Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Marathongirl, it's good to see you get right back into it :) I agree with you it's a good sing you did get pregnant, things are still working in there ;)

Delphine, I hope you like your new routine with the breathing exercises, that's a great way to start a meditation practice. I always have good intentions but end up skipping days and then just not doing it, but it really makes a difference in every aspect of your life. I need to start again :)
Thanks BBbliss.
I am very tired today. I ended up passing the sac last night and had 5 hours of very heavy bleeding to the point of almost thinking I needed to go to the hospital. It did slow down and now seems like normal af. I am relieved that my body also was able to do what it needed to do as I did have a DAnd C with one of my mc's and it was awful :(
Oh Marathongirl glad you didnt need a D&C but so sad to go through it..
Marathon, so sad to see it happening to you, but like you said, you body took care of it and its going to heal itself without intervention so that's good.

I'm 11dpo and temp dropping so I'm also basically out this month.
Bliss I have seen 3 charts like that in the last month.. it rises again and get bfps!

Im just here to say I have split up with my partner... he became so jealous that I started a new job making friends with my colleague she is 51 and lovely.. cut a long story short he has accused me of carrying on with workmen and ringing me in new job when I have not had mobile to reply etc so its over..

im 9dpo and bfn so best im not was fate.
Soanxious, I'm so sorry to read this! You poor thing, that's no way to live. You've done the right thing for yourself. I've been there myself and I know how it feels and also know there's absolutely nothing you can ever do to make a man like that happy or get them to trust you.

I hope you are well and hope you are not pregnant, never though I'd say that here, but this would be a terrible time to figure things out. There's a woman on my FB in her mid to late 40's who got married to this guy and had a baby, I'm not friends with her in real life we just have some friends in common from our industry. Well right after the baby was born they divorced. Now she looks close to 50 with a couple of grown kids in their 20's out of the house (I know all this from her FB, lol) and a baby. I just feel so bad for her situation, I don't know the details of her pregnancy but to go through it at this age and end up a single mom again just for trying to give your partner a child is just not fair.

At this stage I think we just need peace, love and happiness I know everyone of us has a story and the fact we are still here TTC shows we still have dreams for ourselves.

I hope you are well. Stay strong.

I thought about you today I bought the soy sups and also wheat germ oil for lining, I tend to have thin lining, so I'm ready for next cycle. Lets see if temp still drops tomorrow and AF arrives :(
Thank you Bliss.. everything you said I know what you mean.I hope the meds work for you..
Soanxious- I am sorry to hear you are going through this. I agree with BBbliss that you are doing the right thing. Just know that we are here for you. Be gentle and kind to yourself. Big hugs.
Thanks everyone its been hell and is going to get a lot worse :cry:

Well girls im worn out, he wont stop texting, he even came here 9am this morning banging my door and ringing my doorbell... he had left work to do it... then i've been bombarded with more texts.. all suicidal and can we chat so far.. no doubt tomorrow they will change to the threats...

He spoke to my next door neighbour this morning to announce that we had split up (WHY) well I know why... he wants them to feel sorry for him by giving them a sob story.... i've done the "Freedom programme" (a domestic abuse course) so im seeing all the signs and I know what is about to happen... its going to get far far far worse... now he's saying he has items left in my house.. No he doesn't... but he does have ladders in the shed.. which I will unlock so he can take them on the weekend when I am fundraising elsewhere.

I parked my car a few streets away and put my phone on silent so I could get some sleep this evening.. I slept till 10pm...

I have notified the community support officers what he is up to... I have asked for a note to be put on my address...

When my car is not here he does not come here... im working till 10pm tomorrow as im traveling up north.. my son wont stay down mates he said hes fine here and will just dial 999 if he did come here but as my car wont be here he shouldn't knock. plus house is like fort knox so he wont get in.

Normally by 9dpo I get a shadow on an ic.. but I have nothing... so so far so good.. never thought I would say that... but the fear he has put into me has made me realise there was someone up above stopping me from getting pregnant for this reason.... so I didnt have to suffer what I did with my daughters dad again....

My stomach is in knots and im dreading whats going to happen next with him... :(

Especially as I have found out some horror stories involving ex wife.. :cry:
Soanx, I really sympathize with you, I've been there myself, I'm really glad you did the program and you know the pattern...and I'm sorry this is happening again with you, at least now you are well educated and you now know to love and protect yourself first.

This too shall pass

You are in my prayers :hugs:
Soanxious - I just read your posts. I hope you're ok :hugs:

I suffered domestic abuse in my marriage and I know how it creeps up on you, and how stressful it is. Please look after yourself and your family. I'm very glad you let the police know.

Keep strong and think about a better future. X
Soanxious I'm so sorry you are going through this. You just need to stay strong. Big hugs and stay safe.
Afm- I went to my doctor for a follow up us to make sure I've passed everything. All was good so thankfully my body did what it was supposed to do. I have bled a lot and on cd 6 still bleeding like my medium/ heavy days of af. Hopefully it will taper off soon. My af is usually 4 days max.
Hope everyone is well.
Soanxious I'm so sorry you are going through this. You just need to stay strong. Big hugs and stay safe.
Afm- I went to my doctor for a follow up us to make sure I've passed everything. All was good so thankfully my body did what it was supposed to do. I have bled a lot and on cd 6 still bleeding like my medium/ heavy days of af. Hopefully it will taper off soon. My af is usually 4 days max.
Hope everyone is well.

I'm pleased your body was able to do that naturally, and I hope everything settles down with the bleeding soon.

Horrible for you, and I can't write the right words to do it justice, so just a very heartfelt hug for you, marathongirl :hugs: xxx
Thank you so much Delphine. I appreciate the support. Things are settling down but I have to say I'm shocked at how much I have been bleeding. It's cd8 and still lightly bleeding and cramping. I'm sure it will stop soon. I'm doing what I can to rest and recover.
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Marathon :hugs:

I'm on cd2 and last night I was thinking of my younger years when all you had to do to get pregnant was to have sex, lol
Big bugs BBbliss.
I remember when we were trying for our last little rainbow I was thinking about how I had been on birth control pills for the first 3 years of our relationship!! Lol. That was a waste of money! Weird the things we think of?
I hope you are doing well Marathongirl.

Girls, I know my hormones levels are great, I ovulate every month with O pains, my LP is 13 days... So all good there, only problem is a very thin lining and AF is not even two full days, it starts very light first day, medium light second day and spot third day. I don't know what else to do. Even on estrogen patches lining was only barely 8mm and. I'm on wheat germ oil this month on top of vit D, omega3 fish oil, baby aspirin, vit E and RRTL I'm starting today cd4 ... Anything else? Even when I was doing my Acupunture I still had light bleed.

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