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Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi ladies! :wave:

Mind if I join you? DH and I have been ttc #1 for over a year now, was on bcp for a year before that, and we were using the pull-out method for 1.5 years before that. I've never had any hint of a bfp or anything! Had one strange AF on the pill but the doctor said it was just my body finally adjusting to it (after 6 months? What the heck?), and not a mc. I never even mentioned mc to her, so the fact that they felt it necessary to check for that (but they didn't do bloods, just a urine test and check me down under)... it makes me wonder, anyway.

I'm on my second cycle of clomid right now. 100 mg, CD4-8. The first cycle I ovulated CD17, now I'm on CD27 and I haven't ovulated yet this cycle. The doctor told me to wait until I was 2 weeks late to call (if I was still getting bfns, if I got a bfp then one week late).... so I have to wait until Oct 1st to call for my next appointment (I don't expect AF to arrive if I don't ovulate... it never did before!). I am thinking about quitting temp charting, at least for the remainder of this cycle.
Hey ladies i'm on CD7 so early days of the cycle.

midget em - i think i read somewhere that if the BFP announcements are within a thread then thats okay... but i could totally be making that up! I think they just don't want you starting new threads in the forums. I agree it would be nice to hear about the success's with you ladies. Just noticed a new BFP announcement sticky on the ltttc page, so i'll probably start checking that as well, as it'll give me hope that it can still happen for me.

Fisher - hope your 2ww goes quickly.
Razcoz & FF - keeping my fx for you!
Dazed - hope the :witch: stays away!

& welcome nevernormal.
Thanks Pink! I'm hoping beyond hope that she stays away too.
Feisty - it's a fantastic idea to do these fertility jewelry charms! Can you post some pictures of your creations online?

fisher - it's sweet that you're knitting baby clothes. Can you also post some pictures online?

I attached some of the blankies, and bootie/bonnet sets I've made... Most of these ones I've already give away as gifts for friends. I do love getting pictures from my friends of their babies wearing or hugging the stuff. The blue blanket my friend even had 1year professional pictures taken of her son with the blanket cause he apparently carries it around with him all the time :thumbup: So that feels good. I do have a little bag of ones I'm keeping for myself though... FXd. :dust:

oh my gosh, they're all soooo lovely!!! Fantastic work!!! =D>
You're friends are so lucky to have them as gifts. I love love love your knitting! :thumbup:
hi to all ladies and welcome to all the new ladies who've just joined :wave:

For me, it's perfectly ok to post BFP announcements on an existing thread that the person has been on, it's inspiring actually. What's inappropriate is to start a new thread here announcing a BFP. I would love to hear you ladies get a BFP here ;)
Hey we need those :bfp: to give us hope ladies so you better be announcing!

My temps are still up today.. I am waiting and if they stay up I will test around Sat.. I have been starving!! Lol!! So I'm hoping that is a good thing. Also when I was getting out of the tub last night I was so dizzy, and when I blew my nose there was blood in it, which never happens?? CP is still high, closed, and firm.. We were bd'ing last night and it was sooo uncomfortable!! (tmi :blush: ) && When he was on me the pressure made me feel like I was going to throw up... who knows... Waiting... :coffee:
My temps are still up today.. I am waiting and if they stay up I will test around Sat.. I have been starving!! Lol!! So I'm hoping that is a good thing. Also when I was getting out of the tub last night I was so dizzy, and when I blew my nose there was blood in it, which never happens?? CP is still high, closed, and firm.. We were bd'ing last night and it was sooo uncomfortable!! (tmi :blush: ) && When he was on me the pressure made me feel like I was going to throw up... who knows... Waiting... :coffee:

Your chart looks hopeful [-o<, the TWW was the worst torture ever invented wasn't it! :tease::wacko:
Hey we need those :bfp: to give us hope ladies so you better be announcing!


I love seeing BFP announcements by my friends especially in the LTTTC section because it makes me hopeful. My personal favorite ones are the ones that are like "no really, I swear I didn't try anything special and we only had 1 :sex: near O... cause then I'm like "seeeeee! that could happen to me too!":kiss:
Wow Ladies I sure had a lot to catch up on. Hope all you Internet Angels are well :)

Dazed-Good luck for you this month I have my fx for you I hope clomid works for you, Looks like that might be our next step.

Ladies I take Omega 3 and Starflower for my CM but I also take pregnacare conception, Vitamin b6 and D3 and that is about it with the vits, I also use Robitussin which is also good for CM and on the odd occasion conceive plus :) But I have pretty much tried everything there is to try.

I think it would be a GREAT idea if we tell each other when we get our BFP's it would give us some much needed hope.

As for me I am on CD 11 and ov is coming up, but I only have a week until my HSG, I am so hoping I ov late this month so we can give it a shot, It would be a shame to waste our HSG cycle :)
And welcome to all the new ladies in here, Sorry I forgot to mention it before :)
For me, it's perfectly ok to post BFP announcements on an existing thread that the person has been on, it's inspiring actually. What's inappropriate is to start a new thread here announcing a BFP. I would love to hear you ladies get a BFP here ;)

I agree, my pet peeve in the regular TTC forum or TWW forums are the threads with titles "Do you see a second line?" --yes yes we see the line, you do too or you wouldn't be asking, congratulations OR "my line is faint what does this mean" -- it means you're pregnant you fool.
As for me I am on CD 11 and ov is coming up, but I only have a week until my HSG, I am so hoping I ov late this month so we can give it a shot, It would be a shame to waste our HSG cycle :)

Are they really doing your HSG after you O? That seems strange? My HSG had to be scheduled between days CD6-12 and you had to sign off that you had a normal previous period, a negative pregnancy test yadda yadda yadda and that there was not possible way you could be pregnant. They said they won't do it after O because of the possibility of pregnancy? We totally wasted our HSG month because of a big fight right around O :growlmad: DH suddenly became very offended by :sex: on demand. I was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed. pissed. (he's come around now and realized his life isn't terrible afterall:haha:)
Thank MrsHowley81! I hope this cycle of clomid works too. I've got mixed feelings right now. One minute I think this could be it and the next I think its not. Its these darn PMS cramps.
Your chart looks hopeful [-o<, the TWW was the worst torture ever invented wasn't it! :tease::wacko:

Thank you!! I'm just praying they stay up!! And yes the tww is torture!! :growlmad:

This was a Clomid cycle. I also used softcups, cut out all caffeine, drank a ton of green tea (de-caf), took guaifenesin, temped, and took my pre-natals.. I will do the same again next month if this isn't it.. :wacko:
I honestly can't stand seeing the BFP annoucements for the tests in the TTC or TWW forums. Its gotten to the point where I don't want to go into them anymore. That said, I do agree that in here is fine. We are all in the same situation with mostly the same difficulties.
As for me I am on CD 11 and ov is coming up, but I only have a week until my HSG, I am so hoping I ov late this month so we can give it a shot, It would be a shame to waste our HSG cycle :)

Are they really doing your HSG after you O? That seems strange? My HSG had to be scheduled between days CD6-12 and you had to sign off that you had a normal previous period, a negative pregnancy test yadda yadda yadda and that there was not possible way you could be pregnant. They said they won't do it after O because of the possibility of pregnancy? We totally wasted our HSG month because of a big fight right around O :growlmad: DH suddenly became very offended by :sex: on demand. I was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed. pissed. (he's come around now and realized his life isn't terrible afterall:haha:)

Well if i O before i guess they do, they said in my letter the consultat does it between day 6-21 and I am going in on day 18, I guess that's why we have to abstain and take in FMU sample to rule out pregnancy, Maybe I should ring and check if it is ok to have it done once you habe ovulated! I don't know what difference it would make if you have ovulated or not if you have not had sex, so I better check this. also I have ovulated on cd10 and 11 before. I am worried now I have already waited 3 months for this I don't think I could bare a cancellation and another wait.
MrsHowley I am sure it will be fine hun :hugs: I too think that the only reason some say not to have after ovulation is because of the chance of a miscarriage if you are pregnant :shrug: Obviously if you have abstained from :sex: you will be fine :hugs:

Well I am going to carry on muddling through up until Christmas and if no joy I will start my fertility diet and stick to it religiously for 6 months :cry: from January. May also have January off ttc to give both DH and I a break. I am now praying for that :bfp: before Christmas even harder as I have experienced the fertility diet first hand and couldn't even manage a week!
The reason I heard to have an HSG before ovulation is so that they know you aren't pregnant. If you are pregnant when you have the procedure, the force of the fluid used to test your tubes could cause the fertilized egg to move back up into your tubes and cause and ectopic pregnancy or a pregnancy outside of the uterus.

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