Anyone ltttc with a large family or wanting a large family?

Thank you for your comments. I think that a lot of the time we feel we are being selfish and greedy and I feel I'm being insensitive if I moan or talk too much about my kids to someone who is having trouble conceiving their first. As a few of us said in previous posts and you picked up on, having a baby, and knowing the joy they bring with them, rather than satisfying the longing and thinking at least we have a baby, it fuels the fire and makes us want more. I think its one of those things where everyone is different. For some people one baby is enough, for others there is always that longing.
I think more than being around our own kids with our memories there are also things like school runs where there is always a few bumps and a few newborns. Like having your face rubbed in it. And I think that feeling I get when someone announces a pregnancy must be just the same as anyone else LTTTC. Like you say it hurts no matter if you have one or two or none. I guess its hard to fully understand everyones side of it, even though I try and try to be sensitive to others feels. Even now that I think I have worked out what my issue is and it can hopefully be solved easily I feel bad for those who don't know why they are having difficulties. Yes we are lucky that we have our children even if we have no more. I don't know if I'd ever get over not having another but I'd have to accept it at least. But each baby is wanted just as much as the 1st.
I hope that we will all (including yourself) be moving into the pregnancy section soon and that you get your baby to keep.
Mob, I hope that a combo of b6 and weaning work for you. How's the weaning going? Its so hard when they are sick. The breast is so comforting to them. Its hard to take it away.

When dh and I went to bed at 11 last night, we found our 3y/o dd in our bed. It was too cute. Dh moved her and she cried. She came back and I let her sleep with us. He wasn't too happy. Honestly, she is going to be my last baby and she will not want to sleep with us forever. My 7 and 9 y/o boys haven't slept with us in ages. I want to soak up every minute of babyhood while I can.
It kind of went out the window a bit with not being well. But I'm trying to distract him from some and offer drinks and snacks instead.
I think night time will be the hardest.
You know there's a bit of me that's thinking, maybe this is my bodies way of telling me now is not the right time. Maybe I shouldn't take the B6 and just NTNP while I concentrate on weaning him. Have a little break and let my body settle then start charting again and see where I am.
But its that letting go again, and the waiting. And if I still end up needing it afterwards I'll have just wasted all that time.
I have to be honest as well, I often worry that if I wait too long and get out of the 'baby zone' I might decide not to go back! I know a few ladies at the school who always wanted more but figured they would wait a few years, then when their kids got to 3.5/4 years old thought "hmm no more nappies, no more sleepless nights, my kids are starting school soon I can get my whole days back, get a part time job, we have a whole new range of places we can visit. Probably best not to have another"
My husband says I'm being silly and that when my 2 year old starts school I'll be all sad that I don't have a baby and will want one. But I can't help wondering 'what if'
I can see what you are saying MOB. There is a certain appeal to having a bit more freedom as a child gets older.
Pregnancy is hard, caring for a newborn is hard. For me, it's not the pregnancy or the newborn that I want to do over and over again. It's the kids that I really want more of. Not sure if that made any sense..........
Beegray,thank you for your nice comments :hugs:

Ready. What you said does make sense & i can totally see why you want to soak up as much as you can from your DD, they grow up so fast.

MOB's. I feel like that too, what if i waste precious time taking a break & seeing what it brings. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it :nope:, i keep thinking what if :shrug:.

I've lived in this house for just over 5 years & across the road from me is three families, within the first year living here one of them had a baby girl, then i noticed another one with a bump & she had a wee boy, next was the other neighbour who had a girl & the one who had the baby girl the first year we were here had another wee girl a few months back. It makes me feel like a fucking dud :cry:. Everyday i see them with there prams or bumps & it breaks my heart that it can't be us. Theres no escaping it really, even in town it's constantly in my face as a taunting reminder that i am broken & not likely to conceive another baby. Being blind would suit me cos then i wouldn't have to see it every fucking day :haha:. The :witch: is making me such a bitch,sorry :blush:
it's constantly in my face as a taunting reminder that i am broken & not likely to conceive another baby.


I'm broken too. It just sucks!
It's so hard to see others achieve something so easily when we have been working so hard.

My dd didn't sleep with us again last night. It's cd 1 for me, and I told my dh that if he kicked her out of our bed, he'd live to regret it. :haha:

We were running errands last night and discussing ttc. My boys were absolutely obnoxious. 100% ridiculous. I was even thinking, "What the hell am I thinking. The 3 kids I have already are currently out of control. I can't even have a conversation with my husband." Not to mention that they are eating me out of house and home and I have no idea how I will put them through college.

Then, I wake up this morning and want to start another cycle of IUI. I truly am crazy. :haha:
:rofl:, when my bairns are fighting & argueing i often ask myself why i want another one but i do, must be mental :haha:.
Haha yep I hear ya. I'm used to my older 2 fighting but my middle one is getting to the bossy stage an he youngest is at the "doing it my way" stage so now they are fighting too. And talk about appitites. It does make me wonder what i'm doing lol
I love the pregnancy and new born stage. of course i love all the stages really but I do want all those bits over and over too lol
My husbands best friend and his gf had their baby last night!! Zachary William Douglas Chester! 9LB 10 1/2oz!!!!! Im sooo happy for them she was 9 days overdue and they are a really down to earth couple but it makes me realise how desperately I want another baby!! I'm dying to squidge the little dude, but she might not get him back heehee!!

Sorry had to tell someone coz it's only you wonderful lot that know we're TTC!!

Hope you're all ok treacles!! We need to start sharing our highs and lows of the day!
Aww congrats to them. Lets hope it wont be too long till its our turns
Hope you're all ok treacles!! We need to start sharing our highs and lows of the day!

:thumbup: Yes, we need to share.

My 9 and 7 year old boys had their last day of school on Friday. They don't go back until September. My 7 y/o woke up this morning and told me he had a dream that they had to go back to school to do homework. Sounds like a nightmare to me. :haha:

I love having them home for the summer. They don't miss out on the special things that my daughter and I do during the day. Plus, I like to relax in the morning. There's no rush of packing lunches or me saying/yelling, "Hurry up and eat, hurry up and brush your teeth" etc.

The part that gets hairy is grocery shopping with the 3 of them. With 1 or 2, it's just fine, but there is something about the dynamic of all 3 that makes them crazy. Plus, my 9y/o asks me to buy at least 12 items. My new plan is to tell my 9 y/o that he can only ask for 3 items, so they better be good. And, I am going to make him push the grocery cart. That way, he can't be smacking his brother. :haha:

And congrats to your friends!!
Where are you Ready? Ours just went back after a week off. The 4 year old has 5 weeks back and the 6 year old has 6 weeks then thats it till September. Though we are discussing home schooling. Something my hubby agreed on, the changed his mind about. Men lol I can't wait for the holidays again.
The shopping bit made me laugh. I used to do it with all 3 of them, then my hubby was sick and had to change work so we started going with one while the others were at school. Then when they had the last summer holidays I tried with all 3 and it was manic. I forgot half the things I needed even with a list! So now we have it delivered LOL
MOB, totally made me laugh about having groceries delivered.

I am in Midwest USA.
I never used to think anything of it. People used to ask how I did it will 3 little kids round the supermarket and it just seemed normal. Now even I wonder how I managed LOL
I only ask as they have so much longer than we have over the summer. We only get 6 weeks and people moan its too long LOL
I'm in Scotland & my bairns break off for the summer holidays at the end of the month, long lie ins & morning :sex: for me :wohoo:

I get you on taking them food shopping lol :haha:. My youngest was the worst for running off & also adding things to my trolley without me noticing. I'd get to the checkout & be like "Where did that come from?", was always sweets or juice hidden under other stuff. Now we go when they're at school but they're like animals when i come in with bags of shopping, they do a grab & run before it's even unpacked :rofl:

FM. Congratulations to your friends :cloud9:. Hopefully we'll all get our turn soon :winkwink:
Its quite sweet when its delivered as they get their little plastic shopping trolley out and bring things through to me to check off the list to make sure its all there LOL
My middle one actually loves shopping. My eldest hates it though and just whinges the whole way round. He is the ring leader too, has the ability to get his brothers over excited or reduce them both to tears.
I refuse to go shopping with my oldest son now, he is such a crabbit old man who thinks no one else should be in the same shop as him :growlmad:. He also used to go in the huff & storm off & asking him if he liked something would result in a shrug :shrug: & the words"It's ok i guess" :grr:, just choose something FFS (that was me :blush:). I got so pissed off with him one day that i walked out of the shop, got a taxi & came home, i made him walk(it wasn't far from where we live) i even waved as i passed him :rofl:. Now he picks clothes etc online & i'll order them or he'll go up town with his mates cos theres no way i will, he's like Victor Meldrew from One foot in the grave :haha:.
Megan my DD is great for going shopping with, she's a right bargain hunter & i love shopping with her doing girly stuff :cloud9:
Liam gets bored too easily, as soon as he gets what he wants, he decides he wants to go home. If i say no he just moans & whines:dohh:

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