Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Oh Nixy hun :hugs: I believe the genetics tests are to make sure that you and your partner have compatible DNA. A friend of my mother's lost two babies at 6 and 4 months due to having incompatible genetics with her boyfriend. If the incompatibility is great enough your body will stop the egg implanting as it knows it won't be a viable pregnancy. Don't panic though as even if you do have an issue I believe they can screen sperm and eggs to ensure only the right ones are implanted :hugs: Loving your ticker btw!

Well I am 6DPO today and the cramps and back ache have started. I am taking this as a good sign as I know that the earliest an egg can implant is 6DPO :dance: I plan to be positive this 2ww as one of the other lovely ladies pointed out - I will face the same disappointment regardless but at least this way the 2ww is bearable :)
Good luck anniehope and Nixy9 for your dr's appointment, and to you Feisty Fidget for the last stretch of you 2WW!

FX xoxo
Rant ahead warning!

Am I the only one who has noticed what bad press women with LTTC fertility issues have? :growlmad: The media seems to think that any women that has been unable to procreate within a 'reasonable' amount of time is a crazy infant snatching demon :growlmad:

It is the same with TV shows, they make us out to be the scurge of society ruining happy families by harming/stealing children. I really wish that someone would actually give a true account of what it is like to be faced with the harsh reality of LTTC and realise that their portrayal of us really isn't helping!

Sorry for the rant just seen a news clip of a lady that stole a child only did it because she was so desperate to have a baby of her own.
Now that you mention it... I guess it's true, it happens a lot in movies and tv shows! Someone would have to have a whole lot of other issues on top of not being able to conceive to get to that point.
Feisty - it's a fantastic idea to do these fertility jewelry charms! Can you post some pictures of your creations online?

fisher - it's sweet that you're knitting baby clothes. Can you also post some pictures online?

Tasha - sorry I don't know about soy tablets :(

Ladies, I also wanted to say that I am also enjoying this thread very much. Thanks to Feisty for starting this thread and to all of you wonderful ladies for being so friendly and candid and fun. :hugs:

Hope you're having a good weekend.

babydust to all of us! :dust:
Morning all - I have a thrilling day of wood working ahead of me, but I thought I'd check in before I get cracking... Today I have to teach myself how to put on skirting boards and architraves - wonder how that will work out!

I am currently working hard getting the house ready to sell - the plan is to move out of the city and back to the country. I managed to buy my house about 6 weeks before the crash so have a fair amount of work to do on it to get myself out of negative equity.

So far I have learned to plaster (the entire house needs to be done!) but there's a lot more skills I need to pick up before I'm done.

It is all kinda connected to the ttc project - I don't live in a dreadful are by any means and for adults it's fine .... But the kids round here are kinda ferral and I really don't want to bring mine (fx) up in this neighbourhood... The other bonus of
moving home is that they will be around their cousins - which will be massively important as we are likely to only have the one.

Anyway that's my day - what's everyone else up to?
Urchin that sounds mighty impressive! I love the idea of DIY but if I don't see results within the first hour or so I lose interest :haha:

Well for me I have another day of scrabbling around trying to find a replacement for an employee that has just left with zero notice. Spent all of yesterday doing the same and have unfortunately gotten no where. If I don't manage to find someone by the end of today then I will have to cancel bookings for next week which will probably result in a lost client :cry:

Can't even distract myself with the lovely jewellery making as my parts are going to be another few weeks before they arrive. I have come up with some new ideas though including a cycle tracker bracelet that reminds you of your fertile time! I just can't wait to start making them! We have a tiny bead shop just down the road but I don't know if it is open Sunday's may have to phone and see. I need something to take the edge of this work stress!

What is everyone else up to? xxx
Hello Ladies!! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend, Not much to report on TTC front as we can't even DTD until the HSG has been done. So I just had a nice weekend with my girlies which was much needed. Hope you are all well and I will check in later :) x
Rant ahead warning!

Am I the only one who has noticed what bad press women with LTTC fertility issues have? :growlmad: The media seems to think that any women that has been unable to procreate within a 'reasonable' amount of time is a crazy infant snatching demon :growlmad:

It is the same with TV shows, they make us out to be the scurge of society ruining happy families by harming/stealing children. I really wish that someone would actually give a true account of what it is like to be faced with the harsh reality of LTTC and realise that their portrayal of us really isn't helping!

Sorry for the rant just seen a news clip of a lady that stole a child only did it because she was so desperate to have a baby of her own.

Its funny you should say that, DH and I went to an outdoor gig last night and there was a 'Lost children' tent. We jokingly said "Shall we go claim one, finders keepers and all that!" Obviously we would never actually even think about doing such a thing but it's funny how we're knid of made to feel thats our next step in life. At the time we just thought we were having a giggle but it's true its from the media and TV that made us think about it.

It would be nice to see familys on TV going through lttc and coming out sane and with a baby at the end of their journey. I do think on Coronation Street there maybe something coming up about infertility but don't know if it just my supper sensitvity towards the subject thats got me on high alert!! :shrug:

Urchin good luck with the DIY I'm aslo on a bit of a mission to get my house pretty and baby ready, We're doing the last few jobs on touching up our bedroom and bathroom.

Hope the rest of you have a relaxing and chilled out Sunday. :flower:
Feisyt and Midget I am always saying to my Husband shall we steal that one when I see a cute baby :) Maybe I shouldn't in future

On another note, I cannot believe it has been 10 years since the Terrorist attacks in New York, It has certainly made me look back a lot, I can clearly remember where I was when the new broke!!
I never thought 10 years down the line I would be struggling with infertility I was so care free when I was 20 and babies where the last thing on my mind now it's all I ever think about :)
Mrs Howley I think we can carry on really its only for a lighthearted joke between us and our OH. I don't feel guilty about saying it we were just having a giggle and thats so important for us all to be able to do. It's just I never really thought about the background behind it all. Maybe a bit deep for a Sunday afernoon. Anyway I'm just trying to say carry on chuckling about stealing cute babies (just don't really do it:haha:)

But yeah I also can't believe it's been 10 years ago today. Such a tradgedy and a big part of our history which should never be forgotten.
Well, I'm mightily impressed with me myself! Architraves are not as easy as they look, when your doorframe isn't actually square! But we persevered and now all 3 in the sitting room are done. We didn't get onto skirting board through - that's next weekend's jobby.

I'm even considering doing a basic plumbing course so I can do my own pipework - get me!

As for baby stealing, I think a little gallows humour between people who KNOW you're only joking, is absolutely fine. Tbh sometimes it's needed to get you through (the humour, not the baby stealing) The only thing that worries me is that the courts can use it to back up a prosecution if you have been accused of something. People's diaries where they have wished someone dead, or facebook statuses have been used as evidence to suggest that a person was of a mind to do something dreadful... It seems that the justice system really doesn't understand gallows humour at all :(

well it's Monday again and back to work - have a huge amount
of work to do so I'd best stop muckin about on here xxx
Hi guys I was looking for a thread like this in ttc buddies but couldn't see any:(

Can I join please please lol it's so hard joining other ttc1threads and getting left behind and seeing bfp everyday after only a month etc:(

Getting bfp on here would give me so much hope xx so come on the bfp
Hello Lisa and welcome, i know what u mean by seeing every1 get their bfp's and being left behind, thats how i was thinking when in ttc x x
I'm waiting on af so I can get cd2 and cd21 bloods done. In being referred for ivf which could take a year but next appointment hopefully should be clomid so at least I have something to occupy myself.

Good luck huni xx
hey girls, hope you are all doing okay.

well i have no idea when ov is going to happen or if it already has after last months extra long cycle, had that random bleed on the 7th for an hour or so if that and nothing since. been dtd most days since before then making the most of hubster being home. should i just count my ov/lp backwards from my average cycle length? think i may have had some watery cm but little bit hard to tell as been using preseed, although i can tell it has been lotiony the last few days and getting more and more of it.
Thats what I did the first time I got pg Jelly Tot. I counted back and added a few days to be safe.
cool, if i do that then i havent yet ov'd and should do the end of this week around thursday/friday/saturday so will just keep going at it in the meantime.
reluctant to start temping again until this cycle is over as been a lot more relaxed about it with the whole not knowing and just seeing what happens.
You never know hun, sometimes it can work better that way just going with the flow (or so some people tell me).

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