Anyone MC in April wanna buddy up for encouragement?!

You dont need a Dr. to prescribe. You can buy low dose aspirin (81mg) at any drug store. Its always good to let your Dr. know about this when you talk to them tho just in case you have medical issues. It slightly thins your blood but isnt anything extreme (it will help with people with slight clotting issues which can prevent the baby from getting blood/nutrients when implantation occurs)
Some usually take it right after they Ov up until they are pregnant OR have an AF. Sometimes the Dr. even says to keep taking it once pregnant (possibly up until 12 weeks along until the placenta takes over) I personally have taken one a day ever since the MC bleeding to help bloodflow to my uterus and try and help bring it back to life (sort of speak)
If this cycle I dont get a BFP, i will only use the aspirin once ive ovulated up until a BFP/AF and stop until i Ov again.

About ur symptoms.... its every well could possibly mean ur pregnant again, but that would mean ur ovulated a week or so after your MC which depending on how long you bled from the MC from wouldnt make much sense? BUT the body cant really be predictable especially after a MC, so anything goes. I guess time will tell my dear!
I think you mayb be ovulating tho? OR just ur body gettings itself back together from the MC (since hormones are crazy!)

If they pains are bad.... id talk to ur Dr. bc could mean ectopic? OR ur body didnt get rid of everything from the MC (sorry dont want to scare you....)
i think ill be getting some of that then, every little helps!!! Thanks hun, ill pick some up tomorrow, im already on my folic acid and my multivitamins etc well ill see what happens this month and if i get a BFN ill ask the Dr if its ok with my medical history to take it to help. thanks hun!

its confusing isnt it?? i stopped bleeding on the sunday 15th(red blood) and Monday am 16th (Old blood), my HCG levels were low for a 6 week pregnancy 641 so im not sure whether or not i miscarried before i was 6 weeks or even if i got my dates wrong?? iv been thinking their all in my head but then iv fouind stories of women who conc'd a week after a MC so it gives me slight hope, starting to feel quite crampy so it could just be AF xxx
I think you mayb be ovulating tho? OR just ur body gettings itself back together from the MC (since hormones are crazy!)

If they pains are bad.... id talk to ur Dr. bc could mean ectopic? OR ur body didnt get rid of everything from the MC (sorry dont want to scare you....)

no everything has completely left the body, iv had 2 scans and 3 hcgs and levels were back to 0 over 2 weeks ago. my Dr said my body shouldnt have had any side effects as my lining and everything else appears normal and i didnt bleed much it was really light and was only there when i wipped really!

I really dont think im OV, its too much things going on for that and the navel pain has only ever happened once before and the thrush xxx
Welcome new comers, I'm sorry for your losses but I'm glad you found this supportive group to help you get through everything. I'm hoping my issue is just progesterone too because I feel that is easily fixable but since my last pregnancy made it to 9 weeks I'm sure if that would be an accurate conclusion. I will get tested though as soon as I get a BFP.

Little J I see you take the baby aspirin at only certain times of the cycle. I was just curious why is that? Is it ok to take the aspirin continuously through the cycle?
Welcome new comers, I'm sorry for your losses but I'm glad you found this supportive group to help you get through everything. I'm hoping my issue is just progesterone too because I feel that is easily fixable but since my last pregnancy made it to 9 weeks I'm sure if that would be an accurate conclusion. I will get tested though as soon as I get a BFP.

Little J I see you take the baby aspirin at only certain times of the cycle. I was just curious why is that? Is it ok to take the aspirin continuously through the cycle?

I would assume so since it is LOW dose, but people dont like exposing themselves to continual medicine unless needing to. Really the baby aspirin main usefulness is after your Ov. which will help thin the blood a tad to not allow small clotting if your blood does in fact do so to help the baby implant better and to get its nutrients. If you have a slight clotting issue it basically starves the baby of blood/nutrients which leads to a early MC.

If your self prescribing the baby aspirin id say only use it after u ov up until a BFP or AF shows...otherwise it itsnt really necessary.

I hope the explanation isnt confusing, haha
just vomited and iv been to the toilet 8 times today and its 4.45pm........... starting to feel a bit optimistic! xx
I took an opk today and it is getting darker so hopefully I will be ovulating around cd 29 from start of bleed and between cd 16 and 18 from 0hcg and I am only guessing that to be a couple days after they saw it was 20
I took an opk today and it is getting darker so hopefully I will be ovulating around cd 29 from start of bleed and between cd 16 and 18 from 0hcg and I am only guessing that to be a couple days after they saw it was 20

that sounds about right! I OVed between CD25-CD27 with my first MC. (that was counting from bleeding not starting from HCG 0)

YAY ur getting closer!:happydance:
just vomited and iv been to the toilet 8 times today and its 4.45pm........... starting to feel a bit optimistic! xx

if ur having symptoms like that, u should for sure get a + HPT. Have u taken one?
I took an opk today and it is getting darker so hopefully I will be ovulating around cd 29 from start of bleed and between cd 16 and 18 from 0hcg and I am only guessing that to be a couple days after they saw it was 20

that sounds about right! I OVed between CD25-CD27 with my first MC. (that was counting from bleeding not starting from HCG 0)

YAY ur getting closer!:happydance:

Why do we have to have such long cycles :growlmad: I'll just have to thank my mother I guess
I took an opk today and it is getting darker so hopefully I will be ovulating around cd 29 from start of bleed and between cd 16 and 18 from 0hcg and I am only guessing that to be a couple days after they saw it was 20

that sounds about right! I OVed between CD25-CD27 with my first MC. (that was counting from bleeding not starting from HCG 0)

YAY ur getting closer!:happydance:

Why do we have to have such long cycles :growlmad: I'll just have to thank my mother I guess

I know! my normal cycles were 33-34 days long... grr..... my moms cycles are 28 days exactly. And now with the MC's iv notced mine got longer (well from what i notice atleast the very first cycle right after is longer) pain in the butt i tell ya! Im losing daylight here! :haha:
just vomited and iv been to the toilet 8 times today and its 4.45pm........... starting to feel a bit optimistic! xx

if ur having symptoms like that, u should for sure get a + HPT. Have u taken one?

Yep iv worked it out I'm only 6 dpo so its neg but I got a frer coming so ill use that on Sunday so fx! Xxx
My cycles took ages and ages to go to a lovely 28 day cycle... With ovulation on cd15... Feeling like I can kiss goodbye to those cycles now lol
I was terrified today, when I woke up I was having this light pressure on my bladder and it felt a little UTI like or really light cramping....but no pain during urination or anything. I took a bath last night though and I *never* take baths, so I thought maybe it was from the bath water.
But it got really bad at work and it felt like my left side was spasming horribly!! I'm a surgical technician/clinical tech who is specialized in Urology in the last year. My docs were in the OR today so I told them I had to leave and went straight to the ER...One CT scan and a whooooole lot of morphine later, a decent 3mm kidney stone. It's down in my ureter (the tube from the kidney to the bladder) really close to being my bladder. So it should be relatively easy to pass....but about pain...A urology tech with a kidney stone...someone sure has a sense of humor lol...
Doing alot better already but they also gave me alot of meds...pain/nausea and another to relax my urinary tract and improve flow to pass this sucker, but I was so scared it was related to my MC...

To the newcomers, very sorry we have to meet this way...but it's a wonderful place to get some much needed support and deal with what's going dust and sticky bean dreams to all of us

I've starting taking a baby aspirin a day and I got my call from OB/GYN today and I have my initial appointment this coming Monday...I definitely wanted to talk to her about the progesterone and see if I can't get a script to "have available" along with some bloodtests ready if she agrees/recommends them. We'll see what she says.

cathgibbs- I'll have my fingers crossed for a bfp!! Dumping babydust your way!!! :hugs: ...But just be cautious...I certainly don't want to deflate any hopes, I'm probably just being pessimistic...I think all our bodies are in a weird state of limbo right now...
Thankfully your okay though and it will pass. I have heard those are worse than child labor
Hi All,

Im sure you've all seen my name popping up left right and centre :flower:

A lil bit about me :) i MC'd Friday 13th, was 6 weeks pregnant, went to hospital after being referred by my GP as i had cramps the previous Wednesday (11th), bleeding started on the Thursday (12th) just brown blood when wiped which turned into red when whiped. had an internal scan, they could see a sac but wasnt sure if it was a sac of blood or an early gast sac as it was measuring 8mm. HCGwas 641. went home and passed a placenta. had to go back on the Sunday (15th) HCG was at 114, passed another placenta in the evening, possibility of twins as we have twins on both sides. Stopped bleeding on the 16th, HCG levels on Tuesday were 40. having symptoms of OV, discharge is increasing, got to go back Monday (23rd) for last HCG test, We want to start trying ASAP, all the threads iv been on people MC'd a few weeks before me so id love to have someone who MC'd the same time or there about as me!


I MC 20/4/2012. I was also 6 weeks pregnant and dr said baby didnt grow more than 4 weeks, so I bled for 10 days and lost the baby. My HCg level dropped from 1600 to 800 and after 4 days lost it.
I will be your buddy, I had a mc on April 9 and I go back one more time for bloods on the 23rd as well although we are going to wait till after one cycle but try right after that. I wanted to try ASAP but if I can do something to maybe prevent another misccarriage I will. I also just started taking my prenatal vitamins again yesterday.

I miscarried on the 20/4 and after a swab was taken they found an bacterial infection that might have caused the MC, so my partner and I are on antibiotics. Then I am going to make sure infection is clear b4 trying again. I had no idea I had infection, it has no symptomes. So I suggest anyone who has MC please test for UREAPLASMA b4 trying again.

Good luck to us all
Hi All,

Im sure you've all seen my name popping up left right and centre :flower:

A lil bit about me :) i MC'd Friday 13th, was 6 weeks pregnant, went to hospital after being referred by my GP as i had cramps the previous Wednesday (11th), bleeding started on the Thursday (12th) just brown blood when wiped which turned into red when whiped. had an internal scan, they could see a sac but wasnt sure if it was a sac of blood or an early gast sac as it was measuring 8mm. HCGwas 641. went home and passed a placenta. had to go back on the Sunday (15th) HCG was at 114, passed another placenta in the evening, possibility of twins as we have twins on both sides. Stopped bleeding on the 16th, HCG levels on Tuesday were 40. having symptoms of OV, discharge is increasing, got to go back Monday (23rd) for last HCG test, We want to start trying ASAP, all the threads iv been on people MC'd a few weeks before me so id love to have someone who MC'd the same time or there about as me!


I MC 20/4/2012. I was also 6 weeks pregnant and dr said baby didnt grow more than 4 weeks, so I bled for 10 days and lost the baby. My HCg level dropped from 1600 to 800 and after 4 days lost it.

Oh I'm so sorry hun,its one of the worst thing for a woman to have to go through xxxx
Hi Sara and Cathgibbs I am so sorry about your losses. :hugs:That is great advice Sara I am going to raise it with my gyno.

Hi babybray that sounds like a harrowing experience I hope you are feeling better soon. :hugs:

baby dust to everyone :flower:

Madeline xxx

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