OMG seriously tearing up here...TWINS!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
please please PLEASE stick little ones!!!! OMG how exciting!!!!
so THRILLED you had great results...FX'd!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ladies,
So I'm 7dpiui today and have not really had any notable symptoms to this point. The only major change for me post ovulation is that my bbs are not tender / sore like they normally are until a day or two before AF rears her ugly head. Yesterday and today I've had some occasional mild cramping but nothing significant. I can't help but think that these are all s/e of the Clomid (100 mg) and Ovidrel. My hopes for a are waning just because there's NOTHING going on!!!
I was extremely dizzy when I woke up yesterday morning, but I think it was a s/e of my BP meds. I had a work up yesterday at work (I'm an OR nurse) and everything (BP, heart rate, BG) was normal.
Sarah! I so hope you don't mind me posting on your thread but I just wanted to say I'm so happy for you, this is the best news!! Sending love and hugs for you, your DH and your little sticky beans
Message to the beans: Hang on tight in there, don´t move, just grow, we are all sendning you the best vibes for a nice nine months in there.
I am so sorry you aren´t feeling hopeful bt your not out yet, 7 days is early it might not have implanted yet. Also my last bfp I had no symptoms at all, not even at 7 weeks pregnant. SO don´t give up hope just yet.