Anyone LTTTC Number One?

Oh Urchin I am so sorry my love :hugs: People really are $hits! I sincerely hope that the locket will turn up (scour local jewellers etc as it has no doubt been pawned) and I hope that the insensitive little tits are caught and punished!

Bless your Mr Urch, he really is a sweetie! You take his advice and get on with the job of baby growing :flower: xxx
Yay for peak Raz! Remember to give your DH's boy's and your eggies a good talking to and let them know what you expect.

Will do dont worry, i am guessing OV will be Sat so will send as many troops in today and tomorrow as i can LOL

Hope the troops were deployed last night chikkie - battle ready with plenty of ammo!

Cheers Wannabe - I think for your own sanity you need to step away from the IC's sweetie. For whatever reason they are giving you false results, getting your hopes up then dashing you back down again. And although I am sure you're a strong girl (we all are, us LTTTC lot!) but you must go gentle on yourself - you aren't made of iron. Get yourself some FRERs and make yourself a promise that you won't test until you are actually late :hugs:

Hey FF I know exactly where you're coming from with the flat cleaning - I am worse when there are people who haven't been before, or who I don't know well, coming over - I can just about cope with a bit of mess if it's my mum or a very close friend ... but otherwise I go nuts!
Poor Mr Urch really doesn't get it - though he is wise enough to just accept that IF HIS MUM IS COMING TO STAY THAT MEANS 2 DAYS CLEANING BEFORE SHE GETS HERE!

Mrs H - I'll check with Mr Urch how he feels about Eenie and Meenie on the birth certificates :haha:
It's odd how your mind shifts with IVF isn't it? When I was first told that IVF was our best hope, I felt sad and frustrated that we weren't going to be doing it naturally - but as soon as I found out that my reserves were extremely depleted and IVF with DE was pretty much our only chance - all of a sudden I was 'BRING IT ON!'

7 weeks to sell your place? did I read that right ... hope mine goes as quick as that!

Purple - it sounds to me like you have given it a good shot at trying to do it naturally, and maybe it's time to consider other options?
I'd sit down with Mr P and set yourselves a concrete deadline e.g. If we have not succeeded naturally by 24 months, we will start with the Clomid. Otherwise one month then another then another will slip by
The deadline you set is of course up to you - make sure it's one that you and Mr P are both happy with, but do make yourselves a definite end-point :hugs:

Hey Heavenly! nice to see you in here - think we've both been knocking around B&B for the same amount of time ... this thread is an absolute godsend - it's the only place I know full of people who really do know exactly what I'm going through....and there's always room for one more - we just ask you to bring a spare chair so that there is room for another 'one more' after you :hugs:

Welcome to Cynthia too - fancy tea and biscuits??? (unless you're American, in which case I'm sure I can find coffee and cookies!)

FF - they are shits indeed ... this morning I found they even took half a bottle of milk!
We have suspicions as to who it might have been - and if we ever get proof, he's toast!

Mr Urch is indeed a sweetie - I really do sit and congratulate myself on the quality of manflesh I managed to ensnare with my feminine wiles!
Right now he is outside clearing up the yard, while I sit here, forbidden to even tidy the bedroom!

And a big helloooooooooo to anyone else I've not caught up with yet ....
and would anyone like to see some pictures?????

I'll take that as a yes!

Here's Eenie and Meenie

and here's the moment of transfer - the big black thing is my bladder .... the arrow points at a wee white blob - that is the drop of fluid that Eenie and Meenie were sloshing about in when they were dropped, unceremoniously, into my 11.2mm lining!
When I was first told that IVF was our best hope, I felt sad and frustrated that we weren't going to be doing it naturally - but as soon as I found out that my reserves were extremely depleted and IVF with DE was pretty much our only chance - all of a sudden I was 'BRING IT ON!'

Hey Heavenly! nice to see you in here - think we've both been knocking around B&B for the same amount of time ... this thread is an absolute godsend - it's the only place I know full of people who really do know exactly what I'm going through....and there's always room for one more - we just ask you to bring a spare chair so that there is room for another 'one more' after you :hugs:

Hi Urchin, thank you for the warm welcome. :flower:

I am so sorry about the break in, little b*stards! :growlmad:

I loved the pics, thanks for posting them! We will be looking at IVF with DE probably, (unless a miracle happens over the next 4 months). I have got my head around it, so has OH. We both want to be parents dearly and every child is special!!

Just have to decide where to go, I would prefer to go in the UK as I get anxiety attacks and am not good with flying. What are the waiting times like with donated eggs? Sorry for all the questions! xx
Urchin that is rubbish about the robbery, I hope the thieving sods get their karma.
Yes Urchin only 7 weeks, in fact we had the offer after 2 weeks but they had to sell their property first, we also had our offer accepted on a house yesterday so it seems our luck is changing :)
Hope Eenie and Meenie are getting nice and snuggly in there..... it's nice to see them :)

Hello to all you newbies, hope everyone out there is having a lovely w/end, shame it is flying by xx
Hey Heavenly - waiting lists for Donor Eggs are getting shorter since the government changed the rules - donors are now paid around £700, which has increased the numbers coming forward as altruistic donors

When we joined the waiting list in October we were told 6 months, but it was actually 13 ... they are now saying it's 3 months - but it still all depends on people randomly coming forward.

I hope that something happens naturally for you in the next 4 months, but if not, there is still hope!

7 weeks is remarkable MrsH .... I really really hope ours goes as quick!
Hey ladies! New to this site but not to TTC. DH and I have been trying for about 5 years now. We did get pregnant once in 2007 but sadly I miscarried. Have had no luck in getting pregnant since. Hubby has MFI and I have some issues with high prolactin levels and low progesterone. We have tried one IUI with no success and plan on having our second in the near future. Hoping IUI does the trick for us yet at the same time I have a feeling we will need to do IVF to finally have our miracle baby. Baby dust to everyone!!

Welcome to the group!!! :flower:Good luck and baby dust to you!!! :dust: :dust:
@Urchin, I am so sorry about the break in.... that is just terrible hun...:hugs: :hugs: I hope they catch the idiots that did that!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures of the embryo's, I just love your art work that you added to eenie and meenie, very cute...:winkwink: It reminds me of how amazing life is, and how it starts out as that tiny ball of cells!!! I am sending you lots of sticky baby dust!!!! :dust: :dust:

As far as testing I agree with your advice Urchin, and I am taking a break from testing for now until AF is for sure late, since the IC's arent progressing and I dont want to waste them or drive myself nuts. If I can make it to this coming Friday than i will for sure be late for AF by than, so hopefully i can hold out that long. I only have one more FRER left, with like 4 more IC's, I dont have any symptoms really this cycle, I dont have my usual pre-AF type cramps which is very odd for this time frame of my cycle, I have been having some dizzy spells though, I also had what I thought was implantation spotting sometime after OV, and it was light brown blood and was there when I whiped but it was only there once, so I dismissed it as my imagination and didnt make a note of when it happend :shrug:. I also have been having weird eye twitching and spasms in my right eye lid.. I am not sure what to think right now to be totally honest, hopefully this week will go by fast though so i can get some answers hopefully soon!! I must admit it would be wonderful if I could avoid surgery and the expense of it , and if DH and me could use our tax return $$ to work on a nursery instead......
Cynthia - My levels weren't that high either but were still over the normal range so he put me on dostinex, it's the generic name for cabergoline! I think my levels were 50 not fasting and 35 fasting, so only over by 10. I've been on the medication for about 9 weeks and when I got my prolactin tested at week 7 it was at 1.6 which is excellent so I'm happy the medication worked. I'm still on it so that my levels stay under control. Were you diagnosed with a prolactinoma or did you just have high levels ? Were you on the medication when you had your first unsuccessful IUI?

I've been TTC for about 14-15 months at this point and I'm getting frustrated but trying to stay patient. Now that my prolactin is under control I'm hoping that I'll get pregnant soon. My RE said that if I'm not pregnant by February to come in and talk about what's next. I'm pretty sure he's going to put me on clomid, I don't think he would do unmedicated IUI only because my OH has a SA and everything came back fine with that ... so I'm not really sure how effective IUI would be for us....

I just want my baby already! Lol!
Hey Heavenly - waiting lists for Donor Eggs are getting shorter since the government changed the rules - donors are now paid around £700, which has increased the numbers coming forward as altruistic donors

When we joined the waiting list in October we were told 6 months, but it was actually 13 ... they are now saying it's 3 months - but it still all depends on people randomly coming forward.

I hope that something happens naturally for you in the next 4 months, but if not, there is still hope!

Thank you, which clinic are you with and what factors made you decide on that clinic?

Sorry, bombarding you!! :wacko:
Oh girls, I am so confused about what to do now... My DH and I are unexplained. My FS recommended the next step for us is to do 3 rounds of monitored Clomid + IUI to see if that would do the trick. It's been like 20 months now (OMG!) and I am so sick of no results! I just don't know how much longer we should wait it out, or do the recommended treatment? My DH really wants us to conceive naturally (as do I!), and not need to put drugs like Clomid into my system. If we wanted to do the treatment, we could start as early as my next cycle which should be early February. I already feel like I am out this cycle even though I am about 3-4 DPO. With every failed cycle, I feel more and more defeated. Any suggestions welcome.

Good luck girls with the IVFs! :)

I agree with others hun, take what you can if it gets you one step closer then go for it, i know its scary but when i told a friend about IVF she said if that gets you both your buddle of joy then so what go for it! big hugs xx:hugs:
Morning all - I'll reply to everyone later when I'm downstairs ... Trying to do it from my iPhone drives me nuts!

Having a lazy start to the day - trying to feel positive about having to have a shower rather than a bath (on clinic instructions) When I say shower, that sounds like a more pleasant activity that is actually the case: a shower in our house invoves one of those rubber doodads that you plug onto your bath taps, and then due to extremely lowhot water pressure, kneel in the bath under a meagre trickly of water - meh!

Ordinarily I would be proper full-on grumpy about such a poor start to the day, but seeing as it's all in a good cause, I'm just mildly grumpy. And cold.

Mr Urch is up and has started a great big list of jobs - including going to the tip and clearing the garden up. I said I was feeling guilty that I won't be helping and he said 'you've got a job - growing babies'

Yesterday was quite a shitty day - we were both out and Mr Urch got back to find we'd been burgled. But bless him, he forbid me to come home til he had dealt with it all: the police, the socos, the mess .....

We lost most of the electronics in the house - which is annoying but replacable .... But they also took my nanas locket, which isn't replacable at all

Oh hun that is awful, and not what you need !! Your OH sounds amazing though and is dealing with it for you! I know how you feel happend to us about 10 years ago whilst we were on holiday and they took my grandmas jewellery which was not replacable.. i do hope they catch the scumbags and you get your locket back big hugs :hugs::hugs: xx
Yesterday was quite a shitty day - we were both out and Mr Urch got back to find we'd been burgled. But bless him, he forbid me to come home til he had dealt with it all: the police, the socos, the mess .....

We lost most of the electronics in the house - which is annoying but replacable .... But they also took my nanas locket, which isn't replacable at all

I'm so sorry to hear about your burglary! I can absolutely relate, because my home was broken into in mid-October when we were at work. It has been about 3 months now and yet the wound is only slowly started to heal. They took all of our electronics, ALL of my jewelry, and our identification (like passports, credit cards, etc.)! It's a horrible experience Urchin, and I hope you and Mr Urchin both soon feel safe and secure in your own home. For us, the police said it was organized crime, as they wore booties and latex gloves. The police told us not to expect to get any of our stuff back. We did have home insurance, and we are still in the process of replacing all of the stolen items. Hopefully for you they will catch the punk(s) that burglarized your home and recover your belongings!

The burglary for us happened the evening before my cycle monitoring CD3. I didn't sleep that night, and had to go to the clinic at 7am. I think that cycle they monitored for me was definitely affected by the stress. I ovulated later than normal, and I think my FSH level was higher than it normally would be. And for you, this happens when you need to be the most relaxed. Isn't it strange how all of these 'evil' things happen when you are not supposed to be stressed? I chose to believe that it was a test for me and DH. And I think we passed with flying colours, because it brought us even closer to one another. From what I can see, you and Mr Uchin have both handled the situation very well (where Mr Urchin is even trying to take most of it onto himself, so that you don't have to stress or worry - now that's a real example of a prince charming). I think you 2 have passed the 'evil' things test! Now we both deserve babies as a reward!! :)

Baby dust to you!! :dust:
you're right Purple - we have passed the test and now deserve our babies!

Heavenly, we're with CARE in Northampton - but they have clinics all over the country. It was our consultant who recommended it - but their waiting times were attractive (though got longer once we were on it)
But they are lovely - very helpful people and can't fault their care and support
Urchin your photo's made me smile no end :) Just think if you decide to do a pregnancy journal/scrap book then those pictures will make an amazing first entry :cloud9: I know that initially you weren't keen on IVF but I think it is so amazing that you get to see the actual moment of implantation :cloud9: No fertile myrtle can ever see that miracle :haha: xxx
I was not on any medication when I had my first IUI. I didn't even get my MRI done until after and it showed I had a 3.8mm microadenoma. Did you have any symptoms from the elevated prolactin levels? I never even suspected any issues since I get my cycle like clock work.

I hear ya! lol I just want my baby already too!

Cynthia - My levels weren't that high either but were still over the normal range so he put me on dostinex, it's the generic name for cabergoline! I think my levels were 50 not fasting and 35 fasting, so only over by 10. I've been on the medication for about 9 weeks and when I got my prolactin tested at week 7 it was at 1.6 which is excellent so I'm happy the medication worked. I'm still on it so that my levels stay under control. Were you diagnosed with a prolactinoma or did you just have high levels ? Were you on the medication when you had your first unsuccessful IUI?

I've been TTC for about 14-15 months at this point and I'm getting frustrated but trying to stay patient. Now that my prolactin is under control I'm hoping that I'll get pregnant soon. My RE said that if I'm not pregnant by February to come in and talk about what's next. I'm pretty sure he's going to put me on clomid, I don't think he would do unmedicated IUI only because my OH has a SA and everything came back fine with that ... so I'm not really sure how effective IUI would be for us....

I just want my baby already! Lol!
Our situations are so similar! I have a 2mm microadenoma on my pituitary gland! I didn't suspect anything was wrong because I had no symptoms either! No leakage and I always get my period every month. There were about 2 months a year where sometimes my period would come late, but it's normally just like clockwork!

Good luck to you and it'd be great if we could keep in touch! I haven't seen many people on here with a prolactin problem!
cramps kicked in on Saturday and have got increasingly worse so think I'm on my way out although still got about a week to go OH wants us to wait to see if the witch turns up before we book all the doctors appointments but I dont see the point in waiting any longer
Hi Gilmore - now I'm not one to obsessively see symptoms where there aren't any, but cramps a week early heralded a pregnancy for me.... so if you don't usually cramp early I wouldn't count yourself out just yet xxx
lovely pictures urchin and i am so sorry about the breaking in, i do hope you get ur locket back xx

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