Tella- It's been awful... hot flashes, mood swings, bloating, nausea.... you name it! I am one of THOSE people that gets every side effect!
This month I felt O pain on the 18th and 19th.... I decided to leave out OPKs this month... I previously drove myself nuts with those, and thought I'd wait for the labs to come back and say that I am for sure ovulating on 100mg before I get into that again.Hubby and I BD'd every other day from CD 12- 19.
I caught myself being hopeful today due to the fact that I have been crying at the drop of a hat lately.... but that also comes with the Clomid

~ I see you are on CD 15... any sign of O for you??? I hope so!
Piglet- I hear ya! I feel like I have that same battle every month, especially before I was back on Clomid.... I had a cycle that was 87 days... I was so anxious for AF to show up... but just hoped that it would somehow end up that I was finally prego.
MadTown- Hope that Clomid helps you get your sticky! Are you trying anything else with Clomid? Temping, OPKs?