so Ive got
8 frosties
they say about 75% survive the defrost so thats 6 that could make it and be implanted in the future.
I just cant believe it. this really takes the pressure off this first time having to work. Im so happy!!!
I asked what grades the 2 put in yesterday and they were 4CB and 3BB. she said the grades do not reflect the implantation rate.....she has seen AA have problems and CC's be perfect. Heres a chart for anyone interesting in what it means.
what grades did you ladies have?? Im so happy with my
so where is everyone else in their cycles??? anyone else in the 2ww?
so 5 days past transfer, someone else on here got it that early too.
when was the digital?
Think about it, ovulation is on day of retrieval so that was 10dpo