Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Yea I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to do ... I may test while I'm on vacation maybe the last day since I'll be busy the rest of the time anyways but I'm just going to wait it out ... I mean if I am, good and if not then that's lame but I should give the hormones time to build up in my system that way I don't get a false BFN ....

I'm getting pretty excited though, Oh and if my period doesn't come by the end of my vacation then something is definitely going on!
Hi All, I am soooo fed up... I had my fertility appointment today and the past 2 appointments i was advised my OH SA was normal... now after today i have only just been informed that his mobility is slightly low!!! im so angry and to top it off the hospital has 'mis placed' my notes!!! so were going of a letter not the actual results that i gave them last time.. his mobilty is 2% and they say it should be over 4% im so down as i want to know why the past two appointments they did not even mention after seeing and looking at the results and where the hell have my notes gone :-(

They have said our best option is IVF which i am a little scared and sad about, i did ask if there was any think OH could take to help and they said no, the best option is IVF then they said they have discharged me and ref for IVF - They have to send the form with all the information (thats if they can find) they said if they dont send with info it will come back so i asked if OH needed to do another SA they seemed to be like no they should find your notes some where ........... Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it just makes me so mad how 'care free' they are this is my life my world my only hope, so sorry for the rant im just mad how they missed this and can we still get BFP with this ??

Thanks every one...

Lucy xx
@lucy, I am so sorry that the DR's office didnt give you these results sooner and that they misplaced your information like that!!! That is very unprofessional on their part. I am sorry about your DH's low motility problem as well. Big hugs going out to you hun!!! :hugs: :hugs:

I do think that motility can be improved if your DH takes vitamins. My DH had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed and has a low sperm count and low motility. Out first SA he had less than 5 million sperm and only 36% motility, but I got him on GNC fertility vitamins and for his second SA his numbers improved. He went up to 6.5 million sperm and 65% motility, so it is possible to improve motility with the help of vitamins in many cases. I know this wasn't a huge jump but it was a big enough improvement with his numbers for us to get approval for IUI instead of having to turn to IVF first. For IUI our fertility DR wanted a minimum of 5 million sperm but preferred at least 10 million but she is going to let us do IUI once I get the surgery I need. I am not sure what the minimum motility requirement is though to be able to do IUI.

Here is a link to the GNC vitamins which I really think are awesome, it is the Fertility Blend for Men ones ...

Another one that is good and that i used before was the Fertilaid vitamins...

Here is a link to those...

Good luck and best wishes to you hun.. I hope you can get your BFP soon. :dust: :dust:
@lucy, I am so sorry that the DR's office didnt give you these results sooner and that they misplaced your information like that!!! That is very unprofessional on their part. I am sorry about your DH's low motility problem as well. Big hugs going out to you hun!!! :hugs: :hugs:

I do think that motility can be improved if your DH takes vitamins. My DH had a 14 year old vasectomy reversed and has a low sperm count and low motility. Out first SA he had less than 5 million sperm and only 36% motility, but I got him on GNC fertility vitamins and for his second SA his numbers improved. He went up to 6.5 million sperm and 65% motility, so it is possible to improve motility with the help of vitamins in many cases. I know this wasn't a huge jump but it was a big enough improvement with his numbers for us to get approval for IUI instead of having to turn to IVF first. For IUI our fertility DR wanted a minimu of 5 million sperm but preferred at least 10 million but she is going to let us do IUI once I get the surgery I need. I am not sure what the minimum motility requirement is for motiliity though to be able to do IUI.

Here is a link to the GNC vitamins which I really think are awesome, it is the Fertility Blend for Men ones ...

Another one that is good and that i used before was the Fertilaid vitamins...

Here is a link to those...

Good luck and best wishes to you hun.. I hope you can get your BFP soon. :dust: :dust:

Thankyou so much i will have a look at these right away!! Im glad that there can be some improvement im going to double check with our doctors and get a copy of his results because if im honest as they didnt have the information infront of them they may have got it wrong... i will look at these now and purchase... at least we all have each other and us girls know whats going on hey ha ha :hugs: thankyou xx
@lucy, Your Welcome hun... :flower:I just wanted to add that I had my DH taking a higher dose than the normal 2 pills, I had him taking 3 a day like a month before his second SA, so i would suggest if you decide to try the vitamins have him take them at a higher dose, like 3 or 4 pills a day and do it a few months before you do another SA,the higher dose gives faster improvement I think... good luck to you....:hugs:
lucylou - I can sympathize with you about how annoying it is when people seem to lie ... or don't think numbers count! I've been dealing with this at my RE's office since I started going there. A couple months ago I got my progesterone checked and they said it was fine ... well I was reading online about what a good progesterone number was and I found out good was between like 9 and 12 or something like that and so I called them back and asked them what the exact number was and they said 6.2!! I'm like omg, you guys are liars, that's not even good at all! And so the other day when I went in for my prolactin blood test .. (I have a prolactinoma and have been on medication, and thankgod it's good now!) I asked them if I could have a copy of all of my bloodwork up to date and they said yes but it would take up to a week and they would call me when they were ready to be picked up ... well that was last Tuesday so it's been over a week and I called them today, they said they were sent out on the 5th so it's been 7 days ... and it's still not here! So I called them back and told them that I want them to make another copy, overnight and that I will pick it up ...

It made me really mad because I've been wanting the copy for my records for a week now and then they told me when I requested them that I would be picking them up but then they sent them out and I have yet to see them ...

It's really frustrating and I know it's probably frustrating for them as well ... because they have all of these manic women who want babies so bad they freak out but they need to understand that knowing exact numbers and what not is important to the patient as well!

Oh and I got my progesterone rechecked in the middle of my treatment for my prolactinoma and it was 9 so i was doing a lot better! Prolactin suppresses progesterone so I'm assuming now that my prolactin is better my progesterone is probably better too!


But lucylou, I totally understand your frustration!
@lucy, Your Welcome hun... :flower:I just wanted to add that I had my DH taking a higher dose than the normal 2 pills, I had him taking 3 a day like a month before his second SA, so i would suggest if you decide to try the vitamins have him take them at a higher dose, like 3 or 4 pills a day and do it a few months before you do another SA,the higher dose gives faster improvement I think... good luck to you....:hugs:

Thanks again wannabe!! I have just emailed to see if they will post to the UK as it seems cheaper to buy and pay for postage than how much it is here....

I hope it works... you have given me some more hope huni thankyou xx:hugs:
lucylou - I can sympathize with you about how annoying it is when people seem to lie ... or don't think numbers count! I've been dealing with this at my RE's office since I started going there. A couple months ago I got my progesterone checked and they said it was fine ... well I was reading online about what a good progesterone number was and I found out good was between like 9 and 12 or something like that and so I called them back and asked them what the exact number was and they said 6.2!! I'm like omg, you guys are liars, that's not even good at all! And so the other day when I went in for my prolactin blood test .. (I have a prolactinoma and have been on medication, and thankgod it's good now!) I asked them if I could have a copy of all of my bloodwork up to date and they said yes but it would take up to a week and they would call me when they were ready to be picked up ... well that was last Tuesday so it's been over a week and I called them today, they said they were sent out on the 5th so it's been 7 days ... and it's still not here! So I called them back and told them that I want them to make another copy, overnight and that I will pick it up ...

It made me really mad because I've been wanting the copy for my records for a week now and then they told me when I requested them that I would be picking them up but then they sent them out and I have yet to see them ...

It's really frustrating and I know it's probably frustrating for them as well ... because they have all of these manic women who want babies so bad they freak out but they need to understand that knowing exact numbers and what not is important to the patient as well!

Oh and I got my progesterone rechecked in the middle of my treatment for my prolactinoma and it was 9 so i was doing a lot better! Prolactin suppresses progesterone so I'm assuming now that my prolactin is better my progesterone is probably better too!


But lucylou, I totally understand your frustration!

Thanks Ash... Its nice to be able to come on here and people do understand... Hope the witch stays away for you hun, and you get your BFP x:hugs:
Thanks bunches! I hope she stays away too! It's been long enough and I'm ready for my BFP!
@lucy, Your Welcome hun... :flower:I just wanted to add that I had my DH taking a higher dose than the normal 2 pills, I had him taking 3 a day like a month before his second SA, so i would suggest if you decide to try the vitamins have him take them at a higher dose, like 3 or 4 pills a day and do it a few months before you do another SA,the higher dose gives faster improvement I think... good luck to you....:hugs:

Thanks again wannabe!! I have just emailed to see if they will post to the UK as it seems cheaper to buy and pay for postage than how much it is here....

I hope it works... you have given me some more hope huni thankyou xx:hugs:

Your welcome!!! :flower: I am in the united states, But I have heard from the UK girls that Wellman conception vitamins are really good... at least I think that is what they are called in case you cant get the vitamins I suggested since you are in the UK... :thumbup:
Urchin I'm sorry to hear about the delay. But I'm with Raz on that ripen eggies are worth the wait.

jeo Welcome back. GL at the DR's.

Ash, my CM before my AF is all over the place so not a reliable indicator for me. Your chart looks promising. GL to you this month and hope you have a wonderful vacation. I say test after you get back, this way you enjoy your vaca no matter what.

wannabe I hope your doggy Oreo gets better. All the doggy advice sounds great, and I'm sure it will work. I know nothing about doggies =(. But I definitely want one, despite my stupid allergies to them.

lucy Sorry to hear you are frustrated with your DR's office. But wannabe's suggestion sounds excellent! I hope the vitamins work for your DH.

Welcome to the newbies Bambi86, gilmore85. Hope your stay is short and sweet.

AFM, nothing interesting at all. On CD 8 and waiting to O.
Thanks! And I think that's what I'm going to do ... I just hope she doesn't show up in the middle of my vacation!
So after perhaps 3 months of not charting I finally remembered to take my temperate and now Fertility Friend is down so I can't update :(

Feeling rather stressed today :wacko: Have a lot of caring for my Nan ahead of me late today and first thing tomorrow morning which means no lay in Saturday and hardly any Friday night to enjoy :( I am one Grumpy mare today!
Oh dear, I've been gone a while it seems!

:hugs: to those the :witch: got, GL to those waiting, and fx'd to those who have upcoming tests/labs/cycles to do :)

SA was done and the numbers aren't great, but I keep trying to rationalize it: It's the holidays so it's stressful anyway, he's been working like 55-60/week which is stressful, the SA was put back 2 weeks so that was stressful, his job is transitioning (the company got bought out) so that is stressful too! Not to mention just the whole ttc business anyway :nope: So I'm hoping that his results being not great are just an extension of the stress that's been happening and not an actual problem...

I still have to call the insurance company :dohh: I'm just afraid I'm going to call and they will still say 0% (though yes, yes I know that it just puts me back in the same position, but it's nice to hope). Though I talked to my mom (finally) that we are ttc and actually ltttc/having for realsie issues with it and she was quite a bit, scratch that, LOT more understanding than I would have assumed she would be :wacko: but it is nice to talk to her and I also found out she had secondary infertility (took 2 years to conceive my sister which is one reason we are so far apart in ages: I'm 23, she's 15 next month). I am quite relieved that I told her though, it's nice chatting on here and such (you ladies are SUPER supportive) but it's something different actually talking in person with someone. Annnnd she said to call her insurance company because I might be covered under hers since I'm on it (or double covered if both cover it).

As of right now though, DH and I have (semi) decided that I will finish my two rounds of Clomid left (I mean, I have the rx, might as well use it lol) and then we will move onto ntnp until a later to be determined date when we can get the HSG done and also do a retest on his SA.

I honestly never thought I would be at this point; contemplating expensive procedures, getting ready to duke it out with the insurance companies, buying books on coping with infertility, telling your parents (in a very melodramatic way) they may never have biological grandchildren from us. This time last year I was so hopeful, I knew it would happen soon and I was actually scared I was going to be pregnant on my honeymoon, Oh how wrong I was.. This month marks 1 year/17 cycles... sighhhhhh..

Sorry for such a depressing post it's just everything decided to happen all within the last month and it's all a bit overwhelming :sad1:
Skoer :hugs: Don't apologise for the post hun! LTTTC is so depressing, but I am glad that your Mum is being supportive :flower:

Apologies for my moody mare post earlier - I am not a morning person and not getting a lay in this week is making me really crabby :haha: This morning was actually quite productive :) for some reason I seem to be more creative and have more ideas when I can't actually act on them :lol: So having to be in surgery all morning meant that my mind was allowed to wander and I managed to mentally design some new jewellery pieces :) I am also setting myself the 7 day, 7 new jewellery pieces which will be fun and keep me super busy until just before Ovulation when baby dancing kicks in!

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