Anyone ltttc with a large family or wanting a large family?

I'm not sure what to do now with regards to the B6. I have started taking it but might stop. I keep reading that its great, you can take up to 200mg a day, can be used to treat all sorts including nausea and give energy boosts. That its safe to take at 50-100mg while breastfeeding.
Then the next thing I read says don't exceed 100mg and that you should only have 2mg while breastfeeding. The side effects include nausea and drowsiness as well as headaches.
It all contradicts itself, so I'm not sure what to do. Don't want to go to the doc. So many people take it and say it works but what do I trust? If I should take it just for the one cycle and see what happens or if I should just stop and face the fact I have no chance for at least the next few months while we wean.
Oh, that's a tough one MOB.

I don't really know what to tell you. I am personally really reluctant with any supplements. I have hypothyroidism and even though most things would be fine with my thyroid meds, I just don't want to chance it and muck around so I tend to stay away.

Maybe you could call the doc? That would be a lot easier than going in to see him. Will he give advice about supplements over the phone?
I don't know. Its kind of a 'you see whos free' set up. With a lot of locums there at the moment. Its just confusing, seeing on thing say its ok and another say its not.
I think the safest option would be to face up to the fact that there wont be a BFP any time soon and concentrate on weaning. Maybe my LP will naturally increase a day or two a he cuts back, rather than having to fully wean before it makes a difference.
Right well, my AF is usually short and light. Just 3 days long, not much more than spotting, though last month was slightly heavier but still only light. Well today is CD and AF is still here, still pink and spotting away. Making 2 days of light bleeding then 4 days of spotting. I have not been over doing it or anything. Also, I usually get an out break of spots before AF but they are only just coming up now. I'm so confused LOL
Could it be the B6 that's messing about with you?. I don't know anything about B6 TBH hun :hugs:.
I know what you mean about advice being contradictive, for example i took soy & at 1st it was great & i really felt ovulation & also got my 1st ever high on my CBFM but the last couple of cycles i took it completely fucked up my cycles & i have no idea if or when i ovulated those cycles :growlmad:. It's now in the bin. When i try something new i always try & get the pro's & cons of them but often just end up confused :wacko:.
I'd like to just take folic acid but theres always something new that supposedly helps & i'll try it cos i'm desperate for a BFP :haha:. ATM i'm taking honey & cinnamon along with my folic acid & drinking loads of water. I've been known in the past to be taking up to 7 different tablets a day, that kind of worries me so i'm now going with the less is more theory(until the next new thing comes along :rofl:)
Have you had your thyroid checked MOB?

I noticed I had lots of spotting and a really light period when my thyroid was off. I do have thyroid problems anyway though.

I think that you're right and just waiting and weaning might do the trick.

I took all the kids to the grocery store a few days ago. It actually went really well. I made the boys take turns pushing, so their hands were busy and they couldn't smack each other.:haha:

We visited a friend last week that has a 2 month old baby. He was so cute and smelled so nice. You know that new baby smell on the top of a baby's head........:cloud9: it's lovely. :haha: My oldest son, 9, wanted to hold him a lot and talked to him. It was sweet and made me wonder if he would like another little baby around. He says he remembers coming to the hospital to see his sister for the first time (he was 6), but he doesn't remember her being a baby.
I LOVE that baby smell so much, the best smell in the world :cloud9::cloud9:
AF finally left. Everything I read says B6 can help make heavy periods shorter and lighter :/ I haven't had mine checked. Someone mentioned it to me once when they said I'm so skinney I must not eat, and I said I have a mammoth appitite, I honestly don't stop and am always hungry, which was even worse with BFing. (BTW went to me neighbour/friends for a take away last night and he went to sleep in bed with Daddy, but no boob!) Anyway they said thyroids can cause you to be both under or over weight. But as I have always been the same I just dismissed it.
I have also been exhausted last few days but felt a bit better today. Wondering if my body is getting used to it and to just give it the one cycle.
Got preseed this month too. And lots of pineapple as i'm told thats good for either lining or eggs cant remember which now. also going to try to find honey and cinnamon tea. looking for more natural methods for the coming months
I've heard pineapple is good for implantation. IVF women will eat it after transfer.

I was speaking to a coworker today and she told me it took her 3 years to conceive her 5th child. I asked her how she stayed sane, because at 2 years, I am nearly out of my mind. I also told her that her story would encourage me to go on. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that either. Sometimes, I think it would be nice to move on (mainly when I get AF).
I felt the same way Ready as time went on :cry:. My best friend took 5 years to conceive her baby girl & that gave me the strength to keep on going. Not sure how i'll feel at 5 years :shrug:, i never in my wildest nightmares expected to still be waiting on a BFP over 4 years after we started TTC :cry:. Somedays are harder than others, especially when the :witch: comes but i pick myself up & go onto the next cycle hoping & praying that will be the one i conceive in.
I can not imagine still TTC after 5 years. We are so close to 2 years and thats been hard enough and I feel like throwing in the towel but then theres always that voice in the back of your mind saying "next month could be THE month"
i never in my wildest nightmares expected to still be waiting on a BFP over 4 years after we started TTC :cry:.

That's too true. It's not our wildest dreams. It's our wildest nightmare. :wacko:

Sometimes, I wonder if it would have been better to not have even started ttc.:shrug: If we had decided that 3 kids was enough and DH had gotten a vasectomy, where would I be now? I think I might still be longing for a baby but I don't think it would hurt so bad.

Of course, the pain will all be worth it if a baby ever comes...........but I'm getting more and more doubtful that it will ever happen.
I have a friend whos son is 7 and inn my sons class. When she was pregnant with him they found she had a blood condition which is very rare, combined with pregnancy it caused her to have a stroke. They had to deliver him at 26 weeks. His a fit and healthy little boy now, but she has regular medication, fits and still has the after effects of the stroke, with no use of her left hand and her left leg drags. She has been waiting for years now for the go ahead from the consultant to try for another baby. There are new meds she can take which should help control her condition through pregnancy so not put her or the babies health at risk again. But now after so long, shes text me about 2 weeks ago and said she just isnt broody any more and just keeps thinking about all the things she is going to be able to do and how she can spoil her son. I'm glad she is finally at peace with the way things are and not constantly worrying over if she can have another and if she will be ill etc but its also got me thinking. If I don't fall pregnant this year, or even next, will there come a point when I feel ok about it and say right I'm done and go on to contraception to be sure or will I always be sad that another baby never came along
Wow Mob, your friend's story sounds really scary. :nope:

My husband went swimming yesterday at his dad's house. The kids swam for about 7 hours non-stop, (and today they are exhausted, yoohoo! :haha:).
He told me last night that if we had a baby, he probably would not have gone. Now, that does make me a little sad. I always just take a baby wherever we go. My husband struggles a little bit more than I do. I work every third weekend, and babies really slow him down. This year, our baby is 3 and he is finally getting his independence back. He will run errands with the kids and go to special events when I am at work. It did make me think, if only for a few moments, that maybe just 3 is ok.

I know that in 2 weeks, when I am in the 2ww and in my low spot, I will feel completely differently. But, for today, it was nice to have that brief feeling of, "maybe stopping now does have it's benefits."
There are times when you do something that you can't do with a baby or would be delayed if you had a baby, and really enjoy it and it makes you think, what if. Also when you get to a certain number, another baby changes lots of dynamics.
I guess we will 'know' if and when its time to stop. But not knowing if we will get at least one more in, and when, is tough.
There are always those what if moments when i think about stopping TTC altogether, i always think if we miss a cycle that would be the one i conceive in, it's fucking mental, i'm mental :loopy:

Somedays i'll think to myself, i have 3 bairns & i'm very lucky to have them, one day i'll be a granny to there bairns, maybe we've tried hard enough :shrug:. The thing is though i want to be pregnant again, i want to give birth again to our baby so i'm really going round & round in circles, like a dog chasing there tail.
Wish i was a fortune teller :haha:
Yep, it is a bit like a dog chasing it's tail.

I've said that I feel like a hamster on a wheel. Running in circles and going nowhere.

This ltttc business can make a sane person mental.

I love you guys here, you make me feel normal!:haha:
I have thought that too, one day I will have grandchildren, and judging by how baby obsessed my eldest is and how many brothers and sisters he wants, if he find a like minded woman, I should have quite a few to dote on. But like you say I really want to be pregnant again. I want the BFP I want the scans, the bump, the movements, the labour and birth. I want that tiny baby all squidged up and new. Doing that funny head shaking thing, trying to latch on to feed LOL Even tonight, bed time took ages, they were in and out of bed, every time one was nearly asleep another would say "Mummy" and ask a question or tell me a random fact from their day and everyone would be wide awake again. But it didn't put me off LOL
My wheel broke a long time ago lol :rofl:

Kayleigh. You got that spot on, i want to experience it all again myself. I'm not ready to be a granny till i've had at least one more of my own :thumbup:

I love you girls too, you make me feel normal & not so fucked up :friends:
Last time we DTD my hubby said "I bet it worked that time" so I pointed out that he says that A LOT. At least 2 or 3 times a month. (and always at the wrong time like a few days after AF or the day before LOL) His reply was "well if I keep saying it eventually I'll be right" you gotta love the logic LOL And I guess its similar to my logic of we have to keep trying because eventually it will be THE month

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