Anyone over 45 TTc ?buddies needed <3

Read a lot of the pages but skipped last 18.. has anyone here Tried Soy Iso? :)

Soya Isoflavones are derived from soya beans. They have been dubbed &#8220;the natural Clomid,&#8221;
As they work in pretty much an identical manner.
Just like Clomid; Soya Isoflavones work by tricking your body into thinking its low on oestrogen. Your body then kick starts production of FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) followed by LH (Luteinizing hormone) Which are both necessary to release Healthy Eggs during ovulation.
FSH is released at the start of the menstrual cycle; it stimulates the growth of an immature egg into a fully matured egg. When the egg has matured your body then releases a surge of LH. LH is the hormone that tells the ovary to release the egg.

You take Soy Isoflavones, like Clomid, on either CD 1-5 , 2-6, 3-7 , 4-8 or 5-9.
If you take soy Isoflavones during the later time bracket, for example CD5-9, you shall strengthen the egg that has already started growing producing a healthier egg. The earlier in your cycle you take It, the higher your chance of releasing multiple eggs but these eggs will not be as mature as the eggs grown from taking Soya later.
A lot of women will choose the middle cycle (3 -7) allowing time for a strong and healthy egg to develop without erasing the chance of a second egg being developed and released.

1-5 = you produce more eggs, and ovulate sooner, with a stronger ovulation.

2-6 = you produce more eggs that usual, but not as many as taking it 1-5. Eggs may be more mature, and ovulation will be slightly more strong than 1-5.

3-7 = The best of both worlds, a few more eggs, and all eggs will be strong & mature, and ovulation will be alot stronger than 1-5.

4-8 = No more eggs will be produced, but the ones already there, will be matured alot more than usual, and ovulation will be very strong. Ovulation may only be brought forward a teeny bit.

5-9 = You'll have one very mature strong egg, from the ones you already produced on your own. Ovulation will either happen when it usually does, or a few days later, but your egg will be of great quality.

The dose is really down to you but you should always use the lowest amount that works for you.
With Clomid the starting dose is 100mg. Soya Isoflavones are said to be half the strength of Clomid, so it makes sense for the starting dose to be 100mg.
The trouble with 100mg of soya is that the capsules tend to come as 40mg. So you have a choice of starting at 80mg or 120mg.

I would recommend that if you know that you do ovulate without taking soy then you should start with 80mg.
And if you know that you don&#8217;t usually ovulate you can start with 120mg.
Some women change the dose on different days. So they may start at 120mg for the first 3 days then give an extra boost for the last 2 days with 160mg.

As I have said though, use the lowest dose possible for yourself. If you ovulate using 120mg/day stick to that for a few cycles. GIVE IT A CHANCE. It is said that it takes 3months to get the full benefits of what you are taking. NEVER EXCEED 200mg/day.

The following potential health benefits are attributed to Isoflavones:
Reduce heart disease risk
Protect against prostate problems
improve bone health
Reduce cancer risk
Also Vitamin D is known to help... hoping you all get healthy babies!!! xx
Soanxious, thank you for the info I'm going to try it on my next cycle. I'm on CD19 and no ovulation yet, I'm only a couple of days late from my regular cycles but I'm also on first cycle post IVF so just waiting to see now.

You've been trough so much, you've basically had a BFP every month this year. How are you doing with that? I just had a CP as well and all though I'm still hopeful I've had this sad feeling still there.

I'm a going to read more about the soy iso thank you!
I have always been very fertile but I was single for many years after my divorce and then I was on the depo injection.. apparently it store's your eggs so was handy I was on it for around 8 years total.

I have just been lucky with the timing and amount of BD I have been doing along with using Conceive plus (same as preseed) and Mooncup (similar to softcups) they also help a lot.. as the conceive plus has the correct PH for the sperm to swim in and the Mooncup helps keep the sperm close to cervix if you need to get up afterwards..then climb back into bed it should slide back up.. that's what I do..

Emotionally its been so difficult.. my 1st pregnancy last yr was due yesterday.. so it was upsetting.. and another one I had was due on Christmas day so Im going to be upset that day to.. just hoping I will be pregnant this christmas so it won't feel as awful.

I had to take last cycle off to get my clotting and antibody bloods taken.. so I have more bloods taken in 2 weeks. then I have to wait around 10 days for the results. :(

I would give the soy iso a go... I bought these 100mg ones..

You only take them for 5 days and you choose what 5 days you want them from the list.. you will see online there are lots of women that use it :)

Good luck and I hope you get a BFP soon... :)
Hello, Soanxious :)

I took soy iso tablets a couple of months ago. I did days 3-7 because that seemed most common. But, although everything was initially looking good (I felt I had increased oestrogen) I didn't ovulate that month. That could just have been a coincidence, but it scared me. As i'm seeing a new RE this month, I haven't taken them again. I don't rule out trying them again though. I took ones from Healthspan and I took 40mg, then 80mg, then 100mg over the few days as I'd read you're supposed to increase the dose. If I tried them again, I'd up that.

As for Vit D, I take some little strong pearl ones. Each one is 5000iu.

Best wishes to you and good luck.

BBbliss - I hope your cycle is OK :hugs: I know that I've ovulated late some months and it can make you panic, but just hold on and trust in your body to get things back on track. AFM, I think i ovulated early this cycle. Totally unpredictable. Women's bodies are weird but wonderful things :D
Soanx, I'm glad you said that about the cup, I was thinking of not doing it but I will :) I also like your sups I'm going to up my folic acid too. I'm so sorry for all your heart break but I feel by the rate you are going you will all right this Christmas.

Delphine, yes still no O, this will be the latest for me so far, I want to believe everything still works and its just those extra hormones that messed my cycle up.

I like what you said about our bodies being wonderful things, no mater what :)
Hi Delphine, if you try them again yes I would up them slightly and hopefully would work next time.. good luck with RE appt :)

BBbliss yes the 5mg folic acid is a must.. especially in older mums.. but a must anyway ...the cups are awesome so many women get pregnant using them that have been ttc for a long time.. even if it helps save that 1 :spermy: it may be the 1 we need... :)

I hope that your cycle comes back in line and you too get a bfp soon :)

my March loss was due Christmas day.. so will find it a bit hard.. but hoping if I am pregnant by then the hurt wont be as bad...

GL girlies :D
BBbliss- hang in there I'm sure your body is just trying to get back on track.

Soanxious- have you tried coQ10 to help with egg quality? I had my third baby last year at 43.5. I also really believe that acupuncture helped me.

Afm-another scan today to hopefully see a hb.fx'd :)
Marathon, please come back and tell us about the scan! I'm praying for you :)

Finally today on CD20 I got a +opk with some ewcm, better later then never ;) going back to preeseed and soft cups, here we go again...

Soanx, thanks for all the tips I also love my coQ10 I think it really helps with egg quality and also sperm quality.

Del, when do you go for your next RE apt? I have a new OBGYN I'm going to see tomorrow, she lives in my new neighborhood and she's in her late 30's. I have made the appointment when I had my BFP but I still kept it now, I hope she doesn't think I'm out of my mind cause I'd really love to start seeing her now, I felt my old OBGYN was brushing me of and didn't want to deal with me TTC. I'll let you know how it went.
Wow Marathongirl.. thats amazing!!! your so lucky!!

I have been taking coenzyme Q10 for around 4 months now... all the items I take are in the spolier if you click that, :)

Good luck with the scan :) aww so nice to hear that you were older than me having healthy babies.. gives me so much hope.. (dont mean for it to sound cheeky/rude) but it does give me loads of hope.

Bliss thats excellent news with the OPK :) so hope the preseed ...cups and lots of BD and :spermy: get you a BFP soon :dance:
Im also going to be eating pineapple core 1-5DPO it helps with implanting... plus Im drinking almond milk.
Well ladies not great news.... The gestational sac grew from 11-17 mm and he saw a fetal pole but no hb :( I am 7w3d from LMP so it could be off by a few days but there should be a hb by now. I feel sad but I think deep down I knew and was prepared. I feel encouraged that the pregnancy went this far and now I have had 2 losses since my lo was born. Maybe third time lucky? I hope I get preggo again. I pray we all get our BFP's :)
Well ladies not great news.... The gestational sac grew from 11-17 mm and he saw a fetal pole but no hb :( I am 7w3d from LMP so it could be off by a few days but there should be a hb by now. I feel sad but I think deep down I knew and was prepared. I feel encouraged that the pregnancy went this far and now I have had 2 losses since my lo was born. Maybe third time lucky? I hope I get preggo again. I pray we all get our BFP's :)

I"m so sorry hun... Its devastating.. Big hugs! 3rd time is a charm! Keep tge faith.. It will happen!!
Thanks Soanxious and Hopin&Prayin :) I know it will happen when the time is right. We will all get there!
Marathongirl, I'm so sad for you, but you are right it's a good sign thee pregnancy went this far and it's the second time your get pregnant. Keep the faith and hope alive and you will get there! :hugs:
Just wanted to share my experience with my new Dr. She was great and never thought I was crazy and she said the later it gets the less likely and we all know that, but she had a patient come in at 46 with a natural pregnancy.
Wow 46 and natural... always gives us hope.. im 41 and my dr said I was young ttc compared to some of her patients as they are mid 40's so its happening all the time.. dont give up!!

I just got my Pos Saliva test.. Pos Opk and EWCM and Temp dip... Managed to BD last night and this morning.. FX I catch Eggy this cycle...

FX all :hugs: xxx


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Fx'd Soanxious!!!! You definitely have strong ov signs which is good :) hopefully it means a nice strong healthy egg!
So another update from me.... I went in for a blood test on Friday and hcg was at 34670. I will go back today just for piece of mind. There is this small part of me that thinks the pregnancy is still progressing? I feel stronger symptoms. We will see? I will keep you all updated.

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