Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Hi ladies,

I feel like I know you all so well now, and yet none of you know me. I have to start by apologizing for lurking in the bushes for months on end on this thread (and B&B really). This is my very first post. I hope I do it right!

I have not posted here because I feel like if I do, it is like I am finally admitting to myself that I have a problem... And obviously I DO have a problem because I have been trying to conceive since June 2010... But I have been really hopeful every month thinking that this is it, so I didn't want to post and join you lovely ladies just to leave minutes later. But here goes: to the new year, new hope, and new friends.

Just a little about me. I am 27 and DH is 40. We got married in June 2010 and I actually got pregnant on our first try on our honeymoon which was incredible. But when we got back from our trip I MCed at 5w. And since then not even a smidgen of a positive. After 1 year of TTC, my DR referred us to a FS. They did tons and tons of tests on me and my DH. DH's SA results are great. My cycles are regular, hormone levels are all great, got a sonohysterography with the saline solution showing that tubes are clear and uterus is fine. Only thing that they found is my uterus is not a perfect triangle shape, the top has a slight overhang but it's so minimal that they cannot even label it anything, not even a septum. In general, septums are controversial where some specialists believe it increases MCs and possible cause of infertility, while other specialist believe it has no bearing at all. Either way, I was told not to worry about it. Therefore, unexplained infertility. My FS has suggested now that my next step is Clomid with IUI. My DH and I are not sure what to do. We so much want it to happen naturally, but I think there's a difference between being hopeful and delusional (not sure which one I am yet).

So we all know that depending on our age, we have a different percent chance of conceiving each month. Apparently despite my age, taking into account how long I have been TTC, my FS says that I am now at 0% each month. Whether this is really true or not, I refuse to believe that and therefore have yet to decide to do Clomid and IUI.

I just want to say that you have no idea how helpful you all have been with your woes, sorrows, joys, and roller coaster of emotions. You have all gotten me through my ups and downs, and I can absolutely relate to all of your emotions. Anyways, enough for now! Hope everyone is doing well.

BTW, Feisty Fidget thank you for starting such a wonderful thread (the best one on B&B for sure!) with the most supportive, understanding, and devoted group of ladies. =)
Wannabe I am so sorry about all the insensitive family comments :hugs: I refuse to even discuss it with anyone now as get so annoyed with their input. If I am asked a direct question I will give a minimal answer. Hope you get there soon hun :hugs:

Purple welcome to the group :wave: I can't believe your FS said 0% chance a month! I could understand it more if you had a specific problem but you are unexplained meaning that it could just suddenly happen! Has your DH had a SA yet?

Well still no :witch: Hope is starting to twitch and I am having to squash it down with big hob nailed boots! I can handle being amazingly surprised by a positive result but I can't handle having my hopes dashed :wacko:
Welcome Purple, That has got to be the best entrance to this thread we have ever seen. I wish you Luck in your baby quest and hope with a little help you get your 2012 BFP :)
Welcome to all the newbies and good luck.Wannabe i'm so sorry u got bad news i'm with the other ladies go for the surgery and get it all sorted at the same time. Urchin that's great news i am so exited for you xx
So we all know that depending on our age, we have a different percent chance of conceiving each month. Apparently despite my age, taking into account how long I have been TTC, my FS says that I am now at 0% each month. Whether this is really true or not, I refuse to believe that and therefore have yet to decide to do Clomid and IUI.

Ugh! That's horrible and I'm with you in that I can't believe that's true. I hope that now that you have joined the thread, that your stay is short and sweet! :)

Well still no :witch: Hope is starting to twitch and I am having to squash it down with big hob nailed boots! I can handle being amazingly surprised by a positive result but I can't handle having my hopes dashed :wacko:

Oooo! I'm going to secretly hope for a bfp for you!! :hugs:

AFM, I started classes yesterday and I enjoyed my first day. It's going to be lots of work, but I think it will be fun and will be a good way to take my mind off of some of this. My bleeding has slowed quite a bit, so I'm hoping that this means the bleeding part is nearly done and that my hCG levels have gone down drastically from friday's test. They only went down to 125 on Friday's test, so they still have a ways to go... Ah well... what can I do about it but hope and pray and keep on keeping on right?
thank you all for the welcome. it's nice to feel supported in this tough to talk about issue. sometimes i think talking about it is only going to jinx my chances of concieving but that's just crazy!
i guess i should explain that i have already done the ovary reserve bloodwork- all is good, just not sure i am ovulating every month since i have a slight case of PCOS... currently on thyroid treatment for hypothyroidism, so far so good, my cycles are veryregular with the exception of my last period which graced me with it's presence 4 days early last month for some reason. my hubby's spermodiagrama only showed a small motility issue as in it wasn't perfect, (we've only had one done) i had laparoscopic surgery (nov.15th) and successfully had both my tubes cleared, :happydance: one was a hydrosalpinx the other had lots of scar tissue, and i have been working on my anemia for the past two months. i don't know if having anemia can prevent me from concieving and i don't know what my ferritin levels are because i live on an island and have been trying to get my bloodwork sent tome from the hospital in athens for a few weeks now and still waiting. see, my gynocologist who performed the laparoscopy refused to write me up a prescription for the iron pills claimed i should avoid pills (??) so i have been taking the over the counter kind and have recently began eating red meat in an attempt to raise my iron levels. i feel weak and tired all the time, i am pale and kinda moody lately... idk if that has to do with my anemia.
we are waiting to find out in about 10 days if we're pregnant and if not i am going to see about clomid. the doc suggested it two months ago and we said we'd try without pills first... well, it might not be working.
all our friends are pregnant or already parents and it gets painful emotionally to be around them at times... of course that is the big thing going on in their lives it makes sense that we talk about it it all about pregnancies, babies, their diets, the baby room, one of our pregnant friends (not a close friend) wipped out her breasts the other day to show me her nipple problems.
kill me now.
there's a baby boom going on in Greece and i want to be a part of it dammit! :) actually i have been dreaming about being a mom a lot for the past year, hmm i wonder why? so has my husband. we get so excited when we talk about it or when we walk past a store with baby stuff. i even tried the baby morph tool and our baby came out blonde with blue eyes. we both have dark hair brown eyes. hahaha actually the first one came out with facial hair because my husband used a photo where he hadn't shaved in a month. that was disturbing. what ever. we keep hearing about people getting pregnant without trying and without planning and instead of being happy for them i get more depressed. don't get me wrong, i am truely happy for our close friends who are expecting and we're excited for them it's the couples who rubbed it in our faces how we weren't ready that get to me and the ones who smoke weed and cigarettes and evertime i see them they have bloodshot eyes and a drink in their hand, they're the ones that get to me. i guess i am jealous. i guess i am mad i screwed up my fallopian tubes years ago and had no idea that they were blocked and twisty shaped until we were already in the process of trying. i guess stress really gets in our way.
it's what it seems to come down to. :shrug:

thanks for letting me get that out there.
now that all that negative energy is out of my system here's me wishes all of you the best and hopefully soon we will open a new topic possibly called "we made it!" or something cheery where we can share our success stories and give hope to former us girls, if that makes sense.
kisses from Greece!:kiss:
FF gl i really hope this is it for you. Afm we have kinda had a month of ttc as i just wanted to have a nice relaxed xmas and new year, so we bd when we wanted to and not when it was a certain time of month . It was really nice and to be honest we did it alot lol sorry tmi. I have no idea when i ovulated all i know is that i am due my period anytime between the 11th-15th. I do keep feeling sick on and off and my boobs are mega sore but that probably my body playing tricks on me. I am really hoping this is our month tho as it's my oh birthday on friday so it would be a lovely surprise for him xx
Greekgirl we can all sympathise with that hun :hugs:

Tasha really hoping this is it for you :hugs:

I swore to myself that if my period hadn't arrived by today I wouldn't be doing any more full days at work until we knew one way or another (lost sprout due to work stress :( ) Unfortunately there is a sickness bug going round meaning one of my nurses has called in sick so I am going to have to not only put in a full day tomorrow but it is at a really, really busy practice miles away from home where I will be lucky if I even get a lunch break. Not a happy bunny :(
Hi ladies,

I feel like I know you all so well now, and yet none of you know me. I have to start by apologizing for lurking in the bushes for months on end on this thread (and B&B really). This is my very first post. I hope I do it right!

I have not posted here because I feel like if I do, it is like I am finally admitting to myself that I have a problem... And obviously I DO have a problem because I have been trying to conceive since June 2010... But I have been really hopeful every month thinking that this is it, so I didn't want to post and join you lovely ladies just to leave minutes later. But here goes: to the new year, new hope, and new friends.

Just a little about me. I am 27 and DH is 40. We got married in June 2010 and I actually got pregnant on our first try on our honeymoon which was incredible. But when we got back from our trip I MCed at 5w. And since then not even a smidgen of a positive. After 1 year of TTC, my DR referred us to a FS. They did tons and tons of tests on me and my DH. DH's SA results are great. My cycles are regular, hormone levels are all great, got a sonohysterography with the saline solution showing that tubes are clear and uterus is fine. Only thing that they found is my uterus is not a perfect triangle shape, the top has a slight overhang but it's so minimal that they cannot even label it anything, not even a septum. In general, septums are controversial where some specialists believe it increases MCs and possible cause of infertility, while other specialist believe it has no bearing at all. Either way, I was told not to worry about it. Therefore, unexplained infertility. My FS has suggested now that my next step is Clomid with IUI. My DH and I are not sure what to do. We so much want it to happen naturally, but I think there's a difference between being hopeful and delusional (not sure which one I am yet).

So we all know that depending on our age, we have a different percent chance of conceiving each month. Apparently despite my age, taking into account how long I have been TTC, my FS says that I am now at 0% each month. Whether this is really true or not, I refuse to believe that and therefore have yet to decide to do Clomid and IUI.

I just want to say that you have no idea how helpful you all have been with your woes, sorrows, joys, and roller coaster of emotions. You have all gotten me through my ups and downs, and I can absolutely relate to all of your emotions. Anyways, enough for now! Hope everyone is doing well.

BTW, Feisty Fidget thank you for starting such a wonderful thread (the best one on B&B for sure!) with the most supportive, understanding, and devoted group of ladies. =)

@Purple, Welcome to the group hun...:hugs::hugs: It is so nice to meet you. I am glad that the thread has been a big help to you in your TTC journey. I am happy that you decided to join us. It is a huge help having other ladies to talk to about what you are going through and for the support.

I also have to agree with Fiesty, that there is no way that your chances of TTC could be 0% unless there was a definate problem that could be verified to support this. Otherwise there is always hope hun....:hugs::hugs:

Good luck and baby dust to you!!! I hope you get your BFP soon!! :dust: :dust:
Wannabe I am so sorry about all the insensitive family comments :hugs: I refuse to even discuss it with anyone now as get so annoyed with their input. If I am asked a direct question I will give a minimal answer. Hope you get there soon hun :hugs:

Purple welcome to the group :wave: I can't believe your FS said 0% chance a month! I could understand it more if you had a specific problem but you are unexplained meaning that it could just suddenly happen! Has your DH had a SA yet?

Well still no :witch: Hope is starting to twitch and I am having to squash it down with big hob nailed boots! I can handle being amazingly surprised by a positive result but I can't handle having my hopes dashed :wacko:

Thank you for the kind words hun....:hugs: I guess I think it would be nice to have some family support because of needing surgery, and like somehow I would feel better telling people about it, but than they end up saying silly things that just end up pissing me off...:dohh: I usually keep this stuff to myself except for talking to you B&B girls, but it looks like I need to go back to being more private again when it comes to TTC related stuff for me...

I got everything crossed for you, and I am sending you lots of good luck and baby dust that you can get your BFP this cycle!!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
FF gl i really hope this is it for you. Afm we have kinda had a month of ttc as i just wanted to have a nice relaxed xmas and new year, so we bd when we wanted to and not when it was a certain time of month . It was really nice and to be honest we did it alot lol sorry tmi. I have no idea when i ovulated all i know is that i am due my period anytime between the 11th-15th. I do keep feeling sick on and off and my boobs are mega sore but that probably my body playing tricks on me. I am really hoping this is our month tho as it's my oh birthday on friday so it would be a lovely surprise for him xx

Those symptoms sound really promising hun!!! :thumbup: I got everything crossed for you and I am wishing you good luck and sending a ton of baby dust your way!!! Come on BFP!!!! :dust: :dust::dust: :af::af:
Wow good luck FF and Tash hope the witch stays away for you both
Wannabe it is a shame we feel like we have to keep quiet about our struggle with infertility, I have made a conscience effort to not do that anymore, I have already offended one person, but I am passed the stage of caring and they clearly can't be bothered to think about what they are saying. I had one girl who happens to have a baby, she says to me good things happen to good people, so was she implying that I was a bad person for being infertile? So I asked am I bad person or does she think people who get cancer are not nice people, and now she acts all offended like I did something wrong. It is such a shame people don't think a little bit more, I hate the people who assume because you are married and have no children that you don't want any. anyway there is my rant. I hope you start to get your head around this all in good time wannabe, I know it is hard but you have plenty of support here, it might not be the same but at least we understand, I find that really helps me xxx :hugs:
Thanks for the well wishes my lovely, unfortunately boobs are no longer very sore so I believe we will soon have the monthly monster in residence!

Tasha still keeping it crossed for you xxx
AF the :witch: was supposed to show up on friday...and since she didnty I was feeling hopeful....BUT today she decided to rear her ugly head completely!![-(](*,), I am feeling angry and sad and confused and ........empty. I feel stuck. I was crying this morning after AF arrived and I walked out to great my husband and he could tell that something was wrong so he asked....I didnt know what to tell him....That I felt like I was a failure another month and couldnt get pregant.....or that I wasn't able to give him a baby this cycle. I know he would be mad that I am thinking and feeling this way but at this point I just can't khelp it. I knwo that he would be sad because I am sad, but I just couldnt tell him..SO I said nothing was wrong.

Oh hun, i know exactly how you feel and as hard as it is we just need to pick ourselves up and carry on... Positive thinking hun :hugs:

we will all get our BFP very soon im sure, it must be in the plan that we have to try that little bit harder... Big Hugs

Lucy :hugs:
Ok so I really have no reason to feel like this but I'm feeling like I'm out ... like I said I have no grounds for feeling this way, I just do!

I haven't been sleeping right, my boobs are sore and I woke up sweating in the middle of the night last night but I'm just feeling like AF is going to show up!
Welcome to all the newbies this is by far one of the best threads on here for LTTTC... Thanks FF :)
Thank you wannabe, mrs howley and ff i do feel like the witch is on her way tho i have had some pinkish cm xx i hope ur all well xx
I started off the week feeling abit blah...and I cant get out of it. I feel like every month my dh and I ttc and we dont that my heart just breaks. I am tired of the OPK and all of the other tests to the point that I do not care anymore about testing.....I am in a funk and dont know how to get out.:shrug:
wannabe People who have never experienced infertility are horrible at answering, suggesting, and overall responding to the subject. My own mom keeps dismissing it even being a problem and doesn't understand why I would consider doing any kind of treatment. 'IF let's say there is no physical/biological problem Mom, the fact that it is taking this long in itself is a problem!' I try to avoid the subject in general as best I can with others that are not familiar with infertility. I also agree with the other ladies and think you should consider doing both surgeries; it can only help. And I'm sure you'll feel more in control of the situation knowing that you are making decisions that will benefit you in the end.

Feisty Fidget Thank you for the welcome. I agree, it could and will suddenly happen to us all! =) My FS was trying to explain that without Clomid, doing IUI would be no difference to trying naturally for me which is pretty much 0% each month. So Clomid would boost the chances with having more eggies available. My DH has had 2 SAs done, and both were about 80 million and generally good. FS also recommended doing a DNA test on the spermies to see if they was fragmented; haven't gotten the results of that yet. Fingers crossed for you FF this month!

dodger I can't imagine what you have been through and are still going through. I think you are so strong. I hope your classes stay enjoyable and take your mind to wonderful places.

greekgirl I like the idea of focusing on the positive of succeeding. Success stories of LTTCers is always welcome in my books.

Tasha I'm glad you had a wonderful holiday, and it's nice to see you back here. Sometimes a vacation or time off really helps restore the spirit. *fingers crossed for u*

wanting2bmom I feel the exact same way. Like a seesaw/teeter-totter; up and down and up all the time. Hopeful and then hopeless. Just know you are not alone. *hugs*

urchin Best of luck to you hun, you deserve it!

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