Anyone LTTTC Number One?

I agree pinkfee - although it is highly unlikely that I'll get pregnant naturally, it doesn't stop me getting my hopes up towards the end of my cycle, specially if it goes over by a couple of days. You can normally set your watch by my 28 day cycles so even a day over and my heart starts hoping even while my head is telling it to stop being so silly!
I was originally trying for a free one whilst waiting for a donor but I became emotionally exhausted. So now I've stepped back a little, turned off the CBFM and just throw in a bit of strumpage when I see EWCM. Doesn't stop the disappointment, but it's more
contained and a little less sharp if that makes sense?

FF - not heard of an advertising board, and there is a real shortage of donors over here - think we must be the only country that doesn't pay them. But that's a whole different issue.

Well, I caved yesterday and this is what I found. There is a big batch of donors coming through that need to be matched, which will clear the top of the list - so I need to ring back to see where that puts me (the words 'moving into the top quarter of the list' were heard)
then she said realistically we are looking at a year (from when we joined the list, not today!) which takes us to the end of october, which is, you guessed it, roundabout 2 bloody months. I could cry
Oh Urchin I am so sorry hun :hugs: BUT it is actually only 7 weeks until the end of October which is a little less then 2 months :hugs:
Hello everyone how r u all? Afm i've started taking soy this cycle and drinking pink grapefruit juice which i really don't like lol. My cousin did this last month and she is now pregnant so i thought it's worth a go x
wow, been away for a week and loads of posts to catch up on. fx for you all.

i have a bit of an update, ov seems to be happening early this cycle. only cd15 today and had what a few think is ov bleed, was a bit heavier than spotting but was only for last night and had nothing since. luckily hubster is now home until the 18th so plan to take full advantage of that. must have happened because been an awful lot more relaxed about the whole thing, we are moving house in a few weeks, i have exams and a few other things like looking for a new job at our new camp etc so my mind has been completely off it, also been away at his training base the last week for his graduation and consumed what could have quite possibly my own weight in alcohol, dreading slimming world tonight now - ooops!
Hey all can i join in? On a few other threads but always looking for more buddies as my exsisting ones keep getting there BFP's!

Been TTC since Oct 2008 and in that time i have had 3 BFP's all ending in MC, one at 6 weeks and two MMC at 11 weeks (wow such a little setence to contain so much heartache). Its been 8 months since the last one so i am more then ready to have another BFP and try again. In this time however we have had testing and it turns out i have a balanced translocation so 50% of my eggs are 'bad' which is what most likely caused the MC's.

We were refered to the FS to have a go at IVF with PGD which we are awaiting funding for as we speak, its all in the hands of the NHS and PCT now. I am also trying to chase up the results of the tests done by the FS with regards to DH SA and my hormones, test were done in July but not heard anything which is frustrating!

So thats me *waves*
Hi Razcox! Hopefully you get your sticky bean soon!
Urchin - that sucks so bad you heard the dreaded words...2 more months :(

As for me, I'm expecting AF to arrive tomorrow on CD 38. My temp dropped below the coverline this morning and that's always a definite give away. Even though I knew this month wasn't going to be the one, I'm still really disappointed. I always end up hoping that we'll be one of those couples that have a hundred things going against us but still end up beating the odds and getting that BFP. I go through the whole month telling myself I'm not pregnant so I won't be so disappointed but secretly hoping at the end it'll be surprise! Yes I am! But nope, it never happens.
Hi BH. I'm like you with me constantly telling myself that its not my month, when secretly I'm hoping it is. Its my defense mechanism, just not a very good one.
Thanks for the hello's :)

I do the same as well, part of my brain is thinking WE DID IT! and the other part is sat with a stern look saying dont be stupid much like this: [-X
Yay Razcox, glad to see you over here hun :hugs:

I would like to say a huge thank you ladies for helping me realise that I have to stop letting ttc rule our life :hugs: I am now on a secret mission to gain my pre-journey life back!
Hi BH. I'm like you with me constantly telling myself that its not my month, when secretly I'm hoping it is. Its my defense mechanism, just not a very good one.

I do this EXACT same thing. EVERY month. Doesn't work so great as a defense mechanism :dohh:
Hey all can i join in? On a few other threads but always looking for more buddies as my exsisting ones keep getting there BFP's!QUOTE]

Please could i also join as all my exsisting buds seem to be getting their BFP too :)

I'm 27 been TTC since Oct 2009, had 6 months of Clomid and i'm now on the waiting list for IVF. I was referred in May so only another 8 months to go :happydance:

I have PCOS and since finishing Clomid i haven't had a period so i'm on CD100+ :( :(

:hi: xxx
Hey everyone, feeling better today and just wanted to thank you for your support.

I agree I try to live by not pregnant until proven otherwise but once that little grain of hope starts to grow its very hard to try and regain control again!

the OH and I are having a mini break until our fertility appt in 2 weeks, and I think thats whats made me feel better, the relief of not having to try again i suppose!

FF - I agree for the next two weeks i'm going to stop letting ttc rule my life... the temping has been the first thing to go! lol

Hey everyone, feeling better today and just wanted to thank you for your support.

I agree I try to live by not pregnant until proven otherwise but once that little grain of hope starts to grow its very hard to try and regain control again!

the OH and I are having a mini break until our fertility appt in 2 weeks, and I think thats whats made me feel better, the relief of not having to try again i suppose!

FF - I agree for the next two weeks i'm going to stop letting ttc rule my life... the temping has been the first thing to go! lol


I ditched temping a few months ago, it has done nothing to stem my obsession. DH likes to say I have baby-rabies.
I love temping just because i dont get caught out by the :witch: anymore. No more will a nice pair of knickers get ruined because i wasnt expecting it! LOL
I love temping just because i dont get caught out by the :witch: anymore. No more will a nice pair of knickers get ruined because i wasnt expecting it! LOL

:rofl: I know exactly what you mean!

But I am willing to sacrifice a nice pair of knickers for the occasional stress free month of not BBT, besides it gives me an excuse to buy new undies :haha:
Hi Jasiellover! :waves:

I don't temp for the reason that I don't need anymore stress and I don't have the disapline!
hi ladies!

I hope you are having a good day/night (for me).

MrsHowley - yeah, the movie with SJP :) It's showing here in a couple of weeks. Hubby and I are movie buffs too! I watched Maybe Baby with hubby too, I found a link for an online streaming but too bad I don't have the link anymore.

urchin - I feel for you about the long waiting game, it seems like it's so far away, right? For me it felt like ages too, but what kept me going was that I just looked at all those waiting time as opportunity for me to enjoy things that I'd be giving up once I start the process and become pregnant like going out til late/partying, enjoying wine and liquor from time to time, playing sports, etc, just kept myself busy.

Tasha - I've been taking soy milk. Well I am actually a little lactose intolerant so I've only been taking soy milk, but now I've started to try to take cow's milk hoping that my stomach will just get used to it :D I'm also taking cranberry juice.

hi Raz, welcome! I hope your get good test results. Fx..

Welcome too, Lisa!

BH, oh hun, I feel for you, I used to chart my temps too and was always heartbroken when my temperature drops and AF makes a grand entrance. But let's keep positive! It will happen for us too, just believe and have faith ;)

Feisty - go, girl! That's the spirit! ;)

hi jelly, dazed, fisher, pink, jasiell and everyone else! :)
I've seriously considered not temping any more either. The only reason I keep going is months like this last one where I O'd late. Had I not known that I probably would have seriously thought I was pregnant all this last week when AF didn't show "on time".

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