hope that ur 'journey' will end soon.
Hi all. I'm on cd29 today. Technically Af should arrive today but no show yet. I've been to the loo a million times!!!! Sore bbs have gone but I had such a bad head ache today that I had to leave work. Won't test until Friday if I get that far. I have never had a positive and I'm too scared to believe I ever will. praying hard.

10yrs welcome. I'm sorry that it's been so long for u. I hope that ur 'journey' will end soon.

Fx for you mrsf. Hope this is it for you.
Do u think? No sore bbs tho. Ive been waiting on sore bbs. I am expecting to be out, I expect to need something assisted. I will keep u lovelies posted. Fortunately I have no tests so I will pop to the shop if I need one tomorrow. Going to the shop for a test is the romantic view I had for getting a bfp 18 months ago. Oh no I'm setting myself up for a bucket load of disapointmemt!!
Welcome 10 years!

VJ - the snapping is driving OH crazy! He's sick of me by now I'm sure. He had to go to NJ today to see his son so he will have a break from me for at least 8 hours! :haha: The cramping isn't bad but it's still annoying! Fingers crossed you get your bfp! You're 5 dpiui, are you going crazy?! Lol.
Welcome 10 years!

VJ - the snapping is driving OH crazy! He's sick of me by now I'm sure. He had to go to NJ today to see his son so he will have a break from me for at least 8 hours! :haha: The cramping isn't bad but it's still annoying! Fingers crossed you get your bfp! You're 5 dpiui, are you going crazy?! Lol.

Ash i am abolutely going nuts. I cant wait until i have my progesterone done friday. Maybe that will at least help give me a clue? Meanwhile i keep looking at every symptom and analyzing even though i shouldnt have implanted yet. Oh well the wait is just going to kill me.

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