VNR I'm sorry the witch got you. I think we're going to take it easy with TTC in December too. Hopefully that will help us enjoy the holidays.
We're also working on improving DH's sperm #s. He's on FertileAid and we're starting Maca too. FX'd that it'll help us both.
Thank you DH has agreed to try the Maca I got the organic powder and since he eats yogurt everyday he can sprinkle his in there. One down, one to go Although we are taking a break, we'll probably still try TI but because of our issues the chances that we'll get pregnant are slim.
Yay for DH cooperation! Mine has been on FertileAid for a little more than a month but only takes it twice a day vs the recommended three times. I'm going to order the Maca tomorrow, cyber Monday, hopefully get a deal. I think I'll try the yogurt thing too, great idea!..
We're waiting to go for a second SA for a few months in hopes this helps. Our chances of conceiving right now are slim too, that's a big reason I was trying to take it easy. In January we're going in to see how everything is working and maybe do IUI. Until then, we're getting really good at practicing.